Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[202] Journey to the Doorstep of My… Home

[202] Journey to the Doorstep of My… Home

Chapter 202: Journey to the Doorstep of My… Home

After a day's preparation, everyone was ready to leave. I was also prepared, having spent last night productively.

“We group leaders can communicate from different corners of the world thanks to our Divinity, but what about you?” Quetzalcoatl asked at the gate of the Elven Enclave. “What if there's an emergency?”

We had bid our goodies to the crowd in the enclave. I also talked briefly with Vaelwyn the Dryad, who wanted to apologize for acting up earlier. All three groups, along with Seiran and me, were now outside the village gate.

“It's easy. All three of you have Sun or Light Divinity, just encode your message in an orb of light and send it to the Grand Dukedom. I'll receive it.” With my Path, it'll be a piece of cake. “I can do the same if needs arise.”

Quetzalcoatl crossed her arms and nodded. “That works.”

“Ugh, can I really not join you?!” Ruby asked for the umpteenth time. She looked a little pissed that I was sending her away, but sadly I needed some alone time.

“It's okay Ruby, he's busy,” Ai patted her girl's head and said. However, while she was consoling Ruby, I didn't miss the look in her eyes, even though she tried to conceal it.

…I hadn't had a deep talk with my mother about all of this. Just a few months ago she was furious at me for turning out to be a grown man in her child's body. She ended up accepting me somehow, forgetting the past and seeing me as her son, but now… here we were, in my old world, with people who called me family.

Unfortunately, I couldn't pull her to the side to talk about this now even if I wanted to. I should give her attention when all of this would come to an end.

“Enough wasting time, we should leave already,” Jasmine yawned and said. She hadn't slept all night long since she trained in swordsmanship with me, so she was tired and sleepy.

After exchanging some words with my Goddess, Tsubasa, Shoko, and others, the groups began to leave one by one. In the end, Group 3 left as well. I saw my mother and sister wave at me before they took the air and flew away. Of course, since Sieran, the creator of the Anti-Flight Formation was on our side, flight in Elven Forest wasn't impossible for us anymore.

Soon, only Seiran and I remained at the enclave’s gate. I took in a deep breath, allowing my lungs to fill with the sweet scent of nature. The vibrant woods were nectar to my lungs. Plus the presence beside me. It… almost felt like I was back in time.

I turned to my side, my eyes fell upon the smile of Sieran. She was looking up, at the sun peeking down at us through the thick leaves rustling against one another. She looked more like a fairy with sunlight showering down on her face. She was humming a song, not from this world, it was one of the songs we sang together in the past.

Her lips parted, “Feels like… we're back in time, doesn't it?” 

[Image Here]


Her words made me blink. They were the same words I was thinking. She stopped staring at the sky and looked into my eyes instead. Vibrant green met aqua blue and she smiled, “It feels like we're leaving for an adventure. Like… back in the day.”

Back in the day, huh…

“Do you remember the day we first met? It was this same place. You came here to convince me to join you in your journey, as I was the mage for the last hero party too.” She said, and while she stopped humming, that sneaky Icon picked on the song.

-Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City, Never was there ever a girl so pretty, Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love…?

Never liked that song, but when she sang it, I always smiled. So I smiled softly today too. “I remember,” to this day, I remember. I remember when I saw the prettiest girl in the world for the first time in my two lives. When I was reborn in this world after dying in my very first life, I found everyone looked like celebrities thanks to the mana in the air. However, even among them, this elf had the prettiest face I’d ever seen. 

I was awestruck that day. 

How could I ever forget?

A flutter went through my heart. I just stared at her and a moment later, pulled her into a hug. “Let’s leave,” I softly kissed her forehead, “Sieran.” 

She rested her head on my chest for a moment and I closed my eyes, sighing. Am I really regaining my feelings? How odd. I didn't think my oldened heart was capable of turning nostalgia into love.

“Let us,” Sieran agreed to my offer, and with a snap of her fingers, a translucent bubble formed around us. Sparks of lightning danced on its surface, and it slowly began to levitate into the air, above the leaves.

When we stood in the sky beyond the tall trees, the bubble rushed through the air faster than I could fly. Teleportation in this world was blocked by the towers, but there were other means of fast travel.

