Ending Maker

Epilogue 3

Epilogue 3

“You see, the place where those two are is not really Hell. It’s an extension of Hell, but not really Hell. Frankly, you can say that it’s like a temporary bridge created by Asmodeus for the invasion of Pleiades.”

Dozens of people from all over the continent were standing in front of Lena who stood on a huge ceremonial magic circle installed in the central garden of the S?len Royal Palace.

‘What do you mean?’

It’s Hell, but also not Hell? It’s like a temporary bridge?

Kajsa thought of a temporary bridge for a moment but soon narrowed her brows and turned around.

As she had expected, Scarlet was nodding with a face as though she understood everything.

Therefore, Kajsa nodded and pretended to know it as well, while Kirara who was standing next to the two then raised her hand and said.

“Then, Lena-nim. Are you saying that… it’s easier for us to move there because it’s such a place? That it’s fine to move there?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

Moving between worlds was not that easy.

It could not be easy because it was about crossing the walls of a world and entering another world.

“But interestingly, the difficulty of movement between worlds varies from person to person. Beings who are not that important in both worlds, such as low-ranking demons and angels can go to other worlds without difficulty, provided that they have the means to move between worlds.”

Like how demon followers used to summon low-ranking demons by sacrificing lives.

“However, the more important an individual is to the world… That is, the stronger their ‘presence,’ the higher is their difficulty in moving between worlds. This is because the greater the presence one has, the more power is required to move between worlds, so it is difficult to have a means of crossing. And even if there is a means, they also have to break through the rejection of their destination world.”

In the explanation that was hard to understand, Count Bayer looked very serious because he did not understand it, so Count Chase spoke in a slightly louder voice to everyone.

“The more powerful you are, the more difficult the immigration process will be. Like how commoners only need to go through a simple inspection when crossing borders, but royalty or high-ranking nobility have to go through more complicated procedures to cross borders.”

Small exclamations were heard everywhere after Count Chase’s explanation.

Because they finally understood when it was explained like that.

“Yes, that’s right. So it’s hard to summon demons with titles. An example is the Demon Prince. You can’t immediately summon him even if you open a Hell Gate.”

That was true for the two Hell Gates that opened in the wild lands.

Not even his shadow was seen at the Hell Gate that opened in Endymion, the capital of Magellan, and only the right arm came out of the Hell Gate that opened in Snow Breeze Plain.

“As I have explained before, the place where the two are now is a bridge between Hell and Pleiades… Or you can call it a magic realm that Asmodeus personally created. So it’s easier to enter there than to enter the real Hell.”

It was that reason why Jude and Cordelia, who had become gods, were able to enter Hell quite easily despite the gate being opened from the other side.

If one crossed a temporary border and not the real border, the immigration process would be simplified to an extent.

“In fact, you don’t have to worry much about the immigration process itself. I’m not bragging but… there aren’t many people here who have a strong presence except for me, a high-ranking angel.”

After all, most of them were humans.

Even Landius could control his presence by opening and closing the doors, so there was no one here except Lena who might have restrictions on movement.

“Rather, it’s harder to open and maintain the gate itself. We’re one-sidedly opening the gate from our side instead of communicating on both sides to open the gate.”

Most of the Hell Gates in Pleiades were opened by demon followers.

In other words, it was a two-way structure that sent signals from Pleiades to Hell, and Hell receiving and sending back the signals in order to open the gate.

The descent of Auriel was also through a gate in Heaven receiving a signal sent by the magic circle that Archbishop Manuela had prepared for the archangel’s descent.

But this time, there was no one to send a signal from the other side.

So they had to unilaterally create a Hell Gate from their side.

“It was really hard. Because we had to build a gate on where Jude and Cordelia were rather than just opening the gate to Hell.”

Fortunately, there was a clue.

The Fairy King’s Protection.

The protection of the fairies that transcended worlds was still with Jude and Cordelia.

When Lena let down her shoulders and said, Princess Daphne said with a smile.

“Lena-nim, are you saying that you have succeeded in the end?”

In short, was she saying ‘It was seriously hard, but we were successful.’?

“Yes, you are right. The goddess Atalia and I have finally succeeded in opening a gate in Pleiades that leads to Hell.”

They had not actually been successful yet.

They had only completed the ritual and magic required, but had not really opened the gate.

But what mattered was whether they could do it or not, so Lena could confidently say now that they could do it.

“Two days later at noon.”

