Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 197:

Chapter 197:

Chapter 197

Do you all have girlfriends?

The members of Awy came to the studio for an interview on the Caden Hurt Show.

We have the script, but its just a rough outline. The questions might change depending on the progress. Just think of some answers in advance.


The members each received a paper from Kim Myung-jin.

The interview was conducted remotely, so they were able to see the script beforehand, but the script was all in English.

Uh what does it say?

Girlfriend? Why is girlfriend here?

Dont read it for nothing, we have someone who can translate for us.

Choi Ian! Help!

The members looked around for Ian. Ian was drinking water from a distance, but he hurried over to them when he heard their call. He took the script that was handed to him.

What is it?

Translate this for us.

You guys can read some of it, right?

The Awy self-study group was intermittent, but it was still going on. Some members, like Lee Ju-hyuk, had improved their English skills a lot through collaboration with Hailey Poles, but they felt a bit nervous about doing a live interview with a foreign media.

What if we translate it weirdly?

What would you have done without me?

Jo Tae-woongs eyes sparkled. It was an expression he often showed when he was joking.

What do you mean, what would we have done? We would have gone on with our lives.

Wow, that was really

Touching, right?

I was so touched that I almost hit you.

Stop making that cheesy sound. Ian glared at him, and Jo Tae-woong crossed his arms and tapped his shoulder.

Ian skimmed through the script. There were many sentences that the members could easily interpret if they read them carefully.

First of all, think of some introductions

Yeah! Hello!

Not now.

The members shouted to ease their tension. Ian, who was translating the questions for them, looked at one part and made a subtle expression.

What? Why are you like that?

This part is asking if you have girlfriends, or if you ever dated any of the Awy members. Ill cut this out.

It was a sensitive question that came from cultural differences. The members widened their eyes and looked at each other.

Wow, isnt that a taboo word for us?

They all nodded slightly at Park Jin-hyuks words.

Of course, nothing like that ever happened, but it was a question that would make the domestic fans nervous.

I guess its because its America, they always ask about girlfriends.

Ive seen this kind of talk in other seniors interviews too. Why do they do that? Are they being nosy there too?

The members eyes turned to Ian. Ian scratched his cheek as he felt their sudden attention and answered.

What do you think they think of a popular celebrity like us, who has a career and is a healthy male, who doesnt date or have a girlfriend?

What do they think?

Ian suddenly felt like playing a prank on them. So he decided to exaggerate a bit.

Should I say they think were losers?


The members looked at each other silently.


They tried to hold back their laughter, but they eventually burst out. There was only a sound of bitter laughter.

Wow, losers.

What are you saying, you loser.

Kim Hyun echoed Park Jin-hyuks words.


Guys, its time, lets sit down.

At Kim Myung-jins words, the Awy members sat down on the chairs set up in front of the camera. Ian was at the edge of the front row, a position for him to interpret for the members.

Wow, Im really nervous.

Ian felt a mix of nervousness and excitement, as if he was on stage for the first time at his debut. He had contacted his parents briefly during the script reading time and heard that the whole family was in front of the TV.

Oh, were on.

Thats our tour video.

There was a live broadcast of the show they were going to appear on next to the camera.

Not only the overseas fans, but also the fans in Korea were running on the live chat.

-Theyre on!

-Where can I watch it? Give me the MyTube link

Hyun was nervous.

(These days, the atmosphere around these people is not good. We have invited some great artists from Korea. They are AWY!)

Oh! We are connected!

Seodams voice was broadcasted on the air and he was startled to close his mouth. The youngest member was staring at the camera with wide eyes, and the other members laughed.

(What did you just say?)

*Caden, I was so happy to hear your voice that I shouted.

(Oh, I think Im already in love with you guys.)

Ians reply made Caden smile on the screen. As Joo-hyuk gave the signal of two, three, the members shouted loudly.

Who we are? AWY!

AWY shouted their new slogan. The audience in the American studio cheered and their voices reached AWY.

