Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Outside the small scavenger town was an absolute riot, with people coming out of their homes onto the streets and gathering at the walls to look out beyond the high stone barricade. Gragle nervously glanced at the blanching barkeeper, who only shook his head as if telling the scarred gnome not to antagonize the vampire, and he let out a shuddering breath when his eyes again landed on the blood priestess.

The bar was clearing out, and half the people had already left to either get away from the bad omen in human form - or to see what exactly was going on outside with the integration event they’d been transported to. Things like this were rare, very rare, but they did happen - and sometimes the moves were permanent. Most likely this would lead to a choice on whether to go back home or not at the end of the event should they survive, based on the history books, but there was no guarantee Gragle would even get back to Mesini after this.

There was no guarantee he’d live at all.

“Those polygons you saw are called graphics… Have you heard of them?” Gragle asked, noticing the quest timer in the top-right corner of his vision that was counting down to the moment the apparent monster wave would hit. 8 hours and 42 minutes…

Gragle had a lot of questions when turning back to the strange armored vampire, but he wasn’t about to be the one that asked. Who were these people and why were they here? There was no doubt the system event somehow involved them, vampires didn’t exist on Mesini, so what were the details of this overall quest? Surely it wasn’t just a simple monster wave, there’d be no reason to transport Outpost #84 off world if that’d been the case. Nevertheless and even despite his building curiosity, Gragle twidled his thumbs and gulped nervously when the vampire’s companions all took seats at the bar as well - with the spider even transforming into a very attractive but deadly looking arshakai.

“He looks like he’s about to piss himself.” The demonic woman said with a wink, throwing a sleek black arm around the vampire’s shoulders and pulling herself in to sit on his lap. “Poor little guy.”

The man in armor blinked, took a cup of amber ale from the shaking bartender on the opposite side of the counter, and shoved the pile of coins forward towards the man insistently when he saw the paling human hesitate. “Take it.”

There was a pause as the barkeeper seriously considered doing so, it was an absolute fortune in Elysium Coins compared to what usually circulated around these parts, but he objected with a shake of the head. “It’s on the house, I don’t want to offend a young master of-”

“Take it.” The armored man stated, smacking his hand onto the counter more forcefully this time.

The barkeeper took in a deep breath, closed his eyes shut tight, and prayed to the gods that he wasn’t being tricked into some kind of foul, malicious prank. He slowly reached forward and scooped the gold into a sack, sweat starting to appear on his forehead and along his neck. He gave the vampire a quick glance to confirm it was still ok, and then gingerly put the sack of money on a back counter before continuing to pass out drinks to the others.

Meanwhile, the few people who’d stayed in the pub with them all just simply stared in absolute silence. It was like a grave, with the aura of dread so palpable now that Gragle was beginning to have a hard time breathing.

Just what was this man’s charisma level at to be building up to such potent levels? He’d only been sitting less than two minutes.

“My name is Riven.” The vampire stated casually, and took off his helmet - revealing a very handsome face with short brown hair. He had the typical pale skin that most would see on vampires, and the eyes were bright enough to be a greater vampire if Gragle had to guess - but those strange black tattoos… There was something very wrong about them. Something evil, ancient, even malicious, and he didn’t recognize the script.

Gragle prized himself in having learned many of the ancient languages pre-dating the system in order to craft better totems, enchantments, and graphics. He was even specialized in unholy magics, and his affinity told him that these tattoos were something related to the unholy foundation. So it confused him that this script eluded him, and he outwardly cringed when the third eye on Riven’s forehead flashed open to glare directly at him - opposite of where Riven’s other eyes currently were locked onto the amber liquid at his lips.

The third eye blinked, flashed purple for a moment, and the action made the gnome involuntary shudder. He felt exposed, undressed, bare before whatever that eye had just done - as if it was seeing into his soul to expose all the lies he’d ever told over his life.

“Are you part of the integration quest, Riven?” Gragle hesitantly asked, needing to take in deep breaths while in Riven’s presence. “I hate to overstep, and if I am - I dare say I can be quiet, I just am rather concerned about being… transported… across the cosmos…”

His words trailed off slowly and fearfully when Riven’s face turned his way, and he flinched again when the blood priestess got up. He even held up his hands pleadingly when she approached, and quickly bowed his head in a display of submission when she stopped beside the vampire. “Please don’t sacrifice me! P-Please! I didn’t m-mean to offend if I d-did anything wrong!”

He began to outwardly shake, tears starting to form under his eyes that were squeezed shut, and Riven shared a curious glance with the others at his reaction.

“Little man?” Athela asked, knocking her knuckles on the top of his head and getting him to scream and flail out of his chair - smacking the back of his head onto the floor.

He groaned, began to pick himself up, and then fell back down with a patch of blood underneath the contact point.


