Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 153:

Chapter 153:

Chapter 153

Team Activity Suspended (Official).

[Full Text] BHL Entertainment Announces Temporary Suspension of AWY’s Team Activity Due to Some Members’ Health Deterioration (Official)

AWY Sues Rumor Spreaders and Haters, Law Firm Ayul-BHL Entertainment “No Mercy. We Will Hold Them Accountable Both Civilly and Criminally.”

BHL Entertainment-Law Firm S&W “We Will Do Our Best for Our Artists and for a Healthy Internet Culture.”

-Seo An Woo??? One of the Big Three Law Firms Seo An Woo???

-Lol the haters are screwed hahaha

-Seo An Woo, but can they handle this case? It’s their first time in the entertainment industry.

└It’s Seo An Woo, you know? Hahaha They’re collaborating with Law Firm Ayul, which specializes in these cases hahaha

One of the three largest law firms in Korea, Law Firm Seo An Woo, has taken on its first case of online hate in the entertainment industry. They will cooperate with Law Firm Ayul, which deals with rumors, hate comments, and other related issues.

The reason why the giant law firm could sign a business agreement with BHL Entertainment was thanks to Ian’s parents’ connections.

(Taewoong has panic disorder? How can that bright kid have that?)

“So we’re going to suspend our activities for a while.”

(Oh no, this is serious. Are you okay? No, this is not the time. I need to contact my friend right away…)

Ian’s parents, who liked the friendly and cute Jo Taewoong, contacted their acquaintances in Korea as soon as they heard the news.

“Are you sure about this? Your family will be exposed…”

“It’s okay. My parents said they’re fine too…”

AWY Ian, Confirms He Is a Golden Spoon… Parents Are Lawyers at a US Large Law Firm and Grandfather Is a Pioneer of US Food Business “Hot Topic”

‘It would be better to uproot them completely, but for now, suppressing them is the priority.’

There was nothing better than this as a warning. Ian didn’t care much about hate comments in the first place, so he didn’t mind if there were a lot of articles about him.

-Lol so that’s why Seo An Woo took over the entertainment company

-Look at the posts being deleted hahaha They’re disappearing by 1000 every time I refresh hahaha

-Seriously, stop leaving hate comments and have some humanity

-Too late~ They already collected all the evidence~ They already sent an email to the agency~

[This post has been deleted.]

[This comment has been deleted.]

-Lol why are they suing? The public has already turned their backs on them

└Scared?? Scared???

-I welcome and support any lawsuit by AWY. They deserve it.

-Honestly, it was too much lately.

-Lawsuit? They can’t manage their own artists and they’re shifting the blame hahaha Let’s see how well it goes hahaha

└Byunghun, come here!

-If you’re a fan of AWY, you should welcome the lawsuit notice. They’re that kind of people.

-Get ready to receive the lawsuit papers hahaha

-How much did they get cursed at? Is this even worth suing?

-Are the haters trembling now? Hahaha

While various communities were on a roller coaster ride due to AWY’s lawsuit news, the members were watching Jo Taewoong pack his bags.

“Is that all you need?”

“Uh… maybe? This should be enough.”

Jo Taewoong smiled faintly as he stuffed his luggage full of things.

He would have to undergo treatment at a hospital, but he decided to take a break from his dorm life and rest at his home for a while.

“We’re still active as a team, right?”


“Just do it without me…”

Jo Taewoong’s face was full of regret. He felt guilty for making the group unable to perform because of him.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.”


Ian let out a sigh.

“Hey, we’re only suspending our team activities for now. We’ll still do our solo activities, okay?”

“Yeah. Taewoong, don’t worry. We’ll be fine.”

The agency couldn’t just leave the other members alone. Except for Jo Taewoong, the members had busy individual schedules planned.

“Ian will have a hard time.”

Lee Joo Hyuk put his hand on Ian’s shoulder.

Ian’s schedule was packed. Even though the group schedule was suddenly canceled, he had just as much work to do.

“Isn’t this the first time we’re taking such a long break?”

“Yeah. Let’s take this chance to go on a long vacation.”

The members also got some free time to relax. Thanks to that, they planned to spend the Lunar New Year holiday at their homes.

“Did Taewoong pack everything?”


“Let’s go. Myungjin hyung is waiting downstairs.”

Kim Hyun nodded. Kim Hyun’s home was close to Jo Taewoong’s, so they were going to ride the same car.

“Hyung, take care.”

“Ian, what are you going to do? Do you want to come over to our place?”

“Um, I’ll see. I have to stay at the hotel for now.”

Ian shrugged his shoulders. The COVID-19 situation in Korea had improved a lot, but it was still not a safe environment to travel abroad.

“I’m going.”

Jo Tae-woong, who had put on his shoes, waved his hand.

“Hyung! Everything will be okay!”

“Yeah, don’t worry. Don’t mind us.”

The members who were at the entrance cheered for Jo Tae-woong.

“Hey Jo Tae-woong, it’s okay if it takes a long time, just rest well. Don’t think about anything.”


Jo Tae-woong fist-bumped Ian, who had reached out his fist, and left the hotel without looking back.

“Did you pack everything?”


Park Dong-soo opened the trunk of the van and loaded Kim Hyun and Jo Tae-woong’s luggage while they got in the car.

“If you forgot anything, I’ll bring it to you. Don’t worry.”


Park Dong-soo took the wheel of the van for the first time in a long time. Before he started, he fastened his seat belt and rummaged through the passenger seat.

