Enlightened Empire

Chapter 446: Concerns

Chapter 446: Concerns

Two days after the riot in front of the Moonlight Ziggurat had been suppressed, a ship carried away Brymstock Fastgrade, the man who had caused the mess. Together with him came Inti and Naoka, though both of them traveled in secret.

Unbelievably, there was no need for Brym to disguise himself as well, despite the riot he had caused. Instead, he simply hired a boat and left, with his guards and all, without any secrecy. Most likely, the powers that be in Arguna just wanted him gone quickly before he could cause any more chaos. They probably also didn't want to offend the southern kingdom to death by attacking one of its ministers over a matter which was already resolved.

Or maybe they're too busy sorting out the mess to bother with me.

Either way, the state of Arguna's public security was no longer Brym's concern, not for a while at least. For now, he would extend his journey — originally intended to begin and end in Arguna — across all northern estates of Medala. This would add many months to his northern trip.

Oh, the burdens he carried to sell his bonds. If he wanted to drain all the coffers of the northern lords, he would have to put in some more effort. One thing he was certain of, this journey would be an entirely different kind of challenge.

Though that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the local sights along the way.

On the evening of the first day, just into his new journey, the shores of the Argu River receded away from both sides of the boat, until only an endless blue mirror was left as far as Brym's eyes could see. Finally they had entered Lake Nawi, the largest lake in Medala, and one of the empire's religious 'sites of pilgrimage'.

Since they were on their way towards Huaylas, the plan was to travel the entire length of the lake to continue their journey along the Argu. Thus, their boat simply followed the current straight through the center of the lake, rather than travel along the towns and cities which lined the edges of the lake

Since their route was different from the usual merchant vessels, they were soon alone at sea. Thus surrounded by calm and with no distractions anywhere in sight, Brym just leaned against the ship's railing and enjoyed the view of nothing. After a while, the distinctive Lovers' Islands appeared in the distance, a small sprinkling of land dropped in the water like stars in the sky.

"Those are the Lovers' Islands," a voice explained from behind Brym, even though he already knew. Before he could turn his head, Inti had already leaned on the railing next to him and stared towards the islands.

"They look like a nice place to build a summer residence," Brym commented, and tried to estimate how valuable the land here would be.

"The islands are a site of pilgrimage. No noble would be bold enough to build a manor here," Inti explained, and laughed at his insolence before she turned back towards the islands. "However, there are certainly many houses on the islands, due to their usual function."

"So there's a story," Brym understood. "I am dying to hear it."

By now, his estimates on the property value had returned a staggering number, so he was eager to hear if there was any way to invest.

"I'm certain you have heard about the marriage ceremony common in Medala," Inti first confirmed.

"Yes, the marriage between Corco and Sumaci was quite the story when it happened, so I am familiar with the myth."

The story of the hero Pachacutec, who was stranded on an island with a noble woman, who then proceeded to live together in the wilderness for several days before rescue arrived, was quite famous in Medala. The medalans derived their entire wedding ceremony from the myth, though Brym felt like too many of their stories involved that one hero, who seemed to be getting around a bit too much.

Anyway, when Corco and Sumaci had returned after being stranded on a nameless island in the Verduic Sea, they had suddenly claimed to be married already. At the time, the scandal had caused quite the controversy. After all, they had technically fulfilled all requirements of a marriage, yet had not informed anyone in advance, not even their close families. Thus, fierce legal arguments about the legitimacy of Sumaci's queen status were kicked of. Thus, even an outsider like Brym was well-familiar with the myth by now.

"Well, these are the islands where the two lovers were supposedly stranded," Inti explained, unaware of Brym's thoughts. "Every year, thousands of couples spend their hard-earned coin to travel there and spend a few days in a house on an island as part of their marriage ceremony."

Of course, something interested Brym far more than the veracity of such claims.

"Then who are these couples paying? There should be a lot of money to be made here, right?"

"It's the priests, of course. As a site of pilgrimage, it is owned by the local Pacha priests, like any other such sites. There are also temples on every one of the islands, and the couples would go out to pray every day."

