Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 44 - [Bonus ]

All the time Leo behaved normally, so not even once did Evangeline felt that he was hurt or injured. His movement and the way he talked didn't have even a hint of pain or problem. But now that she looked at his shirt that was red and torn, she was exasperated.

His back had various injuries, from small scratches to big cut marks. It was completely covered with blood.

"Did that happen because of me?" That was the most foolish thing she had asked, yet she could not help but worry and feel guilty.

Compared to her hurt face, Leo was rather nonchalant about it. He frowned as he saw her overexaggerated look.

"These are just minor scratches." he replied in a cold tone. If it had been any other time, she would have taken two steps back and accepted his words. But this time she shook her head.

"There are a few deeper cuts too. You are hurt because of my mistake. Let me treat you.'' Though she was not a physician, physicians were expensive. So, they have treated most of their injuries by themselves since childhood. So, she was sure of her skill to clean and sterilize the wounds and then bandage them.

"There is no need. The wounds are not deep enough to be treated. If I feel the need, I would go to the physician.`` This was the first time that Leo was assuring someone yet the girl was not ready to budge. He had felt her fear for him yet at this moment she was like a brave deer that was not even afraid of the lion.

She stood there and continued to look into his eyes which were filled with determination. He had realized that she would not relent when she did not budge even when he gave her the death glare.

"Please." she added when no one was ready to give up and he sighed.

"You are stubborn." she nodded as she knew when to give up and when to not. "And nosy." he added but instead of being angry, she smiled. She knew he could have denied and left but he relented and followed her to her room.

"Do you even have alcohol or dagger? And bandages?" he asked as he settled himself comfortably on the sofa while she stood there silent. Her lips pursued into a thin line. She had all those things at home. But here she didn't even have her belongings, then how could she have these things?

He shook his head and then looked at the knights who were guarding her door. They nodded and left. Amazed that their head was listening to a girl except her family members.

Soon they came back with a first aid box which she took with so much vigor. She sat towards his back and started cleaning the wound with full concentration.

"It will hurt a bit." though she was talking about his pain, her eyes were squeezed and her nose was wrinkled, making him amused.

She winced when she cleaned his wounds yet he sat there blankly as if he did not feel a thing. She applied the ointment and then dressed his wounds.

"Are you done?" There were no emotions in his voice and for a second she removed her father. He did not show her any emotions even when she did something for him with so much care and affection.

She nodded silently. He turned to look at her when she did not reply only to see her gloomy face.

"I am not even hurt a bit." she blinked hearing his assurance. Did he think she was upset because of his wounds? Well! She was! So, she nodded with a small smile and he nodded back.

"I will see you in the morning." she nodded a bit then her eyes went to the knights who were standing there like statues.

"Both of you come with me." They looked at him with surprise but did not have the courage to remind him that he was the one who had ordered them not to leave the door even for a second. They nodded and left with him. She closed the door and took a deep sigh when he left the room and so did the knights.

A smile bloomed on his lips yet her heart was filled with pain.

Moving towards the bed, she slumped on the bed. Her body bounced a bit on the soft mattress. Even after such an adventurous night, sleep was far from her eyes.

She was worried about her future. She was not afraid of exploring her career in the new town because she was assured of the properties she had in the village. And the jewels she had with him. But now that she had lost everything, she did not know where to go and how to go after leaving this palace tomorrow.

She knew the hardships she could face after leaving this palace, yet she could not stay here. Not after knowing that he already had lovers and he did not want to marry her too.

"Everything would be fine, Evangeline, if not you can always hire a rented husband." she tried to assure herself as she patted her heart and finally closed her eyes.

On the other side, Eve woke up earlier as instructed by Eli. She walked out of her room only to see Leo coming out from the other side. But her eyes stilled at his clothes. Her brother, who was very particular about hygiene, was wearing the clothes of yesterday. Not only that, they were crumpled. She looked at her brother who was coming out from Evangeline's room at dawn. Two guards that were guarding her door earlier were following him with astonished faces.

Her stomach fluttered and his heart did a somersault when she evaluated the meaning behind this. She ran towards the room of Eli.

She knocked the door as if ghosts were chasing her and she would die if it took one more second for the door to open.

Eli opened the door with a frown. She folded her hands when she looked at her sister. Her face was telling me that it should be important or she would be gone. But Eve was beyond the mood to worry.

"Leo fell in love with Evangeline."



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