Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 91

Chapter 91


TL: Eevee

11. Not a myth, but a legend (4)

[Arucias vice-president, Arietta rul Meirae! I love you so much!]

Hes drawing attention alright.

Twue dat

I was watching the imperial festival from a secret hideout using a magic video tool that Id hurriedly brought with me, and out comes a public confession.

It was something I saw every now and then in my past life, but this was the first time I saw it here.

In the thing called high society, public confessions were things that never truly left the conversations of nobles, regardless of whether they succeeded or not.

Now what sort of brave hero would risk that embarrassment and make a public confession?

Then zat mean press a hero in a way?

He is. An incredible hero with no sense of shame!

Or he could be a hero who submitted to the evil archdevil, the metal bat!

Press so pitiful if he gets rejected like that

True, but he probably will get rejected. Because its none other than an Arucia student, which he destroyed himself. Plus hes confessing to their student councils vice-president. Its an impossible match.

But on the contrary, that was the reason why it would burn even brighter.

Why was Romeo and Juliet so sad?

Why was it that in so many Korean soap operas that the main love interest was actually the son or daughter of the main characters parents arch nemesis!

Because love was something that was even sweeter the more trials and tribulations there were to defeat!

So it went without saying that it was all but certain that Nerkia would be rejected, but the stories that would spread from there would be that much more

[Uwuuu Ne, Nerkia what are you saying out in the open like that its embarrassing]


What the?

But the person being confessed to, Arucias vice-president, was red-faced and at a loss for what to do.

But her expression was clearly that of a maiden in love.

As I looked on at her, whose face was crimson with shyness and unable to even face the other person properly

Damn it.

I found myself automatically looking for a bamboo spear.

What is this, even?

Owner, even if youre a loser who couldnt even get married, making an annoyed face like that just because one of your students has a girlfriend is pathetic.

No, its not like I didnt have a girlfriend! I was confessed to a few times as well!

Arus question time! Does owner want to date said confessors?

Theyre not people who you could even think of dating to begin with?

And therefore its owners loss!

I cant deny that!

I despaired at this overwhelming feeling of defeat.

Why was it that there were no normal girls that approached me in this life!

Theres no way that a normal person would get near a person who spent half his life in an evil organization. Even if she did, shed be lucky to not get backstabbed by owner on some assignment.

Was that the problem all along?!

Damn it, to think that Howling, the place I thought was the best workplace would actually be interfering with my love life.

Now that I think about it, Sia, the princess, or that crazy High Elf.

All three of them were women I met while working for Howling.

This was all vice-adm(1) I mean Howlings fault! This was all Howlings fault!

Good riddance, Howling!

I think owner keeps denying its owners fault Howling went bust.

An evil organization that ruins their workers love lives, its alright for them to go bust!

In a certain hero-hating manhwa(2) their evil organizations boss actively encouraged his subordinates to find love, but Howling was interfering with mine.Serves them right if they went down.

I think Howlings bossll come find you from the dead out of anger f that

As I ignored the metal bat and kept looking at the screen, the salt-rubbing flirting between Nerkia and Arucias student council vice-president were reaching unwatchable levels again.

[Nerkia But we are enemies. We are destined to fight each other!]

[Why why must this be our fates]

[Its alright, Nerkia. Were both people in charge of our respective academies so theres no other choice but if you dare go easy on us because of that Im going to get angry?]

[Alright Ari. Ill kuhk]

[For fucks sake, keep a lid on it you asshole!]

And as if he couldnt take it anymore, the whole drama was brought to a close by Risens attack.

Good job, Risen!

Next time you have reason to get hit by the metal bat Ill tell her to hit you three times less!

[Kukk, what was that f kuhgh?]

[Die, die, die!]

[Where are you thinking of getting off to date the enemy?]

[This isnt because Im jealous, its to make our idiot president that cant tell between friend or foe get his head on straight!]

Starting from Risen, the other male students took turns stomping on Nerkia in extravagant coordination with each other, and to me it almost seemed like they like an organization that would wear hoods labelled FFF.(3)

If there was a point of difference, would it be that the female students very quickly took action to hide the scene of violence?

[Wa, wait! What are you doing to Nerkia!]

[Arietta, thats another academys affairs. Thats not something we can do anything about.]

[Right. Yugrasia has Yugrasias laws.]

[Surely they wouldnt kill their own president?]

Arucias vice-president was shocked, and she tried to stop the other students that were stomping on Nerkia, but Arucias other students shook her heads and convinced her to stop.

But looking at their expressions, they seemed like they were satisfied by Nerkia getting stomped on, and so you could say that Arucia and Yugrasia made peace thanks to a single couple.

As always, no matter where you went, the solo brigade would always exist!

[Ri, Risen. This was your idea! You said this was the best plan!]

[Yeah, it was. Because exactly like my genius brain expected, this was the best way to get everyones attention! But you should have just stuck to verse one, how far are you going to rub it in our faces!]

And so Risens kicks of anger continued until the end of the match.

[Wi, Winner Yugrasia?!]

Although unfortunately that didnt take very long!

#4 Their story: Risen de Roas story


The Arucia student council president had been leisurely watching the other sides school violence through their human wall, when he suddenly made a shocked face .

As I savoured his stupefied expression, in the middle of the Yugrasia students that were equally stunned, I laughed like a winner.

Ahahahaha! You fools! This is the power of expert strategy! The moment this fool drew your attention, I had a student specialised in infiltration collect every single one of your flags!

