Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 5 Letter

After I finished drawing the tickets, I decided to read the letter from the unknown goddess.

'Show me the letter.'

The moment I said that, suddenly, a unique kind of paper appeared beside me.

Yes, a unique paper since it looks like it was taken from a jewelry store or something, and it looks like it is a work of art.

Certainly, it gives the vibe of the goddess.

Anyway, with that observation, I started reading the letter.

'Dear Callius, or should I say, Aaron.

You must have a lot of questions about yourself and why all those happened to you.

You shall get your answers in the future with your own strength, and nobody shall be able to stand in your way of truth.

You must have thought about why you have not received any blessing from any god or goddess, and you must have already understood why that was the case by yourself.

If you want to receive your blessing, you shall come to the lake on the day of 'Nightfall's Abyss'.

- From your goddess Nyx

When I read the letter, I understood why I was not granted any blessing from another god or goddess.

Because the person who chose me was one of the strongest goddesses out there as well as one of the most hated ones.

Lady Nyx, the goddess of eternal darkness, the forgotten goddess.

Know that, in this world, the most worshipped goddess is lady Celestia, the goddess of the Light.

There are other gods worshipped by their own people as well, but the most prominent one is lady Celestia.

And she is also the one who gives the most blessings as well.

However, if there is a light, there is always darkness.

In the game, the dark side of the gods was related to the demons and demon god worshippers.

However, I always thought that the Demon God would never represent darkness.

In the first place, the meaning of Demon represents evil, not darkness.

And the meaning of God and Celeste doesn't represent purity or virtue.

Even in the hearts of the goddesses of purity, there will always be something evil, something dark.

This is how virtue or righteousness is defined.

Without knowing how to behave evilly and only knowing to behave righteously, can one really claim himself as a good person?


For me, in order to claim yourself as a good person, one first needs to taste the feeling of doing something evil, the sweet taste of sin, and then choose to be virtuous.

That is how someone becomes a good person.

A good person is not a person called a priest or a goddess of light but a person whose actions are helpful to others or how you define good.

It is unrelated to the title given to the person by others.

However, no matter what I say, evil will always be related to darkness, and virtue will always be related to light.

There is nothing we can do about it since this is our nature of us humans.

Darkness also represents the unknown, and the thing we always fear the most is 'The Unknown'.

That was one of the reasons why I had never heard the name of the goddess Nyx in the game.

She is a long-forgotten goddess.

As I said, in the game, most of the villains would worship the demon god, and they try to summon the demon god to our world.

And the game itself is about that.

But the goddess of darkness was never mentioned in the game, so I have no knowledge about who Lady Nyx is.

Anyway, the letter itself looks pretty cryptic, and the phrase "Come to the lake on the day of Nightfall's Abyss" is a word that is known by only a handful of people in this world.

The name Nightfall's Abyss is the cataclysm that affected the whole multiverse and trapped the creatures and mana in the world of Aeris.

In the game, it was explained as lore by developers, and this fact is kept secret by the power holders in this world.

The reason it is kept secret is that it is related to the Demon God and its devouring of the world.

It is pretty cliché, but as you can expect, the Demon God's existence itself is about conquering the worlds and multiverses and absorbing their powers.

And Nightfall's Abyss is an event that occurred 2000 years ago, and that event led this world to this fantasy setting with mana, elves, demons, dragons, vampires, and all those other unique monsters.

It is said that the multiverses crashed, and dimensional rifts were opened suddenly, making all those other races and monsters invade the world of Aeris.

And the day of the Night's Fall means the anniversary of this event, and it is tomorrow night.

The lake must mean the 'Lake of the Forgotten', which is in our duchy and very close to our mansion.

That means she is expecting me to go there tomorrow.

It won't be an easy experience, but I think I will manage it somehow.

Since I don't have any power right now and the mother-daughter duo hates me, it would be hard for me to leave the mansion under all this monitoring, but I think I will manage somehow.


