Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 128: Completely Shocked

Chapter 128: Completely Shocked

Chapter 128: Completely Shocked

The oncoming frosty breath forced Ge Dongshu to abruptly interrupt his charging state and raise the black light shield in his hand to block it in front of him!

Crack, crack...

It was as if an infinite frost storm was continuously striking his black light shield, making noises.

But upon closer inspection, it was found that the frosty breath did not cause any harm to Ge Dongshu at all!

After all, Ge Dongshu was a top prodigy in the Longguo Country's elite academy.

A top prodigy in an elite academy.

A top prodigy in high school.

The gold content was completely different.

When Qin Fan used the 'Roar of the Ice Dragon', it indeed didn't produce any substantial freezing effect on Ge Dongshu; at most, it could only hinder the opponent's advance.

Level 31 against Level 56.

The level gap was simply too large.

Even though Qin Fan's own attribute points were not low, and could even be said to be completely ahead of all other beings of the same level, obviously, this Ge Dongshu also had his own trump cards.

The magical attacks that could easily crush Hong Wong had little effect on Ge Dongshu here.

"Hmph! Petty tricks!"

"Kneel down to me!!"

Ge Dongshu shouted angrily at this moment, continuing to charge towards Qin Fan!

However, Qin Fan still showed no panic, let out a cold laugh, and raised his Ember Staff.

Swish, swish!!

Two B-level Fire Dragon Bullets were instantly chanted and directly rushed towards Ge Dongshu!

"I said, petty tricks!"

"Don't you understand what I mean?"

"The dragon language magic you rely on will have no effect in front of me!"

Seeing that the opponent still stubbornly wanted to continue bombarding him with spells, Ge Dongshu's cold smile deepened.

Facing these two sweeping Fire Dragon Bullets, with his current accumulated movement speed, he could easily dodge them with just his positioning.


It wasn't necessary.


The next second.

The two sweeping Fire Dragon Bullets unsurprisingly fell on the black light shield in front of Ge Dongshu, exploding into a small mushroom cloud of astonishing fire!



From within the overwhelming mushroom fire cloud, Ge Dongshu's unharmed figure burst out, heading straight for Qin Fan!

"They're about to collide!!"

Under the tense and thrilling gazes of the audience, seeing the two figures on the stage with only ten meters left between them, who were about to engage in a real collision, their hearts were in their throats!


An unexpected event occurred at this moment!!


As soon as the pervasive flames and lingering frosty breath touched, a massive evaporation effect was triggered!

Countless water vapors instantly filled the entire stage like an ice fog!!

The scene that everyone was most eagerly anticipating was shrouded in an extremely crystalline frosty veil!!

Immediately after.

The next second.


A metallic clashing sound like hard armor being pierced by a sharp weapon resounded!

But all the audience outside let out wailing cries at this moment!

"Dammit!! What's going on!"

"What the hell! What happened inside!"

"Damn it! Is this ice fog the timing knight? At such a crucial moment, you covered it up!"

"In the moment the screen was completely covered by ice fog, I heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing hard armor. Who do you think had their armor pierced?"

"It must be Qin Fan!! There's no need to think about it!"

"Damn! Guess what! I can't see the most exciting moment!"


Everyone in the audience started cursing.

This feeling was really uncomfortable!

It's like watching a movie and getting to the exciting part, but then you black out!

Isn't this infuriating?

And the key is that it seems the outcome was already decided in that split second.

It's just unclear who won.

"No need to think, a high-attack, high-defense, high-physical and fully energized Retribution Knight cannot be instantly killed!"

"It must be Qin Fan who was pierced by Ge Dongshu's heavy sword!"

This was the view of a second-year student.

"Come on... high attack, high defense, high physical?"

"In front of our Brother Fan's dragon pet, everything is trash! It shatters with one touch!"

This was the view of first-year students.

But before the ice fog dissipated, the result was unknown.

Even the staff acting as referees could not intervene at this moment and could only quietly wait for the ice fog to dissipate.

After all, if he manually cleared away this ice fog, it could very well affect the course of the match.

Because this ice fog might have been intentionally created by Qin Fan to cover his figure and evade Ge Dongshu's pursuit and tracking.

Facing such a Retribution Knight, creating a vision blind spot and using it to kite him was also a very optimal choice.


Xue Sheng crossed his arms, looking at the stage with a serious expression.

Ge Dongshu at full firepower, even for a Level 59 Demon Sealing Sword Soul like him, would require considerable effort to defeat.

He believed Ge Dongshu would not disappoint him!

In fact, this ice fog didn't last long.

Only about ten seconds later.

The referee staff suddenly sensed something, then quickly activated the platform's exhaust system, clearing all the damn ice fog from the stage.

And at this moment...

The scene on the entire floating stage was finally clear to everyone!



When everyone clearly saw the scene on the stage, their faces collectively showed shock!


On that stage.

Ge Dongshu, wearing extremely heavy armor, was lying quietly in a pool of blood, his abdomen, along with his armor and shield, shattered, and two huge, extremely gruesome holes penetrated his body!

And the slender figure that all the second-year students thought would surely lose was standing beside Ge Dongshu with a cold expression, looking down at this completely defeated opponent.

At this moment.

The audience, silent for several seconds, finally burst out with words of incredulous shock!

"No... how could it be like this?"

"What a joke! Brother Dong actually lost!?"

"Can someone tell me what happened? How did Qin Fan instantly defeat Brother Dong, the Retribution Knight!?"

"Is this guy still human? I suspect he's a ghost!"

Everyone was completely shocked.

The first-year students, who knew that Qin Fan had contracted two holy dragons, erupted in applause and cheers as expected.

But the second-year students were completely stunned!

They even felt that the three views they had long cultivated in their hearts were now emitting the sound of breaking!


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