Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


TL: Eevee

8. If you do it, it works. (9)


-We cannot diiiiiieee!

The teachers screams echoed throughout the magic video tool.

The new Plan Alpha which used the metal bat on the teachers instead of the students.

It was extremely effective.

Up until now, the teachers had gone on the offensive while relying on healing magic, but after the introduction of the metal bat, they switched to defensive and evasive tactics.

And so they very skillfully and accurately took apart the students, and in response the students also organize their resistive efforts.

If one improved, the other would also improve in order to survive.

The teacher would develop the disciple, and in turn the developed disciple would develop the teachers as well.

To think I created the ultimate education method like this, was I simply born to teach?

Since the metal bat that would normally retort to me at this moment was healing(hitting) the teachers happily, the office was quiet as well.

Thats weird.

I murmured due to the unfamiliarity of this quaint quietness, but once again, no response came back.

Was I getting lonely in my old age was what I was thinking and I nearly cried a bit when I realised the metal bat was the only one by my side.

Now that I think about it, I wasnt forever alone in my former life, but I am in this one.

Its not like Im unpopular in this life either, but none of the people gesturing (seducing) to me to escape the solo life were normal women by any stretch of the imagination

Just what did I do wrong, in my last life or this one?

I should work.

Since it felt like I actually would cry if I kept thinking I took out some documents and began strategizing.

I dont think my monster-class students would lose in the imperial festival, but who knows what could happen!

I also have to think of the worst case scenario where all three of the other academies all form an alliance against us.

And so, I looked over the events that had been in the imperial festivals so far and planned strategies for them.


-I have already predicted all of Professor Harians attack patterns!

-That was my fake!

-I predicted that fake as well!

As I looked at the events on the first floor that seemed a lot like a hero and villain fighting in an old fantasy novel as I vaguely recalled the academies in the novels of my past life.

There were a lot of events like this one in high school novels

In my past life I read a number of novels when I was on standby during work, but there were a number of events similar to the one I was looking at.

This was already used, this was banned because it was deemed to be cheating

Although it wasnt like I remembered all of them, as I recalled the ones that stuck in my head I wrote down the methods to be victorious in them.

Even if normally there would be strategies the main character or their friends came up with that only worked due to the main character buff, arent these kids right now already at the level of main characters?

Especially the pres, or the vice pres.

And in Ariss case she actually does have protagonist-class specs!

And so even in the strategy itself isnt all that great, they can still win in the imperial festival due to their individual specs.

Well, the reason why Im coming up with plans is because other teachers are doing their best to teach their students, it feels like Im the only one thats got nothing to do.

Im not being a leech.

This is my role.

The role of the headmaster, which doesnt participate in the night study, and I are to act as representatives of the academy and deal with duties related to the imperial festival, or fighting against a mountain of paperwork daily!

Its a perfect division of labour where the headmaster deals with external matters, and I deal with internal issues.


-I cant even diiiiiieee!

Internal matters, meaning aiding the students to improve themselves as well as the overall grand plan.

As I looked at the students improving themselves on their own, I sorted through the imperial festival strategies with a smile.

Because the winner of the imperial festival was already guaranteed to be Yugrasia!

#12 Their story: Aris ril Letias story.

Now, Aris!

Eyes that were familiar to all Yugrasia students.

That familiarity wasnt simply because that the person who those eyes belonged to was one of our teachers.

If you were a student of this academy, everyone would have those eyes at least once, no, they would have those eyes everyday!

Lets die.

A freezing wind swept through the area.

This was the true strength of a god-class summoner.

Professor Harians full power, which she used not as a student and teacher, but purely as an enemy with her life on the line.

My normal actions were instantly swept down by the icy wind she sent flying everywhere, and the pressure was as if I was facing god incarnate himself.

We cannot give up either.

Really now? As a teacher, I should praise you for your undying attitude, but I shall pass on the offer of getting hit by that thing.

Right beside me, the stuco pres and Professor Muam were also having a very serious exchange.

Tomorrow was finally the day of our last hope, the beginning of the imperial festival.

Because of this, we students wanted to escape this disgusting thing called self-directed night study just this once.

But the enemy was Yugrasias greatest summoners, Professors Muam and Harian.

And behind the strongest summoners, on standby for healing or with that lie as an excuse, was the silver devil watching the two of them.

When Professor Muam or Harian fell, the silver devil quickly appeared and beat up the two teachers, and the two teachers got up with a scream and started to fight us again.

Because of that, the two teachers realised the horrendous pain known as defeat, and from then onwards they fought us as if they were fighting a deathmatch against their mortal enemy.

The proof of that was the fact that they had changed the way they summoned.

Up to now, Professor Muam had accumulated the moisture in the air to use the power of his Spirit King, but he abandoned that approach in favour of summoning the Spirit King directly.

Likewise, Professor Harians green hair was now dyed blue.

At first glance it seemed like the Descension technique I often used, but this was the next level above that, Incarnation().

Bypassing the step of calling a god into your body, it was a technique wherein you literally became a god incarnate.

It was impossible for the previous Professor Harian, but she developed that technique and ascended to supreme heights as a summoner, all for the sake of surviving against the silver devil.

Because of that, we still couldnt get through the defence of those two, and were still being stopped on the first floor.

But today was different.

I, no, we will defeat you and march onwards today!

Our determination was the greatest it had ever been.

Even the heavily injured students refused treatment and limped their way down to the first floor.

For tomorrows imperial festival, we came here today to resolve ourselves!

Here I go!


I manifested spear aura into my speartip from the very start.