At that moment, when I reached that conclusion, I heard the sound of a door knocking.

Hmm, who might this person be?


I said with a commanding tone.

It is natural since this is my trait.

The moment I said that a lady with a voluptuous body, brown hair, hazel eyes, and a maid uniform entered my view.

Ah, I see.

So they sent me this hypocrite, didn't they?

"What brings you here, Susan?"

I asked the maid.

Yes, I know her name and herself quite well, actually.

She is the maid appointed to me by my father, and she is quite a strict person.

However, she never treated Callius well and like a lord in a sense, and she always had this scorning gaze in her eyes.

Know that, as a commoner, she doesn't have a surname in this country.

Even though there was a status difference between her and Callius, she never cared about all of them and always treated him with disrespect.

In the game, she was also one of the reasons Callius behaved like a villain since she made sure to anger him all the time she could.

From behind the scenes, she always liked Arthur and thought Alicia was more suitable for him, and she decided to be the bridge man of their relationship by making Callius behave like a villain.

And she has been giving me some potions with angering issues in them for quite an amount time.

I can say since the moment my consciousness and Callius merged, as a person with another perspective, I easily noticed the change in the behavior of Callius.

Knowing it is really hard to notice the changes in one's own behavior, she knew there was no one else besides Callius to notice those changes and warn him, so she decided to drug him to make his emotions unstable.

This is truly the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen in my life.

You need to know that she is one of the people Austin took out from the slums and gave a good life, so even the idea of her betraying his son itself is a very hypocritical thing.

She should have been the one who supported Callius most, but instead, she decided to betray him and make him fall into the deep abyss.

Anyway, since they decided to call me, it would be better for me to show 'Lady Adelyn' some face.

"Lady Adelyn has called you to her office, and she sent me to notify you."

She said with a blunt tone without any ounce of respect in it.

Just like I said, she doesn't even show me respect; then, you shall not worry.

I will personally make you my pig in the future, you lowlife.

Just because you got some attention from that Adelyn woman, that doesn't mean you can treat me however you want.

"Wait, maid Susan."

I said with an angry and commending tone activating the [Tyrant's Aura].


Hearing my voice and feeling the pressure exuded from me, she suddenly got intimidated and turned her body to me.

You need to know that since I am still classless and I don't have any stars yet, most people would ignore me and wouldn't see me as a threat.

And Susan herself is a 5-star rank assassin, so she should already have felt the absurdity of the situation.

A rank-5 getting intimidated by a 0-star rank person? This would be almost impossible, but even if it was just for a second, my trait was able to do it.

"Be careful about how you treat me from now on, commoner. Know your place."

I said while glaring at her hazel eyes.

The moment I said that, she shivered for a second, and her eyes were wide open.

It seems she wasn't expecting such a reaction from me.

"Yes, my lord. I am sorry for my disrespectful behavior just now, and I am ready to receive any punishment you give me."

It seems like the oath she swore when she started working in this mansion is still effective.

Then this is good.

No matter how good a person Susan is or how trusting Austin is, it is still impossible to let her work in this mansion without an oath swearing.

In that oath, it is said that the maid should never try to damage and betray the household, and from the looks of it, she can't kill me or hurt me right now.

Then you may ask, how did she poison me or drug me?

The answer is that the oath had a loophole since she was not directly harming me. She can drug me or make her puppet.

Since this doesn't really damage the household because I am talentless, she can flex those rules, and she is using them as well.

"There is no need for punishment. A commoner like you is bound to make mistakes, so I am not surprised. From now on, be careful about how you behave, and never forget what my father did for you."

I said with a commanding tone, and seeing me mentioning my father, and she got a sad expression on her face for a moment.

"I understand, my lord. I will be careful from now on."

She said and bowed her head.

"Then, we shall leave."

With that order, I left my room and started walking to the office Adelyn uses for his official work…


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