Escaping the Mystery Hotel

Chapter 32: Room 103, Cursed Room – ‘▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢’▢ ▢▢▢▢▢ ▢▢▢▢’ (1)

Chapter 32: Room 103, Cursed Room – ‘▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢’▢ ▢▢▢▢▢ ▢▢▢▢’ (1)

[User: Han Kain (Wisdom)

Date: Day 13

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room Animal Farm)

Sages Advice: 3]

I shrunk my body as much as possible. Even though everyone had certain roles, my role as the snake was the most important.

It was actually a bit challenging for me to come up with a place to hide my body. Creating a commotion by destroying everything in sight was actually not that hard for intellectual animals as long as they were keen on doing it.

Compared to that, predicting the actions of the family members in the midst of such chaos was quite challenging!

But there was no need to predict every single action for a successful ambush.

All I had to do was hide at a place where they definitely had to come to.


The door of the carriage was pulled wide open.

Peter! Mei! Help me carry your father inside. Peter! You can drive the carriage right?

Uhh, Ill try. Dad taught me from time to time.

Yes! Hurry up We have to cross the river to where the doctor is.

After hurriedly carrying the bloodstained farmer into the carriage, the family changed the bandages around his wounds. Peter sat at the front to drive the horses, whereas Brian, Amy and Mei sat at the back.

Everything was going according to plan.

Predicting everything that would happen in such chaos was way too difficult, but whatever their plan was, they had to drive the carriage and leave the farm.

Whether they were going to the doctor, asking for help from outside or simply escaping the farm whatever their goal was, they always had to go to the carriage!

Now, it was my time to shine.

It was highly unlikely for me to survive after this but it was okay.

Considering how many survivors we had, there should be zero problems. The rest were going to escape alive so I should also come back to life.

The head of a snake that had been hiding beneath the chair suddenly reached out. The venomous fangs of the snake bit Brian and Amy before they could even react!

From the top of the hill, I gazed down at the farm.

This farm which had given us all sorts of pain over the past 4 days was now in pandemonium. Domestic animals were jumping around everywhere; the family was running away from the farm while groaning in pain and despair, while the pack of wolves were still waiting for the opportunity. 

We were probably returning our pain by tenfold. 

However it wasnt over yet.

Now that we started a war, it was time to finish it.

It wasnt over until the enemy was gone.

After running out of the farm, the family supported the farmer and headed to the carriage.

Even that was according to Eunsol-noonas plan.

Something that I realised while seeing her was that Eunsol-noona was really skilled at predicting peoples actions.

I waited.

Kyaaaaaah! Mum! Dadd!!!!!

Uaaahk! This fucking snake!!! Die! Please just die!!

Screams soon left the carriage.

After a while, the corpse of a bisected snake was flung out of the carriage.

Ah it seemed that this was the last moment of Eunsol-noona.

It was a bit of a pity, but it was okay.

We will be meeting each other again very soon. All we had to do was dust it off with a laugh while having dinner together.

With my final charge of fury, this stupid farm should be completely over!

I started racing towards the carriage from the hill.

My rear leg started aching in pain again but it was fine. I simply had to withstand the pain for a moment, which wasnt that hard for me.

Considering how there was already an injured person plus their parents being bitten by a snake, none of the humans were in the state to drive the carriage and the carriage was therefore completely still.

The horses that belatedly noticed my approach neighed and warned its owners but

Too late bitch.

The headbutt of a black cow struck the side of the carriage! 

That one strike was enough to make the carriage fall to its side.

Like victims of a car accident, which might not even be that far from the truth, the family members groaned in pain on the ground. When I was super angry yesterday, I really felt like trampling on these humans and killing them in one go but

Seeing those kids sobbing with their unconscious parents in their arms weakened my resolve a little.

The husband and wife of the family appeared to be both bitten by the snake and their shoulders were swollen.

It would be hard for them to stay alive for long.

The kids would probably be killed by the wolves even if I didnt do anything. The gun was broken, the carriage was destroyed and their parents were also dead. Even if I let them go, there was no way for them to survive.

But there was also no way that the wolves would stop after attacking these kids.

We also had to think about ways to survive from the wolves.

In any case, when was it going to be considered an escape? Did these kids have to die as well?

