Enlightened Empire

Chapter 432: Auction

Chapter 432: Auction

Five days after his agreement with Alcer, Sawo stood in front of Saniya's Royal Theater, the location of the government's manufactory auction. Today would be the day all of his work until now would come to fruition. With the purchase of two manufactories by his customers, the first step in his plans would be completed. Of course, first he had to somehow keep those troublesome customers of his in line, starting with the one standing next to him.

Master Rimaq Argo had come to Saniya as a thin, middle-aged man full of ambition. Since then, his hair had started to gray and he had bloated up to impressive size. Squeezed in by ever new layers of fat, his small eyes threatened to disappear into his face completely.

At some point during his weight-gain, he had also traded the simple clothes of a common craftsman for the fancy robes of a wealthy merchant. Maybe the old ones just didn't fit him any longer. Only his yellowed fingers still reminded careful observers of his humble profession, one he hadn't seriously practiced in years.

This husk of a man, hollowed out and bloated up from years of excess, was what waited next to Sawo, all self-righteous and haughty.

"I cannot believe that I have to waste my time on this nonsense," Rimaq complained. "I should be preparing to take what is rightfully mine later, instead of flattering some lowly soldier!"

"Of course. Soon, Master Rimaq will own what has rightfully belonged to Master all along," Sawo flattered insincerely. Of course, only someone this self-absorbed could believe that the manufactory he had graciously received from King Corco was somehow his property, just because he had overseen it for a while.

"However, the rumors spread by that soldier have brought us a great advantage in the upcoming auction," Sawo continued. "The least we can do is repay his efforts with a few words of sincerity."

In fact, the rumors spread by Alcer and Kyunya had worked even better than he could have ever imagined. By now, all the side streets and ale houses in the city were filled with stories of spies and bribery within Saniya's largest paper manufactory. When he had met them for a soiree two days ago, none of the rich friends in his circles had shown any more interest in the manufactory, not even the ones who had been previously piqued. Since Sawo's social circles were wide, he was convinced that there wouldn't be any interested parties to compete for Rimaq's manufactory later.

Now, there was only one little problem left to solve: Alcer, who knew the truth of their deception, could still make their life difficult by revealing everything at the last second. Thus, Sawo's top priority for now was to keep Alcer happy, even at the cost of Rimaq's mood. Though clearly, the craftsman didn't understand how much Sawo had worked to his benefit.

"Sincerity? With some poor sod like that?" he scoffed instead. "Why would I apologize when I have done nothing wrong? He should be the one to apologize for fraternizing with an ungrateful thief like Kyunya!"

More and more, the craftsman was talking himself into a rage. However, Sawo knew how to make the self-righteous idiot stay obedient.

"Master Rimaq, if we cannot come to an agreement with this Alcer later, you should understand that it will be difficult for you to smoothly regain your territory."

As he spoke, Sawo pulled out a banknote and rubbed it between his fingers. With such a clear hint, even Rimaq understood that he wouldn't be able to buy his precious manufactory without Sawo's financial support. If he kept complaining and even upset his creditor in the process, he would end up with nothing. Thus, the craftsman finally stopped his yammering, though the clenched fist rested on his belly still betrayed his anger. Yet Sawo had no more time to try and pacify him. Not long after, the protagonist of today's meeting arrived.

"Here comes Ensign Alcer. Please remember our agreement, Master Rimaq," he reminded the craftsman, who replied through gritted teeth.

"Of course," Rimaq barely managed to squeeze out. By now it was too late for Sawo to fix his attitude any further, since he was already had focused on the newest arrival.

"Welcome, dear customer!" he shouted, and walked toward Alcer in an attempt to initiate a familiar hug. However, the veteran stepped back to avoid his great benefactor.

"Now then, I suspect this is the famous Master Rimaq?" Rather than reply to Sawo's enthusiastic greeting, Alcer addressed the craftsman with a cold sneer on his face. In turn, Rimaq only huffed, but Alcer continued undisturbed.

