Eternal Melody

Chapter 158 - Like A Treasure

September 7th, 2014

"Do you have supernatural powers?" Sumire asked.

Mamoru, who was reading a newspaper, looked over at her and nodded. "Right, I do."

Sumire blinked, surprised that he answered her so easily. Wait what? He actually has it? At first, she thought he was joking until she saw the expression on his face. What kind of situation is this?

"Ki," Mamoru said gently. "Come here, sit next to me."

She nodded and made her way over. No sooner did she reach the couch did he slump his head on her chest. Sumire looked around frantically. "What if people come in?"

"We are a couple now, so it doesn't matter."

Indeed, only two weeks have passed since she agreed to date him. But Sumire understood Mamorus signs. He wants to be spoiled right now.

She hesitated but caressed his hair. "So, you have an ability?"


"The power to move at the speed of sound." Sumire trailed off, and her eyes widened. So that is why he could rescue her from so many tricky situations. It all makes sense now. But there is one thing that puzzled her.

"You don't seem surprised? Normally people would ask for proof."

"I've already seen it, and also this is normal. According to any evolutionary theory, humans are supposed to evolve to keep up with the environment's changes."

Mamoru blinked before he burst into laughter. "Of course, you see it that way."

"Am I wrong?"

"No, maybe you are right. I just woke up one day and noticed these strange abilities or so I would like to say. But I am no hero from a book. This ability was with me ever since I was a child. I never bothered to question where it came from. But listening to you just now, my curiosity is piqued. How many people in this world are like me?"

How many people, huh? Sumire noticed the loneliness in his eyes and the pain in his words. Even though he is always smiling, Mamoru is in pain too.


Present Day

He was so strong, so brave, yet he broke down a lot in front of her. She saw many sides of him that he did not show other people, sides that he showed only her.

"Sumire?" Yuhi said, concerned.

It seemed like she was in a daze for a longer time than she thought. Sumire shook her head. "I am okay now."

"Were you thinking of him?"

His question surprised her. At the same time, it is more comfortable to speak about Mamoru in front of Yuhi, unlike with other people. Sumire understood how awkward it was.

After all, what guy would be happy hearing the girl he likes talk so much about another girl? Sumire noticed Yuhi's gaze linger on the cigarette on the ground. "I thought you didn't smoke."

"Like I said last time, it helps me think."

They both know that is BS. The nicotine in these cigarettes is harmful for the mind.


He caresses her face like she is something precious. Whenever he does this, she tries to refrain from crying. Yuhi kissed her eyelids. "Don't cry so much; you will ruin your pretty face."

"Yuhi, I still miss Ru." She mumbled. No matter how happy she is with Yuhi. Something simple will lead her back to Tsueno Mamoru. Is it because she never got around to telling him, and that was why she had lingering regrets? Either way... "Yuhi-san, this isn't the time to flirt with me."

Sumire noticed that he was drawing small circles in her hands and looking at her lips. Her cheeks reddened slightly. "I know we have been dancing around this whole dating thing for a long time. But you—" She was about to tell him something, but this led to him closing the distance between them.

It was not a passionate kiss, but it was a gentle one to reassure her. When he pulled away, he brushed their foreheads together. "You know you don't have to tell me that every time. I know you feel guilty, but don't be. I understand, Sumire. I am jealous, yes, but not unreasonable. I told you I would wait for you."

He shouldn't have to wait for her. Most people date to have a happy relationship, not a set of complicated trials.

"You need to stop staring at me."

Sumire decided to change the topic swiftly.

"Are you saying I am not allowed to watch you?" He seemed amused.

A content sigh passed her lips when he kissed her forehead. "You make it too obvious." How is she supposed to act normal around him if he stares at her all day?

"It is okay, but keep it under moderation."

"But I like looking at you. I always want to look at you."

Sumire blinked at his straight forward words. Is it just her, or is Yuhi-san more honest these days? Indeed there does appear to be something different. When she first came here, there were many rumors regarding Yuhis behavior. But recently she has not heard any.

She understood why. Yuhi is so kind and gentle these days. He still gets angry occasionally, but it is not as often as before.

"Besides, I can say whatever I want to. If you would like, I can shower you with more affection every day, not just through words." Yuhi said mischievously as he bit her earlobe. She shuddered at his touch, and he mumbled. "I can be patient like I said. But I will have my way with you somehow, so keep that in mind, okay?"

Keep what in mind? This man is far too shameless. Does he not understand that it is bad for her heart-- Sumire paused in midthought when she saw his expression.

He knows what he is doing to her, and yet he continues to do this. What an unfair man. But then again, she likes their relationship. It is different than the relationship she had with Sano, Ren, and Mamoru. Yuhi differs from them. He smoothed his fingers across her heated face.

"You know I never thought we would get such peaceful moments like this. I mean back then we couldn't relax even for a moment. There were many occasions where I wanted to make a move on you, but we ended up getting interrupted."

Sumire rolled her eyes at that comment of his. "You wanted to make a move on me before?"

"Uh, don't look so surprised Sumire. You also tried to make a move on me before."

So he noticed? Indeed she attempted it before. She wanted to see what would happen if she tried to make a move on Yuhi and it seemed like it worked. "Is it okay for me to be happy Yuhi?"


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