
Chapter [NaN]

Chapter [NaN]

Kashike sat in a private onsen that could be rented at an hourly rate for those people that were staying at the Whirling Tides manor who preferred some privacy when they bathed, or those who had rooms that lacked onsen much like Yuugao had been forced to select despite members of the Family usually having a standing suite with its own hot spring attached to it. However, as it was nearing the end of the summer, and as Yuugao had surprised Tsunami with her visit as she had kept herself closed off from the Fox Mark network, not to mention had expected to have the room to herself before informing Naruto that she intended to end their relationship, Tsunami had booked the Familys usual room to a visiting noble. It had turned out that first of the Anbu Captains expectations hadnt panned out since Kashike after leaving Konoha had decided to drop in on Yuugaos pity party as she felt the woman owed her some explanations. To her surprise, Yuugao hadnt appeared to be overly annoyed, although she had certainly been somewhat so when her Suna counterpart had shown up outside her rooms door, and subsequently barged in stating that she would be staying there as well due to the Hotel being booked to capacity.

At which point practically as soon as Yuugao had closed the door behind her, Kashike had rounded on the Anbu Head Captain and laid into her about how her actions likely where going to have a negative effect on her career. How she had already been unofficially reprimanded by Foo, the Head Captain of Sunas Anbu Program, and would likely receive an official one once he returned to Suna. Which, although a part of Kashike feared the reprimand would be used by some of her detractors to boot her from the Anbu program, she didnt share that detail with Yuugao. Mainly due to her believing that while Foo had previously been one of those detractors, as he had once bet against her when she had been sponsored by the Suna Academy Headmaster to let her continue through the Academy program while pretending to be a boy. In time, she had won him over through her effort and determination. Moreover, Foo had a granddaughter, who was set to graduate from the Academy soon, and if Kashike had to guess based on how she wore similar armor as her grandfather to class, she also intended to one day become a member of Sunas Anbu Division. Thus, if he allowed her to be booted from the Anbu Division over a single failure, despite her previous spotless record, hed only be making it easier for the same detractors wanting her gone from the program to either deny his granddaughter the right to join in the first place, or get her dropped should she ever fail in a mission. Which was bound to happen to any shinobi sooner or later, regardless of how talented they were.

The other factor that would blunt her detractors efforts to get her demoted back down to a Jounin was Bakis pleading guilty to the charge of murdering Hayate. Yet, despite how Foos claiming her failure had been the cause of the current crisis between Konoha and Suna over the matter of Bakis killing of Hayate. Kashike herself didnt believe this to be the case, a conclusion she had arrived at as she had mentally prepared her defense due to her expectations for how her detractors would react. If pushed, she was confident that she would be able to successfully argue that as the truth of Hayates murder had already been revealed to Konoha even before Naruto had grabbed Baki. A small lie, as Tsunade and Yoshino had only guessed as this being the reason for Yuugaos actions when they had informed Konohas Clan Council. It, along with Bakis subsequent admitting to his guilt meant the councilor would still be facing the same outcome for his actions, regardless of whether or not she had been able to prevent his abduction to Konoha by Naruto. A feat that she doubted anyone in Suna would have been able to achieve, except perhaps Gaara and even then she would add the caveat that he would need to know exactly what the Uzumaki had been planning beforehand as Naruto had been able to close the distance between him and Baki in the blink of an eye, and had teleported him and returned just as quickly.

Yet, despite Kashikes belief that all the effort and sacrifices which she had needed to make to attain her current rank were not about to be for naught at least in regards to maintaining her rank. It hadnt stopped her from lambasting Yuugao about how thanks to her selfishness, her already uphill climb to one day become head of the Anbu herself, had likely been turned into a sheer vertical cliff. Yuugao had accepted her anger and frustrations as she calmly stood while seemingly hugging herself as she had listened attentively until Kashike had nearly exhausted herself with her ranting.

At which point Konohas Anbu Head Captain had finally said, I will not lie to you and say I am sorry. As despite the hardships I have caused everyone, I cannot say that I am displeased with how things turned out. Kashike had felt her hackles rise as she had prepared to lay into the purple-haired woman again, while asking her how she could be fine with everything that had happened. But, she calmed as she could see an incredible sadness in the older woman that made her want to comfort her especially as she said, Im sure you find that difficult to believe considering what Hayate became She trailed off, and Kashike wondered if it was because much like her, she experienced a flash of his demonic visage which when it had focused on her during their battle had looked upon her with hated and lust. But, whatever the reason had been Yuugao pushed past it to continue her explanation, But, in truth Im not sure that fate could have been avoided from the moment Kabuto set him after Baki. Ive drunken from the same chalice after all when I destroyed those bounty offices after they had accepted Kabuto and Sasukes offers for Naruto. No matter how many I destroyed it was never enough to make the hatred or fear I felt diminish.

Yuugao had turned away from Kashike then in order to face a window which looked out on the ocean that surrounded the Land of Waves. As the older woman studied her reflection, Kashike suspected that the one Yuugao was seeing was perhaps twisted in a similar manner as her former lovers had been, especially as she continued, And, when that bitch Suzume had tried to poison Narutoit was only by the thinnest of margins that I didnt end up plunging my blade right through her skull. Yuugao shivered as she hugged herself tighter, and Kashike could easily imagine the kunoichi wished it was the man they shared whose arms were wrapped around her, as she pressed on, So, I imagine that even if I had not gotten involved, and Baki had ended up dead by Hayates hand, it would have played out much the same, as I doubt it would have quenched the anger that he felt at Konohas so quickly reforging relations with your village, and mymoving on. Yuugao turned to face her once more as she gave a soft smile that was incredibly sad as she added, Six years ago, even as Suna was attacking my village, I swore to avenge Hayate as I stood at the Memorial Stone. Now, that vow has been achieved as it appears his killer will spend the next few years behind bars. So, I cannot offer an apology for my actions as I cannot help but feel that they resulted in the best outcomes that were available.

Kashike wanted to dispute the other Anbus claim, but refrained as she suspected that one of the outcomes that Yuugao was referring to, was her being there to rescue her when she had been dazed during the initial attack on Baki. So, therefore had been able to save Naruto from at least sharing the same experience as her of losing a lover. Kashike also began to feel as if she was beginning to understand why Bakis refusal to express regret over his murdering Hayate had ultimately been why Yuugao had decided to give up on her own quest to end his life, as she imagined that the anger that she had been feeling upon entering the room would have only grown if the purple-haired woman had expressed a feeling of remorse that she obviously didnt feel.

Still, it was clear Yuugao felt she had done something wrong as she said, If it is of any consolation to you, I intend to end my relationship with Naruto, and to retire from my position as Anbu Head Captain.

What!? Kashike asked shocked, Why after going through all this would you just toss both of them away?

Yuugaos gaze hardened for as she replied, Im not throwing them away. The brief fire faded quickly to be replaced by a strong melancholy as she turned to face out the window again as she explained, Dont you understand. Im not any different from that thing that once was Hayate. Kashike could see from Yuugaos reflection that she was holding back tears, while she stated, The only thing that has held me back from turning into something just as monstrous thus far is the failure of those that have targeted him. But, how many more close calls or near misses will it take before that isnt enough, and he sees me turn into something just as ugly?

Kashike frowned at the womans reasoning as her previous belief that one of the reasons that Yuugao was at peace with her actions, had been because they had ultimately resulted in her being in a position to rescue her when she had needed it, and thus prevent Naruto from feeling the pain of losing a lover, didnt exactly jive with the purple-haired woman turning around, and inflicting that pain on him herself. Although she suspected that Yuugao probably didnt think her ending the relationship would result in Naruto experiencing a similar feeling of loss. Still, she guessed it sort of made sense in a backwards kind of way, since in truth Kashike imagined that Yuugao felt that as Naruto had initially recruited her to his cause to aid him in bringing peace to the world, her fearing that she would become a detriment to that goal meant she needed to extract herself before the good memories they shared became tainted by what she may inevitably become.

Kashike felt suddenly weary which she attributed to the day of traveling to reach the Whirling Tides Manor, but also as a result of the mental energy it took to puzzle out how Yuugao believed her ending a relationship that she clearly didnt want to, would in some way prevent her from becoming the monster she feared she would become should something happen to Naruto. So, rather than bothering, she rubbed her eyes tiredly as she informed Yuugao, Im taking a shower, and when Im out, I am taking at least half of that bed.

Kashike took a small pang of satisfaction in seeing a quick flash of surprise appear in the reflection of Yuugaos face, which was followed by a flicker of annoyance. But, she quickly followed through on her statement so was somewhat pleased that when she emerged from the shower, Yuugao had opted to go to sleep herself, as she was laying on the side of the bed furthest from the bathroom with her back facing towards her. As Kashike pulled the covers back to claim her side of the bed, she felt a small flash of guilt as she recognized she was being a little catty by not being sympathetic. But, having little doubt that Yuugaos resolve would falter the moment Naruto and her came face to face felt not playing along was the only satisfaction she would get when compared to the future barriers that she imagined would appear in her way.

Kashike sighed in annoyance at Yuugaos second expectation for the trip also falling through, as evidenced by the fact that Naruto and her were probably still going at it. She tried to suppress the feelings, since she wanted to believe that while annoyed with the Anbu Captain, that didnt mean she had wanted her to terminate her relationship with Naruto. However, as she had watched the two of them, it had been apparent that something within Yuugao had changed. Although, she had been able to interact with Yuugao from time to time as their paths crossed in Club N or when visiting the various hot springs and pools located on Kiyomis property before the Womens Bathing Association had opened its doors to non-Family members, Kashike had found her to be a kind, if somewhat guarded individual. This had even extended to her interactions with Naruto at the few orgies that Kashike had attended when Yuugao had also been present. Granted, Yuugao would often be quite passionate in her love making, but there was something of herself that she just couldnt give over completely as if there was something that she had refused to let go of. Naturally, with the events that had taken place in the Land of Ruins behind her, it was clear to Kashike that thing was the piece of her heart that desired revenge, or perhaps more accurately considering what had transpired, the piece that would feel guilty if she completely gave herself to the life that she could have with Naruto.

Yet, as Kashike had stood outside the room and watched Naruto and Yuugao together while waiting for the moment to join in, it was clear that Naruto had completely captured the Anbu Captains heart as she no longer appeared to be holding anything back. Confident this meant that if she possessed the sight of a Hyuuga, shed see that Yuugaos chakra was now a bright red or more likely orange. Kashike had felt the implications begin to have an effect on hers as well, although she imagined hers would be turning a shade of yellow. She had been surprised by just how quickly and severely the feeling had come upon her, and so had decided to leave in order to visit Tsunami at the front desk where she had rented the onsen that she was currently occupying and try to sort her feelings out. For which she was glad that she had rented it for several hours as she seemed to be no closer to doing so now as opposed to when she had first entered.

Trying once more, she at first tried to puzzle out what it was that had made her feel such a strong sense of jealousy. After all, while it was easy to perhaps lay the blame on the fact that at the end of the events in Ruin, Yuugao had seemingly not only walked away with her reputation more or less intact. But, had also deepened her relationship with Naruto to boot. However, Kashike had quickly rejected this as an explanation, as for starters she was quite sure her chakra had shifted into Yellow for a time in much the same manner as many of Naruto lovers could tell the exact moment their own chakras had evolved. As such, for her chakra to be effected, she imagined that the catalyst had to in some way be tied to something she was jealous of in regards to Narutos relationship with the Anbu Captain. Much in the same way how it seemed to be the primary difference between a member of the Family whose chakra had become red and one whose chakra was orange seemed to be their coming to some sort of revelation about their relationship with the Uzumaki. Which while for most, if not all, of the Uzumakis other lovers had appeared to be a conscious moment of clarity, it was obvious that Yuugao had not been aware that her own had changed, and if Kashike had to guess when it had happened, imagined it had been when she had literally needed to decide between Naruto and Hayate.

Still, Kashike couldnt really understand why she would suddenly feel so jealous of the Konoha Anbu Head Captain. As for starters, she had actually been looking forward to joining the rutting couple until the feeling had swept over her. Plus, as Yuugao was the latest in a string of kunoichi whose chakra had shifted into the orange category, and she hadnt felt anything remotely similar when witnessing those womens interactions with Naruto including when they had been intimate in her presence, it made it clear to Kashike that whatever it was that was bothering her was not what her previously green chakra had suggested in regards to the depth of her feelings for Naruto.