Lena paused for a moment and looked at everyone.

Gathered here now were people not only from the kingdom but also from the empire – people from all over the continent.

There were here for only one purpose.

“We will open a gate to Hell. And we will go on an expedition to save those two. Please be fully prepared. Think about it one last time before we leave. We may never return.”

It was a trip to Hell.

In addition to the countless demons, the environment of Hell itself would attack the group.

Moreover, they have no knowledge of the situation in Hell.

Perhaps they would be attacked and annihilated by the overlords the moment they entered.

It was an expedition with no guarantee of returning.

A journey to a land that no one knew if they would come back alive.

But no one became restless at the words of Lena.

There were people who clenched their fists or swallowed their saliva because of the fear that came, but no one turned back in fear.

Just like Jude and Cordelia.

The two knew that they might not be able to return, but still went into Hell without hesitation to save Pleiades and everyone else.

Lena smiled at the emotions revealed on the faces of everyone.

After taking a deep breath again, she looked at everyone and said.

“Two days later… Let’s meet here again at noon when the sun is at its highest.”

For those who had not arrived yet.

For those who still needed to prepare.

And for those who needed time to say goodbye because they did not know if it would be their last.

Everyone left as they went their way.

Kajsa and Scarlet had been on good and bad terms as they had been for the past half year, while Lucas who was sandwiched in between them happily smiled.

Red Wind arrived from the wild lands.

As soon as she arrived, she started a staring contest with Kirara, but that did not last long.

The two had rarely interacted with each other for the past 6 months, but they eventually shook hands and greeted each other.

Both of them had memories of their past lives, so it was difficult to call them friends. Still, they felt both irony and joy in this situation where they were not enemies.

People from the empire also arrived.

Elune was very excited because it was her first attempt at running away from home and traveling, and everyone who knew her was surprised that she had arrived at the royal capital alone without any problems. But they soon nodded when they realized what was going on.

Because the Shadow Knights dispatched by Vincenzo Lombardi did their best to secretly help her.

The Sword God also showed up along with Maximilian.

The Sword God had retired after the decisive battle in the imperial capital, but he grabbed his sword for the last time for Jude and Cordelia.

Having been freed from Auriel’s brainwashing, Maximilian visited the royal capital to repay his debt.

Fran and Velkian arrived bickering, followed by Kamael with Adelaide.

Leon and Sarah also wanted to join the expedition, but the imperial family did not allow it. Therefore, the two sent various potions to the royal capital, saying that it was not enough for a substitute, but they still wanted to express their support.

Ga?l and Adelia came to the royal capital with Count Bayer, but they would not be going to the expedition to Hell.

The reason was that at least one person had to remain and inherit the family head position now that Count Bayer was leaving, but there was also a bigger reason.

“Please have a safe trip. Our children will want to have grandfathers.”

Adelia said as she stroked her small bulging belly, and Count Chase nodded instead of snorting. He smiled happily when he imagined the babies of Ga?l and Adelia who would be born half a year from now.

One by one, people gathered, talked, and strengthened their resolution.

Time passed.

The time came.

At noon two days later.

The young goddess Atalia stood on the podium prepared for the departure ceremony.

She looked at everyone with a calm expression, and glanced at Lena and Landius instead of saying anything.

She did not speak, but they understood her.

“Go, Lucas.”

Landius smiled and slapped the back of Lucas who was standing next to him, and Lucas who was pushed forward was confused and blinked his eyes, looking back at Landius.


“Go, because it’s necessary to have someone suitable speak for the departure ceremony.”

Someone who would give the last speech.

Someone who would gather the will of everyone and boost morale.

Lucas understood what Landius was saying. But he could not help but look at Landius with a confused expression on his face.


Not Landius-nim or Kamael-nim?

Crown Princess Daphne and His Majesty the King are also here, right?

Lucas’ doubt was natural. But it was not natural too.

“If not you, who else will stand?”

He was the strongest among the Ten Great Swordmasters of the kingdom.

The hero of the decisive battle in the imperial capital.

A person who was personally acquainted with everyone who had gathered from all over the continent.

The only rival Jude had recognized.

The only man allowed to approach Cordelia.

The one who met them first and was their closest friend.

“Go, Lucas. Become Biltwein.”

Lucas wanted to say that he was not Biltwein, but fortunately, he did not say anything.

He looked at Landius and Lena before turning to Scarlet and Kajsa.