At once, Brym lost all interest in the investment opportunity. If the islands were owned by the priests, there was little chance for him to get involved. Instead, he focused on another issue.

"You sound quite enthusiastic. Are you eager for a visit to these islands, lady? We can make a quick stop, if you're so inclined."

If Inti were to leave here and let Brym continue on by himself, various matters in Huaylas would become easier to handle. However, the lady shook her head, much to Brym's regret.

"Not these days," she said. "I hear that pirates have become more and more active on Lake Nawi over the past year. I suspect it has to do with Arguna's weakening authority. That should also be the reason we have not seen any other ships on the lake so far. Normally, the Lake Nawi is the busiest waterway in Medala, especially in early summer, the ideal time to get married. Despite the lake's close proximity to Arguna, even the priests with all their influence have so far failed to drive the pirates out of the lake."

If those pirates are your only concern, then there is still a chance to leave you behind.

"Of course they have," a confident Brym replied, a smug smile on his face. "After all, I was the one who organized the pirate attacks."


Finally, Inti turned her head away from the islands and towards Brym, as the wind whipped her half-long hair around her ears.

"It is part of an enduring effort to inhibit trade in the north," the merchant explained their northern strategy over the past few years. "I tend to cooperate with the local bandits, while your mother usually works on the northern lords."

"Should you be telling me all this?" Arguna's head of intelligence frowned, already back in work mode. However, Brym needed her in vacation mode, so he reassured her quickly.

"It's no longer classified information, since our strategy is about to change," he revealed. "Anyways, you won't have to worry about pirates. I can guarantee that no one between Arguna and Huaylas would be bold enough to attack a ship flying the flags of the southern kingdom. So no one will stop you from visiting the Lovers' Islands either, should you decide to pop in for a quick visit. No need to worry, I can continue down the river on my own, and then you can catch up at your leisure."

For a second, the girl seemed tempted, before she shook her head again, much to Brym's chagrin.

"Even so, I will have to decline. I still have business in Huaylas," Inti concluded.

That's exactly what I'm worried about.

"And I presume you are still unwilling to tell me about your business? I'm sure I could be of assistance."

"I need to apologize, Minister Brymstock, but you will find out in due time."

The more he pressed, the more formal Inti's speech and manners became. In the end, he realized that he wouldn't be getting anything out of the lady. Thus, he simply gave up and enjoyed the view in silence.

Let's just hope my worst fears are unfounded, or this visit to Huaylas will be more eventful than Arguna was.

The first thing Brym spotted once their boat entered the lands of House Ichilia was a business opportunity.

On both sides of the river, endless golden fields entered the young merchant's view, long before he ever got to see the western capital of Huaylas. The Ichilia territory lay on both sides of the Argu River halfway on its path from Lake Nawi to the Verduic Sea. As such, it boasted some of the best water resources in the empire. Not only that, the land of Ichilia was also particularly plain and fertile, ideal for massive grain cultivation. For generations, this grain had been the source of House Ichilia's power.

Though of course, much had changed over the past few years. With the influx of artificial fertilizer from Saniya, Huaylas had all but lost its status as 'Medala's great paddy field' at this point. Even so, the land was still the most suitable for farming on the Twin Isles, and also the one with the best infrastructure. Especially the land's network of irrigation canals, built over generations of prosperity, gave it an unbeatable advantage over every other estate.

Thus, if the Ichilias were really willing to give up their hostility towards the southern kingdom, they would immediately become the largest market for one of the south's flagship products. With the artificial fertilizer from Saniya, they would once more restore their dominant position in the field of agriculture.

That's surely one of their goals, Brym mused.

In the last war, House Ichilia had been hurt badly. They needed to make use of every opportunity to restore their strength, even if it meant bowing their heads to their enemies. If the young lord of House Ichilia could remain rational throughout, the young minister was cautiously optimistic about this meeting.

There was only one issue which bothered him, an issue which had the ability to ruin this commercial visit.

If only Lady Inti would have stayed on the Lovers' Islands for a visit, if only for a few days.

However, there was nothing Brym could do. Even as a minister of the kingdom, head of the central bank and acting head of the 'Wonders of the World' line of shops, he still didn't have any direct authority over the ghost warriors, much less over one of their leading officers. Even more, he was sympathetic towards Inti's issues, and would never actively prevent her, even if he could.

