Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 803 - Dont Hesitate, Jiren (1)

Chapter 803 - Don't Hesitate, Jiren (1)

Tang Moyu couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe it was all happening to her over again. She had already lost Tang Beixuan before, and she couldn't accept the fact that she might lose her twin brother this time.

When she received a call from her brother's assistant, asking her to go to the hospital where Zhang Jiren was confined, she couldn't stop her whole body from shaking. If it wasn't for her husband, Tang Moyu knew she wouldn't be able to go to the hospital to see her twin brother.

"What happened?" she asked her brother's assistant once they arrived. Zhang Jiren remained unconscious on the bed while nurses attended to him.

"Madam, I found him unconscious on the floor inside his office," Assistant Liu nervously replied. He wasn't sure why, of all people, Zhang Jiren ordered him to call the empress and her husband instead of calling his own wife.

"We immediately rushed him here. I was about to call Madam Zhang, but the boss insisted we call you instead." Assistant Liu looked at the empress curiously then to Feng Tianyi who's eyes narrowed at the sight of Zhang Jiren's pitiful form.

Tang Moyu didn't need to be told why her twin brother refused to call Li Meili here, and she couldn't entirely blame him. She understood well that with her brother's marriage reaching its end with her best friend, Zhang Jiren didn't want Li Meili to stay married to him out of pity.

Still, Li Meili had the right to know what was happening to her husband, but Tang Moyu would rather know what was going on first before anything else. She would deal with her friend later once she already sorted out and know what was happening to her brother.

"Alright. We're going to take this from here. See if you cancel and reschedule his appointments until we are certain what's going on here," Tang Moyu told the assistant who was obviously confused why they were here.

Assistant Liu begrudgingly left his boss in Tang Moyu and Feng Tianyi's care. Since it was Zhang Jiren who requested their presence, they probably knew what was happening to him these days.

Zhang Jiren didn't have a business trip at all. In fact, Assistant Liu was aware that after Zhang Jiren came back from his short trip to Nanchang a week ago, his boss hadn't come home and chose to stay in his office until he found him unconscious that day. Something was definitely wrong with Zhang Jiren, and Assistant Liu wasn't sure how bad the situation was for his boss.

The doctor was done attending to Zhang Jiren and found the couple waiting for him. He was slightly confused as to what the two were doing there. Tang Moyu was quite popular within Shenzhen so he wasn't sure why she was there. He just assumed that they were acquainted with his patient.

"I'm sorry, but would Madam Zhang be here any moment? I need to talk to his nearest kin." The doctor was aware that Zhang Jiren was already married and was expecting to see Li Meili instead of the empress.

Tang Moyu waited until the nurses left the room, giving them some privacy with the doctor. This wasn't the right time for anyone to know her real relationship with Zhang Jiren. The less people who knew about it, the better.

"I am his nearest kin. What's wrong with him?" she asked the doctor, but he only gave her a confused look which Tang Moyu already expected.

"I'm his fraternal twin sister," Tang Moyu answered his unspoken question much to his shock. "I demand to know what is wrong with my brother."

"Tell her…" Zhang Jiren regained his consciousness at that moment, but his eyesight was a bit blurry, so he could barely recognize his sister.

"She's my sister." He backed up Tang Moyu's claim.

The attending physician opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He wanted to ask how they ended up being siblings when everyone thought that they were not related at all. However, as Zhang Jiren's doctor, he knew that he had to respect the privacy and decisions of his patient.

"Madam Feng, is there anyone with cancer in your family—"

"Our Dad." Tang Moyu sounded so defeated that Feng Tianyi understood what was happening to Zhang Jiren.

How could he not know the reason behind his father-in-law's death? Tang Lixue had refused to undergo treatments which immediately killed him in less than two years since he was diagnosed.

"I see," The doctor nodded before continuing. "We found a growth in the patient's abdomen. We are not totally sure until we extract it and do a biopsy if it's cancer or not. But based on the shape in the scans, we'd like you to know that there's a possibility that it's malignant."

Tang Moyu nodded, now tears streamed down her face. She understood now what kind of problem her brother was facing. No wonder he didn't want to let Li Meili come here. It would surely break her heart to know his condition.

"Also…" the doctor continued and the couple wondered what else was there. Abdominal tumor was bad enough. But based on the doctor's expression, what he was going to say was something worse. "Mr. Zhang also has a growth in his head, but we still need to do more tests on that to make sure. Our priority right now is to remove the growth in his abdomen."

"Sis, you might need to get tested too," Zhang Jiren said weakly. He didn't want to make her worried, but it's important for him to know that she wouldn't fall sick like him.

Tang Moyu just stared at him, understanding why he was asking him this. If she ended up carrying the same illness that her father and twin brother had, what would happen to her little buns? Would that also mean their lives were in danger? It was bad enough that both of them were carrying the Song family's golden blood.

"We will get through this, Moyu." Feng Tianyi held her hand. "Do take the test and we will see what we can do later. Whatever happens to you and Jiren, we will deal with it."

Tang Moyu nodded and allowed the doctor to lead her to the other room to get tested. She closed her eyes as the doctor and the nurses worked on her, aware that her husband was waiting outside. She was silent through it all and hadn't noticed how long the process took as her mind was preoccupied with thoughts about her twin brother.

Tears rolled down her cheek as she wept in silence. Tears blurred her sight. She couldn't— wouldn't allow Zhang Jiren to leave her, like their father and Tang Beixuan did. She didn't think she would be able to accept it if she was to lose another sibling again.

"Is there something wrong?" Feng Tianyi, who was now allowed to accompany his wife, asked the doctor.

While he waited outside yesterday, he felt despair and fear knowing the implication of these tests on Tang Moyu. Feng Tianyi, who hadn't believed in god or any deities, prayed for the first time for his wife to be spared.

He couldn't let Tang Moyu be taken from him and their children that way. It would ruin him and would put their children under stress and trauma if the tests came back positive. Tang Moyu and Zhang Jiren had already dealt with enough bullshit and grievances in their lives. It was much too much that the two of them would be sick too.

Feng Tianyi couldn't and didn't want to imagine his life without Tang Moyu in it. If this was his punishment for all the misdeeds and sins he committed in the past, Tang Moyu shouldn't be the one who needed to pay for them.

The doctor sighed and pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses and looked at the empress with a serious face.

"Your blood is cleared from everything, Madam Feng, except for one" he started, making the couple look anxious, especially Feng Tianyi. The latter was about to ask what that one was when the doctor continued. "I suggest you see your gynecologist as soon as possible. Your blood test showed a considerate amount of HCG on it, indicating that you are pregnant."

Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu froze at that. None of them had expected that this was what they would hear from the doctor's mouth, especially Feng Tianyi. He'd been waiting for his wife to conceive another child only to be denied every month when her period came on schedule as if taunting him that he'd failed yet again.

"I'm pregnant?" the empress asked in disbelief while her husband's brain short-circuited from the doctor's announcement.

Was this even the right time for her to get pregnant? Tang Moyu wondered.

"En. If we're to base the levels on your blood, I'll say you are on your seventh week, Madam Feng," the doctor informed them.

Tang Moyu nodded in understanding, contradictory to her husband who was too shocked by the news. It seemed that Feng Tianyi had lost his ability for speech as he hadn't uttered any word in response to the news.


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