But, she couldnt deny that there had been a reaction this time, and so closed her eyes as pictured them after Naruto had just filled Yuugaos womb with his seed. Although, she hadnt heard what they had said to each other, it was clear from the way they were staring into each others eyes they were verbalizing their feelings. After which, Naruto had switched from Yuugaos just pleased pussy to begin fucking her ass as they began to kiss each other passionately until he eventually pulled back to piston his cock into her till he had filled her bowels as well. At which point, Yuugao had rolled him over onto his back, and slipped off his cock in order to clean it with her mouth. Naruto eventually pulled her up beside him and rolled her onto her side while he slid up behind her and lifted her leg before he once more slipped into her pussy.

It was at this point when the feeling of jealousy swept over her, and Kashike began to wonder if perhaps it wasnt so much from the fact that Yuugao was now counted among those whose chakra was red or more than likely orange. But, in how Yuugao had attained the change, or more accurately, that it may had come at the expense of her own dreams of the future. Kashike frowned as the idea occurred to her, and at first nearly rejected it outright, since it would seem to again rely on her being jealous of where Yuugao now found herself in regards to her feelings for Naruto, rather than it being based on her own feelings for him. But, she considered that perhaps what truly was bothering her was perhaps the idea that Naruto, having been faced with a choice to either make Yuugao happy or her, had chosen the other woman and was currently reaping the rewards of the choice.

Kashike again wanted to reject the idea outright but with her mind having now suggested it as a possibility, she found herself unable to. Moreover, as she lingered on the thought more and more while playing through the various scenarios in which Naruto could have acted differently without leaving her with a black mark on her record, she again pictured Naruto in bed with Yuugao seemingly being so into each other, while forgetting about her, and again felt the surge of negativity that made her feel as if her chakra had once more shifted into a shade of yellow. She tried to combat the feeling with reason, as she tried to tell herself that she was being unfair to the Uzumaki, particularly as she still had her fox mark closed off to him. But sadly it proved rather ineffective as she began to wonder if Naruto hadnt delivered Baki to Konoha in the belief that it would help cement the change in Yuugaos chakra, even as she by necessity had to overlook how her own reasoning had previously recognized that it had likely changed moments before. However, with her own doubts about her chances of reaching the same heights as Yuugao, aided as they were by her concerns as to what the fallout of Bakis arrest would mean to her career, seizing on the idea that the current situation confronting her were not a result of any inadequacies on her part, but a result of Naruto using her as a means to secure the change in the Anbu Head Captains chakra; Kashike found the idea almost too tempting to resist considering.

Deep down she knew she was being unfair to him, as much of the current tension between her village leader and Naruto was a result of his unwillingness to put his goals above the welfare of the women that made up his Family. But, even as she recognized that fact, the bitter part of her that was likely making her chakra yellow, introduced into evidence against him that the end result of that decision had been Yugitos chakra had also become orange. She quickly tried to push back that Naruto wouldnt play favorites with the women that made up his Family, but her bitterness had an answer for that as it quickly suggested that might be true for the women that he had actually intended to induct into it. Yet, she and her fellow members of the Suna Paranormal Support Group had already once been the unintentional consequence of one of Narutos schemes to improve his relationship with another woman, with it being Pakura in that particular case. An argument that she had difficulty pushing back against as even Baki had pointed out that among the Suna Anbu forces, she was middle tier at best, and so the bitterness within her argued why wouldnt Naruto trade her career away to secure the heart of a far more talented kunoichi, when his own unintended seduction of her had been in order to get into the pants of the far more impressive Pakura, who currently served him as a member of the Suna Council.

She felt her bitterness taking root, as the part of her that saw things in terms of mission oriented goals and losses couldnt argue against the logic that had been presented before her. Even as she wanted to, since it began to call into question if she perhaps wouldnt have been better off staying with her childhood crush Tsuchino, and relenting to his desire that she drop out of the Anbu to start a family. She was somewhat surprised by how tempting she found the idea, especially as at the time, not to mention up until this moment, it had always made her angry. But she supposed it was perhaps the result of the current reality before her that reaching higher within the Anbu may not be possibly when considering her current level of skill, that wasnt even including the black mark of having let her charge get arrested resulting in what she was sure would be PR nightmare for the village. Still, she was extremely surprised to actually find herself feeling regretful about her decision to terminate her relationship with her childhood crush, especially as Tsuchino had come nowhere close to satisfying her in the bedroom, while with Naruto, she needed a team of women just to even begin to tire him out and even with one, hed be the one left standing while surrounded by women with content smiles on their faces. Still, she suspected that with her mind accepting the possibility that Naruto had favored Yuugao over her, it was the fact that the reason Tsuchino had pushed for her to give up on being an Anbu was because he had wanted to build a family and future with her.

I hope you dont mind if I join you?


Naruto smiled down at Kashike as she looked back in surprise from one of the three wooden chairs that were set out before the above ground onsen which was constructed of the same black stone that covered the floor and three and a half of the rooms walls. With the last half being a large pane of glass which allowed those renting the room to look out onto the ocean that surrounded the Land of Wave. Naturally with a degree of privacy as the glass was one-sided. The onsen itself was being fed spring water from a wooden box constructed on the edge of it, and Naruto suspected was fed from the same spring source that were feeding the other private onsens being rented out in this particular wing of the Hotel.

Naruto had to struggle to keep his smile up as Kashikes surprise at her being snuck up due to her being lost in thought on began to fade, and it was replaced with a look which while wasnt exactly hostile, also didnt appear to be entirely pleased to see him. Hoping to fill the silence that was lingering from his question Naruto was about to inform her how he found her, but was beaten to the punch as she asked, Did Yuugao tell you I was here?

Taking her question as permission to join her, he moved to sit in the unoccupied wooden chair beside her which looked like someone had set a crescent on a forty-five degree angle, before pulling the top half back to resemble a chair, and had then affixed it to a stand which was then bolted to the ground. As the chairs lacked arm rests, Naruto imagined they had been designed with relaxation being thought of as the second means of utility. Still, as Kashike was staring at him with a look that was contemplating telling him that she wanted to be alone, he tried to not think about how he much rather be putting the chair to use. But, it proved difficult as her question brought to mind a naked and thoroughly pleased Yuugao, who Naruto had left unconscious before deciding to have a shower, which upon leaving had caused him to notice a travel pack that had been tossed by the bed, and had recognized it as he had been forced to retrieve it after teleporting Kashike to Konoha.

He had considered waiting for her to turn up, but figuring that he owed her a private discussion about what had happened in Ruin, and so had opted to find her. Seeing he was right to do so, he answered, Um noafter Yuugao and I caught up, I recognized your pack and so decided to come find you. Tsunami told me you had rented out this onsen and gave me a key.

Naruto saw Kashike struggle to keep her face neutral, and so imagined that she knew exactly how he and Yuugao had reacquainted themselves. Not entirely to his surprise, he felt that the emotions that she was trying to hide were either anger, or jealousy. Still, he took some comfort that the emotions were likely relatively new as he couldnt imagine that she would have traveled to Wave if she was entirely dead set against seeing him, although he suspected that perhaps her desire had simply been to give Yuugao a piece of her mind, before heading back to Suna. Another factor leading him to believe whatever negativity she was feeling towards him was a new development was how she seemed torn between allowing him to stay, or telling him to get lost. As such, he figured it best to get directly to the heart of the matter as he stated, I feel that I owe youan apology, Kashike was obviously surprised by his statement, but remained silent so he continued, since I imagine that my actions in Ruin have made things more difficult for you.

Thats putting it mildly, Kashike replied bitterly, Although, to me it looks as if things turned out exactly as you wanted them.

Naruto looked hurt for a moment before facing forward to look out the large window in order to focus out on the ocean as he replied with a hint of sadness, I suppose it would appear that way.

Appear?! Kashike said sitting up angrily in order to lean towards him as she held a hand in the generally direction of Yuugaos room as she said, You just got done fucking Yuugao, after giving her everything she wanted, and then thought what exactly, that Id happily spread my legs for you. No thanks, you ve already properly fucked me over?

Naruto was taken aback by the anger that she was radiating, but remained calm as he stated, No. I didnt think youd happily pick up where Yuugao and I left off. I didnt even know you were here as youve still closed your mark off from me. But, once I did, I wanted to I dont knowI know I said apologize, but it isnt exactly the right word

Right, Kashike said bitterly before standing up and moving towards the window that looked out on the ocean. Why would you feel you owe me an apology? Im only ever an afterthought to you.

That isnt true, Naruto stated getting to his feet as well, But, I cant say I fault you for feeling that way. My actions have had a tendency to affect you despite my intentions. Although, Id like to believe that at least our encounters during the Training Force led to positive results.

II dont know if I can say that anymore, Kashike responded keeping her back towards Naruto, but found it easy to imagine the hurt her words would have imparted on him.

Which was why she was somewhat surprised when his response was a calm, I see. She slowly turned to face him, and felt a frown threaten to appear as his face reflect his tone. At that moment she could practically picture that to a Hyuuga, her chakra pathways would be radiating like a bright neon yellow sign as although she had only peeked into the room after Naruto and Yuugao had become intimate, she had a hard time imagining that he had remained as calm when Yuugao had informed him that she wanted to end their relationship. Provided she did of course. So, she would like to think that the idea that she was potentially beginning to rethink her meeting and joining his harem as a positive event would merit a far greater reaction from him then she was current receiving. She felt a spike of anger as he asked, Would you mind telling me why that is?

Still, although her mouth dropped down as if to provide him with a litany of reasons, to her surprise, she found the flow rather lacking as she said, Well, lets start with how you completely fucked up my future aspirations in favor of getting Yuugao to firm up her feelings for you.

Very well, Naruto said his continued calmness in the face of her anger only served to irritate her further. Still, he pressed on as he asked, How did I do that?

What? Kashike said as her temper flared, You gifted wrapped Baki, and dropped him off right in Tsunades lap all to make Yuugao happy, making it so I have to live with the ramifications. Hell, shes not even being punished for infiltrating Suna or smoke bombing the Kazekage building despite our both knowing that she did so with the intention of killing Baki. Meanwhile, Im going to be returning to the village with the stain of having loss my charge, who is respected by both the shinobi and civilians of Suna. Which considering the uphill battle I was already fighting means I might as well kiss ever taking over the Anbu Division goodbye. So, why shouldnt I consider meeting you as a negative now?

Naruto frowned at the venom in her voice, but could understand why she may be feeling that way since she had been stewing in her negative feelings while imagining that he had favored Yuugao over her. Hoping to make her understand that wasnt the case, he responded, Perhaps because you are attributing motives to my actions that were not there. Kashike looked at him with a frown which was practically demanding for him to explain how she was wrong, so stated, Youre right that my actions have made things harder for you, for which I am sorry. But, youre mistaken in assuming I brought Baki before Tsunade for Yuugaos sake. I did it for Hayate. When I teleported him away, I hoped that by giving Hayate the chance at justice he undoubtedly felt he had been denied, it would serve to deescalate the situation.

You could have brought Baki anywhere and told him you dropped him off in Konoha, Kashike quickly countered.

Maybe, Naruto replied, But, then depending on where that was, I might have a councilor of Suna wondering why Im appearing in the middle of say a caravan in the Wind Desert. Or, before the ruler of the Land of Spring. Or, maybe even the Kazekages office, all of which if it got out might cause Kumo to wonder who else I might be leaving seals with secretly. Besides, say my ploy had worked, and Hayate calmed down only to turn around and demand to receive some sort of pledge from Tsunade to ensure that she followed through on bringing Baki to trial. It would quickly fall apart if he found out I had actually left Baki in Suna now wouldnt it? Naruto could see that some of his reasoning had begun to soften her anger, so continued, Besides, I only had like a second to decide on where I was taking him once the idea occurred to me, and Tsunade just felt like the best choice in that moment as I doubt very few people would be surprised that the leader of my home is carrying a seal on her person. Naruto moved to close some of the distance between them, and although tempted to reach out for her felt that the action might cause her to pull back so refrained as he added, I can certainly understand why you believe I had acted in the hope it would cement Yuugaos feelings for me. I also understand why you feel as if both her and I have gotten everything we wanted. But, to be honest, I already knew Yuugaos heart belonged to me. The only thing I feel that she gained from this entire nightmare situation was perhaps the acceptance that she didnt need to feel guilty about moving on with her life. However, while I am happy for thata good man lost his soul in the process. Another, good man who was acting in the best interest of his home is going to lose his freedom, and a talented kunoichi is going to find her upward climb to the top just that much harder. Despite my best intentions, those were the results of my choice back in Ruin, and honestly while I cannot deny being pleased on a personal level, I cannot revel in it either considering what some had to give.

