Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Yin Mingzheng indulged Shi Qing’s request.

When the alien teen withdrew his small part with a satisfied look on his face, his body was a bit weak.

Shi Qing didn’t struggle to stand on his own. He collapsed bonelessly into Yin Mingzheng’s lap. He shared his analysis with the System in a serious tone: [These Earthlings have a frightening aptitude for learning.]

In just a few days, Yin Mingzheng had become a skilled kisser.

The System who just had its sight restored from a mosaic was silently listening to children’s music: [The mushroom picking little girl, had a big bamboo basket–]

Shi Qing didn’t mind the System ignoring him. After fooling around, it was time to get down to business.

As promised, he allowed Yin Mingzheng to leave the room.

Everything outside was a particular shade of silvery white. The halls were silvery white and the machines were silvery white, just to give some examples. Of course, the monotonous colour scheme tended to make people walking around disoriented.

Shi Qing was like a lively little bird as he pulled his companion to go see his nest with a bright smile.

“This is the factory. Everyday new machines are made here, including my entire army.”

Yin Mingzheng watched as silvery white machines worked to make androids.

Every one of them had strong combat abilities and aggression programs installed. When they were just ‘born’, a machine responsible for recording ‘newbies’ would assign them a serial number and weapons.

According to the speed at which these robots could be ‘born’ and their strength, Shi Qing could conquer the Earth any time he wanted to.

Before he could think too much about this, Shi Qing was acting like a little bird again as he pulled him to another corner.

“This is the observatory. Here, my army can survey an entire planet.”

Shi Qing skipped into this wide hall, pulling along Yin Mingzheng who was staring vacantly at the various floating displays. They arrived at the throne in the middle of the room.

He got on first, and reached out a hand to Yin Mingzheng once he settled down. His eyes were filled with trust: “This is the throne. Only the King of the Mechanical race can sit here.”

“Now that you’re my companion, you can sit here with me.”

Yin Mingzheng stared at the offered hand with a complicated expression. He knew that he should decisively accept it to make Shi Qing trust him more.

But looking into the joyful eyes of the alien youth who seemed too eager to share everything he had with him, he couldn’t do it.

The man closed his eyes and forced himself to look away from his own guilt.

On the way over, Yin Mingzheng had utterly confirmed his thoughts from before.

This spaceship was a hunk of metal. No matter where they went, there were numerous robot guards patrolling. Even if he was able to convince Shi Qing to let him freely roam around, he still couldn’t escape.

Since he couldn’t force his way out, he had to somehow use Shi Qing to escape.

“Shi Qing.”

He didn’t hold the hand the youth offered, instead asking, “Are you the only person on this ship?”

“Of course not.”

Shi Qing stood up and stuck out his chin like he was a spoiled little prince. He gestured to the various robots milling about the observatory.

“They’re all my subordinates. I have this much.”

His expression was very pleased. Yin Mingzheng asked again: “Do they have the ability to think for themselves like you?”

Shi Qing’s face stilled.

Yin Mingzheng: “You said before that you were the King of the Mechanical race. But your subordinates are all robots. They will listen to you and do things for you, but they can’t be your friends.”

“They can!”

The youth sitting on the throne clenched his hands into fists. There was a defiant look in his silver-white eyes. “They’ve been my friends this whole time!”

“But they’re only around you because you order them to be. If you didn’t, would they come of their own volition?”

“Yes!! They will!”

Yin Mingzheng looked at the Shi Qing on the throne. The corners of his eyes were already red, and his hands were clenched into fists. He might be acting stubborn, but tears were gathering at the corners of his eyes.

He could see that Shi Qing’s heart was clear. Yin Mingzheng has been hard at work gathering info these last couple of days. He had a pretty good understanding of the Mechanical race. There was only one lifeform in this race, which was the King. The rest were just automatons created by the king.

They could not think for themselves and could only take orders from the King.

To be able to pass on their legacy to the next generation, every King would try their best to protect themselves and build a spaceship soon after their birth. Their entire lives would then be spent on it, accompanied only by these soulless androids.

–Until their death.

Although they’re called a king, they’re more like a captive.

And now, he was about to set down some bait for this captive.

Yin Mingzheng lowered his voice as if he was the snake that lured humanity to eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden. “Shi Qing, do you really want to spend your entire life like this? On the ship? With only these lifeless robots around you until you die?”

Tears began to fill the youth’s eyes. He stubbornly bit his lip and stared silently at the man.

