Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 98

Chapter 98


TL: Eevee

11. Not a myth, but a legend (11)

#13 Their story: A certain student council presidents story II

Coming from someone from a shit household?!

Youre getting cocky for a mere junior?

You, I always hated you, you know that!

So what if youre a senior?

Just why did it come to this

All of a sudden, the other students began raising their hackles against each other, and when one person pulled their sword out, the others pulled out their respective weapons and started fighting each other.

What the heck just happened aghhh

I didnt know why. But all of a sudden I started to get angry as well.

You damn small fry, can you not hear your student council president?!

Just as I was about to draw my own sword and show these louts the power of the president!


The floor disappeared.

What the? Whats going on?!

Thats what I want to ask, damn it! Someones about to die over here, so cant you get your ass moving?

Something shoved my butt upwards, and all of a sudden I found myself flying back up towards the surface.


Haah, haah

I flew through the air for a brief moment, but my body was one that had been honed in martial arts for years!

Although I did scream, my landing at least was perfect, and when I turned around after landing, I saw, caked in dirt, was the Yugrasia student council president, Nerkia.


You too?!

And the moment I saw him, for some reason the desire to kill him began to boil.

At the very least this brats death is just, to the point even the world wants him dead!

And just as I was about to stab him in the name of justice.


Shut up and listen for the time being.

All of a sudden my eyes met the floor.

Before I even realised what had happened, Nerkia had mounted my back as I stared dumbly back up at him.

Even if I wasnt in my right mind due to this unknown feeling, I was still Arucias student council president!

As the president of the holy land for all swordsmen, where the empires, nay, the entire continents finest bodies honed themselves, to think I would be pinned down by a summoner!

This was inconceivable. This was all part of Nerkias plot!

Die, die, die, Nerkia!

No seriously, I get that rage has spread out everywhere, but why the heck is that every single person that sees me wants to kill me?

The gaze with which he looked down on me was nothing short of humiliating.

As I thought, if I didnt kill him now

Listen up, Kiir. Right now youve been hit by a mental attack. You normally didnt have these feelings against me, right?

Mental attack? I didnt normally have these feelings?

Not really, Ive been wanting to kill you for a long time now?

Does this world only have people that want to kill me?

As Nerkia screamed, that filled me even more with the conviction that he needed to be killed as quickly as possible.

Anyways, its the enemy thats making you say what you normally kept bottled in! Hes using an spirit of wrath to control your emotions!

Wrath it doesnt sound like a bad idea to just give into the wrath and kill you?

It is bad! Its plenty bad! No, before that your own students are fighting each other as well, you know? At this rate, Arucia will be routed!

Thats problematic

I regained my reasoning at the word routed.

If we were completely routed like this, we would lose pathetically to Yugrasia.

Just what did we make an alliance with Marcis for, for what did we cooperate with Nerkia for!

Your death will be suspended for now although its a crying shame

Hey, did you have to add that on at the end? Werent we on the same team?

No. You are the enemy of men.

I am leaving you alive for now because I need you, but you are an absolute evil that must be eliminated someday.

Damn it, I thought only Yugrasia was abnormal, but everyone else except for me is abnormal!

No, if the entire world is abnormal and you are the only normal one, can you truly call the world abnormal?

I think its more correct to say youre the abnormal one in a normal world?

Yes, yes.

But first, I needed to support this asshole with our strongest forces.

Although it pissed me off, but for now for now!

Then, what do we have to do?

We need to take people out of the Spirit King of Wraths zone of influence. And to make the rage effect ineffective, it would be best to move individually.


I nodded, then I embued mana into my voice and shouted.


And to my retreat command, Arucias students replied.

Who the hell are you to order us around!

So what if youre the pres?

Retreat my ass, youre just running away! Do you have any shame as a Arucia student! Its because this kind of idiot is our pres that our points are in shambles like this!

Hold it in. Those are the words of students who have lost their reason to mental attacks.