Despite the fact that many would probably consider how he had spent the last few hours as reveling in the aftermath, It was easy to see the burden of responsibility that Naruto felt in regard to what had transpired in Ruin. Which, caused a new feeling to well up in her as she began to feel guilty about her behavior, since Naruto had quite clearly highlighted that of all the things that had been lost by others as a result of his in the moment decision, her complaints were probably the least significant. Moreover, the guilt stemmed from her thinking so poorly of him as a result of her suspecting that he had acted in Yuugaos best interest, to in turn serve his own, when it was clear from his confident tone that he felt nothing had been gained that wasnt already his. Gods, Kashike replied as the emotional wall that she had been trying to build tumbled down, you must think Im acting like such a bitch right now!

Naruto gave a quick shake of his head as he replied, No, I told you. I understand how and why you would arrive at the conclusions that you did. He turned away from her, and moved to sit in one of the three chairs meant to be relaxed in while one looked out on the ocean. But, as he sat on the edge with his knees spread so he could rest his elbow on them, and interlace his fingers together as his shoulders sagged, it was easy to see relaxing was the last thing on his mind. He sighed, as he looked up to her while stating, I wish I could just say Im sorry for how everything turned out, but I cant, as I still feel it was the best course of action. Although, in hindsight that was perhaps nave of me to believe. Odds were that even with Baki standing trial, Hayate would never have been satisfied with the result. But, it would still have been the proper way to handle it.

Kashike was a rather taken back by the idea that Naruto had already considered the possibility that Baki wouldnt have been found guilty, or more accurately perhaps justified in his actions. It caused some of her ire to return which was reflected in her voice as she asked, Then why was taking Baki to Konoha the best choice. You just admitted any trial would have been a farce, and he would likely have gone free.

Narutos eyes remained calm and understanding even as he still replied sternly, That isnt what I said. He let the statement hand for a moment, before explaining, Yes, a trial would have likely allowed Baki to walk free. But, it would have at least allowed the details to come to light, rather than remain obfuscated as they currently are allowing hardliners on both sides to twist facts to fit their particular narrative.

Kashike scoffed which she saw annoyed Naruto some, but she pressed on stating, I honestly doubt a trial would stop either side from doing that.

Probably not, Naruto conceded, But at least there would be a public record that you can use to show what the facts of the matter were. Facts that you can use to perhaps reach the people the hardliners are trying to taint with their propaganda by showing them how the Hardliners need to twist the truth to achieve their aims.

Kashikes eyes widened as a realization dawned on her, Wait! You wanted Baki to walk free.

Which was why she frowned as Naruto replied, No. he then explained, I wanted him to get a fair trial, which I concede likely ends with him walking free. It is also something Yuugao understood, which is why there was such a temptation to kill him as it circumvents that fairness. As overwise then we the people of Konoha have to concede that considering the events that brought Baki to the village, which was to gather intel and put their weapon in place in advance of the invasion, regardless of how treacherous the invasion was, from the moment Baki realized Hayate was eavesdropping on him, he really had only one option open to him. This became the truth the moment Konoha signed the peace treaty with Suna in the aftermath of the Invasion, and forwent any kind of reprisals for the attack. You can perhaps try to question whether it can count as an act of the invasion due to when it took place. But, it is pretty clearcut that Hayates murder was committed in order to facilitate the invasion. An act I believe any Shinobi being truthful would admit that they would commit to if put in similar circumstances.

I can think of one that wouldnt, Kashike stated thinking of how he had handled the situation with another female Anbu that was one of his lovers back when she had been captured while spying on Naruto as a member of Root.

Naruto smiled softly as he had a good idea as to what she was referring to. But, surprised her as he stated, I wouldnt be so sure of that. Back when I let Komachi go, it was because killing her in cold blood in order to protect ourselves from exposure was antithetical to the principles of the mission I was undertaking. Yes, it exposed our Family to the danger of discovery, but killing her would have destroyed what we were hoping to build before it really began as her death would have been baked into the foundation. In Bakis case, being discovered puts the invasion he is working towards in danger, and could lead to more of his comrades deaths. If that was all I was working towards, then yes, I would probably act as mercilessly as him. Looking mournful, he added, Deep down, Hayate understood this as well. That is why I suppose I should have expected a fair trial would never be something he was interested in, because he didnt want justice as sometimes justices isnt going to give you what you want since it can say the person that wronged you did so with an acceptable reason. It certainly wouldnt seem fair to him, and is why what he truly desired was vengeance.

Kashikes guilt had only grown as she listened to Naruto since while she had spent the last few hours feeling sorry for herself, it was evident that over the last few days he had continued to dwell on the events in Ruin. She had felt a new shift in her feels as he spoke as she recognized that regardless of how she had entered his life, now that she was a part of it, he truly valued and cherished her. Moreover, he respected her enough to be honest that even as he felt the desire to apologize for the hardships that were the possible results of the actions that he had taken, he was stopping short as he couldnt say he truly regretted them as he still didnt feel there had been better options available to him. Which truthfully she respected, as many of the fights that she had participated in with her previous lover had often ended with both of them offering up apologies, which in truth neither of them had actually meant as they had not shifted away from the positions that they had held which had started it. Unfortunately, this had just been a stopgap for them to temporarily move on when their anger had faded, and wanted to avoid discussing the matter further. As Naruto had refused to be baited into growing angry by her accusations, it was apparent to her that the only way she would get an apology from him, would be to convince him that he was wrong to have acted in the manner that he had. Unfortunately, finding her own anger which was being smothered by his calm refutation of her claims, she was forced to admit to herself that she had already arrived to the conclusion that Naruto hadnt needed to abduct Baki for Yuugao in order to earn her love, as he had already possessed it long before the events of Ruin had taken place. But, moreover, he was probably even more disappointed than her by Bakis decision to plead guilty as he felt that without a trial to bring the facts of what had happened out into the public record, it would allow those hoping to drive a wedge between the two villages to twist the truth to fit their particular narrative. Moreover, Kashike was forced to admit that her own anger had been driving her to act in a similar manner.

Yet, with it fading, she could admit that under most circumstances she would probably have been pleased with his teleporting Baki away as it meant her charge was out of danger. Being truly honest, she imagined that although he was not the type to flee from danger, Baki upon hearing what had happened to Hayate would probably have been pretty glad to have been spirited away as it would have been his head the just born demon was after. Guessing the reason that she hadnt been, even in Ruins, was a result of her own feelings of inferiority in regards to how Naruto felt about her. Was now causing a sentiment to arise with in her that she should be the one to apologize. Particularly, as she began to understand that what she had witnessed when he had been with Yuugao wasnt just his being pleased to reconnect with a lover, but was perhaps one of the few moments when the concerns of the outside world, along with the ramifications from his actions in Ruin truly faded from his mind. Feeling guilty for forcing those burdens back on his shoulders so soon after Yuugao had helped him forget them for a time, she dropped down to her knees in front of him.

Naruto didnt react due to it appearing as if he had retreated into his mind, as she suspected he was reexamining the decisions that he had made in Ruin to see if there had been better options available to him. Reaching into his robe, she took ahold of his cock and began stroking it causing Naruto to snap back to the present as he let out a soft groan as it became like steel in her hand. Focusing on her, he asked, What

Shh, Kashike replied as she pushed his robe to the side to expose his rod, just sit back and let me apologize for how I was acting. Narutos brow furrowed in confusion, even as he did like she had instructed. Kashike smiled as she opened the front of her own robe and sandwiched his cock between her breasts, which she began use to stroke him as she stated, Being honest, I had already recognized that you didnt need to do anything in order win Yuugaos heart. But, seeing how free she was with you nowmade it easy to convince myself that wasnt the case. Because otherwise, Id have to accept that my being unable to reach my goals are due to my own shortcomings rather than a result of what happened in Ruin which I could blame on others.

Naruto sat up straighter, and he looked down on her with a frown despite the exquisite feeling he was experiencing due to her breasts massaging his cock. Youre only eighteen years old. Its a little early to be giving up on your dreams, dont you think?

Kashike smiled softly as she gripped her tits and began moving them independently of one another while also increasing her pace as she continued to envelope his dick in their marshmallowly softness. Naruto tried to keep a serious demeanor, but it cracked as he sighed pleasantly due to her ministrations. Fighting back the temptation to swallow his cock and taste his prerelease, she replied, I dont think so. Its probably just time for me to face reality. It was pointed out to me by Baki that as far as Anbu goes, Im mid-tier at best. So, even before Ruin, odds were I wouldnt be chosen to head the department.

Naruto stood abruptly causing her to sit back in surprise, and moving past her, he grabbed her arm as he pulled her up onto her feet, and towards the window that looked out onto the ocean. Pulling her in front of him, and back against his chest he indicated towards her muted reflection in the glass as he stated, What do you see?

I told you, Kashike replied with a little heat to her voice, although she was sure why, Someone that needs to face facts about what she hopes to achieve in life.

Thats not what I see, Naruto replied as he reached up and caressed her jawline while stating, I see someone that was so dedicated to what she wanted, she pretended to be a man so she could force those who would evaluate her to give her a fair shot.

Yeah, maybe, Kashike retorted bitterly, But, that didnt exactly work out now did it? They saw right through my ruse.

Well of course they did, Naruto said with a smile which was infectious as she ended up allowing one to appear as he added, It was thought up by a child after all. Growing serious he continued, My point is, if you truly want to quit now, let it be due to it being what you want. Not because someone you may have respect for said youre not as good as you thought you were. If anything, you should feel encouraged as youve only been a member for a couple of years and are already recognized as being better than half your fellow Anbu.

Although feeling buoyed by her lovers words, she quickly replied, Thats easy for you to say.

Naruto smiled and although he recognized that she was addressing how in terms of skill and recognition most of their comrades would say that he easily outshone her. He turned her face so he could stare into her eyes, and stated, It is, because I have faith that if you truly want to achieve something, you will. What you are feeling now are just the doubts that arise with any setback. Gods know, Ive felt them plenty of times, but if you look back on your history, Im sure you will find that you have too. Times in the past when you felt that becoming an Anbu was too far out of reach. But you persevered and now here you stand.

Staring into the clear blue pools that he called eyes, Kashike could see only sincerity reflected within their depths. This surprised her, especially considering how hostile she had been towards him only moments ago. which caused the guilt she had already once tried to use her body to apologize for begin to return. However, Naruto upon seeing it said, Its alright, before sealing his lips to hers.

Kashike opened her mouth and his tongue quickly met hers as they began twirling against one another. Despite having witnessed him with another woman only a few hours earlier, and knowing of his numerous other lovers, in that moment Kashike felt like she was the only one in his life. A new feeling for her which she suspected was something many of the women whose chakra had turned red or orange had experienced, and which helped her to solidify the understanding she had previously reached in regards to her feelings for the blond Uzumaki. With that understanding, she also realized that the guilt about her behavior was unnecessary, he had meant everything he had said about understanding why she had believed such about him and his actions, and despite a lingering sense of disappointment in herself for believing such, it was time to move on.

Pulling away, she was pleased to see a burning lust in his gaze, and so walking past him. She moved before the chair she was in when he arrived, and opening her robe with her back facing him let it fall to the ground. Sitting, she smile demurely as she said, Let me welcome you the way I should have from the very beginning. She then sat back in the chair and gripping the back, picked her legs up, and spread them in a wide V.

