Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 116: Winning Again

Chapter 116: Winning Again

Chapter 116: Winning Again

Hearing its new name, the little poison dragon happily hummed.

Qin Fan then fed the remaining eggshell fragments to it.

And the moment it finished nibbling all the eggshell fragments...


The little dragon, originally only the size of a kitten, suddenly grew to Qin Fan's waist in an instant.

This was the normal form of a newly hatched dragon.

"Let's go back."

"Good things come in threes, we'll hold a proper birthday feast for all three of you!"

"You can eat whatever you want today, I'll buy it for you!"

"Plenty of meat!"

The Flaming Staff successfully upgraded its level and quality.

The third little dragon successfully hatched and joined the family.

Counting the previous two little dragons' births, it indeed was a triple blessing.

Hearing their master say this, the three little dragons happily chirped.

"But this Poison Mist Mountain Range will need some explaining..."

Qin Fan looked at the sunny, fresh-aired Poison Mist Mountain Range and couldn't help but smile bitterly.


This outdoor map resource was probably ruined.

Without the perennial poisonous mist and the toxins for the poison monsters and insects to absorb, the strength and levels of these monsters would rapidly decline.

With their levels and strength decreasing, the experience gained from killing them would naturally decrease too.

In short...

This outdoor map resource would downgrade.

But there was no other way; he would have to report this to Dean He Yalan in advance.

Just say he accidentally broke the poison bead under the poison pool.

When Qin Fan reached the entrance of the Poison Mist Mountain Range, he saw a group of second-year seniors gathered there.

All the monsters in the Poison Mist Mountain Range were at least level 35.

Although the level wasn't high, it was still worth something to these level-40+ seniors. Even if it was just a little, it was still something.

As for the level 50 poison beast boss lurking in the poison pool, they didn't dare to provoke it.

Just getting close to the poison pool would put them in a severe poisoned state.

Without credits to buy tickets to secret realms, these second-year seniors could only level up through these semi-open outdoor map resources.

"What on earth happened? Not long ago, all the poison in the Poison Mist Mountain Range vanished..."

"I'm stunned!"

"Did the poison pool mutate?"

At the mountain entrance, the seniors were astonished by the now sunlit mountain range.

Qin Fan quietly lowered his head and walked past them.

Through the teleportation array, he returned to the Heaven-Supporting Academy and immediately went to Dean He Yalan's luxurious office and said, "Dean He, I purified the poison pool in the Poison Mist Mountain Range."

Qin Fan chose to keep the birth of the third dragon pet a secret.

"Just call me teacher."


"What did you say?"

He Yalan, who was looking down at a document, raised her head in shock, unable to believe her ears.

"I said..."

"I accidentally purified the poison pool in the Poison Mist Mountain Range."

He Yalan: "???"

The poison pool that even a level 60 third-transfer priest couldn't purify was accidentally purified by Qin Fan?

He Yalan thought she was hallucinating.


Just as she was about to ask for clarification, an intelligent robot beside her projected a screen.

On the screen was a teacher.

And behind him was the Poison Mist Mountain Range!

"Dean He, something strange happened..."

"The outdoor map resource 'Poison Mist Mountain Range' belonging to our academy has mysteriously had all its poison mist drained, and the poison pool has been completely purified!"

As the teacher finished speaking.

He Yalan looked at the culprit, Qin Fan, with a resigned expression.

She regretted letting this promising student into the Poison Mist Mountain Range.

Just his brief presence there had downgraded an entire outdoor map.

"I see, carry on."

Dean He Yalan turned off the projection screen and asked Qin Fan, "Did your two little ones break the poison bead at the bottom of the poison pool?"



Qin Fan nodded awkwardly.

Xiaojiu and Xiaohan.

You two take the blame for your sister this time.

The poison bead was depleted and shattered after Jiji absorbed and devoured the poison source.

As for the level 50 poison beast boss, it was spared for respectfully bringing Jiji back up from the lake bottom.


Now that level 50 poison beast boss was probably hiding deep at the bottom of the pool, scared stiff by Xiaojiu and Xiaohan's dragon might.

"Alright, next time you go to an outdoor map, keep those two little ones under control."

"If you let them go wild, no outdoor map in our academy will survive."

For an ordinary student, He Yalan would have scolded them severely.

But this was Qin Fan, a student she had high hopes for and believed could become the strongest job changer in history.

If the Poison Mist Mountain Range downgraded, so be it.

"By the way, come here at 9 AM tomorrow. The trial secret realm for your second transfer as a Dragon Tamer has been approved."

Dean He Yalan couldn't help but smile, "That trial secret realm has been unused for a long time and finally has its first second-transfer Dragon Tamer."

She wasn't wrong.

Though Dragon Tamers were rare, they had appeared before.

But none of them could successfully complete the second transfer.

The prerequisites for a Dragon Tamer's second transfer, besides reaching level 30, included having at least one dragon pet.

This condition had stumped all Dragon Tamers throughout history.

Now, with Qin Fan as the first Dragon Tamer with a dragon pet, he met all the conditions for the second transfer.

"Okay, thank you, Teacher He."

Qin Fan thanked her.

After leaving the dean's office, Qin Fan ordered 500 pounds of fresh magic beast meat from the Good Luck Fresh Market again.

Deep-sea Emperor Crab.

Premium Magic Sea Cucumber.

Premium Purple-fin Tuna.

Mystic Crystal Goose.

Blood Essence Lobster.


All the magic beast meat was top-grade.

He spent over 30,000 credits in total.

An hour later.

The same familiar delivery robot, coded '8957,' delivered the incredibly fresh magic beast meat.

At the same time...


A holographic screen appeared again.

"Dear VIP customer, congratulations on being the lucky winner of the second round of our 'Grand Lucky Draw' event!"

"Your total expenses this time will be covered by Good Luck Fresh Market!"

"Your expenses will be refunded to your credits account. Please check your account."

"Thank you for your great support of Good Luck Fresh Market!"

Qin Fan: "..."


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