Emperor of the Mysterious Heavens

Chapter 71 - 043 Yan Tao’s last words

Chapter 71: Chapter 043 Yan Tao’s last words

The Dahe Sect. On the mountainside of a small hill not far from Tianfeng Peak.

There, nestled midway up the slope, lay a humble grave mound—unremarkable and without a tombstone, sitting quietly in isolation. Were it not for regular cleaning, it could easily be mistaken for nothing more than a common dirt mound.

Before the grave, offerings of ritual wine, fruits, and a fresh bouquet of flowers had been laid. Not far away, there was a stone table and matching stone benches.

Standing silently before the unassuming grave were Feng Tairan and Yan Chuan. A somber silence stretched between the two.

"Very few know of this little grave," Feng Tairan remarked with a bitter smile. "For the sake of the Dahe Sect, I've had to keep it a secret, fearing that certain powerful figures still harbor anger. This is your parents' resting place. Mo Wuhui has been cleaning it all these years."

"Mo Wuhui, the Master of Earth Peak?" Yan Chuan frowned.

"Yes. She's never been able to let it go. I often see her here at night, sitting on that stone bench, staying for hours until dawn," Feng Tairan said with a trace of sorrow in his voice.

"I see," Yan Chuan nodded.

"Let's sit down first. Taor left you some things." Feng Tairan motioned.


The two seated themselves on the stone benches. Feng Tairan retrieved a jade box from his sleeve.

The jade box was intricately sealed with blood-red restrictions, shimmering streams of light flickering across its surface, giving it an air of profound mystery.

"Bloodline restriction?" Yan Chuan asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Indeed. Your father entrusted this to me before his death, saying that only your blood could unseal it. Have you heard of such a restriction before?" Feng Tairan looked surprised.

"Yes," Yan Chuan replied, nodding slightly. "To set such a restriction, both the one who seals it and the one who unseals it must share the same bloodline. Deep within the seal, it is infused with my father's blood. Only by using my own blood can it be opened. There's no doubt this was left by my father."

"Taor said he wrote everything down and placed it inside this box. Once you read it, you'll understand everything," Feng Tairan explained.

"Alright," Yan Chuan nodded.

Just then, a deep, resonant bell rang out from the direction of the main peak.

"What's that?" Feng Tairan turned toward the source of the sound, surprised.

"What's happening?" Yan Chuan asked.

"The sect only sounds the bell in times of great crisis. I'd better go check," Feng Tairan said, standing up.

"Go ahead," Yan Chuan responded calmly.

In an instant, Feng Tairan shot off into the distance.

Yan Chuan, undisturbed, glanced back at the small grave before turning his gaze to the jade box in his hands. He pressed a drop of his own blood into the restriction.

With a soft hiss, the blood-red seal melted away like snow in the sun.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Chuan slowly opened the jade box.

Inside were four items: a letter, a map, a small purple token, and a yellow wooden stake, thick as an arm and covered in intricate runes.

Yan Chuan first took out the letter.

"To my dearest son..."

He opened the envelope and began to read.

"My son, if you are reading this letter, then your mother and I are already gone, reunited at last. I regret not being able to see you grow into the man you've become, and your mother's dying thoughts were of you... Ah! As the Hundred Sects close in on us, I have no choice but to leave you this letter, explaining everything. My name is Yan Tao, and your mother's name was Kong Susu, daughter of the Kong family from the West. The purple token in the box? That's something your mother asked me to leave you—it's called the 'Wen Tian Token.' There's not much more I can explain right now. If you become strong enough one day, you might be able to uncover the full truth. But know this: your mother's relationship with the Kong family was fraught with tension—do not place your trust in them too easily."

At this point, Yan Chuan removed the small purple token from the box. It was octagonal in shape, with the characters "Wen" and "Tian" engraved on either side. The material was unlike anything Yan Chuan had seen before.

The Wen Tian Token appeared plain and unremarkable, devoid of any magical energy, but Yan Chuan could tell it was extraordinary.

"Yan Tao, Kong Susu?" Yan Chuan glanced at the modest grave nearby and let out a soft sigh.

He continued reading the letter.

"My son, now I will reveal to you a great secret of the Yan family! Perhaps you've heard whispers of the name 'Blood Demon Yan Tao'?

Hair like blood, heart like a demon!

I don't know when you might reach the same level I did, but in theory, every member of our Yan bloodline has the potential to awaken this ability. Some can trigger it, while others cannot.

This is our family's unique divine power.

Do you know what a divine power is?

Our ancestor, a powerful Immortal, created this ability. After passing it down through our bloodline, certain descendants inherited this divine power.

This has been passed down through our family for generations. I wish I had more time to explain it to you in person, but I must settle for this letter.

When I didn't bring our family into the world of cultivation, it was because I feared that exposure would bring calamity upon us. I only intended to allow a few exceptional individuals to step into the cultivation world.