Naruto smirked as he pulled his own robe off as he approached, and eyeing her dripping snatch as he gave his cock a few strokes said, Wellbetter late than never. She moaned as he hunched down enough to slid the head of his cock up and down her slit a few times, before suddenly ramming it all inside her. Kashikes eyes widened as she hollered for all she was worth as she climaxed from his sudden entry, but Naruto didnt give it any time to wane as he began pounding her with such determination and force, she imagined that he was beginning to bend the metal beam the chair was bolted to. She locked her legs behind the small of his back, and began using them to pull her hips up to meet his thrusts, while he reached down with both hands to give each of her breasts a powerful squeeze, before pulling her right tit up to meet his descending mouth. A delightful shiver ran down her spine as he ran his tongue around her areola, which met the powerful pleasure waves he was generating from the pussy pounding that she was receiving. The two pleasurable sensations seemed to coalesce within the vicinity of her womb as they built each other up until she suddenly tensed as a new climax erupted within her which she announced by shouting, Yes!!! Oh godsfuck me!

Naruto having switched to sucking on her left tit, pulled away to smile at her as he said, Sorry, no gods. Just me.

Kashike wasnt quite so sure if his statemen was true as she was quite sure that she was in the arms of a sex god as he pulled her up from the chair, and holding her tight so that her breasts were crushed up against his chest began bouncing her on his divine rod. Kashikes arms still hung loosely by her sides as she still felt weak from her previous climax, which once more didnt so much as feel as if it had ended, but was just a small prelude to something bigger. Something that she got a test of again, as she felt another spike of pleasure in the unending wave washing through her as her pussy which had been continuously convulsing around his cock, bore down like a vice as if it was seizing up due to the pleasure overload she was experiencing.

Oh shit, Kashike screamed as she came to life in his arms, and moved as if she was trying to pull free less he break her forever. Naruto didnt let her go, but moved to set her on the edge of the onsen. He pulled his cock free of her velvet grip, causing Kashike to let out a relieved moan as she imagined that despite how wet she was, her pleasure motor had been on the verge of overheating.

Still, quite aware that despite having given her an uncountable number of orgasms she had yet to wring a single load out of him in turn, she slipped down from the onsens edge as she kissed him deeply while stroking his cock which was slippery from her numerous climaxes. She then turned away from him, and bending over, laid her top half along the stone edge of the onsen as she said, My pussy needs a short breather, so use my other hole until you are fully satisfied.

Naruto stepped back to admire her the puckered ring as she spread her ass for him. Eagerly taking her up on her offer, he pressed the head of his cock up against the tight ring, but aware that it was her first time didnt just jam it in as before. When he first slipped inside, she let out a slightly uncomfortable moan so he paused for a few heartbeats until once more feeding a few more inches of himself inside before pausing again.

When Naruto was about half-way inside, she began having second thoughts as it felt like he was opening her up more and more. But, kept silent as she was quite aware a few of his lovers had already offered him their asses and so figured if they could handle him so could she. Still, when she felt his pelvis pressed up against her backside, she blew out a breath of release, which was also due to how his cock began retracing its steps as he pulled out of her until just the head of it remained. He then moved forward once more, and although far cry from the pleasure she had just been experiencing found it wasnt unpleasant either.

Naruto gripped her shoulders as he began to build up more speed, and power with each thrust. While Kashike soon found herself moaning as at some point the unknown sensation of having her ass rammed gave way to a more familiar pleasure. She arched her back while emitting a surprised yelp of pleasure, after a particularly powerful thrust sent Narutos swinging nuts crashing into her clit, which prompted Naruto to reach around to squeeze her breasts. Sliding his hands up, he began to roll and pinch her nipples and that caused her ass to squeeze down on his diamond hard cock. Kashike sighed in pleasurable defeat as she found herself on a new precipice, but simply jumped as her body was wracked by her first analgasm.

Naruto also groaned as her ass clamped down on him making it difficult to move, but stubbornly refused to fill her with the cream her body seemed to be craving at this point. Still, she didnt necessarily mind as she shivered and shook her way through it.

When the pleasurable quake subsided, and her asss grip lessoned some, Naruto gripped her leg and lifting her up so that her knees were pressed into her chest as he carried her over to the window. She blushed as her reflection revealed her disheveled state, but it also afforded her a clear view of where Naruto and her were connected. He then began pumping himself into her once more, but this time didnt give her the slow build up that he had previously.

Kashike was surprised to find that this second time around seemed far more pleasurable then before as if what pleasure nodes there were had become fully calibrated to allow her to receive maximum enjoyment from the act. For pleasurable it was, as she began moaning loudly from his railing her at a blistering pace. He faltered some when he tried to lower her feet to the ground, but discovered her legs lacked the strength to support her. But, he quickly adapted as he lowered her to the floor, while keeping her ass pointing up in the air, and hunching over her, started up once more.

Kashike felt as if she was on the verge of losing her mind as she found herself once more about to succumb to the pleasure of having her butt being drilled. Hoping to at least wring out one load from her lover, she tensed her ass muscles up and felt a wave of satisfaction as Naruto groaned deeply in response, before gripping her ass cheeks and pulled himself fully inside. She felt a wave of warmth flood her bowels which caused her to cry out in white hot ecstasy as she squirted her release in a powerful spray.

Naruto breathed heavily as he pumped his lovers ass full of his jizz. Looking down, he felt a wave of accomplishment upon seeing that much like Yuugao, he had sent another of his lovers off to a pleasurable sleep. Straightening up, he took a moment to bask in the sight of Kashikes stretched asshole, before his attention was pulled away by the sound of a phone ringing.

Moving towards the entrance of the onsen he picked up the phone that hung near the door and smiled as Tsunamis voice said, Hello sir, your time is just about up. Would you like to purchase an extension?

Naruto looked back towards Kashike, whose ass was still up in the air while some of his seed was now leaking from it. Turning away, he said, No, I think we will be calling it a night. But, can you put me down for a morning wake-up call for some breakfast?


With pleasure sir, Tsunami said before hanging up the phone. Focusing on the two women standing opposite from her at the main desk, she said, Im afraid that it appears like much as I was saying, things around her are wrapping up for the evening. But tomorrow well be having an all you can eat buffet that I think you will both agree is simply to die for.

Tsume and Hana shared a pair of amused grins before stating, Sounds about right. It is why we made the trip here in the first place.

Ummiss Tsunamiwere currently all booked up, a young woman working the main desk with her said.

Oh dont worry about that, they can stay with me this evening. Id hate to have to turn them away after they traveled so far to enjoy our amenities, Tsunami said while writing her address down, and then handed it to Tsume. Besides, with Inari and my father always off on one job or another, it will be nice to have some company for the evening.

II see, the young woman replied although in truth she really didnt. Particularly as while the hotels buffet was quite good, she wasnt sure it was quite the attraction that would justify the excitement that she noticed all three women were now exhibiting. But, guessing it wasnt her place to question what excited some people, she simply prepared to leave in order to clean the onsen that Tsunami had just called as it appeared the occupant didnt want to extend their time. Although, as she walked away she frowned as she remembered Tsunami having rented it out to a woman, while it had sounded like she had been talking to a man on the phone. Great, she thought with a frown as she headed to the supply closet, they probably just got done fucking. Sigh for being such a first class hotel, sometimes it feels like Im working at a sleazy love motel considering how much cum I've had to mop up.


Pakura was putting in another late night in her office which was located within the Kazekage building as she had assumed most of Bakis duties during his trip to Ruin. As she read through what seemed to be her thousandth requisition form, she sighed since it looked like she could be doing so for far longer than she had originally bargained. After deciding to authorize the supplies that the form was requesting, she signed it and put it into her outbox, but rather than grabbing the next one in her stack that never seemed to disappear, despite how late she stayed each night as it seemed to replenish the following morning, she sat back in her chair and let her mind wander a bit. She wasnt too surprised that it quickly settled on the news that had rocked Suna recently, which was that Baki had been arrested by the Leaf and would be imprisoned in the infamous Hozuki Castle. Unlike most of her villages shinobi, and even civilian populace, she didnt have any particular love for Baki as while the man hadnt gone out his way to ostracize her when most of her colleagues had due to her killing the son of a Wind noble when he had tried to force himself on her, nor had he done anything to make her life less miserable. Not to mention, some of the worst missions that she had received since the Third Shinobi World War as Suna had effectively tried to have her make amends by dying in the line of duty, had been issued by him once he had become the Head Jounin of the Village. She admitted that unlike most, Baki, hadnt held her in distain, rather his actions had been motivated by the fact that he was the Fourth Kazekages right hand man, and had essentially been provided a tool that he could use to handle difficult missions where losses were expected, which if she failed would at least make it that much easier for the shinobi or team he assigned to follow-up.

Still, although Baki had maintained a professional demeanor during their interactions, making it difficult for Pakura to despise him despite the hardships that he had heaped upon her. She would have imagined that she would have experienced some sense of satisfaction from the current predicament that he found himself in. However, no such feeling had emerged. A part of her suspected that it was because based off of what she had learned from Temari, who after the news had reached Suna, had used the teleportation seal located in the Hidden Oasis Inn to return to Konoha in order to find out the details directly from Tsunade, it appeared as if Baki was being sacrificed in order to improve relations with the Leaf Village. It hadnt been publicly stated that was the case, especially as Gaara after his visit with Baki and a brief meeting with Tsunade, had left Konoha in order to return to the diplomatic mission that he had been on within the Land of Rivers when news of his former senseis capture had reached him. Which, was why Pakura imagined that she couldnt really muster any feelings of joy, or even contentment from the situation as effectively Baki was being sacrificed in a similar manner as she had been. Particularly, as it was clearly a request that came from Gaara, as before his visit, it had sounded like Baki had intended to at least offer a defense of his actions. Yet, what concerned Pakura most was how Gaara would simply return to what in truth had been a rather insignificant diplomatic mission to River, rather than returning to Suna to address the Shinobi Council which had just lost a prominent member, or the shinobi forces that Baki had overseen.

Pakura was unsure why, as while Bakis imprisonment may have served the purpose of calming or at least removed some fuel from those hoping to stir-up the flames of anti-Suna sentiments in the Leaf Village, it was having the exact opposite effect in the Sand Village. Naturally, the Hardlines were using Bakis imprisonment as a rallying cry by claiming it to be proof that Konoha wasnt quite as willing to put the past behind them as they had previously claimed. Of course, Temari, who many saw as the head of the Pro-Konoha faction, was being put in the unenviable position of needing to justify why a hero of Suna was being imprisoned for an action they felt not only most shinobi would take, but also many of those who were veterans of the Sound-Sand invasion had directly benefited from. Particularly as the already disastrous battle could have turned out that much worst if Konoha had possessed advanced knowledge of it. Moreover, Pakura suspected that while Temari was outwardly stating that considering what Konoha had been asked to previously forgive, the Leaf was not being unreasonable in demanding justice for Hayate Gekko, particularly as Baki himself seemed to see the wisdom in it. In truth, this would probably be one of the few times that she would rather be siding with the Hardliners on an issue.

For the most part, Pakura had not commented on the matter as despite what concerns it raised in regards to the Familys goal of building a lasting peace between the Shinobi Villages, she truly didnt have any strong feelings on the matter, as if Baki wanted to be a sacrificial lamb in whatever game Gaara was playing she was perfectly fine with it. Of course, Tsunade could put an end to it by simply offering Baki a pardon or even clemency, but that would just shift the growing negativity back to where it would be growing in her own backyard. So, if there was a major concern that Pakura had about the whole situation, it was the fact that Gaara felt that he could use the negativity himself, which was why she suspected that he was taking his time in returning to Suna, in order to give it more time to grow. Or more specifically, the Hardliner faction.

A rather worrying notion, if Gaara was throwing his lot in with them. But, Pakura suspected that his true goal was attempting to strike some sort of balance between the two opposing ideologies. Since, while Temari, Maki, and herself, despite her current silence on the matter, were staunchly in the Pro-Leaf camp, which in their particular cases meant supporting their shared lovers ambitions. The Pro-Leaf contingent also routinely could count on the support of Councilor Sajo, who although was also not particularly pleased with Bakis imprisonment, seemed at least willing to honor what he believed the sacrifice was meant to protect. Furthermore, although he rarely attended Elder Ebizo was also one that tended to side in favor of maintaining good relations with the Leaf Village. Kankuro although typically a Pro-Leafer as well, much like Temari would prefer to see the Leaf release his former sensei, and in truth was currently more irate at his brother as opposed to feeling any negativity towards Konoha. Still, depending on if Gaara was able to appease that feeling once they talked, she wasnt sure which faction Kankuro would support in the future. Although she imagined it could come down to which sibling he felt closer too, or more likely he would become a swing vote.