Wouldnt it be faster for me to trample them to death then? That might hurt less for them as well, right?

But even though I was now an animal, wasnt it a bit questionable to step on kids to kill them?

Since when was I such a person that would do such vicious things to people?

I was continuing my line of thought when the Discord gave out notifications like crazy.

Goose (Yu Songee): Listen to me! Theres something wrong with this plan

Rat King (Kim Mooksung): How is it wrong?

Goose (Yu Songee): I met the monster just then! Theres no consideration for the monster!

No consideration for the monster.

She wasnt wrong, but it didnt hit home either.

Its not like we escaped after finding out all the secrets of the guest rooms every time, right? For example during the Strange Family at Room 101, Seungyub escaped with practically zero knowledge about the situation.

What was the Strange Family? Why did they all go crazy? He had no clue but his escape was still acknowledged.

It was the same thing for the Mansion of Fear, Room 102.

Compared to the Strange Family, we did discover a few more factors like the devil at the basement and Sir, but that was it.

We only had pieces of information without any clues on how to resolve the issue.

In other words, the conclusion we had come to thus far was that there was no need to know all the secrets of the Cursed Room to escape it. 

The thing about the monster was something we definitely had to look into later on but was there a need to do that now?

Like that, I was slowly comparing everything to the past rooms one by one and

A shocking line of thought popped up in my head.

Something was seriously weird. This was going horribly wrong.

There was another problem that was different from the one Songee thought of.

Where did the strange phenomenon occur at the Strange Family? It was from the uncanny family members.

Where did the strange phenomenon occur at the Mansion of Fear? It was from the mansion and the members of the mansion. Songee was just a victim that was possessed by one of the people at the mansion.

If so, then where did the strange phenomenon occur at the Animal Farm?

It was us.

The family of farmers that we had been seeing as the enemy had nothing strange about them.

They were just normal farmers looking after their farm!

The strange existences here werent the family members of the farm, but the animals that suddenly started thinking like people us!

My brain was being muddled in confusion.

If we were the strange existences here, then was our entire approach wrong?

Maybe our first question had to be on why we had suddenly turned into an animal. That was obviously the strangest phenomenon and yet not a single one of us showed any doubt regarding that matter.

While feeling the rise of an unfathomable despair, I looked at the screaming children. Their parents were dead and the kids were weeping endlessly, not knowing what to do.


Their tears stopped.

Like an illusion, the faces of the kids that had been rolling around the pit of despair turned oddly calm. 

The entire farm turned silent.

The noise of the domestic animals; the screams of the children and the howls of the waiting wolves.

An overwhelming being that suppressed all the trivial noise of other petty existences showed itself.

The entire world faded into white.

The stage flipped upside down.

The carriage disappeared; the horses vanished and the wolves were gone. The farm, the couple and the sobbing kids all vanished into the thin air.

Inside a white hell with none of those present was me

A bug rolling around like an ant under the gaze of far superior existences.

Ahh I finally understood it.

I realised what the identity of this hell was.

The moment I noticed what it was, I sincerely hoped for an easy death. I couldnt think of any method to escape this place.

It was simply frightening and painful. All I could do was wish I would fall into an eternal sleep in oblivion

[User: Han Kain (Wisdom)

Date: Day 13

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room Animal Farm)

Sages Advice: 3]

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room Animal Farm)

Cursed Room Animal Farm

Cursed Room Animal 

Cursed Room Ani

Cursed Room A

Cursed Room  

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 103 (Cursed Room Athanasias Human Farm)

/You have failed!

A prejudiced perspective! Black and White thinking! Why am I always correct, and the opponent always wrong?

Perhaps this prejudiced mindset begins from the arrogant self-conviction that I cannot be in the wrong? To overcome the hardships of the Hotel, you must be a wise skeptic who doubts everything in existence.

Naturally, your own self should be included in the mix.

A prejudiced person has no right to obtain Diverse Perspectives.

You were unable to escape the curse, nor were you able to resolve the root cause of the curse. It is very unfortunate.

However, there is still a chance! Wait for your teammates.

One of your teammates has successfully resolved the issue! Congratulations! The successful resolution allows everyone to return safely./

You have obtained the Inheritance, Diverse Perspectives.


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