Both smiled at Lucas. They were friendly to each other for some reason as they patted the back of Lucas.

Lucas moved forward.

He was a little nervous at first, but his breathing stabilized with every step he took.

When he arrived right below the podium where Atalia stood, his expression already became that of a hero.

Lucas observed everyone.

Everyone stared at Lucas.

Everyone had gathered here to rescue Jude and Cordelia.

They would be going on a journey to Hell to save those two despite knowing that they might never return.

His heart was pounding.

A huge flame seemed to burn from deep inside him.

Memories of his past lives came to his mind one by one, and his eyes became teary.

For the two people who stood up and saved the world without giving up despite the despair that repeated.

Now it was their turn.

They had to save those two now.

“We may not be able to come back.”

It was true.

The possibility was high.

“But even so, we will leave.”

Because that was the right thing to do, as Henry II had said.

Because it was something they had to do.

They could not turn a blind eye to what was right.

So they moved forward with pride.

Lucas could feel the unity of everyone’s hearts in their gazes.

“We are proud of you all.”

No more words were said.

Everyone was satisfied with the last words that was very much like Lucas. They then glanced at Atalia with smiles on their faces instead of trembling in fear.

“I will open the gate.”

At the soft voice of Atalia, Lucas turned his head and looked in the direction of the magic circle.

Scarlet and Kajsa walked towards the sides of Lucas, and everyone on the expedition strengthened their resolve again. Those who had gathered to see them off brought their hands to their chests and bowed.

The gate opened.

A crack appeared in the air and gradually opened, turning into a huge gate.

Lucas felt his beating loudly.

Scarlet and Kajsa also focused on the crack with nervous faces.

And it was at that moment.

Lena suddenly widened her eyes.

Velkian noticed it too.

Count Chase turned to Adelia with an urgent expression.

Atalia was always cold and calm, but it was a bit different now. Confusion spread across her face.

Something was wrong.

That crack was not what Atalia intended.

What was it then?

What happened?

No way.

Lena blinked her eyes. She unconsciously smiled and glanced at Atalia.

So did Velkian.

Count Chase also thought of a possibility and looked at Atalia with hope.

A small smile appeared on the face of Atalia.

A bright smile bloomed on the face of the young goddess.

Their side was not the one who opened the gate.

But the gate was opened.

It only meant one thing.

It was such a miraculous connection, but she understood.

That it was possible.

If it was those two.

If those two were the fantasy couple!

“F*ck bang!”

A lively and cheerful voice erupted from beyond the crack.

A half-naked beauty was brightly smiling and a half-naked man was carrying her in his arms.

Everyone was in a daze as they stared at the two. And soon after, a series of explosions deafened them.

Boom! Boom! Kaboom!

Loud booming sounds were heard from beyond the crack.

Atalia hurriedly moved her hands to close the crack, and Lena cast a barrier to stop the aftermath of the explosions from harming everyone.

Explosions and roars.

A good-looking couple who were half naked and wearing ripped clothes.

And a cheerful exclamation.


The half-naked beauty with lovely pink hair blinked her eyes.

The handsome man holding her in a princess carry also looked surprised.

And everyone who faced those two, including Lucas who represented everyone, looked at the two with blank faces.

Scarlet and Kajsa were also blinking their eyes in disbelief.

There was a strange silence.

Confusion and bewilderment.

A roar of laughter soon burst out.

Landius laughed out loud, and everyone understood the situation. No one knew who smiled first. Kirara and Red Wind were so happy that they cried.

“Jude, Cordelia.”


Lucas cried and called out the names of the two.

Jude and Cordelia answered in confusion at the same time.

And Landius sorted out the situation again.


“Yes! Master!”

Surprised by the loud call, Jude replied reflexively.

Cordelia was also startled and looked at Landius.

Landius chuckled and smiled. With a manly smile, he asked the most important thing.

“Did you get rid of them!”

Loud explosions were heard from beyond the crack.

A falling overlord could be vaguely seen through that intense light.

Jude and Cordelia looked at each other.

The two simultaneously smiled and nodded.

They responded with their best smiles to everyone who ran and cried.

Epilogue 2

Table of Contents

>> Epilogue 4

One more epilogue to go. Anyway, CHYAN, the artist who did the novel cover of Ending Maker, had actually made two covers. One is the draft you see below, and the other is the novel cover that was chosen for this series.

Image 1. Draft novel cover

Image 2. Official novel cove


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