Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 80

Chapter 80


TL: Eevee

10. We came, we saw, we won (5)

#10 Their story: A certain healer tents story.

This is bad

This is awful

Kids these days are really scary.

One of the healer tents of the imperial festival.

As casualties came out from the special magic formation, the healing magicians and the healers from the temple all paled as they began their treatments.


S, stay strong! Your descendants can still live!

Yeah! Theyre not broken yet! Theyre not broken!

As they looked at the ten or so students who were clutching their crotches, as fellow men, the healers felt a sense of sympathy as they used their magic to heal the students descendants as effectively as possible.

Ah, theres more huh?

Did someone go on a rampage? Weve got students popping out left right and center?

No, theyre all unconscious and theyre all soaked!

Some go grab some towels! Thats five no, seven, ten? They just keep on coming? Grab all the towels we have!

As the magic formation kept on shining and spitting out more and more people, the bewildered healers eventually brought over people from other healer tents too as they healed the casualties.

Hm? Wait a second, there are people wearing black clothes as well as the students?

Youre right? And theyre looking really awful, too. Did the spell not work properly?

It doesnt look like theyve got the casualty teleport tool on them?

And as the healers examined the black-clothed people.

Hang on, these are anti-empire army marks?

Huh? Here, too!

This guys got it as well! All these people are all anti-empire army people!

Someone get a guard! Ah, and a knight if you can find one!

Yeah boi! 30 gold per anti-empire member! Thisll be an even bigger profit than what I bet on the imperial festival!

Hey, didnt you say you quit gambling?

Ah, keep it a secret from the missus?

They all picked up some nice fat bounties!

#11 Their story: A certain students story.

Now just what could this be

What do you mean what, its a wave!

My junior beside me shouted at my mutterings.

A swiftly moving current.

The screams of students as they were carried along by the water.

I dont know why theres water all of a sudden in the maze, but I do know one thing.

Were screwed.

Dont give up, and do something about this!

Hes shouting nice and lively considering hes getting swept away by this current as well.

They say that a married couples fight is like cutting water with a sword.

Whats that supposed to be for all of a sudden, sunbae!

It means that a married couples fight is pointless. And that is expressed as trying to cut water with a sword.

Well I know that!

New kids these days are quite something.

Hes opening his mouth so widely despite all the water flowing into it.

Hes either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid.

Meaning, whether its Marcis, Yugrasia or Mercadia, whoever pulled this on us, as a sword swinger I can do absolutely nothing!

Damn it, this sunbaes screwed!

Hahaha! Im trying to teach this youngun the truth that its easy if you give up, but as youd expect, my lively junior doesnt seem to get it.

For the sake of Arucias victory I will not give uuuhhk?!

Ah, sorry!

But that determined voice could no longer be heard after a girl in Yugrasia uniform appeared at high speed and ran him over with her shark mount.

Junior? Junior? You dead?

But my underclassman, sent flying far away, never resurfaced.

Well, since casualties were automatically teleported out he probably wasnt dead.

I want to hurry up and get summoned out as well

As time went on, the current and the water level did continue to drop, but it still didnt seem like I could do anything about it.

Ahhh~ I can see the pres going nuts already.

As I saw a turtle swim by with another Yugrasia student on its back, it became clear to me just which school was the one to pull off this insanity.

That is, this event, was winner Yugrasia.

Who knows what sort of fit that the pres, who once had a crush on the vice-pres would throw at me if we lost to Yugrasia again

But in the end, I heard nothing from the president.

Because that day, Yugrasia won every single event.


[What is going on?]

[Theyve brought out an incredible tactic!]

The wall shattered, and the water flowed out.

A massive amount of water produced by 90 students doing their best to wring out their mana to produce as much water as they could.

As the water that was compressed to its limits was released, a giant tidal wave swept through the labyrinth.

Really such an absolutely insane tactic incredible, Professor Nicerwin.

Well, the students have a very good understanding of water thanks to Professor Muam, after all.

You could say that this was all thanks to Professor Muam.

After fighting again and again against none other than the Spirit King of Water, the students even went as far as to learn how to use magic to swim in the prison of water the Spirit King conjured up.

The kids that could even swim in hells river, the River Styx,(1) they were our Yugrasia students!

We needed to use their advantages, but there were no water-based events in the imperial festival.

Damn it all, if you looked at normal light novels, theres always a swimsuit scene to bait in male readers!

A god hand illustrators illustration!

In full colour! And a two-page double spread to boot!

But theres nothing like that in real life! Of course there wouldnt be any events that would have nobles stripping!

So lets pull a Battle of Salsu(2) and wipe them all out with water! Was what I had in mind as I made it, and the results were more than satisfactory.

[Ahhh! Someone has already cleared the labyrinth! And of course first place is Yugrasia!]

[Second place is in, and its another Yugrasia student!]

[Hang on, are there any students alive in there aside from Yugrasia students?]

[According to the Labyrinth event administrators, they are all being treated in the healing tents.]

