Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 75 — Worst fears

Chapter 75 — Worst fears


With the arrival of spring, the snow that had brought hunger and suffering to the Silverfrost family finally melted away, revealing the forest's beauty again. For the first time in many months, they could breathe freely, see the sun that would warm their skin, and feel the gentle caress of the wind on their faces. It was the best feeling in the world.

Thanks to Aster's efforts and determination, the family no longer had to worry about their bellies growling in pain or the horrible headaches caused by constant starvation. Every three days, the boy would go out with his two spears and a net to catch as many fish as possible and return home to feed his girls, who awaited his safe return.

Silvia and Nivalis looked much better now, no longer as gaunt and sickly as they used to be. Their pale skin no longer had that greyish hue, and their bones no longer protruded from under their skin like before. Aster couldn't feel happier when the rosy color returned to their faces, making it worth all the effort.

Aster also began recovering, though a bit slower than the two, still being a bit on the skinny side. After all, his trips outside the cave were exhausting beyond what he thought possible. But at least he didn't see those strange, plant-like creatures he witnessed on his first trip outside anymore. Aster tried his best to avoid the northern parts of the river, so maybe this is why.

However, even though the snow was gone and it became so much easier for them to find food and survive, dangers they never forgot about were lurking in the shadows — goblins. Although the silver-haired family had not spotted any goblin tracks around their cave yet, they knew it was just a matter of time before these vile creatures would find them.

The place Aster spent all his life in became too dangerous for them to stay longer. After countless discussions and careful planning, the family finally decided that this was the time to leave — to find a new, much safer place to call home.


The sun still hadn't peeked over the horizon, hours away from it; the gentle wind played with the branches and leaves, creating a calming rustle that filled the otherwise peaceful and quiet forest, only sometimes interrupted by the distant hoots of owls. The grass below the trees glistened with dew, each blade a tiny mirror reflecting the cold moonlight.

The early morning felt typical and ordinary, much like any other before this day. But today was different... Today was the day they had planned for the past few months. They spent their final hours huddled together in their cozy cave, nestled within a warm embrace of blankets beside the ever-bubbling hot spring. Those blankets were worn from years of extensive use, yet they always provided a feeling of safety and coziness. They felt like home.

"Hey, Asty?" Silvia whispered, her soft lips barely moving against Aster's neck as she lay right on top of him. Their naked, petite bodies were pressed together like two fitting puzzles, like two spoons in a drawer. Their silver hair tangled together, covering their shoulders and making it impossible to tell where his ended and hers began. The flickering flames of the nearby fire cast shadows that danced across their skin of the same pale hue.

Aster hummed in response, his sleepy eyes fluttering open slightly. "Yes?" he breathed out, his fingers gently caressing the curve of her spine, slowly tracing up and down, stopping just above the little roundness of her buttocks.

Silvia shifted, lifting her chin to look down at her brother, her pointy nose brushing against his cheek. She smiled and pecked his soft, slightly parted lips, tasting the remnants of their breakfast on them. "Mmm," Silvia hummed, smacking her lips together. "Are you nervous?" she whispered, her golden eyes locking with his.

— "Terribly," Aster admitted, brushing a strand of her hair behind her pointy ear. "Are you?" he asked in return, his fingers gently tugging at her delicate earlobe, which the girl completely ignored.

"Mhm," Silvia nodded, leaning down to nuzzle into the crook of his neck again, her voice muffled by his skin. "What if something goes wrong? We don't know what could be there. Anything could happen," she sighed, wrapping her arms tightly around his chest, squeezing him as hard as her tiny muscles allowed. Her little toes wiggled nervously, getting intertwined with his.

— "We've been preparing for this day for months. We practiced our magic. We have a lot of supplies. We'll be fine," the boy reassured her, trying to keep his voice steady and confident despite the butterflies fluttering in his stomach this entire morning. "Once we get into the dark forest, all we need to do is stay quiet until we find a way out," Aster added, gently massaging the back of her delicate neck.

"Okay," Silvia nodded again, turning her head at the nearby fire, only to notice their packed leather backpack and two smaller, handmade, ugly-looking ones beside it. A long sigh escaped her lips as she felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over her. "You're right. We'll be fine," she mumbled, trying to fight the feeling.