While conversely, the Hardliner faction on the council had typically only consisted of Gouza who had taken up Joskeis leadership mantle when the latter had been disgraced. However, since Bakis imprisonment both Councilor Ryusa and Councilor Goza, whom while both had previously been distrustful of Konoha and the Alliance, and as such often would vote in line with various Hardliner measures, at times had also been willing to vote on some which had been brought before the council which would also benefit the Leaf, such as the opening of a Great Tree Shipping Company Branch location, had now thrown their support staunchly behind Gouza.

Pakura felt that if she was correct in her suspicions, when Gaara returned his first order of business would be to fill Bakis vacated council seat. He would most likely nominate Koji, who had previously been nominated after a spot had been created for Karura when she had briefly returned to active duty in Suna, before accepting an invitation to join Akatsuki. That spot had been filled by Ameno, who was neither a Hardliner or particularly Pro-Leaf in her political leanings so could end up supporting a measure proposed by either side. Koji on the other hand was a staunch Hardliner, as while he had never truly crossed blades with the Leaf, having only filled a small supporting role during the invasion of the Leaf as had been the case for most of the genin at the time. Still, she imagined the defeat had planted some seeds of Anti-Konoha sentiment within him as his teams sensei and a team member who in the Chunin Exam that had taken place six-months earlier had been promoted and as such had taken part in the actual battle had both been killed. It had been that teammate who Ameno had ended up replacing after her previous team had died in a mission. A mission which only Gaara and Ameno knew the details of as the report that Pakura had seen of it was classified as being for the Kages eyes only. But, returning her thoughts to Koji, she imagined it was the Chunin Exam that took place a few years later which ultimately made him a Hardliner. As his team had encountered Sakura, who had been acting as a temporary member of Team Asuma in pace of the already promoted Shikamaru. During the second stage of those Exams, his team had encountered Team Asuma and had been soundly defeated by them. Although, the exam had been cancelled early as a result of an extremist plot to assassinate Gaara, there were a few promotions among the Suna ranks to be had. Unfortunately for him Koji had not been one of them, while Ameno had. Meanwhile, on the Konoha side practically the entirety of those who had made it to the Second Exam had been promoted, which as Team Asuma as the team that had bested his had been counted among those promoted, Pakura guessed the soil that those seeds from the failed invasion had been planted in had become rather fertile. Which is likely when the Hardliners had come around to nurture them.

Pakura believed that the reason Gaara would nominate Koji himself, was in order to show the Hardliners that while he was perhaps not coming all the way over to their side, he was now adopting a more centered position. While Pakura imagined some would perhaps say this was the best place one could be politically, as one side seemed more likely to push for future conflicts she couldnt really agree with it. Pakura also wasnt entirely sure Gaara was taking a neutral position between the two factions, so much as was strengthen the one opposing Narutos influence on the council in order to use them to push his own agenda. She felt this was the case as Ameno was in essence a wild card, and imagined that he could push Kankuro into also becoming one by positioning his brother to act as a similar central figure between Temari and him. As such, while Gaara wouldnt be creating his own true faction, he likely felt that in instances when certain legislation was brought before the council which he likely didnt want to see passed as it would expand Narutos influence, he could then position his two wild cards into opposing it. Pakura wasnt entirely sure how he suspected to achieve that with his brother since Kankuro knew of both his sister and mothers relationship with Naruto. But, she was concerned that perhaps her relationship with Ameno rather than serving to bring the medic around to joining her as a lover of Naruto, would perhaps push her fully into Gaaras camp, if not the Hardliners themselves.

She feared this might become the case, as initially she assumed it would just be a matter of bringing her two lovers together at some point, since it was quite apparent that Ameno had practically no experience with the opposite sex. She had initially believed this was just because Ameno had focused her affections primarily on women as she had come up through the ranks, and as many of the higher ups definitely felt it was a part of a kunoichis duty to find a man and settle down to produce the next generation of shinobi, many a young kunoichi described themselves as LUCE, which stood for Lesbian until Chunin Exam. Particularly if they wanted to achieve the rank of Chunin or higher, and felt doing so allowed them to still enjoy themselves while allowing them to also focus on their careers. Of course, much as the name would suggest many of these kunoichi eventually decided to settle down and marry as they either rose as high as they wanted, or found the dangers they were exposed to not conductive to the lives they wanted to live. She had initially felt that Ameno having loftier goals, likely just felt being with a woman would make focusing on them easier since as Kashikes short relationship with her childhood friend had shown how a male partner could potentially put pressures on a kunoichi to retire and start a family.

However, Pakura no longer believed this to be the case as it appeared that Ameno had a deeply seated disgust for men. Or, more specifically a certain part of their anatomy. Granted, as a doctor she was able to suppress it and remain professional when needed. But, Pakura had seen it first hand, when one time while being intimate together in her room, she had tried to introduce Ameno to her lovers cock via the orange dildo that was modelled after it. The attempt had ended extremely poorly for as soon as she had produced it from her night stand Ameno had slapped it from her hand hard enough to send it sailing across the room while demanding she not bring it anywhere near her. She had followed this up by stating that, She had no desire to be penetrated by even a facsimile of a mans organ. Pakura had accepted her desire, and quickly came to realize this also meant using such aids on her since she had found Amenos residence to be bare of love aids outside of a few vibrating eggs. Which Pakura felt would have been a problem for her, if she wasnt already involved with a big dicked stud who left her deeply satisfied.

As Ameno refused to speak on the matter any further, Pakura was only left with her own speculations, but imagined they were tied to the redacted portions of Amenos file which detailed her account of what happened to her first team. Yet, while at times Pakura was tempted to push for more information from the medic, she imagined that it wouldnt amount to much more than a fight, particularly as she had her own secrets which she refused to share. Thus, it was her fear that the longer her relationship with Ameno went on, she would eventually need to come clean about who her partner was, and when the medic learned just how Naruto had come to bring so many women under his sway, she would then quickly throw her support behind Gaara, if not the Hardliners themselves.

A knock sounding at her door attracted her attention, and as it began opening almost immediately she wasnt surprised when the woman she was just thinking about poked her head inside. Ameno favored her with a smile as she held up a bag with some food that she had called in to be delivered. Stepping into the office she said, Something told me you were putting in another late night.

Pakura smiled good naturedly as she countered, Youre one to talk. Considering the receipt stapled to the bag, it looks like you had that delivered.

Nodding, Ameno replied, Yes, youd think wed be just about done with them considering the Chunin Exams are right around the corner.

You would think so, Pakura stated as she got up from her desk to join Ameno on the couch that she kept in her office, But, considering how I spent most of the afternoon trying to convince the hotel where I had booked the Konoha exam participants not to back out, Im afraid my fate was sealed.

Im surprised to hear that, Ameno said as she opened one of the takeout cartons and handed it over to her fellow kunoichi, Especially considering how you were telling me previously that Konoha was one of the villages the establishments were fighting over.

Using the chopsticks that Ameno handed her, Pakura slurped up some of the noodles within the box before replying, Well that was before Baki became the topic of the village. Although, the owner made the claim that his desire to back out of hosting them was due to Konohas imprisonment of a village hero, I suspect he was angling to ask for more money.

I dont know, Ameno said as she began eating from her own carton, Sentiment for the Leaf has switched pretty severely into the negative. I wouldnt be surprised if the owner didnt want to host them over the matter.

Pakura frowned as she had initially been of that opinion as well, but informed the brown-haired woman, Perhaps that would be the case for some. But, his tune changed pretty quickly when I informed him that I would make new arrangements for them.

Ameno paused in mid-bite of a piece of meat as she said, That worked. He had to know you were bluffing. What with all the participants, not to mention speculators and spectators for the various gambling houses, the owner had to know you couldnt just rebook them somewhere else.

Was I though? Pakura asked with an amused smile, I simply pointed out that the Womens Bathing Association was finishing up the construction of their new facility, and while it would possibly delay their opening in time for the exams, the owner has shown herself to be a friend to the Leaf and so would likely agree to house the displaced shinobi. He really wasnt interested in finding out if that would be the case.

Then what took so long? Ameno asked confused.

Arguing over my assigning additional shinobi to protect his hotel, Pakura answered with an air of annoyance, He just wouldnt accept my answer that it was up to the Leaf to secure the hotel, just as it was the case for the other villages to secure the establishments they would be staying at.

I cant really say I blame him, Ameno stated, He probably fears some Hardliner will attack them in their sleep. Baki may not have been one of them, but they are certainly acting as if he was.

Nodding along in agreement at first, Pakura then sighed as she put the empty carton back in the plastic bag it had come in, and after accepting Amenos said, True enough. He was a hero of the village, and has become even more so his actions probably saved many lives.

Do you really think so? Ameno asked causing Pakura to look at her in surprise. Explaining herself, the kunoichi said, To me, had this Hayate managed to escape it would have led to the most lives being spared. Armed with knowledge of the impending invasion, the Third Hokage would likely have used it as a means to force the Fourth Kazekage into negotiations and ended the battle before it started since I doubt Orochimaru would have launched the invasion on his own.

Pakura smiled despite how in the scenario Ameno described it meant the man that she despised would likely still be around and stated, I suppose a medic would consider a battle not happening the best outcome. Still, I suppose it is all academic at this point since it would depend on when the Hokage decided to confront the Kazekage with the news. If for example, Orochimaru had already killed and replaced the Kazekage then I dont imagine he would have bothered calling off the invasion for the sake of the Suna-nin that would soon be butchered by an informed Konoha.

Ameno inclined her head in agreement, and responded, In any case, Im not sure why everyone is getting so upset over the matter. From everything weve heard, Baki was the one that chose to plead guilty and forgo a trail.

It was Pakuras turn to nod along, and although she agreed, nevertheless stated, True, but as we dont really know why, everyone is using their own theories to speculate the reason which generally allows them to twist the narrative in their direction. If you ask a Hardliner, theyll claim Baki was forced into it as Konoha made it a condition of Suna remaining in the Alliance, or something along those lines.

Ameno shrugged, as she responded, True, but the Hardliners have existed ever since the first treaty with Konoha had been signed, and have used every perceived slight as a justification to renew hostilities. Sliding closer to Pakura, she asked, Im more curious about what you believe. I mean youve stated in the past your time among the Leaf felt like a breath of fresh air, and I imagine youve had your own issues with Baki considering how loyally he served the Fourth.

Pakura paused as she thought about how to respond as she did have some details that hadnt become quite public knowledge. So after a moment stated, Im still not sure to be honest. I dont believe the Leaf made it a condition of remaining in the Alliance. But, Ive heard from some sources that there was going to be a trial, but it was only after Gaara visited that Baki changed his plea to guilty.

Ive heard much the same, Ameno said, which wasnt too surprising to Pakura due to her working with the Leafs medical personnel as she sought to improve Sunas own. Still, that would lead one to suspect Gaara was the one that wanted Baki to change his plea. Any ideas as to why?

Pakura felt like frowning at the question, since most of her reasons revolved around the tension currently between the Kazekage and her lover. Still, not wishing to reveal such reasons at this time, she responded, Too many to go into at this time.

Ameno didnt hide her frown at the normally opinionated woman holding back on the matter so she asked, Really, you dont find it worthwhile to speculate as to why Gaara would seemingly sacrifice his own sensei to maintain relations with the Leaf?

Not really, Pakura replied letting a little annoyance slip into her voice, Because then I would just be doing exactly like the Hardliners, throwing out theories to twist events to fit my own narrative. Sure, I can delve into it being a little worrying that from my perspective it looks like Lord Gaara inherited his fathers penchant to sacrifice any and all close to him in order to achieve his desired goals. Having once been one of those sacrifices, I cant say Im all that pleased to see it happening again. But, rather than getting all worked up over it, Ill wait until he returns so I can hear his reasoning or what truly prompted Bakis reversal myself. Then Ill decide how worked up I get about it.

Ameno looked a little chastised by her response, but accepted even as she said, Temari could stand to follow your lead. I imagine if she had her way, shed be tossing Gaara into prison herself.