“That was an overreaction.” Riven blinked twice, and Gluttony’s eye did the same before the great maw began to cackle good naturedly in his mind. “Right, well we have a little less than 9 hours to shoot the shit while he wakes up - but keep an eye on him. I want to know what that ability was, it felt very unique.”

“I keep eye on little man.” Azmoth stated sagely, getting off his stool and picking the gnome up before setting him down on a bench nearby. “I not get drunk from this anyway, not strong enough.”

“Azmoth I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk before.”

“I get drunk with Allie once.”


“Yes. Ask her when get back.”

Riven pooched his lips and took another sip as Nora laughed, and Genua took a seat next to him before clearing her throat to get his attention.

“Riven, would it be alright if I left for a while?”

He stopped sipping his drink, which had a rather smooth taste if he had to describe it, and gave her a wary glance. “Left for a while? What are you talking about?”

Genua cleared her throat, and pulled up a status screen that was described as an ‘Invitation’ to the blood god’s temple. “I believe I’m supposed to take some of my very first lessons soon with other, older clergy… once a week I’m supposed to arrive there. I also think they’re wanting to talk to me about your sister’s actions… at least that’s what the invitation implies.”

[Invitation to the Blood God’s Temple: Your weekly session of worship, combat training, and scripture has come about. Please access the clergy system and teleport in so that we may start. We would also like to discuss recent events involving a particular angel on your planet, and hope that you can discuss the things we show you with Riven after the fact.]

It seemed pretty straightforward to Riven as well, and he waved Genua off with a nod. “Sure.”

“Are you going to need me for this quest? Do I need to be back before the timer runs out?”

“No. Not unless things change. More than anything, you’re probably going to benefit from their combat training rather than being here. I hope you can do some damage control on Allie’s behalf.”

Genua gave him a half smile and a nod, before pulling up another screen for the clergy she was now a part of. “I will try. It will take a while to channel the teleport, so please don’t let anyone bother me while I do it.”

“Got it.”

With a click, she started to glow a dull red - and she entered a meditative state a moment later after sitting down on the floor in a cross legged position. Profane sigils related to the Blood Sub-Pillar lit up on the floor around her, and she remained absolutely still with her eyes closed while other patrons of the bar immediately got up to leave - casting her terrified glances.

Riven found it a bit weird, but didn’t know much about the outside multiverse beyond Panu and some of the Bloom Moon Requiem. It didn’t appear that anyone wanted to converse much with him or his party, so he turned his attention to Nora after giving Athela a firm kiss with her fingers intertwined around his own. “So Nora, tell me about what you’ve been through! And everything else too! I don’t know anything about you really, other than our brief time on the pyramid together.”

“That was a hellish time.” Nora stated, nodding sagely and taking a big swig of her own drink.

The metal cup slammed down a moment later, and she gasped before gesturing to the barkeeper to refill it. “Hits the spot. After you and I were separated, I was eventually given the ‘Rogue’ Class. Then it upgraded twice after I got out of the Chalgathi starter trials and my tutorial dungeon, and now I have a class labeled ‘Viper Blade’. I can imbue any weapon I have with poison from the Unholy Foundational Pillar, gain critical amplifiers from the Shadow Sub-Pillar, and am pretty mobile. I’d ask you about your abilities, but I’ve seen enough of you wiping armies off the face of the planet to know enough. Chicago where you wiped out the Azag, and then Daskus…”

She gave him an almost accusing look, ignoring the other people in the room catching their breath at her words.

He didn’t even flinch, pulling Athela in tightly. “I did what had to be done, and I’d do it again.”

Nora’s eyes softened at the look of love Athela granted him, and she chuckled before taking the barkeeper’s refilled cup. “I honestly don’t care. I’m no saint either.”

She took another sip, but Riven could tell she was only half-invested in the words she’d spoken.

“You don’t have to dumb it down for me. I know what it looks like, but the ones I love come first.” Riven gave her a sad smile, and then laughed out loud when the third eye on his forehead blinked - exchanging a quick set of words with Gluttony. “You know, I’m also the one that last system prompt was about. Maybe I am evil after all.”

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

He gave her a wink.

“Last system prompt?” Nora repeated, swirling the amber liquid in her cup and glancing over her shoulder at Genua - who was still enveloped in a red runic circle in a cross-legged position. “You’ll have to be more specific than that.”

“Are you able to identify me?”

She looked up from her glass. “No. Other than your name, and the red flames outlining it indicating your Legendary status. It’s probably what everyone else here sees too, considering they’re all lower level than we are.”

He opened his mouth to speak, then thought about it. “Check the rankings and tell me what’s changed about my class.”

“About your class?” She did as asked, and clicked a few options before coming to rest her eyes on the screen.

