Empress of Otherverse

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: <Chapter 25>

I started to get ready an hour after the scheduled meeting time. As I got dressed, the Aeal family sent a maid several times to my room let me know that they were waiting. I ignored it and didn’t even reply.

This was war. I needed to show them who had the upper hand.

I moved slowly. I walked lazily towards the reception room. As I ordered, even the hallway that led to the room was beautifully decorated.

When the servant saw me and opened her mouth to announce me to the reception room, I raised my hand to stop her.

“Your Highness?”

I shook my head at her, who looked at me in confusion. I raised my hand and roughly opened to door myself.


When the loud noise echoed through the room, everyone waiting inside jumped and stared at the door in shock. I enjoyed their attention as I walked in.

I was happy with what Samantha had done to the room. It was perfect as I hoped. I reminded myself to compliment the maids and Samantha after this meeting for a job well done. I walked elegantly towards them.

I walked as if I was on a catwalk. I wanted them to feast their eyes on my expensive look.

The Duke and the Duchess’s shocked expressions slowly turned into nervous looks. I loved it. Young lovely blond Lisbeth, on the other hand, was looking at me expectantly with a smile.

She didn’t have the brain to understand this situation.

I sighed and walked towards the seat prepared for me by the maids. My chair, which was more like a throne, was on the top of a stage-like structure which required to climb up three stairs. Behind the throne was an entire wall of daunting tapestry boasting the proud Cransia emblem.

My throne looked impressive especially compared to the meager sofas the Bonafit family was sitting on. Samantha told me quietly that she borrowed the throne from the emperor’s wing.

I walked towards it as if I owned the place and sat down. I ordered them imperiously.

“You may sit down.”




The three Bonafits stayed quiet. I’m sure Duke Aeal found this situation awkward. Until recently, I was a nobody who was indebted to them, but now, I was in the position to order them around. He didn’t look happy about it, but there was nothing he could do.

His daughter, Lisbeth, on the other hand, still had no idea.

Naïve Lisbeth smiled brightly and said to me, “Thank you, sister!”

She practically jumped into the chair excitedly.

The Duke and the Duchess looked at their real daughter, and then at their adopted daughter, who was wearing the biggest dress they have ever seen. Finally, they sat down clumsily.

They murmured gratitude to me for letting them sit. I barely heard it, but I didn’t care.

I smiled happily and clapped my hand. The Duchess jumped in surprise.

I continued to smile as I asked Samantha, “Duchess Gust? Remember the tea the emperor gave me as a gift? Please prepare it right away. These are important guests.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Smart Samantha bowed to me exaggeratedly and left. She backed away respectfully until the door closed in front of her.

Samantha was a very intelligent woman.

The room was tense as the beautiful aroma of tea filled the air. I learned to really enjoy a good cup of tea thanks to Samantha. She was an excellent tea brewer.

The first person to break the uncomfortable silence was the Duke.

He wiped his sweat off his forehead and greeted me politely, “Bina... I mean your highness... How have you ...”

Well, he tried to give me a greeting, but I interrupted him rudely, “Yes, I have been doing VERY well. THANKS TO YOU.”

I emphasized the words as much as possible. I smiled even wider.

They sent me here expecting me to have an unhappy life.

When someone was betrayed or used, different people react differently. Some people would react loudly with anger, frustration, and pain. They might scream or slap someone. In a Korean TV series, people often threw cold water or hot tea at the culprit.

The emperor told me I could do anything I wanted to these people.

There were so many bad things I could do to them. However, I couldn’t send them to jail or execute them since what they did to me wasn’t illegal. Besides, to the outsiders, the Bonafit family probably still looked like generous people who adopted me and took care of me.

If I punished them publicly, I knew I would look cruel and unfair. I also didn’t really want to send them to jail or execute them. Perhaps, the extent of my anger didn’t go that far. The worst I could think of doing was to throw hot tea at their faces.

Well, maybe I could shave Lisbeth’s beautiful golden hair.

However, I knew very well these weren’t good ideas. If I did these things, I would look petty.

I didn’t want that. They wanted to protect Lisbeth at all cost. That was the truth. They spent a lot of resources on me to accomplish it.

I knew they expected me to have a terrible life here. Unexpected things happened, and my situation changed dramatically, but I wasn’t sure how much they understood of it.

A little over a year ago, I was Sa Bina, a weak desperate girl with nothing.

Now, I was finally a somebody. I wanted to show them how much I had changed. I wanted them to see that I now had the best life anyone could hope for.

In addition, I knew the emperor was watching me to see what I would do. He let me know of the Bonafit family’s arrival at the very last minute on purpose. He obviously wanted to see how I would react, and what I would do in such short notice.

He also gave me the freedom to react as I wanted. He was testing me like a lab rat. Since I knew this, I wouldn’t act impulsively.

I smiled broadly and explained, “This is one of the many gifts the emperor gave me as a wedding gift. It tastes so much better than the tea I used to have in Aeal colony.”

“I, I see.”

The Duke and the Duchess frowned visibly.

I smiled in satisfaction. I knew I was being childish, but I couldn’t help enjoying this situation.

I would belittle them as much as possible. As the emperor explained, Aeal was such a small insignificant colony. Everything I had here was better than anything they owned.

The tea tasted especially sweet today.

Lisbeth, sweet stupid Lisbeth, exclaimed, “Yes! I agree! It tastes so good, and you look so pretty, sister!”

“Thank you, child.”

I knew the Duke and his wife never considered me their family. However, what I hadn’t expected was for Lisbeth to be this empty-headed. She replied.

“You’re welcome! I am so excited to be here! Soon, I can wear beautiful clothes like you and live here in the castle, right?”

...What the hell was she talking about?


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