Pakura inclined her head, since as far as her fellow Family member was concerned, Bakis future was being sacrificed so Gaara could showcase how he was willing to make sacrifices to maintain the current peace the Alliance was providing. An opinion that Pakura was willing to share, but much as she had stated wanted more information before committing herself to it, still feeling the need to defend her fellow lover of Naruto stated, Well to be fair to her, she is closer to this mess then either of us with more at stake as well. So maybe she is seeing something that we are not.

Ameno gave her a noncommittal shrug while replying Maybe. She then got up onto her hands and knees as she brought her face right before Pakuras as she stated, But, honestly I think we discussed the matter enough, Id rather that we just move on to enjoying dessert.

More than willing to drop the subject, and although already aware of what Ameno was suggesting, she playfully replied, Oh, I didnt see any dessert in the bag. Was there something in particular you were hungry for?

Pakura moaned as Ameno reached her hand under the front of her tunic, and ran her fingers along the front of her shorts. Her moan was stifled as the brown-haired medic sealed her lips against hers in a kiss, where soon their tongues were rolling around each other. After several minutes of this, Ameno pulled back to lustfully whisper, There is a certain desert peach that Im looking forward to devouring.

Pakura smiled as she allowed her partner to pull her around to fully face her, and raised her hips as she then pulled her shorts up her legs. Once they were free of her feet, Pakura spread her legs, as Ameno lowered her face down to her crotch, and pulled another moan from her as the medic ran her thumb over her glistening slit and stated, Looks like it has ripened up quite nicely. Sticking her tongue out, Ameno gripped Pakuras thighs as she dove in causing the older woman to arch her back while the medic probed her insides.

While Ameno enjoyed her snatch and the juices it was offering up, Pakura undid the bandages which held her tunic in place, and pulled it free of her body. When her tits swayed free, Ameno immediately reached up and began massaging one, while she replaced her tongue with the middle finger of her other hand. Pakura moaned deeply as this allowed Amenos tongue to focus on her clit, which began pushing her towards her release. However, while content to sit back and let Ameno enjoy her body, she didnt want to be a selfish lover so meeting her partners eyes as they stared up at her stated, It isnt really fair that Im the only one here who is naked.

Amenos eyes glittered with amusement and lust as the brown-haired woman sat back while reaching for the red band that held her own blouse closed. Once she undid the clasp, Pakura sprung forward pulling the band free and smiled down at the brown eyed woman as she then pushed aside the white cloth hiding away the medics large breasts. Ameno shivered as Pakura blew on her nipple causing the nub to harden even further before she latched onto it. Ameno then moaned as Pakura began suckling on it, while she pushed her hand down the front of the medics shots. Finding her partner to be soaking, she let her nub slip free of her lips with a pop before saying, My, my, it appears we have another juicy one on our hands here.

Ameno moaned in agreement as Pakura vigorously rubbed her pussy, and pulled one from her green-haired partner when she reached up between her legs and began rubbing hers in a similar manner. Pakura lowered her lips to Amenos who opened her mouth in response, allowing Pakura to slip her tongue inside when they made contact. They kissed wetly as they massaged each others nether lips, until Pakura suddenly found herself pushed on her back as Ameno quickly stood from the couch, and pushed her shorts down until gravity did the rest. Removing her tunic in a similar hurried manner, she then positioned herself so that her dripping snatch was directly over Pakuras face, and then bent over so she could once more suck on the green-haired womans quim.

Pakura moaned appreciatively as she returned the favor, using her tongue to stimulate the younger womans clit, who was following suit while also stroking her slit with her thumb. It wasnt long before Pakura felt the telltale signs of an orgasm approaching, and sensing that her partner was close as well as her actions became more frantic, pushed her over the edge as she suddenly sucked on the brown-haired womans pleasure nerve. Ameno cried out as she arched her back, and her pussy gushed its reward, before sending Pakura over the edge as well as she flicked her bean with her thumb. She quickly buried her face back between Pakuras thighs as she began lapping up the juices that were her reward.

Ameno finished up and then turning to face Pakura, kissed her passionately as they tasted themselves on their partners lips. Pulling back, Ameno said contently, Gods, that was amazing. Pakura returned her partners pleased smile as the younger woman rested her head against her shoulder, but even as good as it was, she couldnt help feeling that it would have been all the better if there had been some cream served alongside the peach that she had just enjoyed.


A still half asleep Naruto felt several familiar sensations along his far more alert cock that his still sluggish mind lacked the power to identify, and so trying to collect more information reached down to determine the source of the wetness coating his exposed manhood. Yet, he soon found his hand blocked by a mop of wild but well maintained hair, which gave him an idea of who was behind one of the enjoyable sensations bathing his dick in saliva, but aware there were at least two more reached out with his other hand and encountered another head with similarly feeling hair, but was smoother as it was pulled back into a pony tail. He smiled as he thought, Todays going to be a good day, before letting out a moan as the third tongue that had been running along the underside of his cock, began sucking on the head while swirling her tongue around it.

Opening his eyes, he winced as the light blinded him for a moment, but smiled as he found a naked Tsume, Hana, and Tsunami in the midst of giving his cock a tongue bath after having pulled him towards the foot of the bed. Tsume looked up and addressing him and the two equally naked women that he had spent the night with said, You three are pretty pathetic shinobi. Even an amateur like Tsunami was able to approach without any of you even twitching.

Mmm, Yuugao said not bothering to open her eyes or move from where she laid clutching a pillow that he suspected had been substituted in place of him as his other three lovers had pulled him from between her and Kashike, Lets see how alert you are after getting fucked for half the night.

Why do you think Im here, Tsume said in reply to the ANBU captain before giving her lover a feral grin, You need to take responsibility for what you did.

Naruto looked rather confused by her statement before asking, What was that?

Hana surrendered her portion of his dick to Tsunami, who begun taking him deeper into her mouth, although she was only able to swallow about half his length comfortably, so began to use her hand to jerk the base. While Hana answered Narutos question in place of her mother as she replied, Come now, surely you realize that after sitting back and taking all those insults in front of us, that after kicking Lees butt in the arena it would put your two bitches into heat. We would have jumped you right then and there if you had stuck around after your talk with Tenten.

I wish it had occurred to me, Naruto answered as the mother and daughter crawled up towards his face on opposite sides. Although, doing so in Ruins arena probably wouldnt have been the best place to indulge.

And what about now? Tsume asked, prompting Naruto to raise both his hands up between his Inuzukas lovers thighs and found both of them were dripping wet.

Smiling, Naruto pushed his middle and index finger into each while stating, Indulge away. Which both his lovers did as Tsume claimed his lips, while Hana began running her tongue along his neck and check until her mother made enough room for her tongue to join in the dance between her and Narutos.

Naruto enjoyed the three way kiss, until the mother and daughter pulled back and each began licking his chest while paying particular attention to his nipples allowing him to ask Tsunami, And what is your excuse?

Tsunami let him slip free from her lips, and continuing to jack him said, Do I really need one in order to want to suck the cock of my young and virile lover? Or, to want it buried deep inside me?

No, I suppose not, Naruto said, before letting out a pleased groan as after she had given him an amused smile because of his reply, she had quickly swallowed his cock once more. Naruto felt tempted to grab Tsunami by the head, and begin fucking her mouth, but he imagined, due to the moans they were letting out, that his Inuzuka lovers were quite content with his hands remaining exactly where they were. Which suited him just fine, particularly as Tsunami let him slip free of her lips once more in order to spin around between his outstretched legs. She then leaned up and forward enough that he could see her dripping quim even as she reached back to grip his cock, and guide it inside her. Naruto let out a groan of satisfaction as the mother of one sank down onto his rod, due to her pussy being all the tighter as she kept her knees close together. She became tighter still when he raised his knees up and she pressed them together as her feet spread out beneath his thighs as she began raising and falling on his cock.

Naruto closed his eyes to bask in the silky warmth now wrapped around his cock, but opened them as he felt additional movement on the bed. He smiled a crooked smile as he found Kashike was now kneeling overhead, and so asked, Are you finally ready for more?

Kashike rolled her eyes, since it had only been a handful of hours since she had last enjoyed his company, as after both of them had returned to the room that she had been sharing with Yuugao, they had found her recovered and wanting more. Which, although Kashike had been quite satisfied at the time, watching Naruto and her going at it had quickly awaken her own desire to have him inside her once more and so had joined them. Naturally though, even when double teaming him, their stamina proven to be no match for his and so they had needed to throw in the towel leaving them just enough energy to have a nice refreshing shower, which they had shared minus Naruto since they imagined the temptation to startup once more would quickly arise if they began washing one another with him present. Something Kashike could attest to, as having awoken to the sounds of the other three women enjoying him, had quickly caused the spicket of her desire to switch on, and so wishing to have it quenched began to lower her pussy down on her lovers face.

As she did so, Naruto directed his gaze down his body once more so he could enjoy the sight of his dick appearing and disappearing into Tsunami, which glistened with the older womans juices as she fucked herself on his cock. But, his focus was soon demanded elsewhere as Kashike lowered her own juicy pussy onto his lips, and so began enjoying it with gusto. Kashike tensed and moaned as Narutos experienced tongue quickly sussed out all her weak points, which caused her to bury her hands in his blond locks as she began to grind her muff into his mouth.

Yuugao tried to ignore the siren cries of her fellow Family members as she had wanted to maximize her sleep feeling it would likely be in short supply once the Chunin Exams began. But, once Kashikes joined in, felt it probably best to make use of the current opportunity since her Naruto time would also likely be in short supply considering how hed probably be under almost constant surveillance once they kicked off, either from fellow competitors looking for some sort of edge against him by finding a weakness, or whoever it would be the Raikage sent after him if the leader of Kumo acted as they suspected.

Opening her eyes, and finding the old adage of the early bird getting the worm was once again proven true as just about every part of Naruto that she could use to experience pleasure was taken. She opted to aid her lover in pleasing his other ones, in order to free up one of his pleasure points for her own usage. Knowing which one she favored, she slipped out of the bed to move to the end of it, before once more crawling onto the mattress between Narutos outstretched legs where Tsunami was currently riding his cock as she swayed her hips in round circles against him. Kneeling before the woman, she pulled her into a kiss, which the blue-haired mother quickly responded to as her tongue sought out Yuugaos for a dance. While they kissed wetly, Yuugao raised her hand up to where the hotels manager was connected to Naruto, and although her legs were squeezed together currently, there was enough room for her slip her middle finger into the gap between her legs. Tsunami pulled back and gasped as Yuugaos finger jostled her clit, causing her to experience a small climax as she fell back onto Narutos chest and stomach as Tsume and Hana gave her room to do so. Yuugao smiled as the Inuzuka women quickly latched onto her weeping and milk filled breasts, which caused the woman to moan out loudly and also exposed the treasure that the Anbu had sought as she spread her legs to fully expose where she was connected to Naruto. While the Inuzuka began sucking the milk from Tsunamis teats, Yuugao began licking where she was joined with Naruto, while fingering herself and making sure her tongue focused on the blue-haired womans clit, while her other hand fondled her lovers heavy balls as he began drilling himself into the love tunnel that he was currently buried in.

Naruto groaned pleasantly into Kashikes snatch as the new sensations that he was experiencing drove him to the edge. But, wanting to make sure his lovers got there first, began redoubling his efforts. Focusing his tongue on Kashikes pleasure buzzer, while his hands did likewise to Tsume and Hana, he listened for the telltale howl from his two Inuzuka lovers, before pushing Kashike over the edge by sucking on her clit before finally allowing himself to burst, which sent Tsunami over the edge as her womb was pumped full of his seed.

His own grunts of pleasure grew louder when Yuugao after letting Tsunamis womb drink the lions share of his jizz, pulled his still spurting cock free as she capped the geyser with her mouth. Yuugao moaned deeply, as she tasted her lover, and as she swallowed his cum it caused her to have a power orgasm of her own as her release exploded around the hand currently cupping her mound as she fingered her hole.

Naruto finished lapping up Kashike offering, and spent a moment savoring the feeling of being at the bottom of the mound of momentarily contented females piled on top of him. However, the content feeling didnt last long as Yuugao tongue soon began bathing his cock once more, but wanting to take a more active role in the next round he hiraishined away so that he appeared several feet from the end of the bed. He took another moment to enjoy the sight spread out on the bed before him, as his naked lovers adjusted themselves due to his sudden removal from the pile, and as they focused on him, all except Tsunami, who still looked slightly out of it, had hungry looks in their eyes. He disappeared from their vision in a burst of smoke as he created nine K-clones.