Although she had yet to reveal the true purpose for her visit to Huaylas, Brym had a pretty good idea by now. The closer they got to Huaylas, the tenser and more taciturn Inti had become. Her obvious mood changes had already told him too much. Together with some old information he had recollected and some more current news he had extracted in several merry evenings on the ship with her men, he had a pretty good idea why Inti was following him on this mission. If he was right, it would make their upcoming negotiations infinitely more complicated.

We'll see when we get there. I like a challenge anyways.

Thus with nothing better to do, Brym continued to read the basic information he had collected on Loreius Ichilia, the new master of Huaylas. This was standard procedure of course. Brym was always eager to know as much as possible about whoever he was talking to. A small gesture of goodwill, or a shared interest revealed at the right time smoothed out conversations far more than Corco's — often cold — logic. Thus, he had always been focused on information gathering.

Though in this case, there was far too much material on Loreius, which had become quite the problem. After all, Corco had identified House Ichilia as one of the southern kingdom's main enemies years ago. Though after several days of intense effort, Brym had finally gotten a handle on the basics.

So Loreius considers himself quite intelligent, but seems to overestimate his abilities a lot. And he likes good food, as well as any other show of wealth, in old Ichilia tradition. It seems I might have to make a short stop in our local shop once we arrive in Huaylas.

By the time Brym had summarized his findings and come up with a strategy for the upcoming negotiations, they had almost reached their goal. Not long after, the former home of the Governor of the West came into view.

Huaylas itself was built in a crook of the river Argu, on a small elevation of five connected hills. Surrounded by water on three sides, the city was uniquely predestined for river transportation, and uniquely defensible. Of course, the strong, slanted city walls made of giant stone slabs helped as well.

Soon, their ship entered into the city proper through the massive harbor, designed to receive countless tons of grain within a few days every harvest season. After a short stop in the local Wonders of the World to rest and to organize some presents, Brym and Inti entered a palanquin and made their way up the five hills of Huaylas, towards the political and economic center of the Medala Empire's western plains.

Of course, the outer city was poor. Unlike Saniya, which was far more egalitarian in nature and didn't have a strict distinction between inner and outer cities, every major city in northern Medala had an outer ring inhabited by poverty-stricken commoners. Though Huaylas, as the food center of the empire, at least had fewer starving people on the streets than other places.

By the time they reached the inner city, the wealth of the locals was already on full display. Although much smaller in size, the inner city of Huaylas wasn't far behind the center of Arguna in terms of its architecture's opulence.

Somewhere in here, hidden in the shadows between these hills, one could also find the 'crypt', the training camp and home of House Ichilia's infamous wraith troop, warriors similar to the ghosts, who specialized in night combat and assassinations.

However, Brym's goal wasn't to sightsee, nor to recruit some more warriors to the south, at least not yet. No, his goal lay inside the massive, six-storey 'Gold Manor'. In truth, the home of House Ichilia looked more like a palace than a manor.

It seems like the war still wasn't enough to drain all the accumulated riches of this ancient power, Brym mused.

Even so, Loreius Ichilia would be in a hurry to preserve his family's status. Ever since entering the inner city, Brym had seen only a few warriors walking along the streets. Even more, most of the warriors seemed to be in a bad mood, unlike the commoners outside.

With the massive losses House Ichilia had sustained during their unfortunate crossing of the Narrow Sea, the house's foundation of power was standing on wobbly legs. Once more, Brym found a small edge he could exploit during negotiations. Clearly, Lord Ichilia would be quite desperate, and thus would be more willing to accept harsh conditions.

Thus encouraged by yet another advantage, Brym anticipated the upcoming talks in a great mood, secure in his strong position. Representing a powerful kingdom sure was great. It made his work so much easier, and would leave him much more time for counting money in the future.

Though as he glanced at the woman in man's clothes sitting next to him, his good mood all but disappeared. After all, his own negotiation disadvantage was sitting right next to him, at least if he was right. Brym just hoped he was thinking too much.


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