We left the Elven Forest in no time. When we were halfway through the skies of the Grand Duchy of Thyranais, however, I advised Sieran to take the road instead.

There were a few villages and cities under demon attacks, subtly or openly. As Sieran said, this was an adventure. How could this be a proper adventure if we don't kill some demons on the way?


The Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Thairanais kneeled before the throne of his lord. Usually, a chancellor’s job was to act as the chief administrator, responsible for overseeing the duchy's administration and the execution of the Duke's policies, but in this Duchy, the Chancellor was more than a butler to the Duchess. 

Because the Duchess didn’t care about anything going around her Duchy, nor the world for that matter. All this woman cared about was the glass of wine in her hand, which she was sipping even right now instead of listening to the chancellor’s report.

“...Say it again,” yet, that same Duchess seemed interested in a report.

The chancellor was actually related to the Duchess. By blood, he would be her 10th great-grandchild. Not that he ever had any family-type relationship with her, someone like her didn’t have the emotion left to focus on family. She lived only because she couldn’t die. A woman like her was interested in a few things.

So the chancellor didn’t make her wait, recounting the report he just made. “The two cities that were under attack by demons, as reported by their city lords who asked us for help, have been freed. As I’ve reported to you before, even the Duchy’s knights had a hard time dealing with the demons in those cities, there were two True-class Ahaiyutes in both of those cities, therefore we had chosen to let the cities… be sacrificed.”

“Mhm,” instead of sipping more alcohol, she stirred the cup in her hand and listened carefully while looking at the chancellor with a bored look in her eyes. Under the dark light of her throne room, her figure slouched against her throne, while a pool of lava stirred in the back, she was quite majestic to look at.

[Image Here]


Despite their apparent blood relationship, it was quite a challenge to maintain eye contact with her without coming off as indecent. Her black robes were quite bold, after all, and the golden jewelry around her thighs, waist, and wrist, and the necklace falling on her cleavage only enhanced her beauty. The fact that she was drunk made her even more irresistible to look at. 

So the chancellor lowered his head and continued his report, “However… just a few hours ago, those two cities were rescued. The enemies were defeated. While it's true that the Ahaiyute might have had their guards down since they were playing with the city by keeping it under their hostage for weeks instead of destroying them from the get-go, it’s still a feat to defeat them. I’m sure you understand that better than me,” the chancellor said. 

As far as he knew, other than the Duchess herself, there were few in this world who could take on those True Demonic Angels. Of course, that meant if the Duchess had chosen to help the cities, she could have rescued them herself, but she just couldn’t find herself to care. And if she didn’t want to do something, how could someone force her to do it?

While it was true that Sieran the Wise was the closest to Level 100, it was proven in the past that Elara, the Princess of Ruin, was stronger than her. After all, Levels weren't the only thing that translated to strength. In fact, after Barolt, she was the strongest in the hero’s party. And since Barolt had ascended, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that she was the strongest in the mortal world. Despite all that, nowadays she was better known as the loser princess who sat drunk on her throne even when her world perished, despite having the power to make a difference.

“Was magic used?” The Duchess asked, and the chancellor nodded.

“Yes, quite high-class spells too.”

“Ah,” she took a sip from her cup, and all the interest in her eyes seemed to vanish. “It must have been Sieran, then. If she’s in my territory, it means she’s coming here to meet me. Maid,” she called, and a figure stepped out from the shadows.

It was a white-haired lady, with pale skin and long ears. It was a vampire; a woman who’s been serving the Princess for the last three hundred years. The chancellor felt a shiver run down his spine; he hadn’t sensed her presence at all.

The maid bowed, “Yes, my lady?”

“Make sure to receive Sieran at the castle gate,” the Duchess ordered, finishing her glass in one go. A warm, rare grin on her lips. “And prepare a bath for us. We haven't bathed together in a long time.”

“Understood,” saying so, the maid burst into dust and vanished.

The chancellor gulped hearing that, quickly lowering his head again. Had he perhaps heard something he shouldn’t have? To quickly change the subject, he cleared his throat and added, “Ah, while magic was indeed used, there was also a swordsman. He was confirmed to be human, and not an elf. As per the report, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, and since he was seen with Lady Sieran, many assumed him to be part of the Babylon family. However, he doesn’t match the description of any of our members.”

