Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 16: Lowly

Chapter 16: Lowly

Feeling a jolt, Tenraku shook his still heavy head and slowly opened his eyes.

The cages, carriages, strange cities and soon Tenraku came to the fact that

He was imprisoned!

The memories of recent events emerged and his black eyes flashed with cold light, but they quickly fell silent again.

After two years of wandering outside, Tenraku has experienced countless dangers and he had already polished his mind to be extremely powerful. Even if he was trapped in a pit at this time, he would not show any confusion or fear, he would rather remain calm.

Looking closely at the surrounding environment, Tenraku found that he had been taken to a strange city. This city is a bit different from those modern metropolises. Although it also has tall buildings,  it still retains the style of the middle ages.

The whole city is shrouded in a layer of dense fog and the sun cant be seen and the fog of the tide seems to have a life of its own. It feels very uncomfortable as it brushes against his body.

The carriage with the cage was walking on the street, and there were many other pedestrians coming and going on the road. They look no different from any ordinary people, but if you look closely, you will find that all the pedestrians looked exactly the same as they look pale as if they had no blood in their body and their faces were filled with an indifferent look.

Tenraku even saw a child standing on the side of the road looking at him in the cage and eagerly licked his lips, and then two fangs grew out of his mouth.

Even Tenraku couldnt help but feel a numb feeling crawling up his scalp

This is the City of Vampires!

Forcing himself to calm down, Tenraku curled up in the corner without showing any anomalies. As time passed, the other people in the cage also woke up one after another, looking around blankly.

Why am I here, where is this place?

Who are you, why are you keeping us here?

Let me go, let me go!

Most of these people are just ordinary people and they are not as strong as Tenraku nor they have his experience. When they find that they and others have been caught here inexplicably and kept in a cage, they all yelled out.

Tenraku scolded their stupidly under his heart, but right now he is also feeling insecure and he has no mood to dissuade them.

Because of the voices of these people, the walking carriage also stopped, and then a Vampire walking in front came over and grabbed a middle-aged man who screamed the loudest.

The middle-aged man was quite fat, but Vampire easily held him up with one hand and pushed him towards him and the fat man hit the cage and the Vampire laughed:

Do you want to go out?

The middle-aged man was ready to shout a few words at first, but when he saw the pale face and fangs in his mouth, he became frightened to the extreme:

Evil, Devil, you are Devil!

Dont treat our noble Vampire race the same as those disgusting race!

The Vampire, who was still smiling, spoke in a cold voice after hearing the mans words, then he twisted his neck, and the fat man in his hand instantly became a corpse!

Others may not understand it, but Tenraku in the corner has clearly seen it. At that moment, the Vampire bit the mans neck and sucked out his blood cleanly.

This is a Vampire!

With a thud, the man who turned into a corpse was thrown back into the cage. After a sudden silence, a horrified cry suddenly broke out in the cage:

Ah !!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your next journey, you lowly Humans!


After being dragged in the carriage for several hours, Tenraku and his party were sent into a tall castle.Vแป‹Sit no(v)3lb/!n(.)c๐’m for new ๐’ov๐’†l๐’”

At first, some people who were frightened and screamed and begged were sitting sluggishly in the cage at this time, their eyes were dull as only despair and numbness remained in their eyes.

Tenraku has been curled up in the corner, making no sound from beginning to end. He looks the same as those people with desperate numbness, but his eyes still flashed with cold light from time to time.

Come out, humans!

A Vampire opened the cage and knocked on the iron and spoke with a sneer.

No one knew what this Vampire is going to do and a person climbed up in a daze and walked out of the cage, then was taken by several Vampires to a large courtyard in the castle.

Little bastards, your food is here!

Enjoy it well, HHHHH

Several Vampires pushed Tenraku and his team in, and then closed the door with a smile.

Frightened to the extreme, someone immediately wanted to run back and open the door, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not pull the door in the slightest. In the end, they could only continue to slap the door and cry, but no one came to help them.

Tenraku, who was mixed within these people, shook his head secretly, the gate and the entire castle were filled with imposed barriers, so these ordinary people with no power would not be able to go out.

And instead of thinking about how to escape, it is better to figure out where is here.

Ah bat, bat!

Suddenly someone shouted, and out of nowhere a bat flew, squeaking and screeching towards the guy who was almost on the verge of freaking out.

Frowning, Tenraku took advantage of the chaos to hide behind a pillar.

As Tenraku watched, figures appeared from all sides, running after those who were running in terror.

But to his surprise, it turned out to be young children.

The young ones are six or seven years old and the elders are in their twenties, but they are not ordinary children. Because they have a pair of crimson eyes, and they have fangs in their mouths.

They are little Vampires or the Childrens Of The Vampire!

One by one, these little Vampires threw themselves at the frightened humans when they appeared.

Some people rebelled, some fled, but it had no effect.

Vampires have a very good ability to move at a very high speed, even if Devils posses Magic, they are not necessarily their opponents. Even if these guys are the Little Vampires, but they are very strong then ordinary people, Soon the whole castle was full of blood-sucking noises mixed with screams.

After sucking and drinking, a small Vampire gathered in the courtyard and looked in the direction of the pillars where Tenraku was hiding

Come out, human, I can already smell you.

A slightly naive voice sounded, and Tenraku stopped hiding and came out from behind the pillar.

A little Vampire stared at Tenraku, an ordinary person would have been scared and collapsed by those crimson eyes, but Tenraku looked as usual and he looked at the little Vampire without any fear.

Tenraku saw a very fat Vampire standing at the front of him, with his nose in the air and his belly in the air, and a horrid expression on his round, clearly amused face. Presumably, this is the leader of these Little Vampires.

Human, are you not afraid of us?

Looking at Tenrakus calm look, the little fat Vampire was surprised.

Why should I be afraid of you? Tenraku asked back.

Because we will suck your blood and kill you!

Exposing his two fangs, the little fat Vampire had a vicious expression on his face, and the other little Vampire also showed their fierce eyes, one by one.

Then come and suck it. To their surprise, Tenraku not only wasnt afraid but he also invited them to drink their blood.

The little fat Vampire could not help but feel suspicious, he has a feeling that this human had some bad intentions, but he thought that he was a Vampire. Why should he be afraid of a weak human being? And now, in the presence of his own, he could not cower and lose face.

Huh, human, its good that you have realized my superiority! Hurry up and bring your neck here.

Walking towards Tenraku, the little fat Vampire ordered aggressively.

Its just that Tenraku didnt come to offer his neck as the Vampire ordered, but punched the little fat Vampires stomach with a fist!

I wont be presenting my neck, remain satisfied with my fist.

Blowing on his fist, Tenrakus face looked playful.

Cold sweat flowed on the back of the little fat Vampire as he trembled on the ground in pain, then the Fat Vampire pointed to Tenraku and spoke angrily:

Human, human, you cheated!

To be continued


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