— "Exactly," Aster smiled, kissing her silver hair gently, bringing a smile to her pink lips.

"What's my little lovebirds chirping about?" Nivalis chuckled at her own words, turning to face her children. She lay on her side, her head propped up on her palm, her long silver hair cascading over her bare chest, which seemed larger now that she had regained some weight. A soft smile played on her lips as she gently caressed their young faces.

"Just being anxious," Silvia admitted, smiling weakly at her mother. "And Asty was comforting me."

"Oh, sweetie," Nivalis breathed, wiggling closer to her children and placing her hand on the girl's little buttcheeks, giving her a comforting pat. "It's perfectly normal, my love. I feel the same way, too," she admitted, looking at both her babies, at their soft, youthful faces, noticing how incredibly similar they looked together, to the point where they could pass as twins. Even their height matched perfectly. "Everything will be alright, I promise. Just remember... no matter what happens, we must not separate, alright? Ever."

Aster and Silvia nodded. "Yes, Mom," they replied, in perfect sync.

Nivalis's blue eyes softened, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. "Good. Now let's catch a bit more sleep, alright? There's still time," she whispered, covering them with the blanket and earning some more nodding from them.

After a few minutes of silence, a mischievous grin appeared on Aster's face. He moved his lips closer to Silvia's ear, barely moving them, his voice nothing more than a breathy whisper: "I have an idea. A silly one, but you will like it."

Silvia hummed in response, her head tilting slightly to look up at him, her long eyelashes brushing against his cheek. "Tell me," she breathed, a soft smile on her puffy lips that looked just like the smaller version of her mother's.

— "Remember, uh... how we used to drink mom's milk all the time?" Aster whispered, his cheeks flushing a soft pink, his golden eyes flicking to his mother's chest. Her breasts lay there, big, plump, and milky-white, with nipples that looked irresistibly inviting right now. "What if we pretend she still has milk?" he asked shyly.

Silvia giggled, her body squirming against him, a playful spark in her golden eyes. "This is so stupid, Asty. I like it," she whispered back with a chuckle, then paused, considering the idea. "How should we do it?"

— "Just... act like she still has milk. You know how much she loved it when we were little. If we pretend to drink it, maybe she'll play along," Aster suggested, his hand moving to give Silvia's butt a soft, playful slap, making her giggle even more. Aster could tell she loved an idea.

"Hehe, okay, follow my lead," Silvia agreed, pushing the blanket that covered them both. She carefully got on all fours, her little pale butt wiggling in the air happily as she crawled around their mother to get to her left side. Her golden eyes locked onto the big, soft breasts resting on the sides of her chest, nipples begging to be sucked.

Silvia's flat torso lowered, and her tiny hands reached out to cup her mother's breast, feeling its weight and warmth. The girl's pink tongue darted out to wet her lips as she leaned in closer, her heart pounding with excitement. She took the delicate nipple between her even more delicate lips, slowly coating it with saliva. A soft hum escaped Silvia's mouth as she sucked gently, rolling her mother's nipple around on her tongue.

"Hmm?" Nivalis mumbled sleepily, stirring from her slumber as something soft and wet enveloped one of her sensitive nipples. A gentle tug sent a jolt through her body, making her moan softly. Her blue eyes fluttered open to find Silvia, her sweet daughter, on her side, snuggled close to her and suckling her breast like she used to when she was younger, back when Nivalis still had milk.

A surprised, amused gasp escaped Nivalis's throat as she ran her fingers through Silvia's hair. "Honey, what are you doing?" she chuckled, her voice still heavy with sleep. But the girl ignored her, continuing her little game, her delicate lips tugging gently at her mother's nipple, making wet, slurping sounds.

Silvia ignored the question. Her body wiggled and squirmed as she suckled, her spine arching beautifully, pushing her little pale butt into the air. Her eyes were closed, a look of pure contentment on her face. Nivalis couldn't help but smile at her daughter, enjoying seeing this baby side of her.

Then, much to Nivalis's surprise, a soft, shy voice spoke up from her other side. "Mommy? Can I have some milk, too?" Aster, her precious baby boy, asked, his big golden eyes looking up at her with an innocence that made her heart flutter. However, a playful expression on his face that appeared a second later hinted that it was all just some game.

