Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 17: The System Gives Too Much

Chapter 17: The System Gives Too Much

Chapter 17: The System Gives Too Much

Besides the basic information of this wild secret realm, there was also a "Secret Realm Clearance Condition" attached.

[Clearance Condition: Kill the Goblin King to receive the secret realm clearance reward!]

Everyone knew that clearing a wild secret realm would yield extremely generous rewards.

However, the problem at hand was that this was a hell-level difficulty dungeon!

It wasn’t that their team configuration was lacking. They just felt it was too risky because they might die in there.

"Brother Zhou, what do you think? Should we go in?"

At this moment, the yellow-haired guy looked at Zhou Xuanhan.

Zhou Xuanhan said calmly, "First, report your professions. Let's see if our configuration is good. If it is, we'll go for it. If not, we'll back out."

He tried to appear confident and commanding in front of Su Rou.

However, glancing over, he found Su Rou standing quietly next to the unfamiliar young man, not even looking at him.

Damn it!!

This made him incredibly furious inside.

"Then, let's follow Brother Zhou's lead. I'll start. My profession is Warrior!"

"I'm an Assassin."

"I'm an Archer."

"I'm a Swordsman."

"I'm a Mage."

After the boys reported their professions, Zhou Xuanhan said in a deep voice, "I'm a Martial Artist. Little Rou is a Priest. What about you, brother?"

He deliberately called Su Rou "Little Rou" to sound more intimate while looking at Qin Fan.

This group wasn’t from No. 1 High School but from No. 3 High School, so they didn’t recognize Qin Fan.

"I'm a Dragon Tamer," Qin Fan reported his profession calmly.


"A Dragon Tamer!?"

"You're the Dragon Tamer everyone’s been talking about?"

The moment Qin Fan revealed his profession, all the boys, including Zhou Xuanhan, widened their eyes in shock.

Of course...

Their faces also showed looks of astonishment mixed with a desire to laugh!

"I am indeed a Dragon Tamer. What's the problem?"

Qin Fan asked calmly, without a hint of anger.

"What’s the problem? You still don’t know the issue?"

"You’re a Dragon Tamer, which is a useless profession!"

"Damn! Now our team has a deadweight that’s completely useless…"

The boys started cursing and complaining.

To them, Dragon Tamer was indeed a useless profession! Because he didn’t have a dragon!

Su Rou was about to speak up but then remembered that Qin Fan didn’t want to reveal that he had a dragon yet, so she kept quiet.

"Brother, I think you should be more self-aware…"

Zhou Xuanhan approached Qin Fan.

"What do you mean?" Qin Fan frowned and asked.

"I mean, you'd better quit now!"

"You have a useless profession, and we can't let you take part of the reward, can we?"

Zhou Xuanhan said coldly.

"Fine, I’ll leave."

Qin Fan didn’t get angry at all.

This wild secret realm was discovered by this group, so it made sense they didn’t want him to share the reward.


I don’t care about this secret realm’s rewards!!

Just as Qin Fan was about to leave the secret realm, Su Rou suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Little Rou, what are you doing?" Zhou Xuanhan’s eyes darkened when he saw Su Rou actively grab Qin Fan's hand.

"He is very strong. If he leaves, I think we definitely won't clear this secret realm!" Su Rou said seriously.

Everyone: "..."

He is very strong?

A Dragon Tamer is very strong?

Are you out of your mind?

Do you actually think this Dragon Tamer without a dragon is strong!?

At that moment, everyone's expressions were quite fascinating.

If it weren’t for Zhou Xuanhan liking Su Rou, they would’ve already started mocking.

"Little Rou, aren't you talking nonsense?"

"A Dragon Tamer without a dragon, how strong could he be?"

Zhou Xuanhan chuckled.

"I don't care. If he leaves, I’ll leave too. I have no reason to stay and die with you all!"

Su Rou said coldly.

Zhou Xuanhan: "..."

"Fine! Let him stay!"

"But the rewards will be distributed based on individual damage output!"

"Whoever has the highest damage gets the most rewards. Of course, this excludes the support professions like Priest. How about that?"

Zhou Xuanhan was speechless.

If Su Rou left too, they wouldn’t be able to clear it, as losing a Priest would significantly reduce their combat effectiveness.

"Alright! Deal!"

Su Rou nodded.

Qin Fan couldn’t help but feel a cold laugh inside. You tell me to leave, I leave. You tell me to stay, I stay?

Just as he was about to forcefully leave, suddenly...


[Congratulations to the host for triggering a random task!]

[Task Content: Clear the "Goblin Village" secret realm!]

[Reward: 50,000 experience points (shared with Dragon Pet).]

[Penalty: None.]

[Please complete the task as soon as possible!]


Ah, this...

Hearing the system's merciless prompt, Qin Fan was stunned.

The system gave too much!!

Moreover, his current urgent task was to level up Xiaojiu to level 10 and complete the final task!

This 50,000 experience points must be obtained!

Originally planning to leave, Qin Fan stopped.

"Since there are no objections, let's start the secret realm assault!"

With Zhou Xuanhan's announcement, everyone equipped their armor and weapons, adjusted their states, and walked into the rainforest entrance.


As everyone stepped into the entrance, a slight dizziness hit, and they found themselves in a new space.

For Qin Fan, it was also his first time entering such a wild secret realm dungeon. He had heard that the upcoming transfer exams would involve students clearing secret realms.

Then, the students’ performance would be judged based on their clearance time.

In other words, a secret realm dungeon race.

Having a wild secret realm dungeon to practice was a good thing.

Qin Fan began to observe the surroundings.

It was stuffy, wet, and hot.

The smell of soil and decaying leaves mixed with the stench left by various insects and creatures, making the air quite unpleasant.

A typical tropical rainforest environment.

The secret realm space was vast. If one climbed a tall tree, they could see the boundary of the space—a barrier like a purple curtain that could be touched but not broken.

This was the spatial barrier of the secret realm dungeon.

In other words...

The adventurer team that stepped in had no way back.

They must either clear the dungeon or die trying.

But everyone was confident. They believed that with good cooperation, they could definitely clear it easily.

Following a path deeper into the rainforest, they finally saw a fortress in the middle of a distant valley.

Inside the fortress lived goblins of various colors.

The largest goblin observed was three meters tall, wearing iron armor, and had an ugly face.

The smallest goblins were less than a meter tall but very agile, obviously goblin cubs.


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