Ero Meter

Chapter 98 Rude

98  Rude

Jack looked at the options with his brows raised.

[1. Be rude and angry to her and leave. (+1 Heart)

2. Try to calm her down. (-1 Heart.)

3. Lie to her. (-3 Hearts.)]

'I have to be rude to her?' He furrowed his brows at the thought, he didn't know how being rude to Sophie would make her heart go up by one.

'Ero Meter has always been right.' He sighed. He completely believed in his Ero Meter and its power, he knew that it would work for sure.

However, what he didn't know is how.

Clicking the first option he looked at Sophie in the eyes and stayed silent for the moment.

She was emotional and angry and seeing him turn silent she stepped forwards, towards him.

Pointing her finger she tapped it on his chest for a few moments.

"Why are you silent?! Say it? Should I also make a boyfriend?" She looked him in the eyes as they turned red.

Jack took in a deep breath, he knew that being rude would solve this situation, but for some reason, it was very hard for him to be rude to her.

'What should I say?' He sighed and then turned his head away to look at Nicole, she was looking at both of them with her eyes narrow.

He then looked at Sophie again.

"Say something!" She yelled at him again.

Suddenly anger flashed in his eyes, which made Sophie take a step back subconsciously.

"Ok, go and make a boyfriend. And don't show me your face again if you don't wanna talk and just yell at me." He said and turned around to move towards the car.

Sophie listened to his words and her mouth stayed open for a few seconds, she never thought that Jack would ever be so angry at her.

He has always treated her gently and even helped her a lot.

However, currently, her emotions were ruling her and because of that she got even more pissed off at Jack's words.

"Ok! So you want me to fuck around like you, so be it!" She yelled at him before he could open the door of his car.

Jack looked at her for a few seconds and then moved towards her again. He then placed his hand on her shoulder and leaned his head closer to meet her eyes.

"If I ever saw you with someone else then you will never be able to see me again." He said and leaned back again releasing his grip from her shoulder.

Sophie's body shook at his words and soon enough more and more tears started to fall from her eyes as anger started blinding her.

Nicole on the other hand could see that the situation was getting out of hand, she could even see Jack getting angry, 'I should step in.' She thought and placed her hand on the door to open it.

"Ok, if you want that, then don't ever call me again, or meet me ever! I will do whatever I want!" She said and also turned around to leave.

Jack saw her departing and sighed. "This is your last warning! I promise to never see you again if you keep acting like this." Jack said from behind.

"Fuck off!" Sophie stepped up the stairs and disappeared from his sight.

Jack sighed and also moved inside the car, he sat there for a few seconds as he contemplated his action, he wanted desperately to go back and ask for forgiveness however he controlled himself as he believed in Ero Meter.

"Have you gone stupid?!" Suddenly Nicole said from the side as she looked deep into his eyes. "That is not how you talk to a girl."

At the last moment, she opened the door and heard their conversation. She was surprised to see Jack being so rude to the young girl.

Jack looked her in the eyes and stayed silent. He can't tell Nicole that his Ero Meter told him to be rude to Sophie.

"I am sorry." He said and took in another deep breath, his emotions were going wild, however, he tried to stay as calm as possible.

He looked at the stairs again, contemplating if he should go to Sophie, however with a sigh he started his car and moved out of the apartment.

Nicole could see that he was hurt inside just by the crack in his voice.

A worried expression appeared on her face as she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes," Jack said and then moved his car towards the college. The whole ride was filled with silence.

Soon enough the car stood in front of the College where Jack leaned his seat to rest a bit till Cassie came.

Different thoughts moved through his mind as he rested his head on the headrest.

Nicole looked at him and sighed, she wasn't sure what she should do or say. She kept looking at him for a few minutes and could tell that he was disturbed.

"Hey, say something, are you really ok?" She asked again while shaking his shoulder to wake him up.

"Yes, don't worry." He murmured.

Nicole let out a breath. "I am hungry, let's go and eat some food." She said again.

"Ok." Jack stood up and moved his car again towards a restaurant.

Soon enough they sat at a restaurant table with some hot soup and chicken.

They started eating it slowly in silence.

"Why are you not saying anything?" Nicole asked worry visible on her face. "You know you can share anything with me right?" She said again as her hand moved and rested on his.

Jack could feel her worry and smiled, he was glad that she was here for him, he could feel genuine love from her.

"Thanks." He smiled.

Nicole nodded, she was somewhat relieved that Jack was finally smiling, however, she could still feel that he was somewhat hurt.

"Was she the daughter of your crush?" Nicole looked at him with her brows raised.

Jack nodded at her words. "Yes."

"You are the stupidest guy I have ever seen, getting angry at a young girl like her would only make her hate you." She tightened her grip around his hand. "You should go and talk to her again, this time you should be calm."

Jack listens to her and stayed silent for a few seconds. "No, I won't." He said three simple words.

"Why? You are never so angry, I thought you always stayed calm." She tapped her finger on his hand.

"No, I won't." He repeated his words.

"I know she threatened you to go to other men, however, I can feel that she is genuinely in love with you, that was the reason why she was so hurt." She clicked her fingers again. "I don't think she would really go make a boyfriend."

Jack started at Nicole in the eyes. "I hate when people threaten me." He can't tell Nicole that he was relying on his cheat.

"She wasn't threatening you, she was just too emotional, you should talk to her when she calms down." Nicole was feeling guilty that Jack and Sophie fought because of her.

She wanted to patch up the situation between them.

Cassie took some time to comprehend the situation and then her eyes widened in surprise. She

looked at Jack with her mouth open.

"Hmm..." Jack murmured and started eating the food.

Nicole on the other hand sighed when she saw his nonchalant expression. She also turned silent and started eating her food.

After they were finished they moved toward the college again as it was time for classes to end, and soon enough Cassie came out of the college and sat in the car.

Just as she did so she could feel the awkward atmosphere between them and raised her brows toward Nicole.

Nicole sighed at her actions.

"What happened?" Cassie looked at Jack.

"Nothing. Let's go home." He said and started the car and soon enough they were on the road again, moving towards their mansion.

"No, something is off, I can feel it!" She looked at Nicole again to get some information.

Nicole averted her gaze and stayed silent, she didn't want to say anything as Jack was also silent.

Cassie narrowed her eyes and then shook Jack's shoulder.

"Did Meadow say anything to you?" worry filled her tone.

"No, she didn't," Jack answered simply, he knew that Cassie would react much more actively compared to Nicole if she knew the truth.

Cassie's brows twitched. "Nicole, tell me what happened. You have to." She held Nicole's hand.

Nicole looked at her for a few seconds. 'She might be able to solve this situation.' She thought.

"They fought, Meadow's daughter and Jack." She said.

When Jack heard her words he let out a sigh.

Cassie took some time to comprehend the situation and then her eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Jack with her mouth open.

"Are you for real?! You even got Sophie! And now you faught with her?" Cassie was bewildered by the situation.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." He said in an annoyed tone and accelerated the car to reach the house as soon as possible.


Sophie on the other hand locked herself inside the room and hugged a pillow tightly, tears were continuously dripping from her eyes.

"Dear... Open the door." Outside her room, Meadow was continuously knocking on Sophie's door with a worried expression on her face.

Just a few minutes ago she walked out of the apartment with a happy face and now she came back crying.

'She said that Jack has come, did something happen between them?' Meadow thought and knocked again.

"Sophie, open the door, I am worried!"



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