Nivalis couldn't help but giggle at the question. "Asty, what's gotten into you two this morning?" she laughed, watching her son move closer to her left breast, his little fingers touching it gently. He lowered himself just like Silvia did, his soft lips wrapping around her nipple.

Her children suckled together now, their gentle pulling sending a tingling sensation down Nivalis's spine. The sight of them was so innocent and sweet that she felt her heart melting in her ribcage. She missed these moments so much, the closeness, the intimacy, the pure love between them all. Her fingers ran through both children's silky silver hair as they suckled on her swollen nipples, their wet lips tugging gently at the sensitive flesh.

Nivalis hugged them closer, feeling their warm, petite bodies pressed against hers. She could feel every little curve as they squirmed and wiggled, their breaths hot on her skin. "Oh, my little loves. You two are so silly," she whispered, a soft smile playing on her plump lips.

"Hmm," Silvia hummed, looking up at her mother with a playful glint in her golden eyes. She pulled her head back, letting the nipple slide from her mouth with a soft 'pop,' giggling right after. Her cheeks flushed pink as she whispered, "We decided to pretend you have milk again. I missed it."

Nivalis couldn't help but chuckle warmly at her daughter's words. She gently caressed the girl's rosy cheek with her thumbs, feeling its softness. "Well, if that's what my two babies want," she cooed softly. Nivalis then looked down at Aster, who was still suckling hungrily on her other nipple, his big eyes closed in pure contentment.

"Be a good boy, okay?" Nivalis whispered, lightly pinching Aster's cheek to get his attention. "Don't suck too hard or bite like you usually do," she added with a loving smile, knowing all too well how enthusiastic her son could be when it came to nursing.

Aster pulled his mouth away from her nipple and looked up at her, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Okay, Mom," he whispered, his voice soft and sheepish. He returned his lips to her swollen, pink nipple, his eyes fluttering closed as he savored his mother's taste. Aster gently massaged the sensitive nub with his mouth, feeling it harden with each gentle flick of his wet tongue.

Nivalis hummed in satisfaction, her head resting comfortably on the soft bedding. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of being suckled by her two babies. Their gentle pulling and tugging at her nipples felt incredible, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She wished they could stay like this in their cozy little cave, just the three of them, and forget that the outside world existed.

But as much as she wanted to, Nivalis knew they couldn't stay here any longer. The sun would rise soon, and it was time for them to leave their home behind and venture into the unknown. So, she took a deep breath, letting the siblings nurse on her for a little longer before facing whatever lay ahead.


— "If you ever feel scared, just take my hand, alright?" Aster whispered, adjusting the handmade backpack on Silvia's delicate shoulders. He watched as she nodded shyly in response, her golden eyes flicking up to meet his before quickly darting away again.

The girls made the backpack while Aster was out fishing, a small project they spent a lot of time together on. Though it looked somewhat flimsy at first glance, it is surprisingly durable. It is a perfect solution for carrying their belongings instead of holding everything in their hands or making a sled.

The backpack was mostly filled with food — all the fish Aster had managed to catch and store over the past few months. Just enough room was left for essential items like cooking utensils and spare clothing they had knitted themselves. Aster had the same one, only slightly heavier.

Noticing the haphazardly tied knot at Silvia's waist that held her pants up, Aster couldn't help but quietly chuckle. "How about your mana? Does it hurt a lot?" he asked, crouching before her. He reached out and gently untied the knot, his fingers working deftly to create a cute little bow from the two straps.

Silvia looked down at Aster's fingers, her golden eyes watering slightly as her lower lip trembled. "N-no, it's okay," she whispered, trying to hide the pain of having mana inside her, unused, similar to how Aster did it. The pain of having her mana inside her was terrible, and the thought of walking through the forest full of those creatures was horrifying. She was incredibly scared, more than she wanted to admit.

Aster gently touched her knees, causing her to look up at him, her long eyelashes glittering with tears. "Liar," he whispered, standing up and carefully wiping a tear from the corner of her eye with his thumb. "If it gets too bad, tell me, alright? We can do our thing," he added, helping her get into her disguise cloak similar to the one he already wore.

