Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 95

Chapter 95


TL: Eevee

11. Not a myth, but a legend (8)

#8 Their story: The beginning of a legend.

Although those that saw the magic video recording will know But just in case anyone doesnt. The pres betrayed Yugrasia for his lover in Arucia.

As Risen faced the twelve people in front of him, they in turn had a seriousness to them that differed from the norm.

Yes, just for a woman just for his own selfish sake the pres, no, Nerkia betrayed our hopes and dreams of victory in the imperial festival!

Risen would always call anyone of importance by their titles, yet this time, instead of his title, he called out Nerkia not as the president, but by name.

That meant that he no longer recognised Pres as the president.

Moreover, since as the vice-president, Risen had the right to impeach the president, this was even more meaningful.

The pres we know, is no more. Hes dead! All that remains is Nerkia the traitor!

Although it was quite something considering it was coming from Risen, the one who could arguably be said to be the cause of all this, but in this situation where our president had betrayed us, there was nothing to be gained from dividing us even further, so I kept my mouth shut.

So, what are we going to do?

In all honesty, if we were any other academy, the students would be in pandemonium right now.

No, if it were Yugrasia from just last year, we probably would have given up.

But Yugrasia right now had strong fighters that werent the president, and thanks to Professor Nicerwins teachings especially, we were all too familiar with betrayal.

Although it was truly ridiculous Professor Nicerwin had been right all along!

And so although we didnt fall into panic mode just because we lost our student council president

But losing one of our key forces that commanded a Spirit King and countless other elementals was a very big loss.

And as an enemy, no less.

Of course.

And having fully understood the situation, Risen.

We kill him.

I take that back. I dont think he does.

Uh, the imperial festival prohibits killing?

What does that matter. He betrayed us, he abandoned usdo you think we could just leave alone the pres that chose a woman over us?!

As Risen ground his teeth in anger, howling like a beast, I stared at him and asked.

You jealous?


Risen nodded.

And the number of people that nodded along with Risen was ten?

Thats everyone else except for me? Plus, Lady Aris is included among the twelve as well?

Is, is that how it works?

As I looked at everyone who looked resentful of something, I started to wonder just why the heck was I even here.

And so we will kill Nerkia! Judgement on the filthy couple!




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The people that raised their weapons, shouting for judgement were filled with zealotry.

But, uhh Why are you doing it as well, Lady Aris?

You werent that kind of person?!

Very good, very good! I have heard your resolve. Now, take this cloak. This is the proof of us, the special unit, designed to infiltrate the enemy without being discovered!

Theres nothing on it?

Ah, of course. We need you to make it for us, Reedan.

So this is why you called me?

I finally realised why I was chosen to be one of the twelve.

Here, will this do?

Great work, Reedan. Its a brilliant robe befitting the darkness of the student council!

I feel like Im the underbelly of the student council whenever you say that though

It was a suspicious nickname, but the truth was far more mundane.

That nickname stuck to me simply because I was contracted to a darkness elemental, an extremely rare type that not even Nerkia had contracted with.

My abilities were limited to simply manipulating darkness to make a robe specialised for stealth, or short-range instant transition between shadows.

Since I hadnt made any contracts with any high-rank elementals, just medium-rank ones, I didnt offer much in the way of sheer power, so my roles was literally the support of the other student council members.

Right, then lets hurry up and end this.

Because of that, after I understood my job, my work was done quickly.

Because the robe made with the power of a darkness elemental, it would dissipate when it was a certain distance away from me. So I had to follow along, but there wasnt all that much I had to do.

I simply had to transport them without the students from other schools noticing, dispose of the president, and return.

Although I personally had no hard feelings against Pres no, rather, I was actually feeling sorry for him, but making an enemy of a contractor of a Spirit King in a team battle was a greater enemy than anyone else.

I dont want to get hit by the silver devil any more.

I would transport myself through the shadows, yet the silver devil would reach her hand into the shadows, drag me out by force and beat me up.

The embodiment of all the injustice of the world.

To not have to fight against the silver devil any more, we had to become victorious in the imperial festival, and in order to achieve that, we were prepared to defeat anyone we had to.

Alright, then Lady Aris and Lady Siir will take on the president, Risen and everyone else, support Lady Aris and make sure the enemy cant approach them. I will keep watch over the situation from here and prepare for our escape.

Far away in the distance, I could see the castle that Pres had destroyed.

I stealthed myself in the shade of a nearby tree, and to take Pres out in a single attack, prepared for a sneak


Attack that didnt exist!

The first attack was the throwing of a spear embued with a massive amount of aura!

Moreover, Lady Aris was dual-wielding a sword in each hand, that she hadnt even used in her fight with Mereldra ril Reil, Arucias strongest student.

Surely, they wouldnt actually kill him?

The spear blew the castle doors off their hinges, every time her twin blades cut through the air, the three metre giant castle walls even if they had been a rush build just for the imperial festival were destroyed instantly.

Charge, kill the traitor!

And running through the annihilated castle walls, Risen and the other student council members charged in as if they were fully intent on killing Pres!

Hopefully I dont end up as an accessory to some murder plan

As I looked over the battlefield, I felt a faint sense of unease, and I used my natural trait of having little presence for the better or the worse in addition to the power of my darkness elemental as I carefully made my way over to the fighting.


