Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 215:

Chapter 215:

Its really hard to divide the parts like this.


-What are they doing lol

-Theyre raiding the staff snacks

-Hey you thieves lol

On the screen, Jo Tae-woong and Kim Ju-young opened the front door and peeked outside. They walked out stealthily after making sure no one was in the yard and headed to the staff quarters.

(How is it?)

(Theyre all sleeping. Nows the time.)

(Lets go, lets go.)

It was dawn and the staff were asleep. They turned on the flash of their phones and sneaked into the house, rummaging through the kitchen.

(Fry, fry!)

They looked around nervously for sleeping staff every time they made a noise and carefully took out some snacks. They ran out of the house with quick steps.

They ran out of the staff quarters and sprawled out in the yard.

(Hey, why is there so much?)

(I dont know, I just grabbed everything I could.)

(Awesome, awesome.)

Kim Ju-young opened his mouth wide at the sight of what Jo Tae-woong had brought.

(But can we eat all this?)

(Why should we be the only ones to eat without conscience?)

They took too much. Ian whispered to Jo Tae-woong, who was holding a handful of stuff, next to him.

Isnt that why the PD didnt edit you?

Thats right.

The Jo Tae-woong sitting in the studio and the Jo Tae-woong on the screen smiled at the same time.

(If were the only ones who eat, were the only ones who are guilty. But if we eat together, were accomplices.)

(Thats right, thats why youre my friend.)

Kim Ju-young and Jo Tae-woong smiled devilishly and headed to the other teams quarters.

(What, theyre already asleep?)

(The lights are on, though?)

Jo Tae-woong and Kim Joo-young knocked on the door, but there was no answer. They saw Ians face when they opened the door and pulled their heads back.

(Ah, what the hell. What are you doing with the blanket over your head?)

(Theres such a thing.)

(Hey, eat this.)

Ian, who was imitating famous paintings with the blanket, scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He had come to his senses because of Jo Tae-woong and Kim Ju-youngs visit.

They poured out the snacks and Ian stepped back.

(What? Where did this come from?)

(Theres such a thing.)

(Really? Ill eat well.)

Ian took some food without much suspicion and went back into the house.

The caption read Santa Claus of AWY. There was a small Happy Christmas written above the caption, which was a spoiler for the upcoming carol song with Hailey Poles.

They connected it like this.

This PD must really like spoilers.

Next, Kim Ju-young and Jo Tae-woong went to Park Jin-hyuk and Park Seo-dams quarters and played rock-paper-scissors with them. The audience laughed.

Lets get ready.

Lee Joo-hyuk got up abruptly. There were stages in between watching the broadcast, so the AWY members left the seats together and the audience stirred.


Lets watch a stage.

The fans in the audience took out their light sticks and waited for the members stage.

While the edited scenes of comic situations were shown, the members with in-ears and microphones went up on the stage.


The fans in the audience screamed. The members of AWY, who had sung three songs in a row with less than a minute left, looked at the audience.

They didnt have enough time to choreograph properly, so they just danced lightly, but the fans were ecstatic.

Its too short

But the songs were all good, right?

Theyll be on stage more, right?

The fans murmurs didnt last long. A video of their training camp came on right away.

If it was a comic situation before, this time it was a serious situation.

(Arent you guys anxious?)

Lee Joo-hyuk, who was staring blankly at the ceiling, casually said. Kim Hyun, who was on the screen, only lifted his head and looked at Lee Joo-hyuk.

(You mean what Ju-young said on Rural Life. I felt the same way. We achieved more than we thought, so I was worried about what would happen if we cooled down.)

(Hey, Ian. Did you feel that way too?)

(A little?)

Kim Hyun, who had been listening quietly, frowned.

(No, you should be happy, not anxious.)

Kim Hyun got up and tilted his head as if he didnt understand.

(I was the one who had the longest trainee period in our group. I also experienced a failed debut group. I had no regrets as long as I debuted.)

(Yeah, you did.)

(I think its amazing that we debuted successfully and are still active.)

Kim Hyun thought it was more horrible when he imagined working part-time jobs without learning anything and having no money after his debut was ruined. On the other hand, he was very happy now that he had debuted well and was popular and active.

(If youre anxious, thats something you cant do to our fans.)


(This hyung is cool, right?)

The fans in the audience cheered. Kim Hyun got up and waved to the fans. The cheers got louder.

(You guys have high goals. Thats why youre anxious. Im honestly satisfied with what we have now.)


-Life is like Kim Hyun

-True, honestly AWY is already cheating by doing that

Kim Hyuns burn made them suddenly motivated and they started working again.

They briefly showed the backs of Lee Joo-hyuk, Kim Hyun, and Ian, who were discussing something while looking at the monitor, and then the screen changed.

The team that came out this time was Kim Ju-young and Jo Tae-woong.

(I wondered if it was all because of me.)

There was a sound of pity from the audience. Jo Tae-woong, who was watching the video with the fans, jumped up and waved to the audience.

-D*e, haters

-Hes eating it again


Dont you care about your ID? Bye, you wont go far

-Im at the scene right now and Tae-woong is waving his hand saying hes okay

Kim Ju-young, who was fiddling with the music program, turned his chair and met Jo Tae-woongs eyes.

