Even a Cicada Becomes a Dragon If Reborn



Contains: Urination

Read at your own risk

Youve been warned

The ray went exactly through my heart. Blood welled up from my throat.

Even the body of a dragon can be mortally wounded.

I thought that I heard Yggdrasils scream from the center of the island.

The pain from being born wasnt this severe.

By the force I was pierced with I topple over and landed on my back.

The girl might know magic because she was floating in the sky. She wore something with a dull gray luster which covered here whole right half of her body.

Ancient weaponthe dragons wisdom warned me.

It was a distant memory that the white dragon inherited from many preceding generations.

At the age where dragons competed against gods, god gave humans an ominous dragon killing weapon.

It took the life and soul of its user, a double edged sword to kill dragons.

The dragons roar didnt affect the users who had lost their souls to the weapon.

Upon a life crisis the inherited knowledge unfolded and a terrific speed inside my head.

Time started to slow down. One second felt like minute or even an hour.

Hollow eyes looked down on me.

The eyes of the girl had no light and were the same gray as the weapon.

The gray right hand was slowly lifted. The aim of the ancient weapon locked onto my head.

It had no intention to stop.

If it took single blow to the head at this distance, even if I was a dragon I would certainly die.

Why, do you want to destroy me?

Why, do you want to kill me?

The gray girl said nothing. She didnt talk.

Therefore I . . .,

I flew towards the sky.

I didnt understand the reason; there was no reason to kill me.

The wound on my chest had already Healed.

I changed my direction when I flew over the head of the girl and flew away towards the sea while drawing an arc.

The light emitted by the ancient weapon came chasing while tracing my orbit.

From the several rays one hit my wing and pierced it.

That wound also in an instant Healed.

I released a dragons roar towards the girl.

However like my inherited memories showed it had no affect on the girl who had lost her soul to the ancient weapon.

The empty eyes of the girl didnt falter under my roar.

Humans possessed by the weapon were something like machines which only repeated their given order.

The girl shoots her ancient weapon towards me again. I daringly received the ray with lethal force with my palm.

The ray pierced through my palm and went into the distance of the sea.

The wound on my hand, the blood began to bubble and was healed instantly.

I get it . . .

I understood the phenomenon that took place in my body.

And without minding the girl I decided to leave and escape from the island.

As intended the girl also ran after me using flight magic.

So as to not shake her off I flew at a speed limit that the girl could chase me with.

. . . Around here should be alright?

At the center of the vast expanse of the ocean I finally turned around. I was able to get away far enough from the island.

The reason that I moved out to the sea was to not damage the creatures living on the island.

Ancient weapons were powerful and Yggdrasil might suffer wounds.

On the open sea it wasnt necessary to worry about my surroundings while fighting.

The girl with gray eyes that chased me, I right now will confront her in a dignified manner.

Why do you wish to kill me? Child of man.

I tried to converse but the mouth of the girl didnt open.

After all holding a conversion with a human whose soul was consumed by an ancient weapon was impossible.

Instead of words the girl shot her ancient weapon at me again.

Though the arrow of light pierced my foot its once again healed instantly.

I was already convinced.

This girl couldnt kill me.

There was nothing in this world that could kill me.

Why did my wounds heal so easily?

The creature called dragon had high regenerative power to begin with but it was impossible for a wound which went through the heart to be healed immediately. Originally . . .

I had an idea to the mystery that was happening to my body.

The miraculous reason was the sap from Yggdrasil that I drank every day.

For these past ten days I ate nothing beside the sap from Yggdrasil. In other words, right now the blood and flesh of my body contained an abundant amount of sap from the world tree.

It goes without saying that the healing effect of the leaf from the world tree was strong. Therefore it wasnt mysterious for the healing power to also dwell in the sap.

The sap from the world tree had a high healing power and mixing it with the blood of a dragon which had similarly high magic power it gave birth to a healing power close to immortality.

Light was shot from the girls ancient weapon, however, I evaded at a speed surpassing it by many times.

Even though damage to my body was healed instantly I didnt have the hobby to purposely getting hit.

The same attack wont work over and over again with a dragon as the opponent. Thou can no longer defeat me.

However my voice didnt reach the girl. The girl continued shooting rays towards me like a machine.

A monotonous attack without mind will no longer be able to hit the flying me again.

After that, how much time had passed?

The girl was on the verge of dying.

Because of that reason I didnt do anything. I did nothing but continue dodging the rays.

The ancient weapon radically consumed the vitality and magic power of its user.

Thought he girl had originally a considerable amount of magic power but as expected with this number of attacks she would dry up.

The interval between the ray attacks became longer and she could only shoot one ray per minute now.

The aim wasnt precise too and from the mouth of the girl nothing but groans could be heard.

While fighting I only thought about one thing.

The method to win against the ancient weapon.

For me who had a body close to invulnerability it was easy to kill this girl.

I could approach without minding the ray and bite her to death or severe the head with my claw and the fight would have ended long ago.

Even if I didnt defeat her by myself if she continued to shoot another several rays then the light of life would be swallowed by the ancient weapon and she would disappear.

However that didnt mean that I had won against the ancient weapon.

I only felt anger towards the relic from the old gods left for men.

The girl wasnt even ten years old.

Though people didnt live as long as dragons but still they would live 70 or even 80 years.

She had a big future ahead. But that weapon deprived the girl of her future.

I searched through the dragons knowledge. A method to save the girl, a method to overcome the ancient weapon.

It was also called the sages wisdom and the dragons knowledge told me this.

