ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 2.87: Sadomasochist

Ch 2.87: Sadomasochist

No matter how many times it happened, Elaina never really got used to the instant deluge of information.

Prisma Fireguard

System Hierarchy: [User] 

Class: Sadomasochist Spellblade

Level: 1 


[Heat] - {Environmental Targeting} 

User Skills: 

[Brat’s Riposte] - Rank 1 - User receives a power bonus of {x1.5} to aspects and skills used when immediately making a counterattack.

[Switch Stance] - Rank 1 - User can switch between [S-Mode] and [M-Mode]. In [S-Mode], all physical abilities are slightly enhanced while actively attacking. In [M-Mode], all physical abilities are slightly enhanced while actively defending. Once modes are changed, they may not be changed again for five minutes.

[Play Fighting] - Rank 1 - User can choose to have her crystal weapons, aspects, and skills deal physical pain directly instead of actual damage.

User Equipment: 

[Crystal Sword]: Crystal rapier that can be coated in searing flames by its user’s aspect. 

Prisma sat there, a surprisingly modest pose considering her current state of dress, the subcore hiding her lap and her arms pressed to her chest in shock.

“Nothing happened just now,” she said.

“We all heard what just happened,” Elaina said. And I got more info than that.

“Oh, right, I’m asleep,” Prisma continued. “I don’t know why I didn’t realize earlier. Elaina gets undressed a lot, but she only ever gets completely naked in my dreams.”

Tira let out half a laugh before Flora’s hand slapped her mouth shut.

“Elaina,” Temmie said, “those bindings had me unable to process from this unit, but I have now regained access to this core and am beginning initiation protocols. Excellent work.”

“It talked!” Prisma said, throwing this version of Temmie rolling across the floor as she scooted her way to the wall. “I mean, nothing talked! Everything’s fine!”

“Do not throw me again, Miss Fireguard!”

“Oh gods,

The door cracked once, the shouting from the bouncers outside growing louder as the seal keeping them at bay weakened.

“Fuck,” Tira said, pushing her way away from Flora, any sign of laughter long gone from her face. “We’re gonna have to plow through them to get out, really plow through them, aren’t we?”

“No!” Flora shouted, backing away to the far wall herself. “Not again…”

Carly stepped into the middle of the room, pointing just past Flora. “I think there’s another way. That wall, I feel people on the other side, drunk people. I think it’s another bar, and if the walls are just wood and not stone, then—”

“I’ll take care of it either way.” Flora pushed herself back and readied her leg to strike, her heel turning the color of stone, shaping itself to be more like an axe than her foot. “Ready?”

“Wait,” Elaina said as she picked up the subcore, tossing it to Carly. “Put that in your bag.”

“The nerve of you people tonight!” Temmie said as Carly plucked her from the air. “I regret preparing this for you at all, and while I am still regaining my full functionality too!”

It had been delayed, so much so that Elaina had forgotten it was even going to happen, but as Prisma was just standing up crystal dust began to swarm around her, causing her to scream once more. Oh! I can do that too, Elaina realized.

Elaina focused on her own class gear just enough to start materializing it, but she was really focused on Prisma. As the dust settled around the girl, falling slowly over her, it revealed a suit that at first glance seemed not too unlike the Endrin uniform. It was similarly cut to Prisma’s body, but colored a deep black with red highlights, with long black pants instead of a skirt. It also differed in a few other ways, namely the cape falling from her shoulders, black on the out and red on the inside. Most differently of all though was probably the fact that there wasn’t an undershirt where Elaina would have expected one, just bare cleavage right below the ornate bow. Capping it all off was her hair, pushed back away from her face and held by a gold tiara, the color of which matched the elaborate rapier hilt hanging at her waist.

“I’m not naked?” Even with the look of bewilderment she sported, she still somehow looked regal in this moment, more like nobility than anyone or anything Elaina had ever seen. 

Elaina was brought back into the real world with another crack, this time one of the door’s boards flying through.

“They’re there, all five!” a voice shouted.

“Flora!” Elaina called out.

“On it!” There was a third crack as Flora whipped her foot around, slamming into the wall and blowing chunks of wood and splinter through to the other side. Gasps and screams came through the hole she made, but before she could wind up for another blow, the door behind them gave in completely, and Shein’s minions started flooding through.


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