Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 11: Betrayal!

Chapter 11: Betrayal!

Chapter 11: Betrayal!

Youlin Mountains.

A small valley near the inner edge.

At this moment.

Six figures stood in the small valley.

Apart from them, the ground was littered with the corpses of monsters and bloodstains, the surroundings were a mess.

Among the monster corpses were not only regular minotaurs and cat demons, but also a couple of elemental cat demons and a minotaur behemoth.

Elemental Cat Demon, a mutated breed of cat demon.

A level 14 existence.

More agile than ordinary cat demons, its attacks carry elemental damage, and hitting a target inflicts confusion and poison debuffs.

Minotaur Behemoth, a mutated breed of minotaur.

A level 15 existence.

Massive and powerful, three times the size of a regular minotaur, its skill "Earthquake Slam" involves pounding the ground with its fists, causing massive damage and stunning targets within range.

These two are essentially mini-bosses.

The six figures were now covered in scars, utterly exhausted.

It was clear they had defeated the two waves of monsters but at great cost.

Especially Su Rou and her two sycophants, Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing.

Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing had fought hard to protect Su Rou, now their HP, MP, and stamina were all critically low.

Su Rou had also expended a great deal of mana and stamina buffing her teammates.

In contrast, Da Long, Er Long, and San Long had consumed much less energy.

Having roamed the outskirts of Youlin Mountains for over a decade, they knew that the more chaotic and dangerous the situation, the more you needed to conserve strength.

Because only by doing so...

Can you be ready to backstab your teammates or prevent being backstabbed!!

Just like now!!

After exchanging glances, Da Long, Er Long, and San Long hoisted their giant axes and stared maliciously at the three students.

"What are you doing?"

Zhuo Feng, seeing their hostile gazes, instantly became alert.

Liu Qing silently picked up his staff.

Su Rou bit her red lips and took up her expensive purple staff.

"What are we doing? Guess."

Da Long chuckled.

Then the three of them, carrying their giant axes, walked over.

Seeing these three hulking figures press down like mountains.

Zhuo Feng's face turned ashen.

"Don't forget! Our captain is the daughter of Anning City's richest man!"

"If you dare to harm us here, Anning City will have no place for you!"

Liu Qing shouted urgently at this critical moment.

He hoped Su Rou's status would scare them off.



The three men burst into laughter.

"Kid! If you were just ordinary students, we might not bother with you!"

"After all, commoners have nothing valuable! Harming you would only bring trouble, not worth it!"

"But to think this girl is the daughter of Su, the richest man..."

"Ha! That makes things easy! We target rich folks!"

Da Long sneered.

As Da Long spoke, Su Rou's face turned deathly pale!

She never imagined that her proudest status would now become her death sentence!

"Brothers! Take action! Kill the other two, leave the girl!"

With Da Long's command, Er Long and San Long charged at Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing with their giant axes!



At that moment.

Under the slightly astonished and mocking gazes of the three brothers, Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing knelt down!

"Spare us, good men!!"

"We won't interfere with whatever you want to do with Su Rou, just spare us!"

They pleaded in unison!


Seeing this, Su Rou was utterly devastated and despairing!

She never imagined her two sycophants would abandon her so easily!!

"Su Rou, don't blame us!"

"We want to live too!"

Liu Qing said coldly.



To gain the brothers' trust, the bespectacled Liu Qing suddenly raised his staff and launched a skill at Su Rou!


The skill hit the unprepared Su Rou, severely injuring and knocking her back!

"Big brothers! Go ahead! Do whatever you want with her!"

"We won't interfere, just spare us!"

"And since I attacked her too, rest assured, we won't tell anyone!"

Liu Qing adjusted his glasses, speaking sinisterly.

Zhuo Feng quickly nodded.

"Nice kid! Heartless and decisive! Even understands offering proof of loyalty!"

Da Long was genuinely surprised.

He never expected this student Liu Qing to be so ruthless.

"Not enough though..."


Da Long shook his head slightly.

"Not enough what?"

Liu Qing asked.

"You haven't been ruthless enough!"

Da Long smiled coldly.

"Please enlighten me, big brother!"

"Or I can go chop off her arm right now!"

Liu Qing, usually bookish, turned out to be more ruthless than Zhuo Feng!

"Haven't you two admired this girl for a long time?"

"Today I, Da Long, appreciate you!"

"Now! Go rape her!"

"I'll record it on my phone to prevent you from betraying us!"

"If you dare to snitch, I'll post the video online! Then you both die!"

Da Long's shocking words made Er Long and San Long laugh heartily.


Da Long had a sharp mind, which allowed him to survive in the harsh wilderness for so long.

He knew that killing three students outright would raise suspicion.

But keeping these two would facilitate collusion.

If anyone asked why Su Rou didn't return, Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing could vouch.

With two students testifying, no one would question further!

At that moment.

Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing exchanged glances.

Both saw the temptation in each other's eyes!

They never expected such a fortune...

They admired Su Rou not only for her rich family background.

But also for her fair skin and beauty.

Now presented with a chance...

No reason to refuse!


Zhuo Feng and Liu Qing swallowed hard.

Then they turned towards Su Rou, stripping as they walked.

"No! Please don't..."

Raised in comfort, always respected, Su Rou had never experienced betrayal.

She was utterly devastated!

No one around!

As a priest, without mana, she had no means of self-defense!


Was destined for a humiliating death!!


At this thought, Su Rou burst into tears!

"Su Rou, don't cry, we'll be gentle..."

Liu Qing said with a wicked smile.

"Ha! Thought there were only three beasts, turns out there are five..."


A cold voice with a hint of sarcasm rang out.


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