Endless Ascension

Chapter 11: Acting is a skilled

Chapter 11: Acting is a skilled

Qin Ze declined.

His refusal was swift and decisive, surprising everyone who thought he would accept, especially given that it was the patriarch himself extending the invitation. Even Qin Zhantian was secretly taken aback.

Someone in the Qin family dared to turn him down!

Where was the patriarch's dignity?

However, Qin Zhantian did not get angry or insist further. Qin Ze was now a vital figure in the Qin family, with his ability to withstand Qin Xiangtian's attack being a formidable asset.

Few youngsters in Qinghe City could withstand a full-powered strike from a peak Spirit Gatherer, not even the foremost prodigy, Xiao Rufeng.

News of Qin Ze's one-hit defeat of Qin Kun and his resilience against Qin Xiangtian's Invisible Divine Skill spread rapidly throughout the city within half a day.

What seemed like an ordinary duel was, in fact, a storm brewing beneath the surface.

The rise of a prodigy naturally garnered much attention, and Qin Ze's daring rejection of Qin Zhantian only intensified the scrutiny from other families. Were there hidden motives behind his refusal? Or was Qin Ze merely seeking revenge for years of pent-up hatred against the Qin family? It was a puzzle that deserved contemplation.

This became an opportunity, akin to a pebble dropped into a still lake, causing ripples that no one dared to ignore, for they might soon grow into towering waves.

In the morning, Qin Ze and Meng Lei returned to the Lotus Restaurant.

Backyard of the Lotus Restaurant.

Zhang Dafu was kneeling on the ground, drenched in sweat, his body shivering uncontrollably with fear.

He had heard about the events at the training ground and was on the verge of soiling himself with fright. For months, he had relentlessly tormented and abused the two of them, and now the tables had turned, bringing him his just desserts.

Qin Ze sat on a grindstone, a strand of dried grass dangling from his mouth, mockingly eyeing Zhang Dafu. A sense of petty triumph welled up within him. He never considered himself a paragon of virtue but was quite content to indulge in moments of vindictiveness, such as now, when he saw Zhang Dafu bowing and scraping before him, cringing in fear.

Memories of the hardships and suffering he had endured surfaced, and Qin Ze gave Meng Lei a subtle nod.

Meng Lei understood immediately, stepping forward to deliver a resounding slap to Zhang Dafu's face.


A loud smack echoed, leaving Zhang Dafu's eyes spinning with stars. He dared not resist with his qigong, knowing that resistance might lead to consequences far worse than a mere slap.

After delivering the blow, Meng Lei chuckled inanely, his first wish fulfilled.

Qin Ze approached, helping Zhang Dafu to his feet. "I've forgotten about the past. You know what to do from now on."

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Dafu bent low, nodding fervently, afraid to even glance up at Qin Ze.

"You're free to go about your business now."

"Ah, Young Master Qin, I'll be off then."

Zhang Dafu scurried away faster than he could run, his heart filled with dread. As a mere servant of the Qin Clan, entrusted with managing some of its properties, he knew that Qin Ze's restored prowess meant a status far above his own. With a single word from Qin Ze, he could easily find himself banished from Qinghe City or even sentenced to death by the Qin Clan.

"Young Master, just like that? He treated us so badly before..."

"It's not worth it to hold grudges against a servant. Life can be tough, and we all have our struggles."

"Young Master, what should we do next? Qin Xiangtian won't let us off easily. Maybe we should leave Qinghe City?"

Qin Ze narrowed his eyes, recalling Qin Xiangtian's fiery gaze on the training ground. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Fatty, we will leave Qinghe City, but not yet."

Of course, he couldn't leave until he defeated Qin Xiangtian, the ultimate boss. In a game, encountering a boss meant one thing: defeat it. What was the point of playing if you didn't kill the boss?

Qin Ze might not be Qin Xiangtian's match yet, but he would grow stronger. This boss would eventually fall to him. How could he betray himself by sparing it?

Meng Lei fell silent, stepping aside. He knew that Qin Ze had everything under control, and his only job was to follow.

"Young Master Qin, the Lord of the City would like to invite you for a visit." Zhang Dafu hurried into the courtyard, bowing respectfully. Now, he revered Qin Ze more than his own ancestors.

"Servants are indeed skilled at reading people's moods and pleasing them," Qin Ze mused to himself, as he inquired, "The City Lord? Why would he want to see me?"

"Yes, in the Earth-ranked private room. If you'd rather not, I can decline on your behalf. The Qin family has always been reluctant to mingle with the authorities," Zhang Dafu explained hesitantly.

"I'll see him. Lead the way," Qin Ze's eyes lit up, suddenly grasping the reason behind the summons.