When the smoke dissipated, Naruto was glad he called in the backup as even Tsunami despite the orgasm that she had just enjoyed allowed an almost predatory grin to appear as she began to rub her pussy which was still leaking his cum as she eyed the gathered clones. Despite his having mixed himself in among them, he wasnt surprised that it appeared both Tsume and Hana knew where he was among them figuring the clones lacked the scent his lovers had marked him with. As such, they quickly slipped off the bed as six of his clones moved forward to join the two Anbu and Tsunami, while three of them hung back to aid him in pleasing the approaching Inuzuka women.

Naruto was slightly surprised though when Tsume began angling towards one of his clones, but quickly surmised that as she wasnt currently in a state where her Inuzuka lusts were in control, she didnt feel the same need to establish dominance over her fellow Inuzuka or the other women present for that matter. Something that pleased Hana greatly as she made straight for him, and wrapped her arms around his neck and sealed her lips to his. The kiss although passionate, was brief as Naruto pushed her back, before spinning around to meet the clone that had come up behind her, who pulled her into a kiss while he positioned his cock against her dripping snatch which he quickly plugged with his cock. Hana moaned into the clones mouth as Naruto began pistoning in and out of her with quick, powerful thrusts.

Naruto groaned as Hanas love passage squeezed around him, and enjoyed the feeling for a moment before looking over to see how her mother was handling her clones. The sight of Tsume being suspended between his two copies while being fucked in both her pussy and ass caused his dick to swell even more, which her daughter appreciated as she hummed her approval into her clones mouth as she removed one arm from around its neck and began to jack it off. Naruto continued to watch her mother though, as she leaned back into the clone fucking her ass, which she kissed over her shoulder. While the clone fucking her pussy lead forward to suck on one of her breasts. Tsume howled appreciatively for a moment, before once more pulling the clone she had been kissing in for another.

Naruto refocused in front of him as Hanas cries grew in volume and saw the copy that she had been kissing had stepped back and was moving her face down its body. Hana tongue traced a path down the clones chest until she came face to face with its one eyed serpent. She opened her mouth as Naruto gripped her by the arms pulling them back behind her, while his clone gripped her by the head and began fucking her mouth, and soon began matching its pace to his so that every time he was pushing his cock up against her womb, it was pushing its against the back of her throat. Naruto enjoyed the unique sight of seeing his dick disappearing in Hanas mouth even as it was also ploughing her pussy, before shifting his focus to the bed where again he had to marvel at how lucky he was as he watched more copies of himself double teaming his lovers occupying the bed.

Yuugao was still at the foot of it with one clone underneath pumping up into her pussy while another close stood at the foot of the bed with one foot raised on it as it pumped its cock into her ass. Her moans were occasionally cut short by the clone behind her, as it would pull her into a wet kiss while the one beneath her fondled and massaged her tits. Tsunamis moans were muffled for the most part, as she had been pulled to the middle of the bed which she laid across sideways while on her back allowing one clone to fill her mouth with its cock, while the other clone had her legs on its shoulders as it stirred up the cum that he had already deposited inside her. Finally, Kashike was at the head of the bed where much like Tsunami she was laying crosswise although on her hands and knees as one clone ploughed her pussy from behind while she sucked the dick of the other. Naruto smiled as he suspected she had opted for this since he had just claimed her ass the night before so suspected it was still a little tender.

He focused his attention back to his own partner, and seeing her rosebud peeking up at him let go of one of her arms, which she immediate moved to grip the hip of the clone currently pumping its cock into her mouth, while he gave her pussy a vigorous rubbing in order to lube up his fingers. He then pushed the glistening digit of his index finger into her ass causing Hana to let out a muffled cry around the meat stick her lips were wrapped around. Narutos clone groaned from the pleasant vibrations it sent through its cock. It then pulled free of her mouth before kneeling as it angled her face up towards its own to state, You love getting your ass fingered. Dont you?

Yes, Hana moaned breathlessly as Naruto soon added another and began stretching her out more.

Naruto met his clones eyes, and it gave him a nod so he stated, Then youre going to love this, before pulling his dick free of her pussy and plunged it into her asshole. Hana let out a howl of pleasure as Naruto then pulled her upright so that her back was pressed against his chest, while the clone stepped forward to kiss her greedily before lifting her legs up and plunged its cock into her pussy. Hana cried out in bliss as she stared up at the ceiling while the same cock drilled her pussy and ass at the same time.

Naruto got caught up in ploughing Hanas ass until he heard her mother announce, Yes Im cumming.

One of the clones fucking her responded, Were reaching our limit too. Where do you want it

Cover me in your scent, Tsume cried as she came around the cocks buried inside her.

Hana cried out as well, Me too!

Naruto and his clones pulled out of the climaxing women to sit them on the floor. The Inuzuka women set their back against one another as they knelt on the ground with their mouths hanging open and tongues out as their lover and his copies formed a circle around them while fisting their cocks for a few strokes before letting their spunk fly and coat the two shivering women as they continued to climax at the center of the semen shower they were receiving.

When he was finally spent, Naruto stepped back and leaned against the edge of a nearby couch as his three clones burst into smoke. His dick which hadnt quite lost its hardness instantly turned to steel as he received the memories and sensations of the other three versions of himself. Not to mention, as the smoke cleared he was greeted to the sight of Hana and Tsume licking his cum from each others bodies and face. Meanwhile, he braced himself for another barrage of dick hardening memories as his other clones having received the same burst of pleasure that he had, exploded into whatever mouth, pussy, or ass of the partner that they were currently enjoying, which in turn set off each of his lovers.

Naruto enjoyed the cries of his women, or muffled cries as was the case for Kashike and Tsunami as they swallowed the cum currently filling their mouths until the clones burst into smoke once they finished depositing their loads. Naruto closed his eyes as he groaned in phantom pleasure while he experienced the sensations that his clones had enjoyed. He tried to remain still as he was sure the slightest twitch would cause him to explode once more. Which proved to be the case as Hana and Tsume having noticed his twitching cock crawled towards him and pressing their faces together ran their tongues against the tip of his cockhead, and were rewarded with another geyser of cum which coated their tongues and faces.

Naruto sagged against the couch, and opening his eyes to the sight of the mother and daughter bathed in his cum, smiled as he said, Thats my good girls.

Tsume and Hana smiled as they again turned towards one another, but were quickly swarmed by the other three women as they also tried to enjoy another taste of him. Naruto simply sat back and watched the sight with a smile as he thought, Yep, it is definitely going to be a good day.


Events take place concurrently as Mabui Limelight Chapter:

After spending some time observing some targets of interest that were contained within, Tayuya slipped out of the VIP section of the Kumo arena that was currently hosting an event called Thundermania. An event she had originally attended in the guise of the Snow-nin Meiko, who was the lover of a man named Kakami Takayama, the identity that Naruto assumed when appearing publicly with his other lovers. To cover for any of the inconsistencies that might arise from the various women who would be playing Meiko in her role as Kakamis lover, it was quite publicly known that she suffered from multiple personalities. Tayuya smiled as one of those personalities had died, as Mabui would no longer be needing it as Kakami would be transferring permanently to Kumo, where he would be banging his boss, along with his supposed multiple personality possessing lover. Something she had helped facilitate and bring to light by making out with the dark skinned beauty right in front of her former lover.

Now with that task completed, Tayuya found she no longer needed the Meiko identity either, at least for the time being, and so slipped into a nearby bathroom which due to its isolated location was currently unoccupied. Locking the door, she moved to one of several sinks located in front of a large mirror. She looked underneath it and finding the storage seal that Mabui had placed for her, activated it so that a briefcase appeared. Catching it before it hit the ground, she balanced it between two of the sinks as she inputted the combination, and opening it found clothes that if she had been asked several years earlier to wear, would have told the person to properly go fuck themselves. She paused as she looked at her reflection and the sexy slip of a dress that she was currently wearing, and imagined once upon a time her response would have been quite similar if asked to wear it. Although now, she found that she actually quite enjoyed both outfits, particularly due to how Naruto enjoyed ripping her out of at least the one the suitcase contained, and if she had her way, hed be doing the same with the dress later, since she would need it after she completed her current task in order to leave the venue.

Slipping out of the dress as she dropped the Meiko henge, she quickly put on the business suit contained within the briefcase. Opening a hidden false bottom within, she put the dress in there just in case any nosey guards wanted a peek inside. Yet while she didnt anticipate any issues considering who had provided her with the paperwork and pass that she would need to reach the backstage area. It never paid to be sloppy. After putting on her suit, she unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out into the hallway in order to proceed down to the arena floor.

She didnt head straight there though as she took a meandering path while occasionally stopping to watch some of the ring action, particularly if there was a woman involved. Since even though the matches themselves were fake in order to either payoff a storyline, or put a new one in motion. There was real athleticism taking place. Moreover, there was a real possibility that some of Kumos finest warriors were involved, not only because the previous Raikage had participated in order to build up their bigger than life personas. But, it took real talent to pull off a move that looked like it should kill or seriously injure an opponent, but in truth left them relatively unharmed. She also realized it also took a fair amount of trust as well between those participating, and so imagined it also benefited Kumo in terms of building up trust between some of their most skilled shinobi.

Scoping out potential partners that may one day end up sharing a four cornered ring with her lover to experience his special brand of wrestling wasnt Tayuyas only reason for taking her time. As she wanted to time her arrival backstage for the last match as it would most likely be when she could expect to speak with her target without being interrupted. She paused as she saw the last woman that she sought that evening had come out from the backstage dressed in a bikini while holding a card at her side, and after climbing into the ring, she held it up over her head while walking around the edge which announced to the crowd that the final match would soon begin.

As such, she proceed to the backstage area and wasnt surprised to find it guarded by a few genin and chunin. She didnt pay them any mind as she acted like she had every right to be there, which she was quite in her right to be as she was confident the backstage pass she was held up to them was legit. Not that the guards seemed to care too much one way or the other as they had likely had similar ones flashed in their faces all night.

Entering the backstage area, she kept her eyes open for which of the rooms would serve as a dressing room and smiled as she noticed several of the other ring girls come out of one already dressed in their normal attire. As her target wasnt among them, she hoped that meant she was still changing and that she hadnt missed her. She received some relief when a young man with blond hair, although it looked artificially so, approached the room, and banged on the door while saying, Come on Ann. Whats taking so long. Lets blow this pop stand before the final match wraps up. I dont want to have to navigate through the crowds.

Settle down Ryuji, a voice called back through the door as Tayuya moved to lean her back against the wall and observe the interaction between the two, I didnt get you a pass so you can rush me out the door.

And I appreciate it, the man replied, But, I prefer the nimble and fast paced fighters like The Stingray, The Strong, or The Great Oni. These big men matches are boring by comparison. Although, Id let that Rainbow Mika or Laura chick pin me beneath them any day of the week.

You pervert, the woman said with an air of distaste as she opened the door revealing she had changed out of her bikini to in favor of a red crop top sweater which left her navel exposed, and a black skirt which she paired with fishnet stocking and red sneakers.

Tayuya had initially felt some concern that the blond haired youth was her boyfriend which she knew would put a damper on her lover possibly bedding her. But judging by how freely he had mentioned wanting to bed some of the wrestlers, not to mention the space that was between the two as they began walking towards her, Tayuya knew she didnt need to be concerned. Still, she wondered if he might not be one of the womans teammates in the upcoming Chunin Exams, as Mabui due to the security measures in place where the files had been kept, had been unable to memorize all of them and so had focused on the details of the various Persona users that were female.

Tayuya pushed off the wall she had been leaning against and moved to the center of the hall as she approached the pair which caused the two to share a quick look of concern. She took this as a sign that both were probably Persona users as she noticed them both tense as they closed to what would be effective taijutsu range. She saw the concern ramp up considerably as she stated more than asked, Ann Takamaki.

Whos asking? Ryuji inquired as he stopped and positioned himself slightly in front of the woman that she suspected was his teammate.

Who the fuck are you? Her fucking pmanager, Tayuya instantly shot back unable to stop herself, although she did just barely manage to stop herself from calling him, her pimp. Cant she fucking speak for herself?

