Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[163] Plucking A Crow’s Feathers

[163] Plucking A Crow’s Feathers

Chapter 163: Plucking A Crow's Feathers

Moonlight filled the hallways as I walked toward the basement door of my house, reminiscing about how long it had been since I captured Kokabiel, the foolish Fallen Angel.

It had been weeks, and all this time he had spent his time in darkness and hunger. He didn't even know what was going on; for all he knew, this was how death felt for a Fallen Angel, pure darkness coming with hunger and loneliness.

It was about time I told him that no, he wasn't dead yet. And then kill him with my own hands. I had invited Akeno over knowing that she would enjoy the show, and as we stopped before the door, I could see the nervous excitement in her eyes.

"Should I really...?" I heard her mutter in a very low voice, and I ignored it as it was not a question toward me. She hated her Fallen Angel father, but it had never been so much that she'd torture a man of his kind. Now, she was about to.

As we entered the dimly lit basement, Akeno's breathing grew faster as she followed me down the stairs. I could sense her sadistic side starting to take over, an odd glint in her eyes.

We stopped at the floor, and Akeno looked around confused as there was nothing in there. I snapped a finger and pulled us into an Instant Dungeon, causing the room to darken immediately while the warmth of another entity filled the air.

"W-who is it?!" Kokabiel's voice filled the darkness; after spending so long in pure darkness, he didn't miss the change in the darkness.

I raised my hand toward the ceiling, and a Dark Sun rose high. It looked like a solar eclipse, with its entirety being dark, except for its edges that were shining bright, more than enough to light up the basement.

Thanks to the light, Akeno and I could see the dying crow. Kokabiel was chained to the wall, his body skinny and weak from lack of food and basic movement. His eyes shut at the sudden invasion of light, but even then, I felt a sudden pull from him.

He was trying to absorb the Light for himself, to recharge himself.

My willpower stopped him from budging a single atom's worth of energy. He tried and he failed, slowly opening his eyes to look at us. His eyes were wide in terror as he saw us, and he began to struggle against his chains, but it was no use.

"Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck-!" he cursed as he looked at Akeno, his eyes weak yet gaining an edge of rage. "It's you, huh!? Half-breed! How dare you chain me up?! I'll kill you, you stupid daughter of a whor-"

I walked up to Kokabiel, my expression calm, and kicked him in the jaw, sending his head slamming against the wall behind him. He groaned in pain while I spoke, "It's not her, it's me who locked you up here. She's here as a guest."

"Argh, who the fuck are you, even..." he asked before his eyes slowly widened. "Oh, the Blackhorse of Humanity, the Boy that defeated a God."

It seemed that he heard about Thor's defeat first, and Azazel dealt with him after. Other than that, he probably didn't even know me—and what Raynare's Team had done to my family. He was an ignorant fool, an oblivious leader, and today he's going to pay the price for his carelessness.

"You know, I've been thinking about what to do with you for a long time now," I said, my voice low and menacing. "And I've decided that killing you is the best choice, it's worthless to even keep your soul as a pet."

Kokabiel blinked, and his eyes darted back and forth between me and Akeno, his breath coming in short gasps. "No, you can't be serious! Azazel- he won't let you be if you kill me!"

"Did you forget that it was Azazel who handed you to me?" I asked and he froze, a realization sinking into his face.

"Ah. Fuck." he jerked his body hard to free himself one last time but failed. The chains were too powerful, and he was too weak. When he realized that escape was not an option, let alone resistance, he looked up at me with a pleading face. "P-please," he begged, his voice hoarse from lack of use. "I'll do anything. Just let me go!"

The torture hadn't even begun, and he was already begging. Just how weak was his mentality?

I chuckled darkly. "Let you go? After all the trouble you've caused? I don't think so." I grabbed Kokabiel's chin, forcing him to look into my eyes. "I'm going to torture you, and I'm going to enjoy every second of it, and then I'll end you." I said, my voice filled with malice. "And Akeno here, if she wants, is going to help me."

