Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 119: The Second Job Change Paths for Dragon Tamers

Chapter 119: The Second Job Change Paths for Dragon Tamers

Chapter 119: The Second Job Change Paths for Dragon Tamers

Currently, there are basically two ways for all professions to undergo a second job change.

The first way is to use a job change book that corresponds to their profession, which will allow them to successfully undergo the second job change.

The second way is to clear the trial dungeon that corresponds to their profession, defeat the BOSS, obtain the 'Job Change Spirit Stone', and use it to directly undergo the second job change.

Of course…

Besides these two ways, there are also some extremely special professions that can undergo a second job change by meeting certain conditions without needing a job change book or trial dungeon.

For example…

The unique profession of Longguo Country: 'Taoist'.

And its other branches: Talisman Master, Fortune Teller, Feng Shui Master, etc.

These professions require fulfilling certain conditions to successfully undergo a second job change.

At present, Qin Fan, as a Dragon Tamer, has four second job change options.

Besides the previously mentioned Dragon Spirit Priest that can assist dragon pets, there are also Dragon Spirit Mage, Dragon Spirit Warrior, and the prerequisite Holy Dragon Knight, which requires contracting with a Holy Dragon.

Dragon Spirit Mage, as the name suggests, is similar to Dragon Language Mage. However, the only difference is…

Dragon Spirit Mage can inherit all the magical skills of their dragon pets, which is terrifying.

For example, if Qin Fan changes to Dragon Spirit Mage, then Xiaojiu's terrifying Dragon Breath can be 100% inherited by Qin Fan, and the power he unleashes will be exactly the same as Xiaojiu’s.

This power is much more terrifying than ‘Dragon’s Roar’!

It can even be said…

In magical professions, Dragon Spirit Mage is TOP1.

Whether in terms of AOE damage or single-target burst damage, Dragon Spirit Mage is definitely the most core and terrifying damage dealer in the team.

Correspondingly, it also has a drawback.

That is, the Dragon Spirit Mage becomes quite fragile.

After the job change, you can no longer enjoy the body feedback attributes from your dragon pet.

This is a reality all mages must face, you can't have all the good things.

Of course… there are some special exceptions among mages, who may be weak in spells but invincible in physical strength.

On the other hand, Dragon Spirit Warrior perfectly inherits the strong physique attributes of dragons and possesses the 'Dragon Transformation' ability.

This is an extremely violent melee profession.

The powerful and terrifying dragon physique makes you fearless in any melee combat.

The 'Dragon Transformation' ability makes you invincible.

But this profession also has a corresponding drawback: low magic resistance.

To put it simply, Dragon Spirit Priest, Dragon Spirit Mage, and Dragon Spirit Warrior are deep enhancements for support, ranged magic output, and melee output respectively.

Each strives to be the 'strongest' in these three aspects.

But they also have their own drawbacks.

The last option, Holy Dragon Knight, is also Qin Fan's preferred second job change path.

This job change is 'relatively perfect' compared to the three extreme paths mentioned before.

Not only does it have the ability to assist dragon pets, but it can also inherit Dragon Language magic and dragon physique attributes.

Of course…

The drawback is that its abilities are balanced but not particularly outstanding.

In terms of support ability, it is certainly inferior to Dragon Spirit Priest.

In terms of ranged magic output, it is certainly inferior to Dragon Spirit Mage.

In terms of melee combat, it is certainly inferior to Dragon Spirit Warrior.

But it excels in being 'versatile'.

After this job change, it will generate a 'Bond' BUFF with the dragon pet.

This is a profession that complements, cooperates, and relies on each other with dragon pets.

Apart from these four normal job change paths, there is another special second job change that only exists in legends.

Dragon Slayer.

It is said that this job change path was discovered by a group of Dragon Tamers who could not contract with dragon pets after enduring countless hardships in the ruins of a dragon battlefield.

As the name implies, Dragon Slayer gains strength by ‘slaying dragons’.

They consume dragon blood, devour dragon flesh, and absorb dragon bone marrow…

Even if you have contracted with a dragon pet, once you choose this job change, your contracted dragon pet will be consumed, and the dragon power will be integrated into yourself.

Since these high and mighty dragons look down on us Dragon Tamers, we will make ourselves into dragons!

In some ways…

This is the most powerful choice among all Dragon Tamer job change paths.

Because you become a dragon yourself!

You have the strongest dragon physique!

You have the strongest dragon magic!

You have the strongest dragon support!

The uniqueness of this profession lies in the fact that you don’t need a dragon pet!

As long as you are a Dragon Tamer and reach the required level, you can undergo the second job change!

And you can enhance your strength by hunting and consuming the dragon blood, dragon flesh, and dragon bones of earth dragons, flying dragons, and lesser dragons!

Of course…

The above information is only some rumors circulating in online news and has not been confirmed.

Whether Dragon Slayer truly exists is still unknown.


Even if this job change path really exists and is presented before Qin Fan, he would never choose it.

It must be said…

If Qin Fan becomes a Dragon Slayer, he might be the most powerful and terrifying being in history.

But that is 100% impossible.

Aren’t his three adorable little dragons cute enough to cherish?

How could he cruelly consume them?

Furthermore, after transmigrating to this world and triggering the 'helpless' situation like other novel protagonists, Qin Fan had long regarded his dragon pets as his 'family'.

They can be entrusted with life and death.

You never have to worry about them betraying you.

They are forever loyal to you.

Most importantly…

You can feel their pure affection for you.


With many thoughts running through his mind, Qin Fan took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Entering the second job change trial land that only Dragon Tamers can enter, he now found himself in an incredibly white space.

No monsters.

No scenery.


A prompt appeared in his mind.

[Please summon all your dragon pets.]

Without hesitation, three round and cute little dragons were summoned from the pet space.

After spending a night together, the socially anxious little poison dragon was no longer afraid of the two sisters.

Since it had not awakened the ‘Dragon Form Transformation’ skill, it trotted over with its four little legs and obediently stood by Qin Fan's left hand, not causing any trouble.

The noble and proud Xiaohan lifted her little head, fluttering her icy blue wings, and flew to Qin Fan's shoulder, claiming the spot.

As for Xiaojiu…

The moment she appeared, she flew over like a facehugger, hugging Qin Fan’s cheek with her little wings.

Before Qin Fan could remove the clingy little creature, a prompt surprised him.


[The trial has detected that all your dragon pets’ affection for you has exceeded the threshold value. Congratulations, you have successfully passed the trial!]

[Now issuing the trial rewards!]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 'Job Change Spirit Stone' ×1!]

[The reward has been automatically placed in your storage ring. Please check it yourself.]


Is that all for the second job change trial!?


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