Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 38

Chapter 38


TL: Eevee

5. Welcome to the summoners school. (8)

Now, lets begin the summoning ritual.

Yes. Urgh.

The one glaring at me as if I killed her parents is the famous lone daughter of the Letia House, Aris.

But, why is she glaring at me like that.

-Isnt it cause owner saw her panties? All dokidoki embarrassed as a woman?

-I dont think so but maybe?

To be honest, I couldnt have predicted that one either.

That the first to run in the entire school would be the student council president.

And, the first to try to run among the first years would be that famous daughter of the Letia house. In addition.

-Who wouldve thought shed fall for such a simple trap?

-Owners already probs immortal from all the curses from the students.

Ahh, not even I could have expected that the first time I would see the famous daughter of the Letia Family since her interview would be with her dangling in the air, yelling and pushing her skirt down.

At the time, her glares at the male students that came into the corridor wondering what was going on as she shouted at them to get lost were good enough to appear in a horror movie.

But still, black panties are currently spreading around the first year boys like a legend.

Are you not going to begin?

The summoning circle has already been drawn.

As I said while wagging my piece of chalk at her she ground her teeth hard enough to make me worry about her teeth. Dont they hurt?

Come to me, become my strength

Aris quelled her anger and calmly began reciting the incantation.

The goal is, a goddess.

Weve used suitable things as a sacrifice and even used good quality magic stones as well.

If a contract can be made, that should be good enough for promotional use.


We watched expectantly.

When Ariss chant ended, the magic formation shined, and a summon with a white body, long white ears, and red eyes appe.

Make a contract with me and


Wh, what are you doing?!

-Wut was that? That felt nasty!

In an instant, I quickly transformed the metal bat back into bat mode, and smacked the creature high into the sky.

That is a monster that cannot be allowed to exist in this world! I will desummon that instantly!

That was a dangerous devil, if you see it, get rid of it at once. Do not ever make a contract with it.

Theres no Madokami in this world either.

Dangerous that was, dangerous.

I, I understand.

Aris nodded as if she understood, and poured in mana again as she chanted.


Are you my ma


Why, why this time?

That was also dangerous.

While that was a famous hero, the lines and the fact that it was a woman was dangerous.

That one was dangerous enough that it could cause the mobilisation of the weapon that could potentially destroy this entire world, the copyright.


Its fine now. Why? Bec


To become Hoka


Dont you tru


The world could always use


I am Opti


Huk, huk

-Owner, Im tired too

Why are you blowing away all of my summons!

Considering shes the criminal, why is she the one getting angry! Only summoning beings that are all dangerous in different ways, is she the apostle of the evil god that threatened to destroy the world or something!

Damn it, Im so damn exhausted I cant do this shit anymore. If her dad wasnt a marquis Id have already given this up already!


Although were all exhausted, we kept summoning.

Please let this one be a normal summon



-Owner, it feels different this time!

-Yes, because it was correctly summoned this time.

-So whyd ya hit it?


This is why habits are scary.

Since I kept on knocking them away before they were properly summoned, I knocked this one away as well as soon as it was summoned.


And moreover

-A god.

A god.

#5 Their story: Aris lil Letias story.

The world doesnt always go as I want it to.

I knew that very well.

Even for me, as the oldest daughter of one of the most powerful families in the empire, the Letia Marquisate.

I had no reason to deny that.

But, was it really too much for me to ask for the same academy life that others get?

It was alright up to the enrollment interview.

The teachers all looked on me favourably, and the feeling surrounding the academy was okay as well.

That was all okay until three days after school started.

But it was different after that. A sudden announcement was made, and we couldnt leave until 10 PM.

Steel bars appeared on the windows, and barriers were set up in the hallways.

Is this seriously what youd call academy life?

Who the heck could ever logically think that a school like this could exist?!

But still, for a fulfilling school life I endured.

Starting from the topmost floor, I heard that the student council began to attempt escaping, but they always failed.

But as time went on, as our knowledge increased.

We came to the realisation that leaving by solving the entire handout was completely and utterly impossible.

For a start, the contents themselves made absolutely no sense.

These questions that seemed to ask basic questions like the beginnings of summoning, understandings of summons, the basics of summoning and so on, were all insanely difficult.

So difficult that no one could actually solve them!

What was more, when we asked the teachers, some of them couldnt answer straight away, and some questions even had the teachers saying that not even the Summoners Association wouldnt be able to answer these!

Was this supposed to make any sense at all!

Then I realised. Even after this year, I still had three years left of my school life.

Meaning that the vast majority of my teenage years would be spent in this thing called self-directed night study!

At that moment, I jumped out of my seat and bolted for the door.

And with a whirring noise, a rope wrapped around my ankle and whisked me into the air.

Of course it wasnt because of a simple mistake on my part.

Even if I look like this, Ive still undergone relentless training in the Letia House.

But even if I had, I could never have imagine the bulwarks in the corridor suddenly shooting up to the ceiling.