This event was basically Day 2s Capture the Flag event on a much bigger scale.

Well, although a couple of other rules were added in, the end win condition of capturing the flag remained the same.

And therefore, when the pres asked me this morning how to pull attention onto him for his survival, I immediately came up with this plan.

When all your eyes were drawn elsewhere thanks to our goddamned presidents confession, the match had already begun! The referee had already entered, and the event had long since begun! But thanks to this retard, not a single person paid attention to our academys movements!

The person I had move in secret was a god-class summoner.

Because people might have caught on if Id disappeared, I gave that role to the person Id earmarked as my successor if her personality fit, Lady Ariss friend, Lady Siir ril Reia, and had her carry out a mission unknown to everyone else.

This is the god Hermess strength! You have already lost!

Loki had said that in terms of speed, Hermes was a god that was comparable to him.

Like Lokis shoes, Hermes also owned a pair of shoes capable of flight, and the most important thing was that Hermes was also the god of thieves.

What was this perfect successor!

Was what I had thought, but unfortunately, that person was an ordinary noble girl.

Yugrasia had a one-man organization that boasted of a long and distinguished history.

She still didnt have the abilities to be anointed as the successor of the head of the meetings of ladies and gentlemen of culture.

I wanted to bequeath my information and distribution network of my easy mon- I mean, customers to her, but would a normal noble lady want to do such a thing?

And so in order to do so I corrupted no, thats not it dyed her in darkness no, not it either did my best in guiding her as a good senior!

And so my plan to teach her the pleasure of blindsiding everyone er, no, I mean the pleasure of claiming victory without anyone the wiser went absolutely perfectly!

And although the original plan ended here, thanks to that damn press salting flirting I came up with a new idea!

Yes, everything was none other than the idea of our great president of Yugrasia, Nerkia! You were only used, Arucias vice-president!


I knew the presd try to jump out the moment I said that.

And so I pressed my foot down on his face, to be accurate, right on the kisser.

You guys get it?

Risen, you

You fearsome bastard.

But, the pres overstepped his boundaries.

Yeah, lets take this opportunity to make the pres walk the path of solos like us!

All of the students that met eyes with me nodded.

The power of Yugrasia students, who could communicate with each other with their eyes alone in crucial moments had activated right here.

Gyahahahaha! Theres no way hed publicly confess right here!

Thats right, this is all our presidents strategy! He became the target of your aggression and fooled you all!

He will do anything for the sake of victory, this is the Yugrasia student council president, the worst of them all, Nerkia!

Is is that that really true?

Giant tears flowed freely from the eyes of the Arucia vice-president that had been openly flirting only seconds ago.

Ah mmff you aaagh!

Although he couldnt see her, but Nerkia could hear her, and he tried to lift his head at her tearful voice, but we didnt let him.

-Lets do this, Loki.

-Wow, holy shit. I guarantee it. Out of all my contractors so far, youre the first to ever use my Descension to pull off shit like this.

-But its fun, isnt it?

-Yes, yes! I hated watching that couple flirt salt into our wounds as well! So I will help you, contractor!

I used Lokis Descension, a skill that I hadnt used for any of other the imperial festivals Id been involved in, purely for the sake of breaking up a couple.

It was. This was all part of my plan.

Sob but I I was so happy I was really happy!

Sorry, but I am Yugrasias student council president. For victory I am Nerkia, a bad boy who can even toy with your heart!

I didnt open my mouth. But a voice came out anyway.

And in a perfect rendition of Nerkias voice!

-This is the power that even swayed gods with a single tongue, my power, Lokis!

-Absolutely flawless, thats my summon!

Nerkia where are you! Show me your face! If its true then say it to my face!

Im sorry, no matter how much of an evil man I am I cant show you my face right now.

Lokis and my tongue, no, to be precisely accurate, Lokis tongue started talking as smooth as if itd been painted in grease.

You asshole, this is all a kuhhk!

For a brief moment, the pres pushed off the students that had dogpiled on top of him with superhuman strength, before he fell once again to the attacks of the other students.

The vice-president Karen, in particular, was very skilled at it due to all her practice in pinning me down.

Her skill in instantly skewering a person into the ground was the peak of art.

End. Him.

Yes maam!

For a moment, my eyes met the vice-presidents, which was filled with bloodthirst, as she drew her thumb over her neck.

Now that I thought about it, the vice-pres was a solo as well. And a forever alone at that.

Thanks to the press flirting AOE taunt, a normally formidable enemy had become a trustworthy ally, as I asked Loki to finish the job.

Sorry, Arietta.

Nerkia? Show me your face! Right now! Or else were done!


I could hear the press muffled screams in response to the girls voice filled with anger and resentment, but a number of people beside the president immediately used silencing spells to stop any noise from getting out.


A voice that had traces of lingering longing.

It was definitely coming from my throat, but it really felt like it was the pres that was saying it.

It cant be.

Her appearance as she fell sobbing to her knees was a bit pitiful, but with this, a couple had disappeared, and two solos had appeared in its place.

That was what Id thought.

But next day, I realised that my thinking was short-sighted.

That he, was a student of Yugrasia and the person that could be said to be in the highest position among us students.

And that person had fled from the night study even before me, and was the very first person to attempt to do so!

Meaning, he acted like a normal person, but he was actually more insane than anyone else in Yugrasia!

And on the final day of the imperial festival, we felt that fact keenly through our bones.

Come at me, Yugrasia!

As we looked on at him, betraying Yugrasia despite being the student council president.


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