Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 83:

Chapter 83:

Chapter 83

During the three-month period of the world tour, the company filmed various self-made contents of the members to prevent the fandom from leaving.

Two days before the concert, the members went up to the conference room to film a short video of them checking out the concert goods.

“Wow, there are so many!”

The members gasped at the goods that were piled up on the conference table. 

There were various kinds of goods, from official slogans to keychains and eco-bags. 

Jin floated around the goods and gave his reviews.

[Concerts are all about selling goods.]

Ian sat down in front of him and picked up a t-shirt with Awi’s logo on it. 

The t-shirt had a small embroidery on the right chest, and it didn’t look like an idol good at first glance.

[They chose a design that can be worn by normal people.]

‘What does that mean?’

[Normal cosplay.]

‘Oh… so you don’t look like a fan?’

Some people would judge him for liking idols at his age, saying things like they don’t even know you or care about you. 

It wasn’t a crime to like idols, but sometimes he felt uncomfortable by the stares of others.

[In our country, you can’t show what you like. People are too nosy. Especially with idols.]

And when he showed his love for idols, and his favorite idol started dating or got into trouble, he would receive countless messages from acquaintances who never contacted him before. 

Usually, they weren’t really worried about him.

“Did you see this?”

The members who were looking at the goods turned to Kim Hyun. He was holding Awi’s official lightstick.

“Is this our lightstick?”

“I’ve been looking for it, but you took it.”

The company had sold acrylic lightsticks as a temporary measure after they got their official fan club, but this lightstick was different from that one in many ways.

“There’s something spinning inside.”

“It looks like a magic wand.”

The lightstick had a transparent dome in the center with a decoration that wrapped around Awi’s logo. 

When he shook the lightstick, the decoration inside rotated like a real mobile. 

The members stared blankly at its movement.

“Does our logo light up?”

“Hyung, turn on the light.”

“Wait, does this have batteries?”

Kim Hyun flipped the switch. 

He let out a short scream, because his eyes and the lightstick were close together and he got a direct hit from the bright light.

“Ow, my eyes!”

“Wow, what is this? It’s so bright. Are lightsticks supposed to be this bright?”

It wasn’t just the members who felt that way. Jin also said [It’s really bright?] and moved away from the lightstick.

“I could use this as a flashlight. My mom would love this.”

Park Seodam read the manual on the lightstick box and said.

“It says it can be controlled centrally.”

“Wow, so the fans don’t have to change the colors themselves?”

“It must be controlled by us. It changes according to the mood of the song.”

“I can’t wait to see it.”

The members smiled brightly with anticipation for their first concert. 

After that smile, they finished filming the video and looked at other goods.

“Dongsu hyung! This is ours, right?”

“Yeah, take whatever you want.”

Ian pressed the lightstick again and it blinked quickly. 

It was his first lightstick and first concert in both lives. He pressed his left chest. His heart was already pounding.

‘I wish it was concert day already.’


[Ian] Awi fans!

The picture is of us practicing for the concert and playing flower blooming gameㅋㅋ The reason why it’s from my perspective is because I was already caught ㅎㅎ I’m holding my finger up.

All of us are excited to see you at our concert tomorrow. See you then!

└Ian oppa you were caught already?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Why is Taewoong oppa crawling?

└I want to go to the concert tooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

The singers weren’t the only ones waiting for the concert day.

‘I’m so happy.’

Awi fan Idasol rolled her feet as she looked at the pictures of the members posted on the fan cafe. She flopped down on her bed and hummed.

(Euna) What time are you going tomorrow? – 20:21

(Idasol) I was planning to go around lunchtime – 20:22

(Euna) Aren’t you buying goods? – 20:22

(Euna) If you go late, there won’t be any goods left? There will be a lot of people lining up at dawn – 20:22

(Idasol) Really? I wanted to buy a t-shirt, a ball cap, and a postcard set – 20:23

(Euna) Everyone says they’re pretty, so they’ll be sold out soon. I’m going early in the morning – 20:23

That’s what she said. She couldn’t wait until the online sales were open. Idasol got up quickly and adjusted the alarm time on her phone.

(Idasol) I want to go early too. What time should we meet? – 20:24


“Will we be able to see them up close?”

“Handball is heaven anywhere. And it’s a 360-degree stage. It’ll be even closer.”

Ida-sol and Kim Eun-ha met at Olympic Park Station and squealed with excitement. They went out of the station and entered the plaza.

“We have to buy the Iron Heart slogan and pick it up at the cafe later.”

“I got mine delivered and brought it with me. The photo selection was awesome. The colors came out nicely too.”

“Show me.”

They walked slowly while admiring the slogans and witnessed people lining up in the middle of the meeting plaza. 

Ida-sol and Kim Eun-ha gasped and opened their mouths.

“What’s that? Is that our goods line?”


Kim Eun-ha approached the person at the end of the line and asked.

“Is this the line for Awi’s goods?”


“Wow. What do we do?”

Ida-sol and Kim Eun-ha sighed deeply and stood behind him.

“We’re screwed. We should have come earlier.”

“Well, at least they won’t be sold out by the time we get there, right?”

There were still five hours left until the goods sale opened. 

Kim Eun-ha took a picture of the long line and posted it on SNS.

“By the way, I told you I became friends with some of the home masters before, right? I heard Pluto and Pinky Lady are dating.”

