Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 11: Request

Chapter 11: Request

With the Haruno familys repeated gratitude, Tenraku and Akeno set off on their journey again.

Tenraku, lets get out of here!

Just out of Harunos house, Akeno looks anxious.

Due to their identities, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they usually avoid the territories of Devil and Church during their travels. However, they did not expect that this time, they not only broke into the territory of a Devil family, but they also saved someone in their territory from a evil spirit.

Although Akeno didnt regret that they had saved Aunt Harunos child, there are also a few arrogant people in the Devil families. If the other party knows that his contractor was rescued by the two of them, he will definitely not tolerable it. In order to scrub the stain, he might catch up with the two of them and finish them off.

Looking at the girls worried eagerness, Tenraku nodded his head in agreement, but he was also a little concerned.

Gremory, this isnt just a coincidence

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Tenraku, lets live here tonight!

A few days later, the two stood in front of an abandoned temple and Akeno said with a happy face.

Having been on the road, the two have become so good at finding abandoned temples and shrines that it has become a special skill.

Akeno, you are responsible for cooking, and Ill be responsible for cleaning the temple.

Well, lets see who can finish first.

I think it would be me

No, its definitely going to be me this time!

Division of labor and collaboration, and companionship from time to time, even if their journey is hard, the two of them do not feel lonely at all.

After a short time, Akeno prepared the delicious dishes, and Tenraku also cleaned the temple and built a temporary small nest for two.

Eating the hot dishes, unparalleled happiness flooded the hearts of the two of them and it felt as if they had gotten what many people have been pursuing in their life.

Well, Tenraku, it would be nice if we just kept on traveling like this

Unexpectedly, Akeno suddenly said this with genuine feelings.

The two of them could just keep traveling all the time. They can walk around the corners of the world, see the scenery of the world, and occasionally help those who need help on the journey, until the end of the sky, the cape of the sea

There must be a very romantic and beautiful picture in the heart of the girl at this time. Tenraku smiled and did not speak, but it was clear in his heart-

This is impossible

At night, the two were embracing each other as usual, lying in their temporary small nest. Although there were a few lonely crows outside, they did not feel the slightest chill as they warmed each other.

However, at a certain moment, the eyes of the two people moved in their sleep and they both opened their eyes at the same time-

Someone touched the trap.

Yes, someone came in. Tenraku frowned, while Akeno seemed a little nervous.

They dont know who touched the trap, maybe it was an ordinary beast or a passerby who happened to pass by, but it might be someone who is hunting them down!

Glancing at each other, the two climbed up gently and took up their weapons and hid behind the pillars in the temple.

No matter who comes in, they will wait and see for a while.

After a while, under the gaze of the two, two figures walked in from outside the broken temple door.

Despite the darkness in the temple, the two people with Half-Devil and Fallen Angel Bloodline could see clearly everything. Entering the temple was a middle-aged man dressed as an elegant deacon, and a young girl walking in front of him.

The girl was almost as old as the two, with a beautiful face and a nobility feeling. The bright red long hair is exceptionally conspicuous even in the dark night, this noble beautiful girls presence demand to be admired.

The two who entered the temple stopped in the middle of the courtyard. The girls big shining eyes looked around and she said:

You guys come out, I know you are here, I want to talk to you about entering our territory, but dont worry, I wont make it difficult for you.

Although the girl tried hard to make her voice express sincerity, the whole temple was quiet and no one answered.

The deacon-looking middle-aged man looked at the direction of Tenraku and Akeno, he pushed his glasses but he just smiled without saying a word, it looked like he did not intend to interfere.

After a long wait, seeing that the two did not respond to her in the dark, the girl sighed and could only speak out again:

In fact, there is a group who are looking for you, and they talked to us and asked, Can you give us the little girl who has the Fallen Angel blood in her body?

You have eliminated the evil spirit and saved the child and they have also heard about this matter, I think they will find you soon.

Be assured, however, that we have no malice against you and will not pursue your efforts to destroy the evil spirit. If you will only come out and speak clearly, we will do our best to protect you.

The girls voice was very gentle, but after hearing the girls words, Akenos whole body trembled and her nervous face became pale.

With a slight sigh, Tenraku soothingly stroked Akenos forehead, and it was clear to both of them that the group of practitioners who were looking for them were probably those people

Knowing that there was no point in hiding any longer, Tenraku pulled Akeno out and they stood in front of the girl and the middle-aged man and said:

Hello, Princess Of the Gremory House, Miss Rias.

It is true that this was only the first time that they have met, but Tenraku was convinced of the identity of the girl because she was-

Rias Gremory!

You know me?

Rias seemed surprised as she looked at Tenraku who said her name, and even Akeno next to him looked at Tenraku with a puzzled expression on her face.

The young genius princess of the Gremory family, It would be quite an embarrassment for me to not know you.

My name is Tenraku, Kamiya Tenraku. Tenraku said while touching his nose with a wry smile.

Kamiya Tenraku Frowning, Rias muttered his name.

Since the other party knows her and knows her name then he must be from Underworld or he must be related to some Devil, but despite her memory, she could not remember any Devil with this surname.

Cough, maybe Miss Rias doesnt know my name, but you must be very familiar with my nickname.

Underworlds Useless Trash, the waste child of House of the Phoenix, that is me.

Seeing the thoughtful looks of the girl, Tenraku coughed, and then reminded a little embarrassedly.

Woo you are the Useless.. of the Phenex family

With her eyes wide open, Rias immediately thought of it and pointed to Tenraku, and she almost said Useless Trash. However, after reacting, Rias quickly covered her lips with a reddish face.

You dont need to worry, Miss Rias. Im a hybrid of human and Devil, and I cant awaken the Phenex Bloodline. I am indeed a Useless Waste.


Shrugging his shoulders, Tenraku looks relaxed. Hes used to being called trash or something, but Rias still sincerely apologized.

Looking back, she glanced at the middle-aged man behind her. After seeing the other person nodding insignificantly, Rias was also completely convinced of Tenrakus identity.

Looking at Tenraku, who was calm while confessing his name as waste without showing any inferiority, Rias became curious for the first time. This boy, who is only as old as her, what has he experienced for him to have such a strong mindset

Miss Rias, to make a long story short, you must have known the situation on our side. Her name is Akeno, and she is the one with the Bloodline of a Fallen Angel and humans, which is exactly what the group of practitioners are looking for.

Tenraku said while pulling Akeno in front of him.

With a nod, Rias did not deny that, although Tenrakus identity surprised her a little,  she had already investigated Akenos case.

Miss Rias, I have a request, and I hope you can agree to it.

Suddenly bending over, Tenraku surprised everyone.

Your Highness Tenraku, please speak. Rias spoke after she came back to her senses.

No one knew what Tenraku is about to do. Under Rias, Akeno and the Middle-Aged mens watch, Tenraku finally expressed his request:

Miss Rias, I want you to take Akeno with you!

To be continued


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