Endless Ascension

Chapter 27: The Pain of Losing a Child

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: The Pain of Losing a Child

Overnight, Qin Ze and Heiyan became very familiar with each other, and they also referred to each other as brothers.

Heiyan had lost twelve brothers at once and was feeling low. Now, with Qin Ze as his new brother, he had a special place in his heart for him and held Qin Ze in high esteem.

When he learned that Qin Ze wanted to win first place in the Autumn Hunt competition, Heiyan didn't hesitate to promise to help him.

As a powerful figure in the Linggang Realm, hunting these low-level demon beasts was like a walk in the park.

The system voice in Qin Ze's mind kept refreshing, "Gained experience 50, Qi Gong value 20, survival value 1..."

When Heiyan said he would help him, a team invitation popped up automatically. With the experience from Yun Man, Qin Ze accepted without hesitation.

Heiyan was like a road roller, crushing everything in his path.

The strength he exhibited in the Linggang Realm astonished Yun Man, and she longed for it deeply.

Qin Ze felt the same way, but reaching the Linggang Realm was extremely difficult. In Qinghe City, it was considered the realm of super-strong individuals, and there were only a few Linggang Realm masters in the city besides the four major clans.

Qin Ze's cultivation method was to kill demon beasts to level up, making him a monstrous existence.

He didn't know how many demon beasts he needed to kill to advance to the Linggang Realm. It took too long to level up now. After slaughtering hundreds of demon beasts in a day, he was only halfway through the seventh level of the warrior realm. Such speed was freakish to others.

But Qin Ze was dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.

Every day, he looked at the treasures piled up like a mountain in the spatial ring left by Cang Tianji, yet he couldn't get a single one. He was frustrated and felt like a dancer performing a seductive dance, constantly enticing him with her gaze and body, but he could only sit there, unable to touch or indulge, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Qin Ze had deep grievances.

In the evening, as the sun set.

"Brother, go to the Furong Tavern in Qinghe City and wait for me. I need to return to the Qin family first to submit my task," Qin Ze said.

"Alright, I'll wait for you," Heiyan laughed heartily and then walked towards another path.

"Let's go," Qin Ze said, glancing at Yun Man.

Yun Man nodded and followed behind Qin Ze. Insects of various colors occasionally popped out of the roadside bushes, and she would still jump in fright...

Qin Ze smiled knowingly and gently held Yun Man's hand.


Qinghe City, Qin Family Martial Arts Training Ground.

At this moment, the training ground was bustling with noise and crowds. The Autumn Hunt competition was the most important event for the Qin family each year, and the results would be announced soon.

The participants who returned from the Autumn Hunt venue all wore proud smiles. Regardless of their performance, they would receive recognition from the Qin family if they returned alive, which was the highest honor for them.

On the platform of the training ground sat the eight elders of the Qin family and the current family head, Qin Zhantian.

Their nine gazes were piercing, and they emanated authority without showing anger. They watched as the Qin family disciples entered one after another, with no change in their eyes.

Only Qin Xiangtian's eyes flickered, filled with a hint of anxiety.

"Qin Feng is back," someone in the crowd exclaimed, causing an uproar.

Qin Feng, the strongest existence below the Lingdong Realm, was envied and respected by many.

Even Qin Zhantian rose slightly and revealed a rare smile. Qin Feng respectfully bowed and then stood aside.

"Do you think Qin Feng can win first place?"

"As a ninth-level warrior, he's the strongest in this Autumn Hunt competition. If he doesn't win first place, who will?"

"That's not necessarily true. Qin Kun's strength is not bad, and he's quite popular among the younger generation."

"That's right. Qin Yang is also a contender. As the son of the eldest elder, I heard he has practiced the advanced Qin family technique 'Eight Barbarian Blades' and can slay demon beasts with ease."

"Haven't you considered Qin Ze, who severely injured Qin Kun in the training ground last time?"

"You're talking about Qin Ze, the waste who had his dantian damaged five years ago? How could it be him?"

"It can't be him."


The crowd gossiped, finding it entertaining.

As the evening approached, torches were lit on the training ground, illuminating everything brightly. Qin Zhantian looked at the time and was about to rise and speak when there was another commotion in the crowd.

"Qin Ze is back."

"Wow," everyone exclaimed.

"He's alive?"

"He probably hid in a cave for three days. What great achievements could a waste have?"

The one most surprised to see Qin Ze's return was the eldest elder, Qin Xiangtian. His heart skipped a beat. It was almost dark, and Qin Ze had returned, but Qin Kun hadn't. That only meant one thing—Qin Kun was dead.

His son was dead?

Qin Xiangtian's hands trembled, his lips quivered, and his eyes looked at Qin Ze, who also looked at him.

"Still shining brightly," Qin Ze thought as he looked at the golden glow emanating from Qin Xiangtian. He felt a thrill again, "BOSS, BOSS, I must defeat you."

It was too frustrating.

Qin Ze stood beside the platform. Qin Feng glanced at him and was slightly shocked. "It seems Qin Yang is also dead."

Qin Zhantian hesitated, cleared his throat, and announced the beginning of the demon beastpointstatistics when Qin Kuang stood up and said, "Family head, can we wait a bit longer?"

As he spoke, his voice was hoarse, his eyes seemed to have tears, and his body trembled. His son Qin Yang hadn't returned yet. He only had this one son, and he couldn't accept the news of his death.

Qin Zhantian looked at Qin Kuang with a comforting gaze and then sat back down.

After a long time, no more participants entered the training ground's entrance.

Qin Kuang's heart ached, his face turned pale, and he looked at Qin Zhantian helplessly and said, "Let's start the statistics."

Qin Zhantian sighed deeply, walked to the front of the platform, and said, "Start the statistics."

Out of the fifty-seven participants, only twenty-five had returned, less than half. It had to be said that this competition was extremely cruelty, but from the eyes of each returnee, it could be seen that they had changed and begun to transform.

Ten statisticians started counting the demon beastpoints.

"Let's see how manypoints Qin Feng has."

"I think he has at least two thousandpoints."

"Are you crazy? Two thousandpoints? Even the clan head only had eighteen hundredpoints when he participated."

"Well, I believe him."

"Believing is useless."

Qin Feng walked to the plaza of the training ground, walked to the edge of the crowd, and said calmly, "Everyone, please step back a bit."

"What? Is this place not enough for him to put the demon beast heads?"

"Isn't he being a bit arrogant?"


Ignoring the gossip, Qin Feng walked to the center of the plaza, took out his spatial wooden token, and then one by one, demon beast heads flew out, and the statisticians quickly counted thepoints.





Qin Feng stood in the center of the plaza with a faint smile. Suddenly, he took out a huge head from his spatial wooden token—the head of a fourth-level demon beast, the Qingya Wolf King.


The crowd was stunned. A fourth-level demon beast?

They couldn't believe it. Fourth-level demon beasts were incredibly strong, and it was extremely difficult for a ninth-level warrior to slay one. Was Qin Feng too powerful?

Qin Zhantian was also shocked. Qin Feng's performance indeed impressed him, and he secretly made a decision to focus on cultivating Qin Feng in the future.

He would also let him participate in the invitational tournament of the four major clans next. He believed that besides Xiao Rufeng, no one would be his opponent, right?

Finally, the statisticians calculated thepoints Qin Feng had earned from slaying demon beasts.


He broke the record, surpassed history


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