(How are you now? Youre better than before, so were active now.)

(Sometimes, really rarely. I did that before going to bed, thats it. Im fine now.)

(Then I think it would be nice to write a song for you with what you want to say to yourself back then. Something like a comforting song.)

Kim Ju-young was full of confidence, but Jo Tae-woong looked doubtful.

(But wont it be too depressing? It doesnt suit the title. Are you okay?)

(I dont care about the title either But I think it would be nice to have a theme. Dont you have a lot to say? Ill write a song for you.)


Jo Tae-woong hesitated and picked up a pen. Kim Joo-young made a melody as he watched the lyrics flow smoothly on the paper. He only tweaked it a little, but it was a nice melody.

Acting as a web novel editor, your task is to edit and correct sentence structures that are suitable for web novels. Rearrange sentence structures, words, and paragraphs as needed. The focus of this text will be a third-person narrative. Translate it into English.

(Is this how you do it?)

(Youre doing great. Youre our youngest after all.)


(Trust me. Your life will change.)

(If you werent a singer, I think you would have been a cult leader.)

The mood that had sunk for a moment was lifted by Park Jin-hyuk and Park Seo-dam. The audience laughed as they watched Park Seo-dam, who had a dull face from lack of sleep, gradually being brainwashed by Park Jin-hyuk.

The members who performed the remaining songs stayed in the center and waved their hands to the fans.

Did you enjoy it, everyone?

The audience shouted yes!

The stage was too short, right? Well see you again when the album is released. Now! Only the judges comments and the voting results are left.

They are all busy people, but they spared some time for us. Unfortunately, they couldnt come to this scene, but they will substitute with a video. Shall we watch it together?

On the LED screen behind them, Choi Ji-min, the CEO of VI Entertainment, was listening to a song with earphones.

(What song did you choose, Ji-min?)

(I think 7 is really innovative, you know? But its too long for a title. So Ill go with Night night.)

(Oh, did you know that both songs were made by the same team?)

(Really? I didnt know. I like the jazz style of Night night. It suits the season, and its a bit different from the previous titles of AWY.)

Next was BlueMix. BlueMix picked up the paper in front of him without a second thought. The paper said Chat.

(This is it. Its perfect for a title. This is Joo-hyuks team, right?)

(Yes, but I have a question. Why did you give such advice to Joo-hyuk?)

(To be honest, I had high expectations for them as much as I was close to them. I hoped they would broaden their genre spectrum and bring a big change to the music market.)

(But Joo-hyuk seemed to be very confused by that)

(Really? Did I say something wrong?)

BlueMix stared at the screen and said in a low voice.

(But I hope Joo-hyuk understands. Joo-hyuk may not know, but he has infinite potential.)

The members opened their mouths silently and looked at Joo-hyuk. Ian poked Joo-hyuks side next to him. Joo-hyuk smiled awkwardly.

(What song do you think is the best, Hyun-ah?)

(My taste is Its okay and Crash. I like both, but I liked the part where the sound exploded in the chorus. Ill choose Crash.)

(How do you feel about this team listening to your advice well?)

(Oh, is this Ju-youngs team?)

Lee Hyun-ah widened her eyes in surprise.

(Actually, I didnt expect this team to produce such a good result. The song is so good that I want to offer them a collaboration. If theyre not busy.)

Lee Hyun-ahs comment passed and the last one was Kim Hee-sang.

(Personally, I want to vote for Crash, but If its the kids taste these days, the title song is Chat.)

(I see.)

(But theyre all too good to miss. Cant we do a double title?)

At that, the PD who was in charge of Kim Hee-sangs interview laughed.

There was also a time when guest judges listened to AWY members songs and evaluated them.

(What song do you like the most, Se-jun?)

(I personally liked Night night, but If I had to pick a title, it would be Chat. The part distribution is good and its good to dance to.)

Jeong Se-jun, who was a singer from the same agency and also a producer for another agencys singer, showed his face on the broadcast for a long time.

(Lim Tae-woo. As an idol senior, which song is the closest to the title?)

(I think its Chat too.)

Lim Tae-woo frowned as if he was thinking of something.

(This is Joo-hyuks team, right?)

(Yes, how did you know? Joo-hyuk was the center of this song.)

(I see He seemed to have a lot of trouble. You know what they call the part distribution of each member? They call it communist part distribution, right? Its really fantastic.)

Acting as a web novel editor, your task is to edit and correct sentence structures that are suitable for web novels. Rearrange sentence structures, words, and paragraphs as needed. The focus of this text will be a third-person narrative. Translate it into English.

The part distribution chart of Chat that the production team had prepared separately came out after Lim Tae-woos words. The graph showed the amount of each members part in a circle, coloring their names differently, and it was even like pizza slices.


-I didnt think of that


The writer who was in charge of the interview opened his mouth as if he realized it late.

(Oh, I didnt think of that either. Thats impressive.)

(I learned composing superficially, but this kind of part distribution is really hard, you know. They did a good job of distributing the parts and also highlighted the strengths of the members. Theyre really amazing.)

Ian stuck out his tongue. He thought he had lost his touch after switching to trot singer, but he must have studied in his spare time.

He got it right.


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