Riding on the giant flash flood that 90 students created, a minority of the students with summons that could move quickly in water, followed the water flow out towards the exit.

A very simple yet highly effective way to claim first place!

And with this, the winners of all five events today have been decided.

Yes, although they were all from our school.

They say that its not over til its over, and if we won every single event on Day 1 they could afford to be happy, but the teachers reactions were muted.

No, some teachers were actually disappointed!

It seems the kids are taking their opponents too lightly.

Although in reality the majority of them are easy pickings, but to think theyd fight that poorly

How disappointing.

There were limits to how many events a single student could participate in in a day.

And because of that, sending your aces out when you had to claim victory was obvious.

Even if it was just the first day, with few points on the line, in order to push for the initiative in morale, each academy sent out their strongest students, and thus a few of our weaker students lost to other schools.

But that didnt mean that our academys students did poorly.

Just that the enemies were stronger.

This isnt good Hey Muamy, you reckon we should tell the kids that if theyre gonna perform this badly then were keeping the night study even if they win the imperial festival?

So do you want to make good on that threat, and have the students make good on your life, Professor Harian?

Id just made them do night study for half a year, I have no idea what she expects of them.

-Whaddaya mean you dunno? This is all th academy environment that owner set up! Since the surroundings are all insane, of course the teachersre gonna all go nuts, ya?

-Hm? I have no clue what youre talking about.

Just where else would you find a teacher that cared for his students as much as I did, is this thing just insulting me.

-Insulting? This is fact! The kids that lost today are probs getting yelled at rite now? Owner know how hardcore the kids got cuz a you!

-Naahh, surely not

There was a kid that made an unbelievable comeback, and another that clamped onto his opponent that was way stronger than he was, and drained him out of all his stamina.

It was obvious that they all did their very best in this event, would they actually yell at them just for losing?

And just as I exited the teachers marquee and headed over to the students one.

You all wanna die?

Were sorry!

-Ya see?

As I opened the entrance flap, I saw tens of students with their heads bowed into the ground and a weight on each of their backs.

Ah, Professor Nicerwin.

And with a face as if nothing was wrong despite a scene of school violence being caught red-handed by a teacher, the one that greeted me was Karen, one of the vice-presidents.

What, is this, Miss Karen?

We were just disciplining the losing trash I mean, the students a bit.

It doesnt seem at all like discipline to me not even the army does it this way nowadays?

And so please let it end on our end. There are events tomorrow as well, it would be too much for them if Professor Nicerwin punished them as well.

Eh, no, I just came to praise you for doing a good job, why do they think Im here to punish them?

-Well course thats cuz a owners normal antics!

-What the heck did I do!

-Lookit where all those poor studentsre lookin at with their heads in the ground! Theyre all staring at ya, owner!

-It, it cant be!

But those nervous gazes as if the kids were thinking exactly what Karen had said brought an extreme sense of nervousness to me.

What, wuzzis? What should I do?

-Th, these kids arent looking at me, theyre looking at you! Y, yes, that it! Theres no way that theyd be that scared of me!

-Yeah, right. If Im the devil, owners practically the evil gods avatar, yanno? No matter how ya spin it, owners a higher tier villain than I am!

-Im not going to deny that Im a villain, but this was all the result of me doing my best as a teacher!

-And th end result a dat was that the kids studied in a hellgate! This goddess Arcadia can guarantee! Owners scarier to the kids than the evil god!

To think that I would hear those words from this thing!

You can stop now.

No, we are all loser trash! We need to be punished more!

It seemed that they were looking at me as if they feared something, now just why are they doing this to me.

Werent they exactly like my old disciples back in the evil organization when I told them training was over for the day?

What on earth would make them so nervous and scared?

Thats what theyre saying, so I will punish them with due diligence.

Mmm. Even though Karen said so, its still not a good look even if she is the vice-president.

No, on the contrary its worse because she is the vice-president.

If the teachers were the ones to punish them, it could be seen as the whip of love to make them work harder, but being punished by student peers inside the academy can appear as an irrationality inside the inner workings of the school.

This is the middle of the capital where a parent could come charging in without notice.

Even though theyre the ones that want to be punished, theres no way in hell the parents would believe it.

No, if they did believe it, then that would mean that their children were full of the M attribute, so they wouldnt want to believe it.

This leaves me with no choice. For only the future of the academy, I need to revert these perverts that seek punishment on their own.

-Go, batmon!

-Its Aru time~(3)

Weawwy? Dats a good mindset to have. Den can I punish ya?

Now that we think of it, we think we fought quite well.

Yes, we did! Yes!

The bat waved her hand at the students as they immediately lifted their heads and filed out in quick time.

If ya lose tomorrow as well then imma really punish ya kids? Ya know Ive got weally good memory, rite? I memorised all ya faces!


Train, train!

No matter whether we live or die tomorrow, we will win! We must win!

Todays losers left emanating a killing aura.

And the next day.

They brought back a truly overwhelming victory for Yugrasia.


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