Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (29)

Normally, chicken stock is the most straightforward and suitable choice for making curry broth, and it suits KiJun's taste as well. However, having just arrived in Reta, chicken stock was out of the question. Thus, he had no choice but to use the wild boar he had just caught to make the broth. In Japan, there's something called Tonkotsu (pork bone) curry, so it might taste good.

The biggest issue wasn’t the broth ingredients but the lack of a pot to cook it in. And of course, it wasn't feasible to go looking for a town or city just to find a pot.

Pondering for a moment, KiJun decided to use a method he learned while extracting information from the fairy.

"I wish I had a pot."

He turned on his RetaPhone15 and clicked on the ‘Reta Points’ icon on the screen. This function synchronizes the user's information in real-time, displaying the points earned. It not only allows trading points with others but also calculates and pays taxes. It’s practically the core feature of the RetaPhone, giving access to the ‘Points Shop’ - a privilege exclusive to summoners.

"It’s good that I don’t have to find physical Points Shops in certain cities."

Lucy, uncertain whether to praise or grumble, commented as KiJun clicked on the Points Shop.

In the shop, RetaPhones from model 7 to 13 were on sale. Models below were discontinued, and models above were only available through custom orders. For reference, KiJun’s phone was a RetaPhone15.

"So, this really is an amazing thing."

The RetaPhone of the fairy he killed was also a pretty advanced model. It would make a fine gift for someone else, he thought, nodding his head. While browsing through various tabs, he found a pot (10RP). Aside from that, he also picked a frying pan (5RP), a multipurpose knife (4RP), a ladle (2RP), and cooking chopsticks (1RP), and then his eyes stopped at a pressure cooker (35RP).

A pressure cooker... in the tutorial phase, such an emblem of advanced human civilization was beyond his wildest dreams!

He gasped in awe.

"Relax, KiJun. You have plenty of points!" Lucy reminded.

His current points stood at 3,895, including the 2,895 points from killing the fairy and the 1,000 monthly dignity maintenance points as a representative of Earth's civilization.

After some internal debate, considering the usefulness of a pressure cooker in quickly extracting broth and making tastier curry, he decided to purchase it. The Points Shop, notably, did not sell any food or spices, except for rye bread (1RP) and water.

If he couldn’t find flour, he could grind the rye bread, but without butter, he couldn’t make a roux anyway. He sighed and completed his shopping.

But then, right after payment:

"Knock knock, need the world's fastest fairy delivery service? Did you shop at the Points Shop?"


Startled, KiJun blinked at the fairy that appeared out of thin air.

"It makes sense now, the minimum purchase amount was 100RP with a 10% surcharge."

That’s why he had to buy a tent (50RP) he hadn’t planned on...

He hadn't expected to encounter another fairy so soon after killing one and feeling disturbed.

The fairy seemed equally surprised to see him.

"Humans? They are stingy misers who wouldn’t dare use the Points Shop app."

"Just give me what I bought."

His momentary sentiment dissipated at the fairy's rude tone.

He took the items she brought and was about to send her back when she suddenly exclaimed.

"Are you the human that noona talked about? The one who cooks incredibly well?"


"Right, you have a very strong spirit with you."

Could she be Tinkerbell’s acquaintance?

Surprised, KiJun widened his eyes, but the fairy hastily waved her hands.

"Don't worry. We NPCs never leak our guests' information to others. Even if we try to circumvent it and succeed, we'd be severely punished if caught."


"Are you laughing at me? Even as an NPC, I have pride, you know!"

"I just killed a fairy trying to scam people at the summoning site."


The fairy looked shocked at KiJun's words. When he showed her the reset RetaPhone12 and explained, her face turned red with anger.

"These damn scoundrels, tarnishing the already narrow standing of fairies!"

"Hey, calm down."

"I'm so sorry, sir. Truly, this is unacceptable in Reta! Weak races underestimating other weak races to commit such acts... Who on earth would..."

KiJun bristled at being classified as a weak race but couldn’t argue, remembering the first tutorial phase. Moreover, he couldn’t stay mad at her genuine apology.

"Sorry, but could I borrow that RetaPhone for a moment? I’ll report this to the higher-ups and ensure the culprits are severely punished. You’ll get your RetaPhone back, and we’ll provide compensation. Please, for the peace of Reta and the honor of fairies..."

For a moment, he wondered if this was another scam. Maybe she was using her wits and poker face to deceive him and steal the RetaPhone. But then, thinking of the Übermensch, he fought against his narrow-mindedness and suspicion.

The Übermensch is not swayed by others' attitudes but acts according to their own standards.

Yes, judging the whole based on a small sample is undoubtedly wrong. Nietzsche would have applauded KiJun's decision.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

"Thank you! You really are a good human."

KiJun, receiving her appreciative look, nodded. She was about to teleport away when he added:

"Come back for some curry when you're done. I'll save some for you."

"Me? Oh, sure!"

The fairy, though bewildered, happily agreed and disappeared.

Lucy seemed sulky that KiJun was too kind to her, but he had his reasons.

"Fairy delivery service, right? If we get along, maybe I can ask her for personal favors, like buying some brown sugar."

—Ah—Contractor, you're a genius!

"Of course. Look forward to the curry, Lucy."

—I know your skills—Ah, found water, Contractor!

Finding a water source, KiJun set up a fire near it. With his honed 'Butchery' skill, he skillfully drained the blood from the boar, prepared it by part, and chose the leg bones for the broth, carefully removing any blood.

Then, with the clean water from the stream, he began boiling it in the pressure cooker.

