Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 851 - Finale: He Lianchen x Gu Yuyao (3)

Chapter 851 - Finale: He Lianchen x Gu Yuyao (3)

Gu Yuyao was watching after her son that morning. Gu Xinjue had just finished his bottle and dozed off for another nap, giving his mother time to sort out her thoughts. Last night, she was able to convince her husband to reconcile with his older brother.

He Lianchen might claim that he didn't care about his family anymore, but Gu Yuyao knew better. He cared too much about his family, and that included his only brother… so how could she believe that he was willing to cut ties with the He family completely when he was still thinking about them?

Whenever he was home, watching the evening news with her; he would stop whatever he was doing and pay attention to the news when it was something about his family and their company.

At first, she was confused as to why he was willing to denounce his rights over his inheritance and leave everything to his older brother, but Gu Yuyao eventually found it out from Feng Tianyi—the reason why her husband was chased away by her brother-in-law.

To think that He Lianxuan was willing to play the villain just so his younger brother could live a peaceful life… that was something she and He Lianchen never expected to hear from the devil.

Because her husband was a threat towards their second uncle, He Lianxuan made a deal with the devil to keep his younger brother safe from their uncle. He might be able to protect He Lianchen by keeping him away from the family, but that wouldn't mean that their second uncle wouldn't find a way to eliminate He Lianchen.

"The reason why he couldn't touch you is that he knows that you are under my wing," Feng Tianyi told He Lianchen. The latter didn't need to be told why his uncle wouldn't dare to offend Feng Tianyi.

"And you are only telling me this now? Why?" He narrowed his eyes towards Feng Tianyi whose back was facing him.

"Because today, your brother's contract with me ends." Feng Tianyi looked over his shoulder before gazing outside the full-length glass window within his office.

Gu Yuyao remained silent as she felt the awkward atmosphere between the two friends. She had no right to interfere or comment about whom Feng Tianyi made deals with.

He Lianchen turned his eyes to Song Fengyan who was seated across him and his wife.

"And you know about this?" He questioned the other. Now that he thought about it, it was impossible for Song Fengyan not to know who entered a deal with the devil.

"Hey! Don't take your anger out on me. It was Tianyi who said to keep it from you." Song Fengyan felt that he was about to break into a sweat, being trapped between his friends.

"Look, Lianchen. The contract took place even before you officially joined us and became Tianyi's legal counsel. Since it was part of your brother's contract with Tianyi, we have to do our end of the deal."

Of course, He Lianchen was aware of that. Song Fengyan was the one in charge of Feng Tianyi's contracts before him and knew the devil's rule when it came to these. He just never thought that his brother had also entered a contract with the devil with the intention of protecting him.

He was disappointed that He Lianxuan never told him any of these. Was he really that weak before that he couldn't protect himself on his own and had to rely on Feng Tianyi's help? He Lianchen knew the answer to his question, but still, he was upset that he couldn't do anything to help his brother.

"Don't blame yourself for this." He heard Feng Tianyi's voice. "It wasn't because you are weak. You helped your brother by staying safe and alive. That was what mattered the most for him."

He Lianchen nodded in understanding, while Gu Yuyao was impressed on how easy it was for Feng Tianyi to calm her husband with a few words. More than anyone, she knew what kind of temper He Lianchen had and what kind of thoughts were in his head… now that he knew the reasons behind his fallout with the He family.

"But you aren't helpless now." Feng Tianyi faced He Lianchen and gave him a pointed stare. "You know what you are capable of, better than anyone."

It might have taken He Lianchen some time to figure out what to do next, but Gu Yuyao was proud of what he'd become. He was one of the rare people she knew that wouldn't easily give up for something they truly wanted.

Hadn't he waited patiently for her for over ten years and never dared to look at another woman while she wasn't around? Gu Yuyao expected that he would have forgotten about her when she abandoned him, without leaving a single word as to where she was going.

He Lianchen should have hated her, despised her for all the pain she'd inflicted towards him; but he didn't. If he was able to forgive her, then Gu Yuyao couldn't think of any reason why he wouldn't do the same for his brother.

According to Feng Tianyi, her husband was really close with He Lianxuan when they were younger, that even when their elders had chosen He Lianchen to succeed the family, his older brother never held it against him.

"Baby, do you think Daddy and your Uncle have reconciled now?" She asked her young son who only gave her a confused look. "We have to make sure they reconcile, so we can meet your uncle in the future!"

Since her older brother had been long dead, Gu Xinjue had only one uncle to look up to. It was important to Gu Yuyao that her son was surrounded by people who cared and loved him. That was why she didn't mind if her husband chose to help his family this time.

He Lianchen had sacrificed a lot of things for her and their baby already that she wouldn't dare to stop him from doing what he'd always wanted to do, and that was to reunite with his own family.


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