Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 167: Raymond Cassellman

Book 5: Chapter 167: Raymond Cassellman

Although the shark was small for her, it was still meat. Lilith grunted and huffed as she dragged the unconscious great white shark ashore, and quickly prepared it before setting up a fire to grill the shark on the spot.

Although Lilith prided herself on her (self-proclaimed) title of being the number one gourmet of the dragon clan, she wasn’t particularly fond of cooking herself. She preferred to use her discerning taste buds to evaluate food. After all, not all gourmets knew how to cook.

When she did cook, she usually kept the process simple to preserve the freshness of the ingredients. That way, she could avoid any unnecessary waste due to a lack of skills.

Knowing well in advance that shark meat wouldn’t be particularly flavorful due to their inferior meat quality compared to demon beasts since they had not been tempered by magical power, Lilith anticipated the need for some extra flavor.

Fortunately, she had brought along some barbecue sauce from home. Although those idiots were mentally challenged, she had to admit that they could actually achieve great things when they put their minds to it.

Take this barbecue sauce, for instance. She heard that one of those idiots dedicated a good twenty years to learning it under a master. When the master passed away, that idiot eventually emerged as the sole heir to the authentic recipe.

Fortunately, the flavor was close to the original. It was certainly a relief that they didn’t embarrass their master, who had spent a lifetime teaching only one disciple.

As soon as the grilled shark was coated in a layer of barbecue sauce, it emitted a satisfying sizzle as the aroma wafted into the air. Lilith sprinkled it with her precious collection of spices—cumin and chili flakes.

For the first time, even she, the number one gourmet of the dragon clan, was impressed by her culinary creation.

“Full marks, definitely full marks!” she exclaimed, rubbing her hands together. She was even thinking about putting in a little more effort to commemorate her breakthrough.

“Oh, never mind. Who cares? It won’t taste good if it’s burnt.”

In a matter of seconds, Lilith dismissed the thought altogether and reached out to grab the shark, ready to take a bite.

However, before she could indulge in her meal, her attention was abruptly diverted by a disturbance coming from the grassland.

“Who’s there?” Lilith grumbled in annoyance.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

The sea breeze swept across the grassland, creating a symphony of mesmerizing sounds.

Tall plants, reminiscent of reeds, flourished in the grassland that was close to the sea, providing ample cover for any hidden observer.

As the sea breeze blew against the plants, causing them to sway and bend, they unwittingly revealed a tall man who looked rather handsome.

“Geez, this wind is annoying. I was going to surprise you,” the blond man said with a smile.

“Well, I just thought it might be a bit rude to have someone salivating next to me while I eat without inviting him,” Lilith replied, turning around, slightly alarmed that she had not detected the man’s presence until he was this close.

She turned around again and gave him a subdued smile. “So, how about it? Would you like to eat with me?”

“Miss, your kindness is appreciated, but I’m actually in a great hurry. This precious opportunity will have to wait until next time,” the blond man replied with a graceful curtsey.

“Although, there may not be next time,” he added.

“Oh, for the sake of a stupid glass bead, you’re missing out on the chance to taste something really delicious in this world.” Lilith chuckled softly, seemingly disregarding the sole determining condition of the tournament.

“Indeed, what a stupid glass bead it is. Refusing a beautiful lady’s invitation over such a trifle is asking to be struck by lightning,” the blond man replied, seemingly uninterested in the Holy Dragon’s Heart.

“But I think it’s worth it if the prize is your life, miss,” he added.

Lilith’s pupils shrunk, and a sense of dread washed over her. Her dragon’s intuition told her that the man in front of her was very dangerous.

“Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Raymond Cassellman. I have come to take your life, for the sake of true love.” He smiled slightly and raised his hand, snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, the world around them changed color. A green mist filled the air, enveloping the entire coast and offshore in moments.

The sun hadn’t completely set yet, and its afterglow still cast a warm glow on the surface of the sea. However, in an instant, all light was consumed by the encroaching green fog, plunging everything into endless darkness.

Lilith’s expression suddenly changed. “This is… a perfect domain?”

“Very perceptive. It seems you’re not just a brute, as the intel suggested,” Raymond Cassellman praised generously.

“You’re cheating,” Lilith accused, staring Raymond in the eyes. Although he was close at hand in her line of sight, he didn’t exist within Lilith’s perception.

It was to be expected since Lilith was already in his domain, where he was omnipresent.

“The rules clearly forbid the participation of saint-level experts.”

“Rules? Hahahahaha……” Raymond chuckled as if he’d heard a very funny joke.

“The rules are for the participants. Did I say I was a participant?” he asked.

“What did you say? You’re not a participant? Then what’s your purpose…?” Lilith asked in surprise.

“To kill you, that’s all,” Raymond stated bluntly, not bothering to hide his murderous intent.

“I see…” Lilith’s initial panic subsided as she pieced together the situation.

“I must have offended some big shot in the previous contest. Only the big shots can disregard the rules and send you in here. After all, the so-called rules are all made by people.” Lilith sneered.

“I’m glad that you understand.”

“That big shot must be related to Princess Estelle, right?” Lilith speculated.


“I’m surprised that you’d admit it outright. Looks like I’m in a sticky situation this time. Given your confidence, I’m guessing that you can’t be a beginner in the Saint Realm, right? It seems the Immaculate Tree Domain won’t be protecting me this time.” Lilith scratched her cheek helplessly.

“Hehe, indeed. That’s why I like smart people. I don’t need to spend too much time talking to them,” Raymond said as if relishing the situation. “Why don’t you kill yourself? I’m not known for being gentle, so you might suffer less if you do it yourself,” he suggested.

Lilith merely smiled noncommittally. “Just in case, I have something to ask you first.”

She then pulled out a black card and waved it in front of the man. “Do you recognize this?”

“What the hell is that? I don’t recognize it,” Raymond replied without even glancing at it.

“Very well, I understand for now,” Lilith said with a hint of pity as she put the card away.

“So you’re just an ordinary assassin hired to kill me,” she concluded.

“Technically, I wasn’t hired.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Because of true love.”

Lilith was rendered speechless by the answer. She flicked her wrists and rolled her head. “Oh, I see. You’re just an ordinary assassin who came to kill me because of true love. In that case…”

“I’m not ordinary,” Raymond interjected, flipping his bangs before continuing, “I’m very handsome.”

Lilith sighed. “Fine, I get it. So, Mr.handsome-assassin-who-came-to-kill-me-because-of-true-love, before we fight, I’d like to…”

“Correction,” Raymond interrupted again, his expression serious. “I’m not an assassin. I’m the emissary of true love who came because of true love…”



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