The Lotus Restaurant was unusually bustling today, filled with prominent figures from Qinghe City, including representatives from all four major families. It was akin to a gathering of dragons, and they had all come for the same purpose: Qin Ze.

Earth-ranked Private Room.

"Ha ha, truly a hero among the young!"

As soon as Qin Ze stepped through the door, a middle-aged man in his forties, with a stern face and a vague expression in his eyes, greeted him warmly.

"The City Lord's presence truly honors this humble establishment," Qin Ze bowed respectfully.

"Ha ha, Qin brother, you flatter me too much," Tu said, placing a hand on Qin Ze's shoulder as if they were long-time acquaintances.

Qin Ze chuckled inwardly, his face betraying a delighted surprise, which delighted Tu to see.

Qinghe City was part of the Dali Dynasty, a vital stronghold in the northwest.

However, the official authority in Qinghe City paled in comparison to any of the four major families. Often, Tu had to cater to their whims, even consulting them on significant decisions. As the City Lord, he found this deeply humiliating.

He had repeatedly petitioned the imperial court for reinforcements to bolster the city's defenses, but to no avail. Instead, the garrison had dwindled year by year.

Desperate, he sought to cultivate his own power, hoping to establish the authority of the government and eventually eradicate the four families.

He was an ambitious man, but his ambitions far exceeded his current capabilities. Upon learning of Qin Ze's bold rejection of the Qin family patriarch, his keen instincts recognized an opportunity to recruit a talented ally.

Qin Ze generally disliked dealing with officials, but he knew that to curry favor with someone, one must have something to offer in return. This was precisely why he agreed to meet with Tu.

Qin Ze was indeed greedy, exceedingly so. He would not let go of any opportunity to gain profit. As expected, after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Tu pulled out a vial of pills from his robes and lowered his voice. "These are five Guardian Spirit Pills. They protect the heart meridian and alleviate pain. Though not many, they are a token of my appreciation."

"Lord Mayor, why would you do this? I cannot accept gifts without merit." Qin Ze feigned reluctance, yet his hand already grasped the pills.

Tu, an old hand at officialdom, immediately understood. He chuckled heartily, "Consider it a gift from an older brother to a younger sibling. That should suffice, right?"

"Well, well, well, how embarrassing." Qin Ze said, all the while slipping the pills into his robes, showing no sign of reluctance. He then mentally checked the properties of the Guardian Spirit Pills.

Guardian Spirit Pills

Grade: Second Tier

Function: Guards the mind, dispels evil, eases pain

HP Recovery: 400

Qi Recovery: 80

Survival Boost: 20

"Second Tier pills? Damn, how stingy." Qin Ze mentally sneered, yet his face betrayed delight as he maintained his humble demeanor.

Tu smiled contentedly, thinking, "Qin Ze really knows how to play the game."

"Brother Qin, what are your plans for the future?"

Qin Ze chuckled inwardly, "Here comes the real deal."

"What plans could I possibly have? Just to continue as a humble servant, that's all. I don't intend to return to the Qin Clan."

Tu's expression brightened, thinking, "These five Guardian Spirit Pills were well worth it."

"What do you think of becoming an official?"

"An official? I couldn't dream of it. I'm but a lowly commoner, how dare I aspire to such a position? No, no, it's unthinkable..." Qin Ze played the role of an innocent fool to perfection, amusing Tu.

"Qinghe City's defenses are weak, and I'm recruiting talented individuals. Would you be interested? If so, the position of Captain of the City Defenses is yours."


"Of course."

"But I can't leave. The Clan Leader would never let me go." Qin Ze feigned reluctance.

"Qin Zhantian is indeed overbearing. One day, I'll personally deal with him... Err, I mean, I'll personally meet with him and ask him to release you." Tu spoke impulsively, not realizing that his words, if overheard by Qin Zhantian, could spell trouble.

As the Lord Mayor, Tu was essentially a figurehead with little real power. It was only due to the face-saving gestures of the Four Great Families and their taxes that he managed to stay afloat.

After swindling a meal and five Guardian Spirit Pills, Qin Ze seized the opportunity to slip away. Tu was all talk and no action, his empty words echoing in Qin Ze's ears throughout the meal.

News of the secret meeting between the Lord Mayor and Qin Ze spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of the other families within half an hour.

Qin Ze wore many masks and played various roles throughout the day, ultimately amassing 13 Nourishing Spirit Pills, 25 Guardian Spirit Pills, 4,000 taels of silver, and countless promises from the various families.

As night fell, Qin Ze sighed, muttering, "Acting is also a skill worth mastering."


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