Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 20 Funeral

When I reached the front door of the mansion, I saw a carriage with the insignia of Augustride Household.

Know that since our household was said to be the descendants of the Thunder God Zeus, our insignia is also designed in such a way.

The logo has a hand that is holding a lightning particle with a rapier pierced through it.

Yes, a rapier. Although Austin himself was a high-ranking magician and the household of Augustrides were all excellent magicians, that doesn't mean they were talentless in close combat.

No, it was the opposite.

It was a necessity for all members of the Augustride household to learn the swordplay of Augustride, or in other words, the swordplay of Tempest.

Although Callius himself didn't like training with swords, that doesn't mean he hadn't learned it. No, he actually learned how to use a rapier, and he was talented at that as well. However, since he wasn't able to receive a blessing from the goddess at the age of 10, he didn't want to waste his time training with swords or other things.

Instead, he started reading articles about magic and magical engineering, territory management, crowd management, military strategy, and other theoretical things.

But since right now, I am in this body, I won't neglect my sword training as well, but it is a story for another day.

When I reached the carriage, I saw that Diana was already there and waiting inside it.

Normally, one would not consider a person sitting in the carriage alone as a bizarre situation.

However, there was a particular thing about that situation. She was talking with herself.

"So, you are saying the evil spirits are gathering around the city of Aachen?"

No, that was wrong; she wasn't talking by herself. She was talking with a fairy.

You know, since her class is fairy and she has a high affinity with nature, she can see and talk with fairies and spirits.

"I see; then we should inform the local police as well as the Druid Association Branch. It seems a high-ranking spiritualist is needed."

And, from the looks of it, the fairy was reporting to Diana about something.

"Ah, big brother Callius, you are here. I was waiting for you, you know. What took you so long?"

She asked while looking into my eyes. She finally noticed me after standing there for almost 10 seconds.

"What do you mean by taking so long? I don't think we decided to meet here at some specific time." I said while sitting next to her.

"But, in the past, you would always come to the place early and wait for people. This time too, I thought you would do that. Humph, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Why are you making excuses?" Diana said while pouting her mouth.

As I said, she was a bit of an oddball.

"Good that you understood, anyway; how was life in the Elven Kingdom? Did they treat you well?"

I asked while changing the topic. And she understood my intentions as well.

"Humph, it was normal. The Elves are all boring people. They are always talking about the World Tree and magic; there is nothing else. And their prideful attitude makes me nauseous. Every one of them has the same type of speech."

She said while humphing. It seems this girl learned how to use her cuteness on people, but sadly that won't work on me.

"I see. Although I don't know many elves, I heard that they were prideful. Then, did you make any advancements in your rank or anything?"

"Brother, do you really think it is that easy to advance ranks?"

"I see; I just wondered about that. Then, have you made any connections with someone important in the Elven Kingdom?" I said.

Her visit to the Elven Kingdom was not only for education but also for politics. No matter what age you are, if you are a child of noble, it is your responsibility to make connections, and Diana is no exception to that rule.

"Ah, now that you mentioned it, I became friends with the Crown Princess, Selanne Glyndon. She was actually a nice person, and since we both had an affinity with nature, Master was also teaching her." She said while looking at me.

"Hmm, do you know her, brother?" She asked.

"Why did you think so?"

"Because you didn't look that surprised to me. It was like you knew beforehand that she would also be there."

She said.

This girl… She is really witty, isn't she?

Yes, I knew the Crown Princess Selanne Glyndon would also be there since I saw that in the game.

The Crown Princess of the Elven Kingdom, Selanne Glyndon, is also a heroine in the game; however, she doesn't have any parts in the first arc of the game.

She was introduced to the players later when the academy started, and it was shown in the game later on that she was an acquaintance of Diana.

She was also pretty useful while taking down Diana since she was one of the people that Diana trusted. But, sadly, in the end, she, too, betrayed her for the sake of Arthur.

"I see, but you know that, don't you? That you shouldn't trust people that easily. Next time, don't call her your friend. A friend is not something for people like us; do you understand that?"

I said while looking deeper into her eyes.

At that moment, Callius subconsciously activated his [Tyrant's Aura] and his art [All Seeing Eye] while looking at Diana.

Seeing his brother's oppressive aura as well as his charming polychromic eyes, she was mesmerized for a moment and couldn't speak.

"I asked you a question," Callius said, keeping his oppressive aura.

"Ah, yes. I understand. It was my fault. I got ahead of myself. As you said, brother, a friend is not a word for people like us. However, if you are saying I shouldn't trust her, then you must know something, don't you, brother?"

She said, this time fighting with me in a staring contest.

Day by day, this girl is learning how to stand her ground and how face her opponents. Like a snake covering her prey, she is trying to take hold of the flow of conversation.

"There is no particular reason. I am just warning you, that's it."

"I see. If you say so, then there is nothing for me to say. Then, how are you doing, brother? Is Mother treating you well? I heard she is making your life harder in the house. Is it true?"

She asked while choosing to change the topic.

"You know how Adelyn is. Her behavior is still the same, and nothing changed."

"Ah, if you want something from me, you can always ask. You know I will never leave you, right, brother?"

While we were talking, I heard the sound of Adelyn coming from outside.

"Is everyone here?"

"Yes, Lady Adelyn. Lord Callius and Lady Diana are inside the carriage. We were waiting for you to arrive."

"Good, then let's leave immediately. We should not be late."

"Understood, my lady. We will start moving immediately."

Just like that, Adelyn and Emma, too, came inside the carriage, and we started leaving.

The church we are heading to right now is the main church of Celestia in Augustride Dukedom.

That branch is in the city of Aachen, in the middle of it at that.

While we were riding, no one decided to talk, so the ride was pretty much uneventful.

Although from time to time I could see Emma gazing at me, she didn't say anything, and I didn't talk either.

When we reached the city, the first thing I noticed was how different it was from the nighttime.

In the morning, the well-designed structure of buildings can be observed in a better way. The liveliness of the city doesn't lose to the night. The streets are crowded.

Since we had the insignia of Augustride Dukedom on the carriage while we were traveling, everyone stopped what they were doing and saluted.

This is the custom of Augustride Dukedom, which the founder of the family decided.

When the insignia of the family is shown, everyone must salute, and they should be as respectful as possible until the people holding the symbol is left the place.

Anyway, with all those salutes, we reached the church.

Like I have said before, the Celestia Church itself is a very strong force to reckon with, and they are economically rich.

This can be seen from the design of the church itself.

The building looks different from the nearby ones. It shines like a golden spear, and it has enormous in size.

The golden inscriptions on the walls, the murals around the church, those paintings, everything looks like they are from medieval time earth. The structure of the church itself is very similar to the cathedrals in Spain.

When we got out of the carriage, the first person to welcome us was Archbishop Clayton. This guy is the person who was in charge of Callius' awakening process, so I knew his face.

"Welcome to the Church of Celestia, Duchess Adelyn. Firstly, I would like to say my condolences for your loss. Duke Austin was a good man."

"Thank you for your kindness, Archbishop Clayton. Did guests arrive?"

They started talking, but I could see this archbishop was not even a bit bothered by the death of Austin. Talk about hypocrisy.

But the thing that got my interest was not the conversation between those old people.

The thing that got my interest was the yellow hair shining like the sun…

The main cast is finally here…


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