Alas, no true genius has emerged in our family over the years.

But you, my son, you are a genius. That Yan Qiuyu's child—when I saw him, I could tell he was born with sword bones. Though I was nearing death at the time, I didn't bring him into the cultivation world. But if you have the opportunity, you should guide him down that path.

Our bloodline's divine power is known as the 'Super Divine Ability!' I don't know why our ancestor chose that name, but I've always found it fitting.

'Super' means surpassing others of the same level!

Once the divine ability is triggered, your strength can skyrocket within a single day, allowing you to crush opponents at the same level. During this time, you'll experience intense bloodlust and a heightened thirst for battle. But don't worry, you'll remain in control of your mind—it's merely an amplified state.

It's like raising your cultivation by an entire stage. For example, if you're at the Strength level, you'll jump to the Essence level for one day. The number of stages you can leap depends on your own potential.

I, for instance, was in the Qi Refining realm, yet during the Heavenly Bestowal Conference, I defeated several Void realm experts!

Our ancestors said this 'Super' divine ability has three stages of evolution. What I've experienced is merely the first stage. I never got the chance to explore the second or third. But rest assured, the effects only last for one day, and won't cause lasting harm.

After a day, you'll have to wait at least a month before you can activate it again.

Use it wisely!"

Yan Chuan's eyes narrowed as he read.

"Immortal bloodline? Super divine ability? Power that increases by an entire stage in an instant? An entire stage... this ability is truly formidable!" Yan Chuan exclaimed in awe.

"Father was wise. If such a divine ability were discovered by sinister individuals, our Yan family would never know peace," he murmured, drawing a deep breath.

After a moment of contemplation, Yan Chuan continued reading the letter.

"For centuries, I've managed to accumulate a few resources. But in the end, your mother and I were forced into a corner, dragging down many people with us. I've had to give much away to old friends as compensation, so I hope you won't hold it against us. Of course, I never intended to leave you too much—my son must forge his own path. Too much inheritance would only hinder you. Work hard, and one day, avenge us! Remember, the one responsible for our deaths is a powerful figure from the West. His name is Mohe Emperor. You'll surely meet him one day. Remember, vengeance is the natural duty of a son, but always act within your limits. Protect yourself before seeking revenge. Your mother and I will watch over you from the heavens."

At this, Yan Chuan smiled faintly. "Avenging one's parents is indeed a sacred duty. Don't worry, one day I'll offer his head in tribute to you both!"

"Mohe Emperor? He dares to call himself an emperor?" Yan Chuan pondered.

"Of course, I haven't left you with nothing. That map in the box? It leads to a massive mine I discovered. If you don't have the strength to use it, just let it sit and sustain the Yan family's bloodline for another ten thousand years. But if you're able to make something of yourself, then go claim the mine's resources. However, you must reach the Divine realm first—without that level of power, you won't be able to protect it. When you reach the Divine realm, go and see what your father left behind for you, haha!"

"A mine?" Yan Chuan glanced at the map in the box.

The map was detailed, and although the exact location wasn't clear, it outlined a distant mountain range.

After folding the letter, Yan Chuan gently placed it back inside the box. Then, he turned his attention to the final item—the strange yellow wooden stake, covered with runes.

"What could this be?" Yan Chuan wondered aloud, examining the strange runes. They were ancient and complex, imbued with a powerful aura.

With a sharp intake of breath, Yan Chuan put the items back into the box and carefully closed the lid.

After some contemplation, he stood up and turned toward the small grave again.

"Father, Mother, rest in peace. Your son will walk his own path."

With a deep bow, Yan Chuan paid his final respects to his parents' resting place before heading down the mountainside.

Back at the main hall of the Dahe Sect, the bell tolled loudly, resonating across the sect. Sect Master Feng Tairan stood at the entrance, his face grim as he watched several figures approach from the distance.

"Is that... the Immortal Alliance?" Feng Tairan muttered to himself, his brow furrowed.

A group of cultivators dressed in the robes of the Immortal Alliance descended from the sky, their leader stepping forward with an air of authority.

"Feng Tairan, we come under the orders of the Immortal Alliance. By decree, we are here to investigate recent events concerning the Dahe Sect."

Feng Tairan's expression hardened. "What gives the Immortal Alliance the right to interfere in the affairs of my Dahe Sect?"

The leader of the Immortal Alliance cultivators smiled coldly. "This is no simple matter, Feng Tairan. We've received reports of the unauthorized activation of forbidden formations and techniques within your sect. These violations will not go unpunished."

Feng Tairan's gaze flickered with anger, but before he could respond, a deep voice echoed from behind him.

"Do you truly believe you have the authority to punish the Dahe Sect?"

Yan Chuan stepped forward, his presence commanding as he emerged from the shadows.


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