“Huh? Oh… yeah.”

Ida-sol stiffened her expression slightly. Kim Eun-ha had been telling her endless rumors about celebrities that she didn’t want to know ever since she hung out with those people.

“MOM’s Seo Min-hoo is so dirty.”


‘Oh, MOM… I liked them a bit when I was in high school.’ Ida-sol thought and pretended to look at her phone.

‘Just fangirl over your bias and don’t care about other people’s stories.’

Ida-sol didn’t ask and didn’t want to know, but she endured it because she had few fangirl friends.

Kim Eun-ha and Ida-sol hovered around the goods sales counter and nervously shuffled their feet, but luckily they were able to buy all the goods they wanted because they came early in the morning.

“Do you remember the sharing post we saw earlier?”

“I liked them all.”

The concert was full of fans’ voluntary sharing. 

They shared their own made goods or snacks for free, and Ida-sol smiled happily at the festive atmosphere.

“The rehearsal is on!”


The fans screamed even at the faint sound of rehearsal outside the venue.

“Is this Red Moon? Is it Red Moon?”

“Wow! Red Moon!”

Kim Eun-ha and Ida-sol stuck to the venue as soon as they heard the sound of Awi’s unreleased song ‘Red Moon’.

“I wish the concert would start soon.”

“Let’s get some sharing and sit somewhere. There won’t be any seats at the nearby cafes, right?”

“We have to go to Jamsil Station or something.”


“Thank you for your hard work!”

“Thank you!”

Awi bowed to the staff at the venue after finishing the rehearsal. 

Awi returned to the waiting room and emptied the fans’ support food as if drinking it.

“Should we have practiced our moves earlier?”

“If we get hurt rehearsing without a mat, it’ll be a big problem.”

None of them were resting comfortably because they were excited about their first concert.

Kim Joo-young and Kim Hyun were practicing their dance moves briefly, Park Seo-dam and Jo Tae-woong were walking around the waiting room to loosen their mouths. 

Lee Joo-hyuk was nervously browsing the fan cafe and biting his nails.

“Are these our clothes?”


Ian and Park Jin-hyuk approached the hanger that the stylist brought.

Awi’s coordi was very attentive to their music show outfits, so Awi was not only popular among their fans but also among other fandoms as ‘coordi paradise’.

“Sister! Can I look at this?”

“Yeah. But be careful not to drop the decorations.”

Ian carefully examined the concert outfits. Jin exclaimed with admiration.

[They spent a lot of money on this too.]

“I thought these were embroidery decorations, but they’re all jewel decorations?”

“Wow, amazing craftsmanship.”

There were even outfits that had cubic decorations cut in different shapes sewn together like embroidery. Ian happened to pick up a top with Park Jin-hyuk’s name on it. Park Jin-hyuk put on his jacket.

“Wow… this is awesome.”

“You look like a prince, hyung. Prince Jin-hyuk, prince.”

“What if you fall while dancing?”

“I’ll get the love of Cody noona.”

Ian looked at the other costumes. They were all dazzling.

[These costumes must cost hundreds.]

‘…Just for this jacket?’

[Well, it’s embroidered. Nowadays computers do everything, but these cubic decorations are hand-stitched one by one. The price is crazy.]


[They prepared seven sets of these. It must be thousands.]

It was a good thing that they invested in the stage instead of other businesses. No wonder the styling team looked so happy. Ian rubbed Cody noona’s shoulder and said.

“Wow, noona, these clothes are amazing.”


Cody rubbed her nose with a proud expression. 

She had to sew some of the costumes herself because some companies didn’t accept them. But she felt relieved when the singer appreciated her hard work.

“Guys! Let’s change clothes!”


Kim Eunha and Lee Dasol, who had killed time at nearby cafes and restaurants, headed to the concert hall as the entrance time approached.

“Where are you? I’m in section 41.”

“Close to the protruding stage? Lucky. I’m in section 35. See you later.”

They barely got seats on the second floor, but getting adjacent seats was like picking stars from the sky. 

Kim Eunha left to find her section and Lee Dasol walked to the entrance of the concert hall.

“You can’t hold this in advance. Read the instructions.”


The staff at the entrance were handing out something, and Lee Dasol carefully read the instructions after receiving it.

‘I’m excited.’

Lee Dasol followed the staff’s guidance and found her seat. She was on the second row of the second floor, and there was a staircase connected to the protruding stage.

“No way…”

Would he come up this staircase? Her cheeks flushed in an instant.

“Excuse me… I’ll sit next to you.”

“Oh, sure!”

Lee Dasol got up and moved aside to let him in. She was happy to see the slogan that the fan next to her was holding.

“Ironheart slogan! I bought it too.”

“Oh, really? You’re a fan of Ian.”

Lee Dasol, who had nothing to do until the concert time, gave some snacks to the fan next to her.

“What goods did you buy? I came out too late and everything was sold out. I barely got a light stick.”

“I lined up early in the morning and bought them. I guess they’ll be released online later anyway? I wanted to have them as soon as possible…”

Lee Dasol quickly became friends with the fan next to her, Jang Minhee, and exchanged phone numbers before the concert started.


“It’s starting!”

The lights inside the concert hall gradually went out and it went dark. 

The big screen started counting down from 20. 

The fans screamed and sang along with the countdown.


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