“Oh, right, take this.”

“What is this?”

Park Dong-soo handed over two large paper shopping bags to Jo Tae-woong’s side. Jo Tae-woong, who received them in surprise, shook the shopping bags lightly up and down. They were not very heavy compared to their size.

“Wow… they’re all letters.”

“They’re from your fans who heard your news. Some were sent by quick service and… more came in person to give them to you.”

“All of these?”

“Yeah, I thought they were stalkers at first. They said they were counting on you when they gave me the letters.”

There was even a fan who cried. The sincerity of the fans. Park Dong-soo hoped that Jo Tae-woong would appreciate that there were more people who liked him.

‘Someday the kids will know too.’

The staff of the agency had opened and checked every fan letter overnight in case of any emergency. They wanted to deliver them to Jo Tae-woong as soon as possible. That’s why there were many fan letters that were not properly sealed and half-opened.

Jo Tae-woong was not unaware of the staff’s sincerity. He smiled faintly and opened the fan letters one by one. They were all filled with words of concern, worry, and love for him.


There was also a fan who sent him fan art. It was a picture of him and the members smiling together.

I hope your future is full of happiness… I love you. You’re the best

Jo Tae-woong touched the small cheering message written in the corner of the picture.

-I hated that beggar-like expression of yours since beforeㅋ

-You don’t realize how bad it is even when you get cursed atㅋ I hate seeing you

-A friend of mine lives in Jo Tae-woong’s neighborhood and he said his mom still manages his bank account since he was a child actor?

└Isn’t he an adult?

└How greedy can she be to use her son like that? That’s why he didn’t get proper education at homeㅉㅉ

└That’s why her son is a ㅂㄹㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Don’t they teach him basic social skills at home?

He could endure the hate comments about himself somehow, but he couldn’t stand the malicious rumors and comments about his family.

‘Did I do something wrong?’

He could count on his fingers how many times he had slept properly lately. He tried to move his listless body, but he couldn’t focus on practice either. It felt like everyone was throwing stones at him.

‘It must be my fault…’

Everything seemed like his fault and he felt like his heart would stop if he closed his eyes. He wished tomorrow wouldn’t come.

One crisis at the end-of-year stage, and then another one before starting an online concert because of a stalker triggered it all.



“I’ll be fine, right?”

“Of course. It’ll go away if you get treated well.”

Time heals everything. At least that’s how Kim Hyun endured it before. He was hit by stones overnight by people because of malicious editing, but he endured it with his determination to debut.

But Kim Hyun couldn’t say that time would heal everything. It seemed like anything he said would be premature.

‘Time heals everything is bullshit. I’m dying right now. Then who’s going to solve my feelings now?’

Kim Hyun thought that as he looked out the window.

“We’ll help you. Call us anytime.”


“I’m serious. You have to report your survival at least once a day in our chat room.”

“I said okay.”

At least Jo Tae-woong had the members, I’m here for him, right? Kim Hyun sighed deeply as he watched Jo Tae-woong’s back entering the house.

“I’m going too.”

“Didn’t your mom come? Come and have a drink before you go.”

“Nah, there’s nothing in the fridge but what you eat.”

“What’s wrong with what I eat?”

“Do I have to spell it out for you?”

Kim Joo-young grumbled at Ian’s shameless expression. Ian chuckled softly.

“Take care. Don’t bring too much food from home.”

“That’s… I can’t promise that. Oh, Ian. If you have nowhere to go for the holidays, come to my place.”

“Your place?”

Kim Joo-young hastily put on his shoes and opened the front door.

“Yeah, my mom heard that you’re not going to America and told me to bring you home.”

“Really? Your mom’s food is delicious…”

“She was all ears when I mentioned you. She asked me when my friend Ian would come over. She seemed more interested in you than in her son.”

Kim Joo-young shook his head helplessly.

“Anyway, if you don’t come with me, I’ll feel awkward too. So make sure you come.”

“Hey, wait a minute, I was going to say that first!”

Park Jin-hyuk, who was packing his stuff in his room, rushed out to the entrance. Kim Joo-young glared at him.

“Oh, come on, are you bringing him to your place too?”

“Well, we have my sister.”

His sister who led Park Jin-hyuk, who was living by the skin of his teeth, to the path of an idol. Ian looked at Park Jin-hyuk with interest. Kim Joo-young stomped his feet nervously.

“I said it first!”

“No, Park Jin-hyuk hyung said it first.”

“Park Jin-hyuk hyung is so fast because he looks like that.”

Kim Joo-young and Park Jin-hyuk had a tense standoff.

“I’m really leaving! Anyway, come to my place! Call me!”

With that, Kim Joo-young left the dorm. Park Jin-hyuk put his arm around Ian’s shoulder and acted friendly.

“Hey, Ian. You’re coming to my place, right? You’re not going with Park Jin-hyuk hyung or Kim Joo-young’s place, right?”

“This is why being a popular guy is exhausting…”

Ian touched his forehead and sighed deeply. But he felt good that he wouldn’t be alone for the holidays.

“Hyung, if you’re bored, come to our place. My grandma misses you a lot.”

“Okay, I’ll text you if I feel like it.”

The last one to leave the dorm was Park Seo-dam, who carried a Boston bag on his shoulder.

The front door closed and the door lock beeped. In the silence with no one around, Ian stretched out.

[They’re all gone.]

‘That’s right.’

He stared blankly at the empty dorm and smiled bitterly.

“It’s cold.”


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