Endzone: Simulated Apocalypse

Chapter 125: An Old & New Comrade

Chapter 125: An Old & New Comrade

Leaving those words behind, Cyanide prepared to head back for the third time that night, but yet again, the girl named Falcon stopped him, pulling him on the arm.

"Wait. I'm going with you."

" Even if you ask me anything more, I won't say anything. I don't do things for free."

"That's fine," the girl said firmly. "What you've told me so far is valuable. The instinct in my gut tells me you are an important clue. If I want to uncover my full past you'll be a great asset. And of course, I won't ask you to tell me things for free. I believe in my capabilitiesI am certain I'll be a good weapon for you as well."

"In other words I use you, and you use me?" Cyanide asked, arching an eyebrow, to which the girl gave a nod.


Cyanide smirked. He'd heard those words somewhere before.

"Good. Sure brings back memories."

The girl naturally was confused, but Cyanide didn't elaborate further, and she wasn't in a spot to ask any more questions before contributing something in return first.

After that, the two headed back to base together, amidst the quiet of night. Neither of them were much for talking, but since this was a new world, there was several things players could discuss with one another (if they weren't fighting and trying to kill each other, that is).

For instance

"Why were you there?" Cyanide asked while they walked. "Also going after the weapon?"

She gave a nod. "It's a sniper rifle. Why wouldn't I go for it?"

"Fair enough," Cyanide said. "But judging from what I see from the Blueprint we'll need 10 Electro-Charged Lizard Bones to forge it. I only obtained 3 from the Bosseven if we both got the same amount, that's still only 6. Where will you find the other 4?"

"That's simple," she replied. "Blood Barons respawn every week. We can keep farming the boss until we have enough."

"Huh is that so" Cyanide murmured, turning away, and Falcon arched an eyebrow at him.

"You didn't know that? Was that your first time encountering a Blood Baron?"

"Not exactly. I met one before, but it was too strong for me to fight at the time, so I simply left. I don't bother reading tutorials, since Luna tells me everything I need to know at the right time."

"Luna" Falcon fell into thought for a long while, looking away from Cyanide. "That name why does it seem familiar?"

At this, Cyanide snickered. "Looks like the past you is influencing you more than I originally thought."

" What is your name?" She asked, and Cyanide replied like he always did.

"Cyanide. You can call me that."


Once they returned back at Envy's lair, the others, naturally, were surprised to see the newcomer by Cyanide's side.

"Huh I was wonderin' where you went," Ragnar said with a chuckle. "Turns out you were out getting yourself another chick, huh? Not bad, Cyanide. Sleek."

"Oho I didn't know you were such a playboy, Cyanide," Dianna said with a soft giggle. "Looks like I'll need to work harder to keep you, hm?"

"Wait," Luna interjected, stepping forward and looking at the new girl. "Cyanide, is that"

Cyanide nodded. "The very same."

"You are?" Falcon asked, to which Luna frowned.

"You don't recognize me?"

"Her memories were wiped clean," Cyanide explained. "Mostly, anyway."

"Huh? Why?" Ragnar asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Long story," Cyanide said coldly. "One I don't feel like explaining."

Of course, the real reason was that this was Falcon's privacywhether or not she wanted the story to be told was up to her and her alone. It wasn't Cyanide's place to outright decide to spill her past. He still had decencymost of the time, anyway.

"So, what, did you just run into each other, or something?" Ragnar inquired, folding his arms. "World's sure small, huh?"

"Actually, I saved him from a Blood Baron," Falcon said calmly, shooting Cyanide a slightly smug look, but without any sign of a smile. "He recognized me, so here we are."

" You spared a lot of details, but that is somewhat accurate, I suppose," Cyanide said similarly in a calm fashion, but everyone else was clearly stunned.

"H-Hold up, Blood Baron?" Ragnar cut in. "The hell's that? Never encountered one before. Sounds edgy."

"They're essentially extremely powerful bosses in the game," Luna said. "There are quite a few of them spread across the game's map, each varying in difficulty and strength. There is one in an abandoned factory within the City of Lumina as well, but to think there is one here too."

"And? Did you beat it?" Ragnar asked eagerly, to which both Falcon and Cyanide gave a nod. At this, he rubbed his forehead and cursed.

"Goddammit that means you won the competition"

" That's what you were concerned about?" Luna asked with a scoff, and Ragnar rolled his eyes.

"Of course! That's the second time I've lost to this guy now. It pisses me off"

"Technically, though," Dianna interrupted with folded arms. "The competition was about number of kills, not their level. So remind me, how many did you get again, Mr. Name-I-Can't-Be-Bothered-To-Remember?"

"Uh 43," he said. "I kinda got carried away with the time, though, so let's say 35."

"Hm I see. Well, hate to break it to you, but" Dianna smiled and winked, holding up a two gesture with her fingers. " I had twice your kills, at 82."

"Wha- that's impossible!" Ragnar roared. "82 kills in an hour? That's more than one kill every minute, not to mention travel time!"

"In this world, nothing is impossible," Dianna said softly, grinning smugly and leaning against the tree trunk nearby where Kirika was still sound asleep. "After all the competition was just number of kills, was it not? Why go after the big targets when you can just eliminate a bunch of small, easy ones, all at once? For example insects."

"" Ragnar wanted to call her a cheater, but really, this wasn't cheating. She was rightthe competition only stated number of killshe'd made the rules himself. She was simply abusing and exploiting them to her will.

So, in the end, the final winner of the competition was neither Ragnar nor Cyanide, but rather the third-party who originally merely joined for fun.

As Dianna continued wearing a light smile of triumph on her face, Cyanide brushed past them all and headed to where Kirika was lying, Lust and Envy watching over her from above.

" How is she?"

"Still not awake," Lust said. "The energy recovery process will take timebut rest assured, she will be fine."

Cyanide turned to Kirika's unconscious body, surrounded by a light green energy, and spoke.

" I see."


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