Yin Mingzheng looked at him, but his eyes seemed to see into the distant future. Then, the silvery white youth will still be sitting here on the tall throne like this. He would spend everyday lonely in the company of mute and lifeless machines.

Until his death.

He was curious as to why Shi Qing was so sticky before. He was just like a leopard cub that had just been weaned and tasted his first bite of meat. He hated to leave his prey for even a moment, and would spend all day in Yin Mingzheng’s lap if he could. Exchanging small parts was just a cherry on top.

Now that he knew the truth, the man’s heart actually ached for this little prince.

If he lived in an environment like this, he would go insane no matter how strong his abilities were.

[Ding! Yin Mingzheng animosity value 75/100......Sigh......]

Shi Qing: [What are you sighing over?]

[I never knew that the Host’s species was so pitiful. But no matter how pitiful they are it’s still not good to invade the planets of others. Oh well, at least the animosity value went down a good chunk. Sigh......]

[Are all Systems as innocent as you?] Shi Qing was getting annoyed : [Can’t you tell I’m lying by the skin of my teeth? Which race would be dumb enough to lock themselves on a ship for their entire lives?]

System: [......But Host, weren’t you about to cry just now?]

[If I don’t make a tragic backstory for myself, how will I get this softy to sympathize with and pity me? Did you get a virus or something and forgot that we’re in the middle of a task? Okay? Stop sighing, I’m going back to work.]

System: [......]

Shi Qing didn’t think about his busybody of a System anymore. He heard the main point that Yin Mingzheng spent a long time getting to.

“How about this: You can come with me back to the human base. There you will see lots of sick people, women, men, children and even various animals. They all have their own thoughts, and they’ll be your friends.”

If he really was the sole member of his species that had been alone for thousands of years, he might really be swayed by Yin Mingzheng’s words.

But Shi Qing wasn’t.

Even if he was lonely, he still arrogantly raised his chin. “The Mechanical race doesn’t interact with others.”

“I don’t need friends. Even if I did, I just need you.”

This was undoubtedly a very moving sentence.

If the one saying this wasn’t an alien that was implying that he wanted to imprison Yin Mingzheng on this ship for his entire life.

Maybe he saw Yin Mingzheng’s unwillingness, but a flash of fear went through the youth’s eyes. He jumped off the throne and took his companion’s hands:

“You still want to return to the human base? Why? They’ll kill you in the end.”

Yin Mingzheng startled: “Kill me?”

“Am I wrong?” Seemingly in an effort to keep his companion, Shi Qing waved his hands. A screen about as big as a TV on Earth flew over.

Shi Qing issued it a command: “Simulate Earth’s First Base ability user Yin Mingzheng’s future if he remains on Earth.”

Afterwards, he turned to look at Yin Mingzheng: “This is a smart computer. As long as it can find the data, it can simulate the future of any lifeform on this planet.”

Yin Mingzheng looked at the so-called smart computer. It looked like an ordinary if rounded small TV.

It just didn’t fit his idea of the futuristic tech that the alien invaders should possess.

And at this moment, this ‘small TV’ was displaying the simulation Shi Qing was talking about. Columns of numbers flew across the screen, and he was even able to catch sight of a few familiar names with his enhanced vision.

In the end, the smart computer produced the simulation results.

The possibility of Yin Mingzheng being assassinated before the age of thirty was 70%. The possibility of him being sold to the Insect race was 20%. The possibility of him being sent to a lab to be studied was 10%.

The result was he definitely won’t be living past thirty.

Seeing the results come out, the alien youth spread himself in a familiar fashion across the man’s stiff body. He climbed into his lap and began to play with his sleeves. “You saved many lives, but not everyone wants you to live. Just like this time. I just threatened them a little and they gave you to me.”

He relaxed his body and, like a thorny vine, began to hug the man that was staring dead at the results. His face was filled with the innocent smile of a little prince: “They don’t want you, but I do.”

“Won’t you stay here, with me, forever?”

Yin Mingzheng’s lap was filled with Shi Qing’s soft body, but he only continued to stare at the screen.

His sharp eyes darkened.

The man tightly held onto Shi Qing’s hands.

Momentarily afterwards, Shi Qing heard his raspy voice.

“Okay. I’ll stay here and be with you. Forever.”

[Ding! Yin Mingzheng’s animosity rate: 80/100]

The System was about to break down: [Why did it go up when he agreed?!]

Shi Qing kicked his prey softly from within his lap, as if he was a spoiled little leopard.

A sweet smile blossomed slowly across his face.

[Get ready, Yin Mingzheng’s been stimulated.]

[Our stimulation is yet to come.]


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