(Wait, Im curious about something. Every time I meet Korean singers, I wonder why they do that strange greeting.)

What are you talking about?

Hes asking why we do our slogan.

Tae-woong raised his hand. Then, his face appeared on both sides of the screen.

*This is Korean style.

(Oh, wow. I see.)

-This is Korean style lol

-Look at Cadens expression lol

(Okay. I dont know the name of that Korean style guy yet, can you introduce yourselves?)

*Hello, Im Ian of AWY.

Starting with Ian, the members gave brief introductions. When the cheers of the audience in the American studio subsided, Caden began the interview in earnest.

(AWY, your album that you released in Korea)

Caden squinted his eyes and tried to read the script on the cue card, but Ian interrupted him.


(Yes, thats right. Lets just call it by the title song Blue hour. Did you hear the cheers here in the studio? You guys are very popular here too.)

-Did anyone hear Ian speaking French?

-His pronunciation is perfect

-Ian is good at English and French Well, he should be good at English anyway

(How did you come up with the werewolf concept for Blue hour? It was so trending worldwide that)

*We always challenge ourselves with new concepts.

Joo-hyuk, who understood some of the words, answered in broken English.

*Yes, thats right. We think ahead of what the fans would like when we plan the album. But, did we really trend worldwide?

(Didnt you know?)

Ian supplemented Joo-hyuks answer and showed a surprised expression when he heard the news.

We got a great response worldwide for this album. I guess the werewolf concept worked.

He didnt forget to translate for the other members.


Ian felt his mouth dry and drank some water while the members cheered loudly.

*We were so busy that we didnt know until now.

(Yes, I think so.)

Caden looked at the audience with a sad expression. There was laughter from the audience.

(Its interesting that you participate in the planning stage of the album. I want to hear more about it.)

*First, we gather as seven and brainstorm.

(Like, What should we do for this album?)

*Yes, what props we want to use. Or how we want to appear. Even small things like that. Then we discuss the ideas with the company.

Caden listened to Ians words with interest. He had interviewed many talented artists from Korea, but he had a stereotype that Korean idols were manufactured rather than singer-songwriters.

*Then we start making songs based on the decided concept.

(Who came up with the werewolf concept this time? And why Blue hour? Is there a special reason?)

Ian quickly translated Cadens words. Tae-woong scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

Uh what should I say.

Just speak in Korean. Ill translate for you.

-Ian, youre so cool

-Tae-woong, your long hair suits you so well

When I went to my grandmothers house, there were times when I just looked at the sky all day And when the sun set, the sky turned blue and it felt strange. The sound of the roe deer that I heard then

Roe deer?

You dont know what a roe deer is? It has a distinctive cry Actually, I couldnt think of anything else but the roe deer during the meeting. I was like, how do I say this? And

Ian stuttered in confusion. He had suggested a pretty cool idea of a werewolf during the planning meeting. But he didnt expect that the roe deer had influenced the concept.

So we almost became roe deer people instead of werewolves?

Roe deer people legend.

The other members also laughed as they heard the detailed reason behind the werewolf concept for the first time. Tae-woong shrugged his shoulders with a shameless expression.

-He wrapped it up like that?

-Translating is a tough job

-Why does Kaden like it so much

Caden looked dreamy as he liked Ians answer.

(*So, do all the members participate in composing?)

Ian briefly relayed Cadens words, and Joo-Hyuk, Jin-Hyuk, and Ju-Young raised their hands.

(*We are mainly doing it.)

(*Oh, what about writing lyrics?)

Ian continued.

(*For writing lyrics, all the members participate. We each write our own lyrics and our producer, Joo-Hyuk, picks the ones that match the mood of the song and blends them into the song.)

(*Producing too! You guys are so talented. Well, theres one question that youre all curious about.)

Caden said, spreading his arms toward the audience. The audience cheered and clapped.

He had a mischievous look on his face, as if he was about to ask that question. Ian could easily guess what the next question would be.

(*Do you guys have girlfriends? Or someone youre casually dating?)


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