Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 31 - Looking For Girlfriend

Rudy called Eric on the phone to ask him for details about his mysterious girlfriend.

[Yeah, Rudy. What happened?] Eric asked.

"Uhh… where are you right now?" Rudy asked.

[I was just about to take a bath. Why?]

"Are you alone right now? Is your mother there?"

[No. She should be at the airport currently,] Eric replied.

"Okay. I will come to your house."

Rudy hung up the call and jumped out of his window.

He flew to Eric's house, which was 10 minutes away, but Rudy reached there within a minute.

He landed in Eric's backyard and entered his house from the backdoor. Then, he dashed up the stairs into Eric's room, but Eric wasn't there.

Rudy could hear the sound of the water coming from the bathroom in Eric's room.

"Eric? Are you alive?" Rudy asked with a scoff.

"Rudy?! You are already here?!" Eric exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was right outside your house when I called you," Rudy replied. "Anyway, I want to ask you something."

"What is it? If you want money, then you can take my card. It's in my wallet," Eric said as he turned on the shower.

"No… actually… I want to know about my girlfriend…" Rudy stuttered.

"Oh! What about her? You guys broke up, right? Are you still holding onto her or something?" Eric asked curiously.

'Well, that's new to me!' Rudy face-palmed himself and muttered, "What is this? I didn't even get time to comprehend the thought of me having a girlfriend, and now I know that we already broke up?"

"What did you say?!" Eric said in a loud voice. "I have a shower on, so I can't hear you!"

"I was asking if you have any photos of her with you. Like a group photo or a couple of pictures of me and her!" Rudy yelled back.

"No, I don't. She was a shy girl, remember? She didn't like when someone took photos of her," Eric uttered. "What happened? Why do you suddenly want her photo?"

'Well, I don't remember anything about her…'

Rudy was trying to make Eric tell the name of the girl, but it didn't work.

'I guess I will have to ask her directly,' Rudy decided.

" Umm... Do you remember her name?" Rudy asked in an awkward manner.

"Why are you asking me, bro?"

"Well… I can't remember her name…" Rudy replied reluctantly.

"Seriously?!" Eric exclaimed. "Is it because of the incident with the tunnel?"

"Yes! So... can you tell me her name?"

"Sure." Eric turned off the shower and said, "Her name was… uhh…. Umm… huh? Why can't I remember it? It's right up my throat, but I can't… seem to remember it…"


'What's going on?' Rudy wondered.

"Why don't you check on the school records tomorrow? It should have her name and everything in it," Eric suggested.

"Yeah. Good idea."

"Are you staying for the night?" Eric asked curiously.

"No, not tonight."

"How about you stay for dinner? I will order something good," Eric suggested.

"Na, I already ate. Thanks for the offer!"

"Alright. Make sure to lock the doors before sleeping~"

"You are not my mom~!"

Rudy opened the window of Eric's room and flew out.

However, instead of going back to his house, Rudy went somewhere else.

'Where are we going?" Angelica asked.

"School," Rudy replied. "I can't wait for tomorrow. I need to know who my girlfriend was. And my curiosity increased after seeing how Eric couldn't remember her name."

'That's true. Something strange is going on…'

Rudy was getting tired of flying, so he teleported to the school. But he made sure to teleport to the place where no one would be around.

He teleported to the school's washroom.

After that, Rudy made his way to the library to find the book that holds the records of all the students with their photos and basic details in it.

Rudy entered the library and found the book within a minute. However, the book was more than a thousand pages long, but it was managed well according to year and the first letter of the alphabet. But it was useless as Rudy didn't know her name.

"How am I going to find her?" Rudy asked himself.

"Find who?" A voice asked from behind Rudy.

"My—" Rudy turned around to see Rize standing there with her hands folded below her bosom.

"Hey… Rize…"

"What are you doing here in the library at this hour?" Rize asked with a judging look on her face.

"Just like any other scholar student, I am studying late…" Rudy replied with an awkward smile on his face.

"The school hours have already ended, and you should be at home…" Rize looked at the book behind Rudy and asked, "Is that a record book?"

"Yes. I am searching for someone," Rudy sighed. "Can you help me?"

"Who are you looking for?" Rize asked with a curious yet calm look on her face.

"My girlfriend… ex-girlfriend…" Rudy replied.

"Oh! You are looking for Rias?" Rize asked.

'She knows her name?!' Rudy exclaimed inwardly. Rudy was more surprised because Eric couldn't remember her name, but Rize did.

"Yes. I… wanted her picture" Rudy averted his gaze and said, "… for… research purposes…"

"But why? And you can't just look into the record to—"

"If you say any more words, I will have to shut you up with a kiss," Rudy uttered nonchalantly.

Rize immediately covered her mouth after hearing that.

'She is so cute!'

"Please Rize… can you help me out?" Rudy asked with an innocent look on his face.

Rudy knew how to handle Rize because she was the only girl Rudy developed a crush on.

"Fine~! But the record book won't have her picture and details," Rize stated.

"Why not?"

Rize shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Because she dropped out three months ago, and the record book gets updated at the end of every year…"

Rudy placed his hand on his chin and wondered, 'We are currently in the second year. And if the record book doesn't have Rias' details yet, does that mean she wasn't here in the first year? So she was probably a transfer student.'

"So, where can I find her details and everything?" Rudy asked with a curious look on his face.

Rize looked through her phone and showed him the screen that had Rias' address on it. However, it didn't have Rias' photo.

"Why is there no picture of her?" Rudy asked.

"I… don't remember…" Rize replied with a confused and puzzled look on her face.

"Thanks for the address, Rize," Rudy thanked with a smile on his face and said, "Come here. I will give you a kiss as a reward."

Rize smacked Rudy on the head and left the library after saying, "Lock up the library and leave."

After that, Rudy locked the library and went to the address Rize gave him. However, never in his wildest dream would he have imagined what he would see there.

The address of the house Rize gave was demolished a month ago.

Thanks, @Oseni_Precious_1089, for the gift!


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