Silvia weakly nodded and offered a faint smile before he gently covered her with a cloth to hide the paleness of her skin. "Okay," she sniffed, and after a moment of hesitation, she took his hand and interlocked their fingers tightly, just like he asked her to do if she ever felt scared. Aster didn't utter a word. He reassuringly squeezed Silvia's soft hand, feeling her cold skin against his own.

Over the past two months, Silvia had been practicing holding her mana without using it, a technique that helped Aster get food in the freezing winter months. But the best part was not the warmth it gave but that it allowed you to cast your first spell much faster, almost instantly.

It could be their saving line in case of ambush or sudden danger, so they spent countless hours practicing it together and getting used to the pain it caused.

It required a lot of mana invasion going back and forth, a process when one sibling penetrates the mana of the other. Sometimes, they had to do it twice daily to fight her body's trembling or Aster's sweating and redness, as this technique caused a lot of it. It made Aster and Silvia completely dependent on each other, though they didn't mind. Truthfully, they grow to like this strange connection of their mana, of his fire and her ice, as if it's how it was always meant to be.

Nivalis stood at the entrance of their cave, her blue eyes scanning the world outside through the veil of vines. Her bow was clutched tightly in her hands, arrows sticking out from the leather backpack on her back. "Alright, everything seems quiet outside," she whispered, facing her two children. "Are we ready?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Y-yes, Mom," Silvia replied, her voice cracking slightly as she squeezed her little brother's hand tighter.

— "Yep. Let's do this," Aster said, forcing a reassuring smile onto his face before covering his face with a cloth.

"Great. Then let's go," Nivalis said, pushing aside the vines and stepping out into the morning forest. Her children were close behind, and both carried spears of the same height.

As soon as they left the safety of their cave, a strong gust of wind whipped against their cloaks, causing them to wave and rustle. Without exchanging a word, the mother and her kids began moving south, trying their best to be as quiet as possible. Their boots had a soft cushion of twigs and leaves attached to the bottom, allowing them to walk almost silently and leave little to no tracks behind.

The forest around them was alive; birds chirped, squirrels darted up and down the trees, and the fresh spring grass swayed gently in the sunlight, glistening with dew. The breeze carried the sweet scent of wildflowers, tickling their noses as they walked.

Despite the beauty surrounding them, the trio couldn't shake off the constant dread that gripped their hearts, making them beat wildly against their ribcages. Their stomachs churned in knots, and their mouths felt parched with fear. They knew all too well that goblins could lurk anywhere, hidden in the shadows, ready to ambush them at any moment. Every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves made them freeze, their heads whipping around as they searched for whatever caused the sound.

Aster kept stealing glances at his mother, her blue eyes constantly scanning their surroundings, searching for any sign of movement. He could see the tension in her shoulders, how nervous and worried she was, and how tightly she gripped her bow, making her knuckles turn white. Even though the wound on her leg had healed during the winter, a small limp was still noticeable whenever she put weight on her left foot.

Silvia clung to Aster's side like a frightened kitten, not wanting to let go even for a second. Every sudden noise made her whole body tremble like a leaf in the wind. She would squeeze his hand tightly, her breath coming in rapid gasps, her golden eyes darting everywhere in fear.

Though Aster wasn't that different, he tried his best not to show it, knowing it would only make his sister feel even worse. 'Just another small trip to the river. You did this many times before,' he thought, his fingers gripping the spear's handle tighter. But the moment he told himself so, his thoughts soon got interrupted by a sudden, terrifying scream from behind. 'Oh, fuck-'

"WAAAH!" a high-pitched shriek pierced the calm morning air, making every hair on their bodies stand up. 'Why it has to happen now? WHY?! This damn forest...' Aster cursed, looking at his mother.

Nivalis was the first to react, nocking an arrow onto her bowstring and waiting patiently for the creature to appear. "Be ready, my loves," she whispered, her voice barely audible yet firm, trying to hide the nervousness that shook her hands slightly.

Silvia and Aster froze in place, their bodies stiffening in shock. The girl's eyes widened, and her breath hitched as she pointed at a nearby tree with her spear. "There!" she whimpered. A small grey creature stumbled from behind the tree, its red eyes locked onto them. Its sharp teeth were bared in an open, grinning mouth, and a dark drool dripped to the ground.