"Master, I've heard so much about you," the soldier said in an insincere tone. "I'm well acquainted with your subordinates, after all."

Again, Rimaq remained silent, but Sawo could see his face slowly turn red from the barely veiled provocations. Maybe this soldier wasn't quite as stupid as he had thought. At least when it came to taunting, he seemed to be a veritable expert.

"In fact, I believe I should apologize. My man was a bit rough when he pushed your head guard's face into the dirt. I think he overdid it a little."


Rimaq's trembling fist finally left his belly and he marched towards Alcer, but Sawo held him back by the shoulder in a panic and interrupted him before he could do or say anything stupid again.

"Truly magnanimous of Ensign Alcer to apologize like this. I believe we should all take a step back. We are friends after all, are we not? So we should cooperate. Smoothly."

As Sawo spoke, he stared down Rimaq with the harshest eyes he could muster, and once again rubber his fingers together. At the same time, the trained warrior Sawo was pinching the old craftsman's shoulder. Under the physical — as well as monetary — threats, the proud craftsman finally gave in.

"Yes, I should apologize for my servant's forward manner. It seems he misunderstood my intentions."

Although his words were polite, Rimaq stared down Alcer as if he wanted to strangle him, and his tone was forceful and low, as if he was trying to curse his opposite.

"That's fine. I've already forgotten all about that slimy head guard of yours," Alcer replied calmly as if he hadn't seen Rimaq's anger.

However, Rimaq didn't react to the newest insult. Instead, he was already staring at Sawo, waiting for his approval. The banker, meanwhile, was breathing a deep sigh of relief. Although the apology had been insincere, it had apparently still been good enough for Alcer. Thus, he nodded towards Rimaq and let go of his shoulder, before the craftsman huffed once more and walked towards the theater's entrance without another word.

Useless bastard! Just see how I squeeze you once your business is indebted to me!

Although Sawo was exasperated at Rimaq's disrespect, he still had to put on a happy smile as he walked towards his remaining customer.

"Haha, please ignore his rudeness, Ensign Alcer," he said. "Master Rimaq is simply nervous due to the auction. All of our futures depend on today, after all."

However, Alcer once again didn't respond to Sawo's words.

"You have my money?" he asked instead.

Greedy bastards, the both of you.

"Of course." Sawo pulled a stack of papers from within his long robes, his practiced smile always retained. "Here, promissory notes of Tasa Bank, worth 80,000 Sila. To the government, these are worth as much as silver."

This was part of the agreement they had come to during Alcer's last visit to the bank. Sawo would pay a certain sum in advance so that Alcer could buy a building for his manufactory at today's auction. Only after the soldier had his locations secured — and Rimaq had his — would Sawo know how much money the bank had left, and how much more he could loan out to them for further operations. Yet despite Sawo's diligent fulfillment of his promise, Alcer's face still didn't look any better than before.

"Good," he simply said, as he leafed through the notes. Only after he had checked every single one did he spare a rude glance to the proud warrior before him. "And you're sure I got more than that Rimaq guy?"

This was another one of Alcer's unreasonable demands. Although the army hero had pretended to be magnanimous before, the insults he had received before were clearly still bothering him.

Petty bastards. You'll get what's coming to you.

Obviously, Sawo couldn't say that, no matter how cathartic it would feel.

"Of course, dear customer," he squeezed out instead. "Even with the additional money I have loaned him today on top of his own savings, Master Rimaq has no more than 50,000 Sila at his disposal. That much, I can guarantee."

Due to Kyunya's rumors, 50,000 would still be more than enough to win the property rights for the paper manufactory today, so there was no real problem, despite the limitations Sawo's work had been put under. Still, Alcer's endless stream of pointless requirements really bothered him, as did his arrogant manner. Again, the soldier only sneered in response to his benefactor's servile attitude.

"Good. You best keep your fat friend in line, or you'll lose my business right away."