[26 billion current participants have been analyzed. The ranking categories are as follows: Apex Rank (Top 10), Paragon Rank (Top 1000), S Rank (Top 0.0001%), A Rank (Top 1%), B Rank (Top 15%), C Rank (Top 30%), D Rank (Top 50%), E Rank (Bottom 50%)]

[Current Top 10 Native Participants:

  1. Riven Thane, Level 200 Pureblooded Vampire, Apex Rank, Warlock Devastator, Incarnation of Gluttony
  2. Allie Thane, Level 162 Angel of Death, Apex Rank, Primary Class in Transitory state, Hero of Death
  3. Judith Marcina, Level 180 Divine Human, Apex Rank, Angelic Fallcaller, Light’s Beacon
  4. Aren Hrall, Level 163 Snow Giant, Apex Rank, Frostmange Berserker
  5. Retesh Vorath, Level 199 Corpse Lord, Apex Rank, Elder Lich
  6. Netithi Bluskish, Level 130 Naga, Apex Rank, Champion of the Kraken
  7. Chitter Teh-Sneaker, Level 137 Ratman, Apex Rank, Dark-Blade Assassin, Poison Master, Sneaky Sneak Sneaker
  8. Nithkik Brutishvase, Level 140 Dark Elf, Apex Rank, Depthdweller
  9. Thorman Bame, Level 158 Human, Apex Rank, Hammer of the Mountain
  10. Sinthil Tuk’tuk, Level 168 Lizardian, Apex Rank, Wind Storm]

“Your class…” She muttered, then her eyes widened. It then clicked. “Oh. Your second class changed. Wow, that was you?”

Again Riven laughed, and he gave a nod. “That was me. So yeah, perhaps I’m just destined to be evil after all.”

Azmoth and Athela exchanged a look, and Athela hesitantly scratched the back of her head before taking the gnome’s old spot on the stool beside riven.

She placed a hand on his own. “I don’t think you realize how big of a deal this really is. Either of you.”

Riven, who was still smiling, raised an eyebrow while panicked people continued to run around outside like a turned-up ant colony - preparing defenses along the walls and shouting at one another or trying to organize. “I can safely say that - No, I do not realize how big of a deal it is. I have no idea, frankly, and I’m tired of larger-than-life things happening to me.”

He held out a hand to count them down as the barkeeper nervously stood by, listening in on their conversation while polishing a glass and not wanting to keep them waiting if they needed a new drink.

“First came Chalgathi.” Riven stated, holding up one finger. “I found out that actually - YES - magic is real! And was told about my unholy bloodline and my 100% affinity to the Blood Subpillar.”

The barkeeper abruptly choked and two other people spat out their drinks before hastily going back to pretending that they weren’t listening.

Riven didn’t mind. What could they do? And if all went as planned, Panu would be in a hidden state from the rest of the multiverse for many years to come should Allie succeed in planetary domination.

That thought… gave him pause. He’d really changed since first stepping out of hell. He’d become different, more than just jaded - but he just… didn’t have the same values anymore.

He shook his head and held out his second gauntlet-encased finger - ivory metal over the top leading to spiked knuckles, and bloodsilk on the bottom half leading to his palm. “Then I learn that I’m a lost prince of the Blood Moon Requiem, a bunch of space vampires from another part of the multiverse.”

More stares, this time - blatant. Many of them disbelieving, and others outwardly horrified - but no one daring to leave their seats this time.

He held up fingers 3, 4, and 5.

“I am potentially granted visions multiple times from both the Blood God, and obtain a shard of Gluttony. I am told that the world is going to end of certain world quests that I am involved in aren’t completed properly. Then my sister ascends, becoming an angel of death right before I become the incarnation of some ancient hungry mouth that won’t shut the fuck up in my head.”

The eye on Riven’s forehead widened and pulsed purple at his words, and Gluttony exchanged a few sentences with Riven internally - getting him to laugh good naturedly while Gluttony shot him insults.

Athela, on the other hand, looked abruptly horrified that he’d say something like that - even moreso than the people around the room who were overhearing all of this.