That caught the Duchess’ attention. She stood up, she actually stood up, startling the chancellor. Was this the first time she stood up from that throne in months?

“....” she opened her mouth and closed it. Then, she turned her head to the massive windows that showed the horizon of the Duchy. Elara scowled, even as a familiar wind ruffled her hair, “What is Sieran up to now?”


Three hundred years was truly a long time. Where I knew mountains, cities existed, and where I knew cities, only barren lands remained. Where I remembered forest, only sand remained, and where I remembered houses of old friends and acquaintances, new faces resided. I almost felt like I was in a different world. It felt… lonely, and alone.

Thankfully, Sieran was right beside me. Just her presence helped calm myself. I enjoyed visiting these places, as she enjoyed telling the story behind each of their changes.

While doing so, we also saved a few cities, towns, and villages. That was the initial goal of coming from the Lightning Bubble, anyway. I'd have loved to roam around more, but now that the demons were taken care of, the two of us made our way towards the capital city.

Thalindra, the Capital City of the Grand Duchy.

“L-lady Sieran, please, there's no need for you to verify your identity! Please enter!” The guards at the city gate could sense the Archmage’s Mana from her, how could they disrespect her by making her wait?

Sieran shook her head, putting her magical tablet away. “You guys should be more careful with the identification process, regardless. Ah, and this young man here is with me. He doesn't have any identification with him, will that be alright?”

“Of course, of course, if he's Lady Seiran's guest, then he's a guest to Thalindra as well!” The guards were quite friendly and allowed us in.

I followed beside Sieran and entered through the shadow of the gate. I closed my eyes as the light fell over my eyelids. When I opened them again, a whole new world awaited us.

A blend of medieval grandeur with oddly modern touches greeted my eyes. Tall stone buildings with intricate carvings lined the cobbled streets, their stained glass windows depicting ancient tales. Above, flying carriages powered by glowing orbs wove between towering spires and floating platforms, which would have had even nobles state at them like country bumpkins. After all, although Thalindra was just the capital of the duchy, it was no less developed than the capital of the Empire.

A diverse crowd filled the streets: elegant elves, sturdy dwarves, and humans from all walks of life. Even orcs and beastkin. Despite the prosperity, a noticeable disparity existed among the populace, with grand mansions standing in contrast to humble abodes. Of course, as the hero, I enjoyed a few catgirls and dog-girls here and then, so I had no hate toward their people. They were allowed to live freely in my territory. Honestly, racism towards minor races has lessened a lot in the empire as a whole. 

Magic permeated every corner. Street performers conjured illusions, vendors sold enchanted trinkets, and public fountains sparkled with inner light. The city layout showcased a touch of modernity, with organized streets radiating from a central plaza, elevated walkways, and magical lifts ensuring seamless travel.

It wasn’t like this three hundred years ago, buildings were much more advanced. Other races were either discriminated against or slaves, none were citizens. Magic used to be monopolized by the magic towers, but now it wasn’t. As the hero, having my home become like this was my goal. Seeing my dream completed, I couldn’t help but smile.

“It has changed a lot,” I said as I followed Sieran through the market. “Yet, it looks so… familiar.”

Because most importantly, people looked happy here. While many Kingdoms and Empires fell, while people in other cities cried and starved to death, my home was like a piece of heaven that fell to earth. Of course, people were safe and sound here, unlike in other places, why wouldn’t they be happy?

Sieran locked her hands with mine, not saying anything. She just enjoyed the moment with me. We had walked like this many times in the past, through this… same market.

How nostalgic.

It felt oddly fulfilling to just walk here.

Was this what true happiness felt like….? 

Although my current life has been peaceful and lovely, I haven't felt this happy in centuries… No, in millennia. At that moment, I couldn't help but raise Sieran by her waist, and pull her into a kiss. Her cherry lips quivered in surprise but did not hesitate to return the kiss.

If the crowd hadn't noticed the Archmage earlier, they did now. I didn't bother myself with their gasps one bit and rather put Sieran down to head to the castle. Our… home, where the five of us had spent a decade.

My old heart beat like a drum, excited to see a familiar face once again.




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