"Oh." Akeno let out a soft gasp, her eyes shining with excitement. "Can I really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, a cruel smile on my face. "Of course, my dear. I know how much you enjoy this kind of thing." I approached her and put a hand on her waist, while my other hand gently rested on her nape. "Forget what Rias said about not going too far, you can do whatever you want tonight—and I won't stop you for it. Join anytime."

Kokabiel let out a whimper of fear as I released Akeno and stepped back to the crow. "Please," he begged, his voice filled with desperation. "I'll do anything, I'll give you anything; money, women, treasures! Yes, I have treasures! Information, too! Just don't hurt me, I'll tell you everything!"

I ignored his pleas and began my torture. I started by breaking Kokabiel's fingers, one by one. I grabbed his pinky finger and bent it back until I heard the satisfying snap. Kokabiel screamed in agony, his eyes wide with terror. I moved on to his next finger, and then the next, taking my time to savor the sound of each bone breaking.

Akeno watched with rapt attention, her breathing growing faster and faster as she became more and more aroused.

Kokabiel screamed and writhed in pain, his cries echoing off the cold basement walls. "Please," he begged, his voice hoarse from screaming. "I'll give you the world, and I'll tell you anything you want to know...! Just stop."

But I had no intention of stopping. I picked up a knife and began to carve into his skin, starting with shallow cuts on his arms and legs. I took my time, making sure to inflict as much pain as possible. Kokabiel's screams grew louder and more desperate with each cut.

Next, I picked up a pair of pliers and used them to tear out his fingernails. Kokabiel's screams reached a new level of intensity, and I could see the terror in his eyes as he realized that I had no intention of stopping. I raised a finger high, and plasma came out of it like a heated blowtorch; I used it to burn his skin, leaving blackened and charred marks all over his body.

Through it all, Akeno watched with a sickening sense of pleasure, her eyes never leaving the scene of carnage in front of her. She let out soft moans of excitement as she watched me torture Kokabiel, and I could tell that she was enjoying every moment of it.

Kokabiel's screams grew weaker and weaker as the torture continued until finally, he fell silent. I leaned down and checked his pulse, a satisfied smile on my face. "Looks like he's passed out," I turned to Akeno and said, "You wanna join when he wakes up?"

Akeno hesitated, but the insane gaze in her eyes couldn't be faked. She nodded, her breathing still fast and shallow. "I can't wait," she said.

Her eyes were wild with excitement and lust, and she couldn't hide the hungry gaze she had. That made my manhood twitch. I chuckled and approached her, placing a hand on her waist and pulling her close to me.

"Ah-" She gasped in surprise, looking up at me, and I noted the desire in her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her, while my bloody hands left smears on her clothes and skin.

She hesitated for a moment, probably considering my relationship with her King, and now it'd affect their relationship if she didn't push me back... before she gave in to the kiss, whimpering as I began to touch her.

I slammed her back against the wall, kissing her while two of my fingers slammed into her cunt, making her grunt out loud, as we made out passionately. Our bodies pressed against each other as we explored each other with our hands, filling the room with the sloppy sounds of our kiss and her pussy getting violated by my fingers.

Although Akeno was hesitant at first she gave in to her desires in no time, forgetting about the fact that it was her King's man she was making out with.

"Ugh..." It wasn't until Kokabiel's groans filled the room that we broke apart. The Fallen Angel was awake and enraged, glaring at us with hatred in his eyes as he saw us making out while he was bleeding and chained. "You two little fuckers!"

Of course, he felt mad that we were making out while he was in pain from torture. I let out a loud peal of laughter, the glint of the Venerable One shining over my eyes at that. That was so amusing.

Akeno shivered a little when she saw my eyes, so I pushed her back and returned my focus to Kokabiel. I walked up to him with a wide grin on my face. "Welcome back," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I hope you're ready for round two."

