Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 799 - When the Time Runs Out (3)

Chapter 799 - When the Time Runs Out (3)

It was just another normal weekend for Feng Tianyi's family. Since Zhu Ziqian was apprehended, their little buns insisted that they wanted to come back home to Peach Blossom Garden, claiming that it was their real home and not the huge Feng mansion where one could easily get lost if he didn't pay attention to where he was going.

After weeks of begging, he and Tang Moyu finally yielded to their little buns' request. It had taken them over a week before they were able to settle back at the empress's property at Peach Blossom Garden, which was kept clean by a housekeeper she hired while they were away.

Song Fengyan dug into his dessert while He Lianchen silently took a sip from his cup of tea. Unlike the two, the devil had an annoyed expression on his face that even the desserts and his favorite tea couldn't brighten his mood.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Fengyan asked. "Did you and Sister Moyu have a fight again?"

Feng Tianyi huffed and looked away.

"No," he denied. He and Tang Moyu rarely argue anyway.

"So what's wrong this time?" Song Fengyan continued to probe but Feng Tianyi refused to answer him.

The laughter of the children as they played at their usual spot in the garden with the huge Siberian husky following them around reached their ears. The three men were at the gazebo, waiting for Tang Moyu and her friends to come back from the main house to get more desserts from the kitchen.

Li Meili and Gu Yuyao were the first ones to return and join them at the gazebo with their babies. Since Zhang Leyan and Gu Yuyao's son were both one year old now, they were curious about everything they were seeing. Between the two babies, Zhang Leyan looked plumper and healthier compared to Gu Yuyao's son.

"What's wrong with Feng Tianyi?" Li Meili asked when she noticed the devil's crestfallen face.

"I just asked him the same question, Miss Li but he won't tell us anything," Song Fengyan answered her.

"It is because Tang Moyu still hasn't conceived a child yet," He Lianchen said nonchalantly, getting everyone's attention.

"Oh, darling! You are so smart!" Gu Yuyao nudged her husband's side and gave him a flirty wink. "But how did you know he was sulking because of it?" she asked.

"It's because he couldn't stop staring at our son and Miss Li's daughter. Knowing Feng Tianyi, he might be wondering why the empress hasn't fallen pregnant yet despite their efforts," he Lianchen explained which earned another huff from his boss.

"Ah, ha! Is that so?" Gu Yuyao grinned evilly towards Feng Tianyi. "Say Feng Tianyi, don't tell me you only managed to have Baobao and Little Star out of luck and you are not vigorous anymore after your accident," she taunted the devil.

"Hey! Watch your mouth, Gu Yuyao!" Feng Tianyi hissed.

"What? Feeling ashamed now? Don't worry. You are lucky enough that Tang Moyu loves you. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you don't have healthy seeds to give her anymore." Gu Yuyao refused to back down. How could she not take this rare chance and annoy the devil to death?

"Why are you so angry now, Tianyi? What happened?"

Tang Moyu had chosen to appear at that moment. She came back with a tray of sweet biscuits and newly brewed tea. Once she placed the tray down, she took a seat next to her husband who was saying incoherent words under his breath.

"Tianyi?" she asked again but she was temporarily distracted by her niece when she saw Zhang Leyan trying to slip from her mother's hold to get a biscuit.

The moment her aunt placed the plate down containing the biscuits, Little Leyan stretched her arms, wanting to get a piece of the sweet delicacy. Li Meili smiled at her daughter's eagerness to eat and took one biscuit and gave it to Leyan. The girl bit on it eagerly, leaving crumbs on her chin and cheeks as she ate.

"He's upset because you aren't pregnant, Moyu. Are you sure you two are even trying?" Gu Yuyao passed her son to her husband as her arms were starting to feel numb from his weight.

He Lianchen took the child with one arm while his other hand pushed away the empty teacup he'd used to make sure his son wouldn't accidentally break it.

"Are you still on pills, Moyu?" Li Meili asked curiously.

Tang Moyu shook her head before pouring herself a cup of tea.

"No. I stopped taking it a long time ago. We saw Dr. Huang a month ago to ask for her opinion. She said that there's nothing wrong between me and Tianyi, so we can continue trying or if we want, we can try to conceive through IVF— but that's unlikely to happen."

"But it's been months but there's no baby in sight," Feng Tianyi sighed.

"Then you need to work hard, Tianyi. Your little buns are old enough to understand why you two have a new baby." Song Fengyan laughed before he felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked down, he saw his young daughter looking at him with her round eyes.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Lan Yunru said, rubbing her tummy slightly.

Song Fengyan immediately threw his thoughts about his cousin's problem and tended to his daughter's needs.

Watching him and He Lianchen, Feng Tianyi wondered if he and Tang Moyu were destined to only have the twins in their lifetime. It wasn't like he disliked the idea, but Feng Tianyi wanted another child he would surely raise with his wife. Anyway, like what the doctor said, they could only continue trying.

Tang Moyu wiped the crumbs from her niece's chin and took a cup of water for Leyan to drink. As Zhang Leyan continued to grow up, hints of Tang Beixuan's traits and features started to show up. Her bright round eyes and her smile kept reminding the empress of her deceased brother.


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