The crimson spear aura that was honed through countless battles with the teachers began to blaze on my spear tip.

Fang of the Starving Wolf! ()

My most powerful attack from the first move!


But Professor Harian compressed the raging tempest around the spear and easily blocked it.

Now, my cute Aris.

As she unsheathed a sword with a hiss, a blue aura began to form around its blade.

You know that Im quite handy with the sword as well, yes?

I know that!

The first time Professor Harian pulled out a sword I was so surprised I ended up losing that fight, and the second time I lost because I was startled because of that blue aura.

But according to Professor Harian, all elves learned swordsmanship and archery when they were young.

After that, depending on your talents you would go on to learn magic, summoning or some other different career, and considering that shed learnt her swordsmanship as a child, it was extremely skillful.

Awaken Boreas!

And that blue aura.

At first it looked like sword aura, and in reality it had enough power to fight against sword aura, but that was not sword aura.

It was compressed wind, that only a god could produce.

The concentrated strength of Boreas, the god of the North Wind was powerful enough to even put sword aura under strain.

Normally she started swinging after calling Awaken, Tempest!,(1) but all of a sudden the silver devil showed up and smacked her side saying owner said not ta say that! and so she changed it to Awaken Boreas.

Rumours had it that later an extremely annoyed Professor Harian would go to Professor Nicerwin to complain, but instead he grumbled a dangerous new release and other nonsensical comments and on the contrary Professor Harian was scolded instead.


We cannot do that!

I could have parried away the powerful slash away with my spear but then that would have cost a considerable amount of mana.

A brute force battle of magic power against an elf, who had a much greater mana reserves was impossible.

And so I too, used my power as a summoner.


-I know!

I requested my goddess and used her strength.

What I summoned was the shield that even the goddess said was the strongest shield, Aegis.

Tch, an annoying thing again!

I blocked Professor Harians sword with a shield.

-Take this! Petrifying Light!

At the same time the goddess used the shield to shine a bright light.

The monster Medusa which was said to turn her enemies into stone just by meeting eye contact.

And the hero who slew that Medusa was said to have offered her head to Athena as a sacrifice.

And afterwards, that head became one with the shield Aegis, and thanks to that the goddesss shield became the strongest weapon, capable of both offence and defense!

Muamm! Switch!

Is it the gods shield already?

Yep! So hurry and switch!

I stabbed my short spear that I used with my shield forward but Professor Harian dodged my attack with her eyes closed.

Its not easy over here either!

I know that! Theres no easy student in our academy!

Professor Harian instantly took distance from me and at the same time blocked the attacks of numerous students that surrounded her.

With the natural swiftness inherent to elves as well as the god of winds buff, Professor Harian skillfully dodged the students and made her way to where Professor Muam was.

Professors opponent is me!

Clingy kids arent popular, Aris! And besides I prefer men!

This teacher, she just said something to incriminate someone with weird preferences!

I like men too!

I flared up as well, but it was a mistake to say it out loud.

Oh my my my, the daughter of a marquisate yelled that she likes men at that age! As a teacher I have a duty to prevent inappropriate relationships between students!


I desummoned Aegis and gripped my aura-laden spear with both hands.

Letia-style, Lone Fang()!

I threw my spear with all my strength.

Using your spear as a javelin wasnt recommended very much even within my family.

In a situation where you couldnt freely use your weapon meant that throwing your spear was a last resort.


But the fang of the Letia house, of not just the tip, but the entire spear saturated with mana, the fang of the wolf guaranteed incredible firepower.

I cannot looooosseeeee!

Professor Harian abandoned her sword and held up both hands to gather up the blue aura imbued in the sword, and when the spear was about to hit her, she pushed out the aura she held in her hands.


Dodge it!

When the spear imbued with spear ki and the power of the god of wind collided, the resulting explosion blew some of the other students away.


H, hang on a sec! Isnt this going too far?

I actually might die?

The opponent being what she was, Id put all my strength into that spear throw.

Even if she was the contractor of a god, she would be hard-pressed to block it.



I didnt have just one enemy.

And in some aspects, an enemy even more troublesome than a god.

The lord of all water.

Seriously, its hard for me as well.

Even as Professor Muam grumbled, he was defending against the stuco press attacks as he commanded a giant made of water, while he summoned a body of water beside Professor Harian.

When the power of the god of the wind, and the spirit king of water come together, we are invincible!

My spear that was piercing through Professor Harians wind began to lose momentum as Professor Muams water joined in to stop it.

That attack took a lot out of me as well, if that didnt work then the tables would be cleanly turned.

In that case, what I had to use now was my bodys innate abilities!

If you are invincible, could you also block the silver devil behind you?

Hm, hmm?

For the record, there was something we learned from Professor Nicerwin in this academy.

That at times, more than physical attacks, a mental attack with words was even more effective!

And those teachings were indeed useful.

To the point that for a second Professor Harian lost control of her wind!


With a massive sound of impact, I heard Professor Harians screams.

I couldnt confirm due to the dust cloud raised by the destroyed corridors, but with this, Professor Harian was probably out as well.

According to Professor Nicerwins teachings, in cases like this, if anyone said is it over? then there was a high probability that the enemy would revive, so watch over the situation a bit further

Is it over?

Hang on?

Was what I was going to do, but even before the smoke cleared, one student said those forbidden words.

Theres no way that its over!

As Professor Nicerwin said, Professor Harian was a mess, but appeared in front of us still battle-ready.

Now, its my turn is it, Aris?

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No, it would be our turn.

As Professor Muam joined her, our final battle with the teachers proceeded to phase two.


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