Kokabiel's eyes widened in terror as he saw the tools in my hand that I pulled out from my Void Storage, and he began to struggle against his chains once again. But it was no use, he was still too weak to break free.

I turned to Akeno, who was practically salivating at the sight of Kokabiel's fear. "Are you ready?" I asked her, a wicked gleam in my eye.

She nodded eagerly this time, a crazed look on her face. "As ready as I ever can be," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

She walked up to me and I lent her one of my tools. Together, we continued to torture Kokabiel, our movements becoming more and more synchronized as we fed off each other's sadistic energy. Akeno's excitement grew with each passing moment, and I didn't miss how she began to orgasm one time after the other from the sheer pleasure of causing pain. Although they were small bursts of orgasm.

I couldn't help but admire her dedication to the task at hand. I had a lot of experience, but she was just a high-school girl who knew BDSM from porn. So I had to admit that she was truly a natural when it came to this kind of thing. It was as if we were two artists, working together to create a masterpiece of pain and suffering.

Kokabiel's screams filled the room, but they only served to fuel our sadistic desires. We used knives, pliers, and even a blowtorch to inflict pain upon him. With each new tool, his screams grew louder and more desperate, but we showed him no mercy.


Hours passed and Kokabiel's screams continued to echo through the basement. His body was barely recognizable, covered in cuts and burns, and his wings were torn and tattered. But we weren't finished yet.

Akeno's eyes were wild with excitement as she looked at me, asking, "What should we do next?"

I thought for a moment, and then a wicked idea came to me. "Let's pull out his wings one by one," I suggested, a cruel smile playing on my lips. Akeno shivered a little at the idea, both in pleasure and pain. She had a similar wing too, so perhaps she knew how painful it'd feel to get them plucked out.

Yet, her eyes were alight up at the suggestion, and she nodded eagerly.

"No-" Kokabiel screamed, "No, no, no! Just kill me already, why are you g-going so far! Stop!" He cried but I didn't stop. We started with his first wing, grasping it tightly and pulling with all our strength.

Kokabiel screamed in agony as we tore it from his back, leaving a bloody mess in its place. He whimpered like a bitch as we kicked him and broke his wings. We moved on to the next wing, and then the next, each one causing him to scream louder than the last.

By the time we reached his tenth wing, he was barely conscious, but we didn't stop. His screams of pain were nectar to our ears.

Finally, after what felt like hours of torture, Kokabiel's body gave out. He slumped forward, his breathing shallow and weak. I leaned down and checked his pulse, a satisfied smile on my face. "Looks like he's on the brink of death," I said to Akeno.

"Is he~?" she moaned out a question.

"Yeah. Let's see... Do I heal him and continue, or just kill him?" I pondered for a moment and then grinned. "I'll just kill him, what's the point in wasting time?"

I held out my palm, and a miniature Dark Sun rose above it. It was brighter than the one in the ceiling and also much, much hotter. I stood still for a moment, and then slammed it against Kokabiel's head. The energy from the sun melted his brain, his entire skull, causing him to let out one final, agonized scream before falling silent.

His body turned to specks of ashes and submerged into thin air. A fitting death for a fallen fool, leaving not even a proper body behind.

Akeno let out a soft moan of pleasure as she observed Kokabiel's end at my hands, her body trembling with excitement.

She fell to her knees, her orgasm overtaking her, the floor growing wet because of it. I couldn't help but find the sight incredibly hot, and I approached her, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"Ahng~" she moaned like a slut as we pulled each other close, our bodies covered in blood and dirt, but at that moment, we didn't care.

We were lost in our sadistic desires, and nothing else mattered. The night continued with making out in the dirty basement, the sound of Kokabiel's screams still echoing in our ears as if background music to our passionate time.

It wasn't really out of the blue that we were going at it; I expected it the moment she said she wanted to join me in the torture. She's too kinky for it to not happen.

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