Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 866 - Finale: Ye Xiaozu x Lu Tianxin (3)

Chapter 866 - Finale: Ye Xiaozu x Lu Tianxin (3)

"Okay, change of topic. It's really hard to tease pregnant women these days. I have to be careful," Li Meili sighed. "Damn, now I miss being pregnant again," she muttered.

Lu Tianxin smiled and had a wistful look on her face. While Li Meili was hoping she could get pregnant again, here she was, trying to suppress the little wish of her heart to have a child of her own.

Why did she have to have a problematic uterus? She was obviously younger than Tang Moyu and Meng Yanran, but she was the one struggling so hard to have a child.

Tang Moyu came to her and hugged her from behind much to Lu Tianxin's shock. The empress held her close and patted her shoulder.

"It's alright to cry, Tianxin," Tang Moyu said, which Lu Tianxin immediately followed.

Lu Tianxin didn't even know that she was obviously depressed by the news of Tang Moyu and Meng Yanran's pregnancy. She should be happy for the two of them but why did her treacherous heart feel envy?

As she broke into tears, the group gave each other a knowing look and fell silent. Meng Yanran wasn't aware of Lu Tianxin's problem but the look on the latter's eyes reminded her of the days she was in despair to have a child.

Was Lu Tianxin in the same boat as her before? She wondered.

"I'm sorry," Li Meili apologized to Lu Tianxin. How could she have forgotten that Lu Tianxin also had an issue in getting pregnant like Meng Yanran? She should have been careful bringing up the topic of pregnancy when Lu Tianxin was around.

"No, please. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I'm happy that Moyu and Miss Meng are pregnant. I have no qualms about it but I do envy you." Lu Tianxin sobbed and tried to wipe her tears dry but failed.

"It's me who couldn't accept the truth. I should make peace with myself. It is just… it's hard to accept it. Why me? Am I such a bad person that heaven is punishing me like this?" These were the words that had been gnawing at her inside ever since she found out that she might never conceive a child a few years ago.

It was for this reason that she agreed to break up with Ye Xiaozu before. She had also been a bit hesitant to marry him before because she knew the pressure of having an heir would be imposed on Ye Xiaozu once they are married.

It was only because Ye Xiaozu chose to name his nephew to succeed him that the issue had been solved. If Luo Luo wasn't around, Lu Tianxin knew that Ye Xiaozu would be in a tight spot because of her incapacity to conceive.

"You aren't a lesser woman or? person, Tianxin." Tang Moyu's expression softened. "Many women could give birth and abandon their child without batting an eyelid. They aren't mothers, Tianxin but you are. The fact that you raised a wonderful child as Luo Luo proves how good a mother you are."

It pained Tang Moyu's heart to see her cousin like this. What a bad person? Lu Tianxin was one of the kindest people Tang Moyu knew in her life. It was even hard to believe that the nefarious, wicked Tang family was able to produce a daughter like Lu Tianxin.

"Moyu is right, Tianxin," Li Meili chimed in. "Being a mother has nothing to do with giving birth. Being a mother is about so much more than growing a baby for nine months — it's about unconditional love and support, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. It's about encouragement, honesty, and selflessness. You have all of it and while it would never numb the pain, I assure you, you aren't a bad a person as you think you are."

"Indeed, it is a blessing to be a mother, to nourish a life, to see a part of you grow outside of you, to witness every milestone with your own eyes. But, having said that, I feel that all people regardless of gender could be a mother as long as they have motherly affections. Don't sell yourself short, Tianxin. You are an amazing person we are proud of," the empress added.

"The doctor said you aren't totally infertile, right? So even if there's only a small probability that you will conceive, so don't lose hope yet," Li Meili hummed. If Meng Yanran was able to conceive after waiting for years, she wouldn't be surprised if Lu Tianxin would get pregnant too.

The sincerity in Tang Moyu and Li Meili's tone brought more tears to Lu Tianxin's eyes. She blinked them away. Somehow, their words had eased the pain in her heart.

"That's really nice of you, Moyu, Meili." This time, her face broke into a smile, dispelling the awkwardness around them.

"Come on, we are here to celebrate, right? At least our husbands aren't here to nag us about what they want." Gu Yuyao laughed, taking the menu from the table to choose something for them to eat.

Lu Tianxin giggled and joined the Gu heiress.

"Ah, all those crying suddenly made me hungry. Who's up to have some Lamian noodles?" she asked the others.

"I'll pass." Li Meili waved a hand. "I need to keep my figure to be able to seduce my husband. Apparently, a pretty face isn't enough for Zhang Jiren."

"Li Meili!" Tang Moyu scowled at her best friend. "What did I tell you earlier?"

Seeing her friends have a good time laughing with each other made Lu Tianxin feel better. She should be content with what she had, and yet, she was crying over something impossible. While it's true that having a child would bring her and Ye Xiaozu immense joy, Lu Tianxin decided to cherish the people who cared about her right now rather than wallowing in self-pity.

It was at that moment Lu Tianxin decided to resign to her fate, not knowing that in another five years the child she'd been yearning for would come and would bring her in tears just like today.


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