Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 213:

Chapter 213:

How about trying a solo activity?

Kim Hee-sang, who visited Park Jin-hyuk and Park Seo-dams house next, laughed out loud after listening to their song that lasted for over seven minutes.

Youre a very unique team.

What do you think?

Im an old-fashioned person, so I cant really judge this song.

Hey, youre not an old-fashioned person. Youve written a lot of dance songs.

Kim Hee-sang laughed again.

But one thing I want to say is I can feel that youre doing what you want to do freely. Well done.

Thank you.

Of course, this project is a survival to pick the title song but you have to do what you like, then the listeners will like it too.

Park Jin-hyuk, unlike Lee Joo-hyuk who had suppressed himself to make a song that suited the title, put in whatever he wanted to do. He made a song that was difficult but fresh by doing what he liked.

Lets listen to the next song.

Then, the second song flowed through the speaker. Kim Hee-sang nodded his head as if he was surprised.

Seo-dam has improved a lot.

At his words, Park Seo-dam scratched the back of his head shyly. Park Jin-hyuk pouted his lips and said.

Teacher, what about me?

Well, youre doing well without me pointing it out. It would be good for Jin-hyuk to widen his genre spectrum like this.


Park Jin-hyuk, who finally brightened up, smiled and gave Park Seo-dam a high-five.

Kim Hee-sang, who came out of their house, looked at Lee Jong-soo PD and said bluntly.

PD, why did you call me?


Theres nothing for me to see here.

I didnt know they would do so well either. Youll like the next team too.


The next team was Kim Ju-young and Jo Tae-woongs team. As Kim Hee-sang opened the door, music sound came out.

Lets try it one more time. Can you sing it a bit more sharply?

Ill try.

Jo Tae-woong cleared his throat and held his phone as a microphone.

Dont try to hurt me with lies

You cant do anything to me

He leaned against the shoe rack so that he wouldnt disturb them and watched them work.

Acoustic ballad?

Kim Hee-sang leaned his head forward in surprise. He thought they would make a dance song since it was a survival to pick the title song.

This part is a bit vague

What if you raise the pitch here? Try singing it.

At Kim Ju-youngs words, Jo Tae-woong groaned and opened his mouth.

It means youre not sure of yourself, that means you have more places to go

Enjoy the fall so you can rise again, lets do it together

He sang passionately with a vein on his neck, then gulped down some water and said.

Ouch, isnt this too high?

Just record it, this part is what Ian asked for.

I think Ian will have a hard time too.

As long as its not us.

They laughed softly.

This is how you explode the sound here.

Kim Ju-young pressed the space bar on the computer keyboard lightly. The slow acoustic guitar sound flowed, and he sang as if he was reciting, then the sound exploded at the chorus part.

This is awesome, really.

Jo Tae-woong leaned back on the chair as if he was lying down and exclaimed. Suddenly, Kim Ju-young, who was sitting in front of the monitor, seemed to have thought of something and hummed a tune, then came up with a pretty good melody.

The lyrics, which contained Jo Tae-woongs worries, were echoed and amplified to create a soaring feeling.


Jo Tae-woong raised his hand for a high-five. As Kim Ju-young was about to slap his hand.

Clap clap clap.

They heard applause from somewhere. Kim Ju-young and Jo Tae-woong looked up and saw Kim Hee-sang standing at the entrance. They got up awkwardly.


That was perfect.


After the songwriting camp for Our time, the members had a busy day with advertisements and photo shoots.

The song they had worked on was recorded again for a blind test, and the guide recording was done by their junior group, Fever.

Jae-yeon, thats enough. You can come out now.

A man in a hooded hat came out of the recording booth. He was Park Jae-yeon, Fevers composer member who followed Jung Se-jun and Lee Joo-hyuk in BHL Entertainment.

Thanks for coming to record. Dont you have to practice too?

Yes. Ill go then.


Park Jae-yeon was about to leave, but he stopped and sat down again.

Um Hyung. Can I ask you something?

Lee Joo-hyuk turned his chair around and looked at Park Jae-yeon. Park Jae-yeon hesitated for a moment and then opened his mouth.

The director said I should try producing from the next album. But

Oh, congratulations.

Lee Joo-hyuk clapped his hands. It meant that he had a lot of weight on his shoulders, but it also meant that he had the skills to be trusted and entrusted with producing.

But Im not sure.


If I can do well.

Park Jae-yeon bit his nails and mumbled.

I like writing songs, but I have to pay attention to the members parts and match their voices. And since its my first time, I have to write good songs too

Lee Joo-hyuk swallowed his breath. It was exactly what he was worried about.

How did you do it, hyung?

That I cant really tell you.


Im still worried too.

Park Jae-yeon was surprised.

You too, hyung?

The popularity is too high compared to last time, and I feel a lot of pressure for this song. And its hard to distribute the parts equally, as people say.

Yeah! Thats right!

Park Jae-yeon agreed with him, and Lee Joo-hyuk sighed softly and told him what he had heard from the mentors during the camp.

What do you think?

I think your songs are all good, hyung. Im not lying, really. They fit the idol concept well. And our fans were really happy when they heard that you were producing.


But Lee Joo-hyuks face still showed his worries. Park Jae-yeon thought for a while and snapped his fingers.

Then, hyung, how about trying solo activities?