Because of that, I missed the timing to jump off the bulwark and failed the landing, and the arrow that suddenly flew out in that timing interfered.

But I used my training up till now to change directions mid-air.

And the moment I managed to land on the ground, my ankle immediately got snared and dragged me into the air.

I screamed as I became suddenly airborne, and because of that, my underwear became exposed to everyone that my screams attracted.

As well as the cause of all this, Professor Nicerwin!

I was embarrassed and ashamed. And angry! I immediately went to take Professor Naruan to account over it but the result was my loss. On the contrary, I returned after getting a faceful of taunts and mockery.

And on the contrary, he made an odd suggestion to me.

How about making a club? It is a club that Miss Aris would seem to enjoy.

What club would that be?

The Student Liberation Army.

Although the name of that club felt like something that shouldnt exist in a school, but considering the current state of the academy, it wasnt a name that felt that unusual.

The objective was escaping the self-directed night study.

And Professor Nicerwin would provide support as the supervisory teacher of the club.

And whose fault is this to begin with?!

But I had no choice but to accept.

From the beginning, I had no relationship at all with summoning. I hadnt even made the contract with a low-ranking summon for self-defence that all high-ranked nobles made when they were children, due to my familys pride that one needed to get stronger on their own.

But since I could not guarantee that I could break through the barricade of teachers that were said to surpass even Yugrasias golden age, in the end I made the ridiculous club that Professor Nicerwin suggested.

Gathering members was simple.

All I had to say was that that Professor Nicerwin would personally help them contract a summon.

This was probably done with the majority of the first years in mind.

Because one way or another, the vast majority of the first years in this academy, myself included, had come here believing in the name Nicerwin Ain.

But even after numerous summons, Professor Nicerwin hit them all away saying that they were all dangerous somehow.

In the end, just as I hit the limits of my magic power, I drew my absolutely final reserves of mana and conducted the summoning ritual but.


He knocked it away again. But unlike the previous summons that disappeared immediately, this one whimpered, but was not desummoned.

And looking at it closely it seemed familiar. It was definitely a woman that I had seen for the first time, but it was oddly familiar.

A beautiful appearance that could be called a goddess.

Her head was covered by a helmet and her body was covered by armour, but her blue hair that flowed from the helmet shone like the ocean, and her bodyline that was hidden by the armour was beautiful, even from a womans point of view.

In one hand, a long spear.

In the other hand, a shield with a woman with snakes for hair engraved into it.

I had never seen her before, but this familiar feeling

Im pretty sure that there was a summon with these characteristics among the summons that Professor Nicerwin told me about

And the one among those that was supposedly the most suitable for me

Professor Nicerwin, is that

The goddess Athena.

The goddess of war and wisdom. And even outside those domains, a multi-talented goddess that was skilled in cooking, pottery, literature and so on, and she was also said to be so beautiful that she even competed with the goddess of beauty over looks.

And that goddess, was currently collapsed in a corner, drooling.

He hit the goddess of war!

Even if she was another worlds god which was only rarely summoned throughout history, but as long as you were part of a military family, you would remember all the gods related to war, strategy and victory.

And among those, the goddess Athenas wisdom alone created numerous famous generals, cementing her place as the representative of all the goddesses of war!

And to think he beat that goddess, this contract is ruined!

Miss, prepare for the contract.

Eh? Its possible?

But after saying those words, Professor Nicerwin immediately leapt forward and charged at the goddess, with the silver weapon that had sent all the other summons flying in his hand.

You, you dare disrespect kuahn?

And he promptly started beating the goddess Athena that had just started to come around.

Wa, wait? Kuuht? Uwah? Thi, thishurrk? What, what blasph stop it.

And amazingly enough the goddess that took those attacks was whimpering as she swayed from side to side!

Although all beings of another world have restrictions on their power as they moved to a different world, a god is a god.

Among the devils, there were cases where they threatened their summoner into a contract, and there were other summons that killed their summoner because they didnt like their appearance.

And to think that this man would begin beating up a god of all things, the greatest existence among summons!

At this rate this would be a problem if I were to receive the gods fury as well!

Urrk die! Aegis!

Miss Aris, if you look at that shield you will be petrified.

H, how?!

When the goddess Athenas shield began to emanate a bright light, I immediately closed my eyes according to Professor Nicerwins words.

Huuht? Wha, how do youknooo?

And the whines and screams that began the moment I closed my eyes.

Kyaahk? No, no? stooop!

I refuse!


And how much longer did the whimpers and screams go on for, when my anger towards Professor Nicerwin had long since vanished, as my body shook as I listened to the goddesss screams, I felt someone pat my shoulder.

I think you can get up now.

Ah how?

I could hear Professor Nicerwins voice from right beside me.

But the goddesss screams of pain were continuing even now.

In the end, unable to resist my curiosity, I turned my head around and what I saw there was.

Hyap! Iyaap! Tushitushi! Yapyap!

Huuk? Uht? Uuuuhhrt? Nuuohh

A small silver creature had mounted the goddesss body and was punching away with its two fists.


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