Endless Ascension

Chapter 22: Triple Burst of the BOSS

Chapter 22: Chapter 22:?Triple Burst of the BOSS

A wave of yellow dust mixed with broken branches and leaves swept towards Qin Ze, stirring up a fierce gale in the forest. Trees swayed wildly, rustling between them.

As the sky gradually grew darker, the woods plunged into an impenetrable gloom.

Qin Ze pushed forward with all his might, the oppressive aura intensifying, leaving his face slightly pale.

Even from this distance, the pressure was immense, and he could only imagine what it would be like up close. Qin Ze had no choice; failing to complete the mission assigned by the system meant facing an unknown 'punishment.'

What was the punishment? He didn't know.

But he did know that failing to kill the Violent Golden Gorilla now meant he wouldn't escape; he was already within its attack range.


The Violent Golden Gorilla pounded its chest and roared to the heavens. Qin Ze, no more than a hundred yards away, could clearly see it resembling a black mountain. Its chest was adorned with four massive muscles, resembling thick steel plates, gleaming with a dark metallic sheen. Its fists swept through the air, creating gusts of wind sharp as blades, leaving devastation wherever they landed.

The sheer visual impact of the Violent Golden Gorilla was stunning, reminding Qin Ze of the movie "King Kong" from his previous life. But while that was just special effects on screen, he was now experiencing it firsthand, feeling an unparalleled sense of awe and dread.


Qin Ze couldn't help but curse inwardly. Compared to this beast, he felt like an ant, insignificant and powerless. How could he possibly defeat it?

Despair weighed heavily on his heart, but the only thing that gave him a glimmer of hope was that the Violent Golden Gorilla's health was already down to a third, yet even that fraction amounted to over 170,000 hit points.

Given these circumstances, the chances of successfully hunting the Violent Golden Gorilla seemed slim to none.

Pressure, immense pressure.

"This is an impossible mission, System Lord! Do you want me to die or what?"

"You can't expect a level one character to take down a level thirty boss, can you?"

Qin Ze complained in his mind for what felt like ages, but the system in his mind remained silent, not even acknowledging his pleas.

The bearded man dodged an attack and immediately moved closer to Yantian, the one in the black cloak. "Yantian, don't worry. He's just a martial artist; he won't pose much of a threat to us."

"Distract the beast, while I take it down."

Without waiting for the bearded man's response, a black figure darted forward, its speed reaching its peak in an instant. It arrived before Qin Ze, its golden sword tracing out a dazzling arc as it lunged towards him...

Qin Ze knew that there must be people nearby the Violent Golden Gorilla. Without hunters, it wouldn't have gone into a rage, but he never expected them to ignore the beast and come for him, a mere martial artist.

Facing the deadly sword strike, Qin Ze didn't dare underestimate it. He pushed his qi to its limits, his speed bursting forth as he stamped his feet, leaving a trail of shadows behind. "I'm just passing by..." he shouted, trying to explain.

He wanted to add "just to get some soy sauce," but before he could finish, Yan Tian's sword flashed again, chasing after him. The man under the black cloak was surprised; he knew how fast that last strike was, yet Qin Ze had managed to dodge it.

For Yan Tian, a peak Spirit Gathering cultivator, to be dodged by a mere martial artist was akin to an insult. His brow furrowed, and a fierce killing intent erupted from him as he pursued Qin Ze relentlessly.

Qin Ze was stunned. He understood why they would come for him; if he were gaming and a boss was about to die, he too would eliminate any potential threats that might interfere. But the boss still had plenty of health, and whether they could even kill it was questionable. This move made no sense.

Besides, his cultivation was only at the sixth level of martial artist, posing little threat to them.

That was Qin Ze's thinking, but Yan Tian didn't see it that way.

Helplessly, Qin Ze continued to flee, heading towards the Violent Golden Gorilla.

"Yan Tian, come back!" the bearded man bellowed, his massive hammer straining against the gorilla's colossal fist. Despite the beast's fury subsiding, he was exhausted, his qi depleted, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing the bearded man in peril, Yan Tian frowned and abandoned his pursuit of Qin Ze, darting towards the bearded man's aid...

"That's better," Qin Ze muttered with relief, his mind racing for a plan. He couldn't just rush in and claim the boss; he needed to outsmart them.

Yan Tian's black cloak billowed slightly as his qi surged, his golden sword glowing with a ball of white light. With a roar, he unleashed his "Ultimate Strike."

As the sword flashed with an intense burst of white light, it sliced through the air, creating a thin crack that soared upwards, straight towards the Violent Golden Gorilla...


The gorilla's arm bore the brunt of the strike, flesh tearing apart, blood spurting out in a torrent. It let out a painful snarl and roared in fury.

"Incredible swordsmanship! That single strike depleted over five thousand health points. At this rate, it won't last long."

"Shit, those at the Gathering Spirit Realm are too damn powerful. I'm glad I didn't act rashly before; I'd be dead without even knowing how."

Qin Ze couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine as he thought of Qin Xiangtian.


Suddenly, a radiant aura erupted from the Violent Golden Gorilla, spreading out like a white wave of energy.

"Berserk mode?" The bearded man exclaimed in disbelief, dropping his massive hammer and dashing away. "Yantian, run!"

Having just unleashed his devastating sword strike, Yantian found himself drained of his internal energy, his movements slowed by a fraction of a second. That fleeting moment was all the Violent Golden Gorilla needed to unleash a devastating blow with its single arm...


"We're dead meat now."


A massive crater formed in the ground, and Yantian's body lay embedded in the soil like a lump of meat.

Dead, crushed by a single palm strike.

"Fuck, that's insane!" Qin Ze jumped frantically, dodging out of the attack range.

The bearded man's eyes blazed with fury, red as flames. With a fierce roar, he summoned his qi into a fiery aura, trailing long tails of fire as he leaped into the air, aiming for the gorilla's head with a crushing blow.

His fists seemed to wield the strength of ten thousand pounds, moving with the speed of a launched cannonball. The momentum was overwhelming, a testament to his prowess as a Refined Energy Cultivator, First Stage.

Strong, indeed.

Qin Ze watched with intense excitement, awestruck by the power of the bearded man. The sheer might he displayed was overwhelming.


With a deafening roar, the Violent Golden Gorilla, its size akin to a mountain, was sent reeling from the punch, momentarily stunned. It swayed in mid-air before crashing heavily to the ground.

The bearded man landed with a thud, panting heavily, his eyes blazing with a fierce light. A hint of triumph finally crept onto his face.


Suddenly, another intense burst of white aura erupted from the Violent Golden Gorilla's body.

At that moment, the bearded man's eyes went wide with shock, a sense of despair creeping in. The beast was unleashing its third and final divine fury.

Triple divine fury from the Violent Golden Gorilla...

An unparalleled triple divine fury!!!


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