Yes, I cant do it yet, but I think you can do it if you have enough experience, hyung.

Solo, a solution he had never thought of before. Lee Joo-hyuks eyes lit up.

You care a lot about the other members, hyung. You have to worry about each part and find something that suits them. But

What if you make a song for yourself? Wouldnt it be different if you do what you want to do, hyung? Just go for it.

I want to do this

Lee Joo-hyuk, who had been thinking for a while, tapped Park Jae-yeons shoulder.

Thank you.


The busking episode of Our time was aired, and at the end of the broadcast, a video of the demo songs recorded by the Fever members was shown.

Please choose the title song for AWYs next album!




For more details, please visit JBCT Our time homepage, AWY official homepage.

-Why are they suddenly asking us to vote for the title?

I just saw an article that says there will be a composing survival after the busking


Healing camping WTF??

The title voting for AWY was broadcasted live to overseas fans as well, and the homepage access was blocked in just 20 minutes after the broadcast ended.

-Whats going on? The homepage is down?

Me too, I cant get in

-Ah, the server is really

Our kids are so popular that they cant handle any ordinary server

The real-time search terms and hashtags were flooded with AWY-related things.

The homepage server was restored in an hour. The fans listened to each candidate song and posted their predictions of who participated in them.

-Who is the guide for these songs? They sound familiar

They sound like Fever

Ah f*ck off

Dont fight, the kids like their junior group

-7 This song is really 7 minutes long

Is this Hoxy Jin-hyuks song?

I listened to it and what is this crazy song

Theres no one else who can make a 7-minute song like this but Jin-hyuk

It must be Jin-hyuk 700

-Crash This sounds like Tae-woongs story


It seems right

D*e, haters


Ian, can you hit a higher note here?

(Sigh I dont know. But Kim Ju-young producer is done, right? He can d*e without any regrets now.)

Hey, dont joke around. Can you do it or not?

(Ill try.)

The AWY members were recording their songs for the upcoming live stage of Our time.

He wants me to go higher here? Can I?

Ian hummed a few times and sang along with the music again.

I can do it?

A clear and bright high note came out of his throat. Ian, who was doubtful, was surprised himself, and the members who were watching him also opened their mouths and looked at Yi-an in the recording booth.

Hes amazing. He can really hit that note.

I thought he would at least crack, but he didnt.

Lets make Ian do all the high notes from now on.

Hes a high note shuttle, a high note shuttle.

Next song, high note is Ians job Lee Joo-hyuk shook his head roughly. He decided not to think about songs for a while, but he unconsciously thought of it.

Thats it! Come out!

Ian took off his headphones and sat next to Kim Ju-young outside the recording booth.

Did it go well? How was it?

Hey, youre in big trouble. Now all the high notes are yours.

Werent they before?

Ian tapped Kim Ju-youngs shoulder and moved to the sofa in the corner of the recording studio. At that moment, he felt a vibration in his pocket.

(Uncle Jeong Ryu-won)

Ill be back after taking a call.

Uh bring me some melon

Kim Joo-young, who was casually giving permission, lifted his head.

Wait, a call? A call?! Are you dating someone?

There were a few signs that showed someone was dating. Wearing couple items that were not fan gifts, or not being able to put down the phone even during schedules. And having a lot of phone calls.

Jo Tae-woong, who was pondering something, suddenly got up and touched the back of his head.

Holy! Now that I think about it, hes been making a lot of calls lately?

Really? Hyung! If you date, were all doomed!

All the remaining members got up and rushed to snatch the phone from Ians hand.

Hey, who is it? Tell me!

Is it Luna Girls? Luna Girls?! You finally did it!

They said that, but they couldnt hide their laughter. It seemed like they just found something to tease him about.

Ian showed them the screen of his phone with a tired face.

No, its an uncle I know.

Go ahead!

The members immediately changed their attitude. Ian chuckled and went out of the recording studio. He leaned against the wall in the hallway.

Yes, uncle.

(Are you sure this is okay?)


(This is too much of a gamble)

He heard the other person sigh. But Ian didnt back down.

Uncle, you promised to do as I say.

(I know, Im not ignoring you Im just worried.)

Yes, I know.

The other person groaned and spoke as if he was exhaling. He was an investment expert who met Ian through lawyer Jeong Yeon-jae. He was also one of the people who received support from Ians grandfather.

See for yourself in a few months. Youll regret not investing with me.

(Its strange I know its impossible, but when I talk to you, I feel like it will work out somehow)

Jeong Ryu-won sighed helplessly. He couldnt refuse when he asked. It was not his money anyway. What if he lost it? He didnt care.

(Okay, I got it. Its not my money anyway. I dont care if I lose it. Just dont tell your parents, okay?)

Me? Haha! Anyway, thank you for your time, uncle.

(Youre welcome Ill send you the results by text.)

Ian hung up the phone and didnt go back to the recording studio right away. He walked slowly down the hallway.

Is there anything else?

[No. But why do you care so much?]

About what?

[That reporter Yang something. Why dont you just become famous enough to be on the media? Then the public opinion will naturally follow. You guys seem to have enough potential to be on the media, right?]

Ian stopped and stared at Jin. Jin couldnt read anything from Ians expression.

Ian stared at Jins lens for a while and muttered softly.

I just dont like the feeling.


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