Both were caught by surprise by the sudden verbal tirade, which although Ryuji looked like he was about to give some fire back, a quick elbow to the side silenced him as Ann stepped up and replied, No he most certainly isnt, and I can indeed speak for myself.

Glad to hear it, Tayuya replied while digging in her breast pocket, My name is Tayuya, and I

Represent the actress Yukie Fujikaze, Ann said sounding rather excited as she mentioned Koyukis stage name implying that she probably followed some of the trades related to the modeling and the movies.

Nodding as she produced her business card, which introduced her as the president of the Princess Maker Talent agency, although currently there was only one client that she represented, who also happened to be a princess, she said, Well that certainly simplifies things. Handing Ann the card, she said, As you may know, were gearing up to film the next Princess Gale movie. Unfortunately, weve hit some snags since the location KoyukiI mean Yukie wants to film at is located in the Land of Earth, which is ruled by a worthless piece of shit and his cocksucking sons. Both Ryuji and Ann shared a confused look as Tayuya vented some of her frustrations at the Earth Country royalty. But, she carried on, Regardless, we anticipate that well be getting our way, and so want to be able to roll the instant we do, less that bucket of lard change his mind. To that end, I believe there is a role that youll be perfect for and would like for you to come down to the studio to do a reading.

Really, Ann said sounding excited at first, but then looked a little concerned as she asked, Um, it doesnt have to be soon does it. Im probably going to be tied up for the next few months.

No, Tayuya replied having some idea as to what she would be busy with, In fact with the Chunin Exams coming up, I doubt too much is going to get done in pushing the movie forward. Not only will Konoha, Kumo, and Suna be hosting the first exam that theyve put on in years. But, Iwagakure also is running its own exam at this time, and so I doubt that theyll want to assign us shinobi as babysitters even if we could get that fucking piece of shit Daimyo to change his mind.

Ann nodded, as while excited at the opportunity that she had been presented, wasnt entirely sure how she would feel working with the foulmouthed woman. Although, she supposed seeing as Yukie Fujikaze trusted her, not to mention the red-head had been making waves in the scummy business of showbusiness as someone who got her client everything she desired, supposed she could do worse for representation, particularly if the vehemence that she had witnessed was directed towards those who might try to stand in the way of her client achieving her dreams was any indication.

Then would it be okay to schedule the reading to happen sometime after the exams, Ann asked politely.

That will be ideal for both of us, Tayuya said with a pleasant smile which did much to put the blonde womans mind at ease. Feel free send me any messages in the meantime by messenger hawk, and Ill see that you get a breakdown of the scenes that Im going to want you to read for.

Ann nodded enthusiastically as Tayuya began walking away, and when she disappeared around the corner heard the blonde woman let out an enthusiastic, Yes!

Tayuya cast a quick genjutsu which hid her presence and made it sound like her heels were still clicking along the tile floor, and frowned as she heard Ryuji say, I dont know why youre so excited Ann. She obviously based her choice simply on how well you fill out that bikini. She obviously has never seen you act before.

She smiled though as Ann fired back, Shut up Ryuji. Ill likely have a few months to practice and besides its probably just a small role, but at least Ill get to meet Yukie, and before you ask Im not letting you tag along this time.

Who asked, Ryuji fired back as they two youths walked past the corner she was hiding behind as they began to argue.

Tayuya smiled as although she would have vastly preferred to have the woman inducted into the Family before the exams, felt the window for new applicants was already closed. Still, while it might be too late to get details about what the Raikage was up to directly from one of the agents that she and the other members of the Family suspected would be sent after Naruto during the exams. She knew that it couldnt hurt to put a plan into motion that would bring her into the fold after the fact. Feeling somewhat accomplished and able to feel just how good a time Mabui was having without her through her foxmark, Tayuya decided it was time to go get her reward before her Naruto time was once more cut down to zero due to the exams.


Despite how she was walking through Kumos Administration Building with purpose, Mabui felt a little run down, which wasnt too much of a surprise considering how she had spent the night before keeping up with her blond lover, and that was before Tayuya had joined them. She smiled as she recalled some of the events from the previous night, and while the sex had definitely been the highlight, it was swiftly followed by Daruis face after he had been given a front row seat of her making out with the disguised Tayuya. An event which apparently had spread quite beyond the arena where it had taken place considering some of the glances she had received that morning. Something she imagined that she would need to get used to considering her acting as the third wheel in the relationship between Narutos persona and the Snow-nin one his other Kumo lovers would be using to appear in public with him for the immediate future. Still, Mabui felt it was a small price to pay to enjoy the current contentment that she had in her relationship with the blond.

Reaching her desk, she moved to the side of it, and pulled out several folders which she tucked under her arm as she then moved to stand before the Raikages door. Knocking on it, she received a gruff, Enter, which she promptly did.

Stepping inside, she was a little surprised to find Darui and Tosen were also present. But, smiled when Darui looked her way, and noticed a brief scowl appear, which she felt were born of his remembering the time that she had inferred to him that she spent her nights with a big dick stud who put him to shame and how it was actually true. He quickly turned back towards the Raikage as Tosen informed the village leader, Our spies have reported a sighting of your brother somewhere in the vicinity of The Land of Stone. It appears that he is acting as Aishas manager while she performs as some traveling lounge singer.

That fool, Ay said clearly annoyed by his brothers antics, When I get him back here, Im going to chain him to that damn mountain.

Do you want me to get a couple of squads together? Darui asked sounding a little amused.

Ay thought for a few moments, before reluctantly stating, No. With the Chunin Exams approaching, well likely need to keep whichever Jounin you would chose close at hand. Particularly since youll most likely need to go personally. However, send a few of our more competent chunin to follow up on this sighting, and see if they can pick up his trail. But warn them not to approach. Once these exams are over, I want to know exactly where he is at, and will collect him personally if I must.

Darui nodded, while Mabui fought back a frown of concern as she wondered if one of the reasons the Raikage wanted to keep his jounin close at hand was due to any nasty surprises he had in store for her lover. She kept her expression clear though as the Raikage focusing on her said, You two are dismissed.

Both men bowed, before turning to leave the room and Mabui took a small amount of satisfaction in it being obvious that Darui made it a point not to look in her direction. Moving to the spot the two men were occupying, she waited until the door closed behind them to spread the folders out before the Raikage, who arched an eyebrow as he asked, Whats this?

This is my answer to the ultimatum that you gave me last night, Mabui replied as the Raikage reached for one of the folders. When he opened the first one and found the profile of a woman staring back at him she stated, These our my suggestions for my replacement.

Now hold on, the Raikage said caught off-guard. I told you to take some time and think about it.

And I have, Mabui quickly replied, As you said, the writing that you want to pull out of the Alliance has been on the wall. Still, it did come as some surprise to me that you would make your demand so soon. However, I believe in it, and refuse to see the bridges of cooperation and peace that we have been making shattered to return to the age of mistrust and bitterness.

The Raikage surged to his feet as he said angrily, And just how do you expect to run a company that has prospered so much under the current conditions when the old embargoes are slapped back into place.

That isnt any concern of yours, Mabui said fiercely, However, the Great Tree Shipping Company was able to flourish in the Land of Fire before those embargoes ended, and I will just have to do the same here in the Land of Lightning until such a time that the desire for peaceful cooperation wins out again. If you wish, I will stay on as your assistant until a suitable replacement has been found and trained to your satisfaction.

Having said her piece, Mabui turned to leave, but stopped as the Raikage said, Mabui, youve chosen quite poorly. Dont forget, in your own way, youre a special commodity of this village. What makes you think well let you bring those skills over to another entity, especially one with such close ties to the Leaf.

Mabui spun in order to glare at the Raikage as she said, And there it is. Lord Raikage, has it not occurred to you that all the defections that youve experienced lately are entirely of your own making. Dont forget, despite the nonsense youve sold to the village I was in the meeting where Yugito asked to join Akatsuki and then, just as now you informed her that all you truly value was the being that she contained. Am I to take it that all you truly value of my services is my ability to use the Heavenly Transfer Technique.

No, the Raikage said training to adopt a more consolatory tone, which wasnt exactly believable as he stated, But, you do have unique skills that I cant have falling into the wrong hands.

So, youre saying the choice you gave me last night was merely an illusion and my only real option is to serve you until the day I die.

Now that is a bit much, the Raikage replied sounding offended, Has service to me been that unpleasant?

No, Mabui admitted, But, that was when there was at least the illusion of it being by choice. If you are saying that I do not have one, then youd be better off throwing me in prison.

The Raikage looked shocked by the resolve he heard in Mabuis voice, and very nearly pressed the button to call in the jounin stationed nearby in case of an emergency. Yet, he refrained as some part of him wouldnt have been surprised that if he followed through, and had her arrested, that he head down later to where she had been detained, and find her missing. Only for her to eventually pop up as a new member of Akatsuki, or some other organization which seemed content to interfere with his designs for Kumo to reign supreme at the pinnacle of the Shinobi World. Not to mention, how technically she already was due to her currently was serving a company that much like Akatsuki had a bunch of S-rank women in its employ. He felt the Cats paw on his chest begin to burn, which he took as a sign that he was once more playing with fire which prompted him to state, That will not be necessary. I would appreciate it if you stay on staff at least until your replacement is trained to my satisfaction.

Mabui was clearly surprised by the Raikages sudden relenting, but chose not to look the gift horse in the mouth. But, as she reached the doorway stated with sincerity, Lord Raikage, I do wish to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I also hope you decide to abandon your current course of action. She then paused for a few moments before highlighting, You know, if you were as capable of trusting your brother to live his own life, perhaps he wouldnt need to run wild every time he slipped free of the leash you have on him.

Thats enough, the Raikage snapped angrily, My actions have always been to ensure that when the chaos of this world rears its head, Kumo would find itself equal to meet it. Leave the commentary on how I run this village to those who truly care for it and its people. Mabui felt her temper flare as she prepared to respond with a tirade that would have made Tayuya blush. But, she quickly reigned it in as the feeling was replaced by pity as she felt it was quite sad how the man that she had once admired so much continued, to display why he was unworthy of it. Then to her surprise, it seemed as if his own words had spurred on a memory within him as for a brief moment a haunted, almost guilty, look appeared on his face and the anger in his voice disappeared to be replaced with a dejected tone as he added, You got what you wanted, so attend to your duties until such a time as the replacement I select is ready. You are dismissed.

Mabui nodded, and stepped out of the office as she was instructed. She made her way to her desk, and despite achieving her goal, found it didnt fill her with any elation or excitement for the undertaking she was now committed to. While at first, she almost attributed it to the nerves that one usual experienced when leaving a position which they had held and grown accustomed. She quickly dismissed it as the cause, as she found herself focusing more on the tail end of her conversation with the Raikage, and more specifically the brief look of guilt that he had shown in conjunction with his defending the actions that he had taken for the village, as it got her mind to wondering about just what sort of devils bargain he would have needed to make in order to even temporary show such a look. Especially when considering that he was the same man who had on two occasion that she was aware of, given the order to steal young girls from their families in order to use them for Kumogakures benefit.

Next Chapter: The Chunin Exams: The Sequel: A Build up to the Event! Part 2

Authors Note: Hello there, I hope this note finds you all are doing well. Well after a year and a half, Ive finally posted the next installment of Eroninja. I thank you all for your patience, and hope this chapter was worth the wait. You might have noticed, that this chapter went quite heavy on the lemons, and well much as is hinted at in the, the Chunin Exam arc, is probably going to be quite light on them. The next chapter will be quite similar in terms of heavy on lemons as well, as there were a few other scenes that I wanted to add to kind of set the table for things to come, or as with Kashike kind of wrap them up. I hope this chapter also shows why Kashike didnt get much of a resolution at the end of the previous arc, as I did want to leave its focus on Yuugao as opposed to travel down the rabbit hole of all the different emotions I think might spring up in the aftermath for her.

Also, my dear readers, if you have any suggestions as to who should step in as the next Raikage assistant, please leave it in your review. Once I have a few suggestions, Ill post a poll on my Deviatart account and the winner will be Mabui replacement. For example, one I am considering would be Jackie Tristan from Bleach.

Again, I hope this chapter proved to be worth the wait, and until next time, Take Care! Sincerely, the Lemon Sage

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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