"If we didn’t have a pressure cooker, we'd have been up all night."

—Staying up all night to eat Contractor's cooking is also a treat. So Contractor, are we going to explore that ruin you found earlier?


While searching for a wide, clean stone by the river, KiJun replied.

"Since we don’t know what might happen inside, let’s eat and rest a bit before heading in. Oh, can you heat this stone for me?"


After Lucy heated the stone with her light, KiJun used it as a cutting board to prepare the other ingredients.

Normally, to preserve the fluffy texture of potatoes, you need to remove the starch before cooking. But KiJun, lacking a roux and wanting to make the curry as thick as possible, opted to cut the potatoes into large chunks and prepared the rest of the ingredients. He then started to make curry powder by mixing the spices he had gathered from the forest.

—Well, it’s just a ruin near the summoning point.

"The difficulty might not necessarily correlate with the area. There could be entry restrictions."

—That's true.

Utilizing his unique-grade cooking skills, KiJun quickly found the perfect blend for the curry powder. He mixed a large batch, setting aside what he needed for the day and storing the rest in bags (20 for 1RP) he bought from the Points Shop into his inventory.

Even with the pressure cooker, it would take a while for the broth to extract from the pork bones. He prepared pork belly strips to satiate their hunger while waiting for the main dish.

After cleaning the rock-salt he found in the forest, he ground it into a fine consistency. He then sprinkled it lightly over the properly sized pork belly slices.

He placed the seasoned pork belly on a well-cleaned pan, adding some herbs he had picked to eliminate any gamey smell and enhance the flavor.

—Are you not cooking on the shield anymore?

"Well, the only shield I have is the King of the Well. And... Bice is not here."

Despite his bitter smile, KiJun's hands were busy flipping the meat. Lucy felt a bit miffed at his constant thoughts of Bice, but she couldn’t help herself when she tasted the deliciously cooked pork belly.

—Contractor, you’re really... the best...! This isn’t High Orc Legion Commander meat, is it?

"Maybe because the wild boar was uncommon-grade. The curry is going to be incredible..."

Eating the pork belly, KiJun chuckled, thinking if Bice were here, she would have enjoyed it immensely. Coincidentally, Lucy had the same thought.

"No matter what I do, I always end up thinking about Bice." KiJun thought to himself.

But what could he do? He had been with her every single day for ten years.

Bice was deeply ingrained in every aspect of his life. Even without her physically present, her existence was too entwined with his to easily separate.

—I’m here too, Contractor. You know that, right?

Lucy interjected, sensing his thoughts.

"Of course. Lucy, you’ll stay with me, right?"

—Of course! We're always together, forever. Definitely...!


Just as Lucy was relishing her moment in the touching scene, a scream shattered the atmosphere.

It could be a trap, but KiJun sensed a strong quest vibe. It must be an NPC!


—Ah—Right! This way!

They quickly finished their pork belly and rushed off. KiJun equipped the shock absorber inside his standard summoner's clothing and didn’t forget to wield the King of the Well in one hand.

Soon, they discovered several flames, ghost-like manifestations of mana, attacking a boy.

"Where did these low-grade things come from!"

Lucy quickly extinguished the flames with her light beams. KiJun, having secured the boy and confirming his safety, surrounded himself with light on his shield.

"Is it a monster?"

—Just a ‘Ghost’ formed from mana flames. Sometimes they develop a weak consciousness over time... Maybe there’s a powerful entity with strong flame power in this forest.

"Ardens Forest... Ah."

Ardens, a Latin participle meaning burning, blazing, possessing the power to burn.

He had thought it was just a random name, but it turned out to be foreshadowing.

Amazed, KiJun turned to the boy, who was trembling in fear.

"What’s wrong, are you okay?"

"No, it’s not okay. I was supposed to be the offering this year. If you save me, the spirit will be angry..."


That pattern.

KiJun realized he was involved in the notorious high-difficulty quest—'Pacify the Rampaging Spirit'.

These quests typically followed a certain pattern, though finding rampaging spirits was difficult. 

Soon, someone would find them checking on the offering's status.

A fight would break out between KiJun and them.

After a tough battle, they'd reluctantly hear out his side, often treating him as an unwelcome intruder.

Then, they'd receive a quest to either become the offering to pacify the spirit or to subdue it directly. NPCs, too tormented by spirits, might have gone crazy.

Next, the hero who accepted the quest would gather a party to raid the spirit, hoping for a positive outcome.

Or, realizing it's hopeless, they'd flee, only to return the next day to find the village reduced to ashes.

Realizing the dire consequences of hasty decisions, yet not learning their lesson, they'd scavenge the ruins, encounter the remaining spirit, and get burned to death—leading to a despairing outcome.

—What will you do, Contractor?

"Yikes! Are you a spirit...?!"

"Yes, we are."

KiJun’s response was neither hopeful nor despairing.

"Let's take this kid and lure the flame spirit while heading to the ruin."

He decided to kidnap the quest NPC.

*    *    *

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): How's Reta? Do you think you can adapt? It's different from the tutorial in every way. Even simple quests have dirty secrets.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Don’t let your guard down, promise me. I won’t forgive you if you fall for obvious traps after I’ve raised you well.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Why aren’t you reading my messages? Busy on the first day?]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Oh, you should start looking for your second spirit soon. You’re not planning to stick with Lucy forever, are you? With your spirit power, you should be able to handle at least four, I think.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): But avoid rampaging spirits. None of them are normal.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Rift): Ah, time to work. Remember what I said! Reply when you see this!]

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