Thus, Alcer swaggered away as well, to follow Rimaq in the direction of the auction house. Meanwhile, Sawo was left standing on his own.

Lowly bastards, the lot of you. Just you two wait. After today, you'll be in my debt, and in the palm of my hand. We'll see who among you two debt slaves would dare disrespect me then.

"Why is a royal scientist leading the auction?" Alcer asked in a stunned voice.

Up ahead on the theater's stage, standing behind a podium and swinging a tiny gavel with great enthusiasm, was Hieronymus Bombasticus, a famous figure in the city.

Head of the royal chemistry workshop, well-known genius, and a close friend to the miracle king, Sawo enumerated in his head.

"I have heard rumors that he enjoys such activities," Sawo replied.

By now, he had taken his seat between Alcer on his left, and Rimaq on his right. Eventually, he had caught up with his two unreliable customers, and now he was stuck playing peace maker again. As the banker observed the scientist up on the stage, he couldn't help but notice that, much unlike him, the famous scientist seemed to be having the time of his life.

"Come on, ladies and gentlemen! Such a beautiful property, a manufactory for soap production, producing lavender soap, one of Saniya's flagship exports! 50,000 Sila is a steal! You may as well come up here, turn out my pockets and rob me blind! Going once, any takers, any takers? I see 55,000 from number seventeen! Who else wants to own the production methods of the miracle king's favorite product..."

This is already the third 'king's favorite product' he's sold today, Sawo thought. However, something more pressing confused him.

"Dear customer, are you not interested?" he asked Alcer sitting to his left. "This manufactory's size and location seem quite suitable for your purposes, and the price seems bearably as well."

This was already the third property which seemed appropriate for Alcer. However, so far, he hadn't lifted the little paddle with his designated number on it even once. While Sawo had still remained quiet the first two times, he was getting a bit nervous now, so he had to ask. However, his least favorite customer shook his head.

"No," Alcer replied. "I already have my eyes on a business coming up later. Believe me, it's perfect."

Although Alcer showed an arrogant smile, much unlike his previous indifferent persona, Sawo didn't have the time to bother with such details for now. Once the scientist's gavel fell onto his podium, the bang signaled that the soap manufactory had just been sold. Now it was finally time for Rimaq's paper manufactory to fall under the famous scientist's tiny hammer.

"Now then, on to our next property..."

Once again, the part-time auctioneer launched into a tirade of compliments about the manufactory on the block, one more exaggerated than the last. To Sawo's right, Rimaq's face showed a silly grin as he easily fell for the scientist's flattery.

Fool, don't you understand? The more attractive your property, the higher the chance someone else will be interested.

If course, Sawo couldn't say that either, so he just had to sit there on pins and needles. Eventually, the scientist's lengthy introduction was over, but the room remained dead silent.

"No takers?" Hieronymus tried again. "No one interested in this worthwhile endeavor?"

"30,000 Sila!" Rimaq finally shouted, while raising up his numbered paddle.

"Ah, yes, a good figure to get us warmed up. Limber up your limbs and get your paddles ready, this chance will never come cheaper again. That's 35,00 from the gentleman on seat number 25. Now who else has been enticed by this one-of-a-kind opportunity?"

As the auctioneer droned on and on, Sawo finally calmed down. Eventually, his lips rose into a sly grin. Despite the scientist's best efforts, it seemed like there were no takers apart from the manufactory's 'rightful owner'. Their plan had worked out perfectly, they would snap up this unpopular property at a rock-bottom price. By the end, even the auctioneer's voice had lost its enthusiasm.

"Going once! Anyone else? Anyone else? Going twice! Going-"

"80,000 Sila!"

Sawo smug grin froze on his face as he heard the familiar voice shout a ridiculous number. Like the jammed up crank on a rusty pump, his head slowly turned towards his left, where he met with Alcer's equally smug grin. With a single shout from his dearest customer, Sawo's precious plans had turned to dust. What on earth was happening here?


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