Wait, Lady Aris? I really will die?

As giant lightning bolts met crimson sword auras, I beheld a scene from legends in my eyes.

Im fucked if I head over there.

I nodded and snuck away.

I saw Risens truly disgusting style of fighting as he cornered a female student.

Die, die, dieee!

Hahaha, if you focus on other people then you will never get past me, Lady Nermia!

If you were to only hear about how he dodged the spells that were thrown at him like a tempest as he successfully held down his opponent it would sound like a perfectly textbook fight, but his actions were the pinnacle of indecency.

Hahaha, I saw them again!

Ill seriously kill you!

With a glare not dissimilar to the ones that our other vice-president Karen so often gave Risen, Marciss greatest danger factor, Lady Nermia was raging at Risen.

Well of course it would be obvious why.

The moment she made a slightly exaggerated movement hed look under her skirt, there would be no female that wouldnt get pissed off by that.

Alright, her movements have gotten duller! Attack her now and finish her!

Surtr, actually kill them all!

Lady Nermias face was flushed bright red as she pushed her skirt firmly down with one hand as she summoned the fire giant.

Alright, lets not go there either.

If I was taken to be one of their comrades, it felt that my life which already had no lovers, would continue to stay like that for the rest of it.

What I saw was the textbook example of why Risen, who as long as he kept his mouth shut was at least as good-looking as the president, still didnt have a girlfriend.

And so as I was about to sneak out of the castle, something unbelievable came to register in my ears.

I had no choice, Lady Aris. For their happiness for my happiness with them! I bet my everything!

Thats press problem! Does that mean our promise to be victorious at the imperial festival and be free from the night study mean nothing to you then?!


Nerkia faltered over his words with a pained expression, as someone said.

Yes, that is not the important thing right now.

That someone being me.


Senior Reedan?

It seemed that both Pres and Lady Aris were surprised to see me appear all of a sudden.

Oi, Nerkia. I think I heard something odd in your speech just now Just now, did you say their?

Y, yes?

Nerkia seemed quite shocked to see me for some reason, but undoubtedly not as shocked as I was.

Everyone in the student council knows you have a lover. But their? How many is that?

Uh, um Senior Reedan? I dont think nows the time to

Now is the time.


Lady Aris took a step back at my reply.

Odd. She looked like shed seen something that scared her.

Oi, speak up, Nerkia. Including the Arucia vice-president, how many lovers do you have?

I, uh two at Arucia, one at Marcis one senior thats already graduated and another little sister(1) that hasnt yet enrolled in any of the academies

And how old is said little sister that hasnt yet enrolled?

Fif teen

For some reason, Pres was starting to take distance from me much like Lady Aris had.

But right now, I wasnt in any situation to take notice of that.

I looked at my tightly clenched left fist, and my right hand with all five fingers unfurled.

My left hand represented the number of lovers Id had my entire life, and my right hand was the number of Nerkias current lovers.

that pissed me off a bit.

And just then, although it would be a poor way to describe a voice I heard a dark, black voice in my mind.

-I understand you.

A foreign voiced that seemed to whisper into my ear.

But to me, it felt all too familiar.

-Well of course. I am the same existence as the emotion running through you right now. Now, let me ask. Are you angry?


Of course I was angry.

The reason I was perfectly fine at the presidents betrayal, even when Risen and the others were practically baying at the moon, wasnt because I didnt know how to get angry.

My boiling point was simply higher than everyone elses.

And so even when everyone else was enraged, I could remain calm.

Because it took a lot, lot more than everyone else to make me angry.

But that didnt mean that I wasnt angry.

Just that the point where I visibly expressed my anger was higher than everyone elses and when it burned, it burned hotter and more fiercely than anyone else!

-This rage this is the first time Im feeling the likes of it. Its so beautiful. It is no ordinary anger, quick to burn and quick to cool. An anger that burns slowly, yet burns more intensely than anyone else! This was the anger I wanted!

The moment I felt the ecstasy within that voice (which seemed somewhat at odds with its dark nature) flow through me, I turned my eyes to Nerkia and said.

I need power.

R, Reedan?

To execute that motherfucker.

Nerkias face twisted as he recognised me as an enemy proper.

-Very well. I will give you power. To thee who possesses pure and righteous rage. To my first ever contractor, since the creation of this world!

-The price?

-Ahh. The anger, that so bewitched me. That is more than enough. Rage, and rage even more!

The price was simple. But its power was more than enough to turn the tables onto Nerkia.

As a student of the summoners academy, there was no reason for me to not make a contract with as good of an opportunity as this.

Very well, on my name, Reedan Rekein, I will entrust my anger to you.

Damn it, what the hell did you just make a contract with, Reedan?

In response to my words, Nerkia summoned high-rank wind and water elementals in order to strike me down, but his attacks were all stopped by Lady Aris.


-Kahahahaha! Indeed, this is my first contract since this world took form. Nice to meet you, master of anger! My name is Wrath. Wrath, the one who rules over Wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins! The ones most primordial and instinctive among the Spirit Kings. As one who rules over emotion, I am a Spirit King of Emotion!

As Wrath spoke, the world became dyed in darkness.

And thus, I became the true darkness of Yugrasias student council.

And for the first time ever, I found out that even outside of the materials and nature of the world, spirits also existed within emotions.


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