Ancient weapons fuse together with the human body at cellular level. It was impossible to separate the ancient weapon by force and even the weapon was destroyed the soul of the user wouldnt revive. When the ancient weapon is separated from the body the users life would be extinguish. If the user died the weapon would fall into sleep until a new user appeared. It was a parasite that consumed life. That is the ancient weapon.

I continued searching through my inherited knowledge.

There had to be a method.

The dragons wisdom should know it.

. . . There is one exception, only with the elixir the user of the ancient weapon and be saved. The elixir drives away all foreign body that is mixed into the body of the human and it is even possible to revive the heart and soul that got consumed by the weapon.


It was the water of life that even surpassed the power of gods. The manufacturing method was lost during the ancient times and it is said that a bottle can buy a whole country.

Indeed with the elixir the girl could certainly be saved.

However, it was useless. The elixir didnt exist among the treasures I inherited from the white dragon.

Some might remain in ruins of long forgotten places but the situation was urgent. I had no time to leisurely go on a treasure hunt.

I searched through my memory, through the preceding predecessor and even those before them, I dived into the depths of the old memories.

I ceaselessly dived into the knowledge that was inherited by dragons.

Anything, was there anything? The method to save this girl . . . . . . . .!!

There it was in a deep, deep corner of my memory.

The lost method to refine elixir.

More than 10.000 years ago, a story where the dragon still lived happily with humans on this island.

The dragon had one friend. It was a young person with a gentle nature.

Once they were invaded by an epidemic and in order to save the dying people he researched and researched the method to create the elixir.

The dragon offered to help and he talked about the method with a shy smile.

And with the effort of a human and the desire of a dragon the mysteries of the stars were put together and born from that was the first elixir.

And the island that gave birth to the elixir became a genuine utopia.

What was the manufacturing method . . .


A heavenly revelation swooped down on me.

Of course, I currently had no time to leisurely make the elixir. There was no time to collect the materials because the girl ran out of time to purify her.

. . . Thats why, if it was that then it might be worth trying. Ill gamble everything on this.

My wings began to flap and I soar high into the sky. The girls chased me and also rose into the sky.

The fight had started several hours ago. The sun was it its peak above us and I arranged the sun, me and the girl in a line.

During the long fight I had understood the fighting habits of the girl.

After shooting the ancient weapon in exchange for her life and magic power she would than inhale deeply to replenish the lost oxygen.

But it was the biggest chance for this girl.

Now, come, shoot it!

I timing with her aim. When the girl released a ray above her I dodged by slightly twisting my body.

The ancient weapon no longer had its initial power or speed.

The girl who had shot her ancient weapon was now completely defenseless.

When I turned my body around I flew towards the girl.

With a speed that the girl couldnt catch up to.

Towards the girl who was about to take a deep breath with her mouth, I!


A large amount of liquid was released towards the girl from my excretory organ.

The girl was near death couldnt evade the huge liquid lump which was several time her volume.

The liquid wraps around the girl and entered her mouth which was opened to take a large breath for oxygen.

And . . .


I heard the sound of the liquid entering the throat of the girl.

The girl certainly had drunk it.

Well, there was a reason why I did it of course.

It was the refining method for the elixir from the old dragons memory. The main materials were the leaf from the world tree and the blood of a dragon.

The refining method of the elixir was to boil water from the 3000m underground which the world tree pumped up from the star, the liquid would be then infused with a mysterious power, after that the blood of a dragon will be mixed into it, then for it will be placed for seven days and seven nights, under the light of the sun and the magic power of the moon and finally only the clear liquid at the top will be extracted.

That was the method to refine the original elixir.

But then I thought.

The leaf of the world tree, the water filled with the vitality of the star, containing mysterious power, wasnt that Yggdrasils sap itself?

About the blood of a dragon. Blood and urine are composed of almost the same material. In other words it should be possible to substitute the blood of a dragon with the urine of a dragon.

I had been alive for ten days already.

I had drunk Yggdrasils sap everyday and hadnt I bathed in the light of the sun and moon enough too?

Then currently my blood and urine, shouldnt they be nearly the same as the elixir?

And I had noticed that an abnormal healing power dwelled in me.

The blood coagulates momentarily at the damaged part and even meat and bones are regenerated. That was the effect of the elixir from my memory.

Though it would be a problem to make the girl drink my blood or urine but it was easy for me.

From when I was a cicada, the me who had experience in showering humans who chased after insects with urine, there was no difficulty and was just at the level of a trick.

And now the world was wrapped in silence.

With large drops of water dripping from her body, the girl had stopped moving.

With doubt and uneasiness I watched the girl.

The girl stood stone still as if time had completely stopped.

With only the surface of the sea spreading before my eyes I began to waver.

It didnt have an effect? Or . . . ?

The eyelids were the first to move.

The two eyelids opened and closed and then the grey eyes of the girl regained the light of life.

Her mouth opened.

A voice could be heard.

Fue . . .

Fue . . .?

It was my . . . Victory!

Was that the reaction when regaining the consumed soul and emotion?

The girl who was like a doll a while ago began to squeal loudly like a newborn baby.

The hateful ancient weapon which controlled the girl slowly fell off from her shoulder disappeared at the bottom of the blue sea.

This powerful cry might be the song of the girls soul.

The girl was saved and I had won against the ancient weapon.

The girls voice resounded in the area. However didnt she cry with a nice voice?

I was inspired by the cry from the girl and raised a cry of victory.

As if rivaling me the cry from the girl became even louder.

I sent my voice towards Yggdrasil.

Dont worry Yggdrasil. I won.

The girl was saved and the malicious weapon has been buried.

The voice from the girl also resounded in the area.

Umu, it was a cheerful voice.

From the girls cry the joy of being alive was transmitted.


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