Theres no reason to pay heed to their words.

Its obvious that they would normally respect and rely on their student council pres

Thats why hed lose his crush the vice-pres to the president of another school!

I thought it was suspicious, but he liked her after all!

No, from what I know, the Yugrasia pres and our vice-pres knew each other since they were little?

I heard as well. They said theyd marry each other when they grew up when they were ten, right?

Really, now?

Then pres is

Yep, he is. That. A pathetic loser who didnt read the mood and got in between another couples relationship, and lost without even managing to confess.

Gaaaaagh! Who was that last asshole? Come out here. Come out like a knight and fight me to the death!

I take that back. Theyre all enemies as well.

And unlike Nerkia who could die after being used, these were enemies I could kill right now!

Come at me you little sh kuhk!

My vision turned blurry, and something smashed into my gut.

Im tired, so enough of this already.

Nerkias voice was laden with weariness.

Take a nap and get your heads back on straight. Ill deal with them as well.

That was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness, and when I came to, most of the Arucia students, including me, had returned back to our base.

And that day, another legend was added to Arucia.

Never piss off the Yugrasia student council president.

#14 Their story: Risen de Roas story.

Damn it, did it fail?

After defeating the Spirit King of Lightning, I threw Mystletainn numerous times into the hole that Nerkia had supposedly dug himself into, but it didnt feel like Nerkia was dead.

Hes alive, isnt he?

Survive at all costs. That is Yugrasia, after all.

If it were last years Nerkia he would definitely be dead.

Its too late to regret it now. Damn it. I charged in thinking it would be like fighting the Water Spirit King, but since I got electrocuted every time I got into close range

As I grumbled, I summoned the bamboo spear, no, Mystletainn and threw it into the ground again.

Reedan, do we continue to give chase?

We should. Karens fine leading the student council on her own anyway, so tying down the hands of the alliances main forces should be helpful.

Indeed, the cause was important. Even if Karen, who was normally an enemy, acknowledged us this time, Nerkia is oddly popular, for some reason.

There is no reason think that an alternative portrayal Nerkias betrayal would not surface, a bittersweet one where the Yugrasia student council president and the Arucia student council vice-president were on opposing sides yet loved each other all the same.

Love over friendship!

Kah~ thats a cool story. Its cool

But save looking cool for fiction.

Dont come out and pretend to be awesome in reality!

Alright then, as the elite task force, lets take on the responsibility of taking out the enemy!

And so, we need a cause to rally around.

We were not trying to kill Nerkia because we were jealous, but instead, we were a special ops unit with a mission to take Nerkia out, and eliminate a key element in the Arucia-Marcis alliance!

So is that it?

As if the drug named zealotry had worn off, Lady Aris was standing there with an unimpressed expression on her face.

Tch, this is why we should have finished Nerkia off here.

Indeed, Lady Aris. We are moving for the sake of the academy. Milady, think about it. You have to stay at the academy for another three years. Three years with the silver devil!


Lady Ariss face stiffened.

Indeed, it would be traumatic.

Even I would want to kill myself if I had to spend another three years in the same space as the silver devil.

Yes, milady. We need to win in this event. Then thats the end of the night study, the end of the devil!

End of the night study end of the devil

Yes, our victory lies with your blade, Lady Aris. Defeat those damned little brats, and win, in order to put an end to the night study.

Yes, lets end the night study!

That was easy.

And in order to do that, we need to get rid of the former president, Nerkia. He is an elementalist specialising in fighting against many. If Arucia and Marcis manage to use that power, victory draws further from our reach.

Very well, I will dispose of the pres no, the traitor!

Very good, this was the perfect combination.

Reedan would sow chaos within the majority of the enemys forces, and the others would eliminate the remaining elites.

And while Lady Aris would use her sword aura to bring judgement down on Nerkia, I would finish him off with the bamboo spear.