An arrow flew through the air almost immediately with a sharp whistle, piercing the goblin's throat and making the grin disappear. It let out a pained gurgle as it fell to the ground with a loud thud, its limbs flailing wildly. Blood poured from the wound, staining the fresh spring grass red. "Grlgh! Gurg!"

As the goblin released its final gurgle, more screams echoed through the forest, coming from all directions. Branches snapped, twigs crunched underfoot, and leaves rustled as if the woods themselves were about to chase them down.

"Run! Run now!" Nivalis cried out, her voice shaking as she nocked another arrow onto her bowstring. "I'll be right behind you," she promised, eyes wide and nervously darting around.

When Aster heard her words, his legs began to move as if on their own, dragging Silvia along with him, his heart pounding like a drum. He heard the twang of another arrow loosed from his mother's bow, followed by another goblin's scream. "Mom!" he yelled, glancing back.

"I'm okay! Keep running!" Nivalis shouted, her voice strained as she began running as well. The pain in her leg shot through her entire body, but she tried not to show any of it, not in front of her children. Soon enough, she managed to catch up but struggled to keep up with their pace.

As they ran deeper into the forest, the goblins' screams and cries grew louder and closer. Aster felt like someone shoved a molten rod into his chest; the pain from having his mana ignited was almost unbearable. However, the fear of them getting caught by those creatures was much stronger, driving him to move forward despite how much it hurt.

Silvia, however, was in even more pain than her brother. While she had a lot of practice holding the freezing mana inside her, Aster simply had grown more to the pain during his fishing trips. Her entire body uncontrollably trembled as they ran, her legs struggling to carry her. "I-I c-can't..." she whimpered, tears welling in her golden eyes.

Nivalis scooped up the girl without breaking stride and threw her over her shoulder. "Hold tight, sweetie. I got you," she panted, sprinting behind Aster. Well, "sprinting" might be too generous a term for how she ran, but she did her best.

Time seemed to blur as they jogged; it felt like they were making a three-hour trip in twenty minutes. Aster continuously checked behind him to ensure his mother and sister were keeping up, and they did. The boy cast one spell after another on himself, strengthening his body and lessening the pain in his chest simultaneously, and damn it was a good feeling. At some point, he heard Silvia using her magic as well, launching icicles at the goblins behind them, the spell making an impressive amount of noise.

Aster glanced back again, only to see her little butt moving up and down on Nivalis' shoulder, trembling visibly from using her magic way too much. She must have used all the ignited mana and began casting spells normally. Her thighs were wrapped tightly by their mother's hands, ensuring she wouldn't fall off.

Soon enough, Aster could see the river glistening in the distance through the gaps in the trees, and relief washed over him like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. A tired smile appeared on his face as he glanced behind, "Look! We're almost there!" he yelled, sprinting faster, his heart pounding wildly.

The forest opened up, revealing the wide river. Without hesitation, Aster grabbed his mother's hand, and they dove into the ice-cold water with a loud splash, submerging themselves completely. The horrible feeling of cold pierced his skin, and not even his mana could help much. He held his breath and swam underwater, kicking his feet frantically; his small hand never let go of his Nivalis' as she swam alongside him, still carrying Silvia.

Their plan to quietly build a raft to cross the river was nothing now but a distant memory.

The strong current carried the trio swiftly along, struggling to poke their heads out for air even for a second. The sounds of the screaming goblins quickly disappeared, replaced by the sounds of the roaring water. Aster lost his spear somewhere in the chaos, but that hardly mattered anymore. He couldn't tell how long they spent swimming, but his lungs screamed in agony when his feet finally hit the muddy bottom of the opposite shore.

With a final burst of energy, Aster gasped for air, his fingers digging into the muddy bank as he dragged himself out of the freezing river, only now releasing his mother's hand. Panting heavily, he crawled onto the soft grass, collapsing onto his back. The clear blue sky above him was a beautiful sight after all that had happened.

But when he turned his head to the side, expecting to see his mother smiling back at him, he witnessed something far worse than any goblin or monster could ever be. Nivalis was crying on top of Silvia, holding her tight, her body shaking with sobs. The girl did not move; her lips were blue, and her skin was pale as snow.

Aster's heart skipped a beat before pounding faster than ever before in his life. "S-Silvia?" he whispered, crawling towards them, his voice barely audible over the sound of the river.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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