Now that we all know what were doing, we need to finish it quickly before the enemy can get ready.

We will now proceed to attack Arucia!


And it was thus that the twelve brave heroes went on an adventure to sentence judgement.

#15 Their story: Ria el Nermias story.

Haa haa haa

My breath came in rough pants.

But my mind at least was at ease.

Its finally over.

No.1000s obsession with food was incredible indeed.

To the point shed drive me into a corner over something that happened nearly two years ago!

But barely, just barely, with countless sacrifices from Surtr I just barely managed to peel off that black thing that had stuck to No.1000 to bring her back to her senses.

Are you tired?

Are you really one to talk right now


As No.1000 blinked blankly back up at me from the ground, all of a sudden I felt a massive feeling of vilification surge from within me.

Our current situation was the worst it could be.

I felt my cheek sting as rivulets of blood ran down it, and my left hand which had been defending against her attacks was almost completely numb.

Moreover, I was limping from the pain of my right Achilles tendon having been kicked in to within an inch of its life, and both my eyes which had had dirt thrown in them seven, eight times were still tearing up.


If youre sorry then do your work properly!

But, Haeel Reia is

The scene of you beating the crap out of mes probably already been broadcasted all over the empire? I dont think theres anyone left that thinks Haeel Reia is weak?

Uwuuu my meals this week are in danger

My life was in danger, you know?

While showing absolutely no sense of sorrow for being mind-controlled and driving me near death, she was extremely depressed at the threat to her meals.

If you help Marcis win, Ill let you taste all the foods that the Nermia family have. So work hard.


Id just tossed it out there, but she actually bit!

To be swayed this easily, are you really alright with this, the Imperial Family?

Wasnt No.1000 a secret agent under the direct subordination of Her Highness the Imperial Princess?!

Okay, Ill do my best!

As No.1000 nodded with a slightly happy expression, I worried for the empires future

I dont actually have to worry, do I?

If it were just last year, I would have cause to worry, but from now on, the thing called Yugrasia existed in the empire.

An absolutely unbelievable school that over the span of a single short year, produced a contractor of a Spirit King, a swordsmaster, and numerous other god-class summoners.

If they could just keep this up for another 10 years, let alone unifying the continent, they could also probably conquer the demon continent and the rest of the world.

Yugrasia is a dangerous place. So even No I mean, Haeel Reia has to be careful of them.

Mm, I know.

But it seemed that No.1000 didnt see Yugrasia as much of a threat.

No, theyre a lot more dangerous than you think.

At her emotionless response I scowled and warned her, but the answer she gave back was shocking.

Mm, of course. Theyre the students of the academy being taught by the instructor, of course they wont be a pushover?


What did I just hear.

Instructor, did No.1000 meet a new instructor after being employed by the imperial family?

Were there one of the imperial familys instructors among the teachers of Yugrasia at present?!

-Owner, face reality! It was that motherfucker! His face wasnt just similar, it was the same person!

-It, it cant be!

-Humans, no, all living creatures have a limit! Thats a matter of fact! And Yugrasia is full of lunatics that have all surpassed those limits! You know perfectly well what that means!

-N, no it, it cant be

All of a sudden I felt my lower lips flare in pain as I tasted blood on my tongue.

At the same time, I recalled the events of the past.

I see that you have great potential as a summoner. Have you considered coming to Yugrasia?

Ahh the instructor told me to come, yet I refused.

No, I went beyond just refusing him I flat-out ignored him, didnt I?

Id rather sell my soul to another devil and win instead, I cant fight against the silver devil!

Now I finally understood the meaning of the words of the Yugrasia students.

Yes, they had met it.

No, experienced it.

The one that had even forced the Sword Star to submit, the being that was still unknown territory to me, the metal bat!

And after putting all the pieces of the puzzle together I realised one overwhelming truth.

Im screwed

The fearsome truth, that the instructor had been my enemy this entire time.


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