“Not to mention I have Luteski, my inherited world to run where slave rebellions are rampantly killing other citizens - along with a bunch of greedy bastards for extended family that are making life hard as I’m trying to better the lives of said slaves. I’m technically engaged to a vampire princess that I barely know who’s supposed to be working with me to make new bio-weapon children for the BMR with the gift of Malignant Prophecy. Speaking of which I’ve accidentally knocked Genua up and have a kid on the way that I’m not prepared for AT ALL! And what about Len? She basically hates me now because she knows I killed her older sister. Meanwhile MY sister is on a mission to conquer our planet, which has - from what I’ve been told - basically made us priority target number 1 after or potentially even during the world quests. Oh wait, Allie IS a world quest now - isn’t she? She’s the target for world quest 7! So that’s another thing I have to worry about. I also have to worry about a bunch of angry vampires across all of time and space tearing us a new asshole after Allie shunned the Blood God like a real genius - for which I’m sure my lovely grandmother the queen is oh so happy about. Gaia is a thing out of legend back on Earth but - oh wait - she’s real too! Angels are real. Demons are real - and it just so happens that I’m actually dating two of them, with you specifically being an archdemon. Which I STILL don’t understand completely. I mean, what makes a demon an archdemon anyways? I’ve never been told so I don’t know. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even had time to think about, or even want, to re-fill my last demonic minion slot after Yattazi left when she thought I was crippled. Do I even want another demonic familiar after that? It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I really am not sure. Not that I’d ever abandon Fay, you, or Azmoth - y’all are great and I’d die for any of you after all you’ve done for me, but I’ve been very hesitant to even attempt another contract since then. And if I DO fill it, what about Chalgathi? Isn’t he, if I win this thing, supposed to be a wee-baby dragon that I can contract with? Won’t I need that slot for him? Or does he not count as a demon? And if I don’t succeed in this set of trials, then what? Will a cultist do it and lay waste to the world with a fully grown apocalypse beast? Will it be my fault then? What about all of the otherworldly invaders I have yet to kill? Even Rippenvire isn’t completely wiped out and they’re still hiding somewhere which is a problem because I’m supposed to deal with them before they can call for reinforcements at the end of integration in 4 and a half years. I’m stuck in F-grade at the bottleneck and Gluttony says his mind was selectively wiped when he connected with me for a new chance at life, so he doesn’t even remember what kind of enlightenment the system is actually talking about for the E-grade bottleneck. So am I stuck at level 200 until then? What if that crazy rank 3 fallcaller bitch who’s named us public enemy number 1 beats us to it and figures it out before me - then comes for us? Will the Blood Moon Requiem tell me how to do it or are they going to snub me after what Allie did? There are SO many problems and SO many question that I-”

Athela smashed her pointer finger up against Riven’s lips, sternly, getting him to shut up while leaning in to have her nose graze his own. She frowned for a moment, thinking of how to phrase what she was going to say, and gave him a sad smile. “I know. I know you’re overwhelmed, and I’m sorry. But you shouldn’t talk about Gluttony like that. Gluttony is… he’s one of the demonic origins. The 7 original sins are what birthed all demonkind, just like the commandments birthed the angels. I know that Fay, Azmoth and I have all been a little bit nonchalant about your communication with Gluttony, but please try to be respectful about him. You being the Incarnation of Gluttony is an astronomically important thing, and it appears that you and Gluttony have a somewhat friendly relationship from what I’ve felt and seen… but please. It would mean a lot to me not to talk about Gluttony in such a way that insults him.”

Gluttony’s vertical eye expanded its aura, sending out another layer of absolute dread on the nearby populace that caused many to gasp or fall to the ground in discomfort and panic.

Athela shot the third eye, which was now flaring purple again, a brief and submissive look - before staring back into Riven’s other eyes with a sweet smile. She put both slender hands on his cheeks, leaned forward, and pushed her soft lips against his with a gentle touch of her tongue on his. Pulling back, she pushed some of the hair from his eyes and grew her smile wider. “It’s a far bigger deal than you know, and I’m proud that he chose you. But know that being the incarnation of one of the 7 original sins is a title that you and even I cannot truly fathom right now, and it’ll be both a blessing and a curse as people across the multiverse try to protect or kill you simply for what you are.”

Riven snorted, wrapping his arms around her slender waist and yanking her onto his lap - straddling him and getting him to grin teasingly. “Is that so? Not much has changed then. It isn’t like competitors in the Blood Moon Requiem didn’t already try to kill me a couple times now. What I’m trying to say is that when you say I don’t realize how big of a deal this is, well - everything is a big deal. There are too many big deals to deal with, and I’m tired of making a big deal about it all. Capeesh?”

Athela hesitated, then snorted a giggle and slapped his hand away when he reached for her backside. “Stop it. A princess can’t be seen being groped in public!”

“That makes me sad.”

“I bet it does you pervert. Just because you’re a vampire prince and Gluttony’s vessel doesn’t mean you get to get handsy with me.”

She said that, but Riven could tell that she liked the attention by the way she was blushing and the avoidant smile while continuing to straddle him.

Nora, who’d been watching and listening this entire time, sighed in envy and put her chin in her hands. “I wish I had someone to feel that way about me. Oh look! The gnome stopped pretending to be asleep.”

Indeed, the two lovebirds on the stool turned and tried not to laugh at the small, three-foot tall man on the floor who was staring up at Riven like he had seen a ghost. His face was colorless, his chest was heaving up and down, and his entire body shook. “No… No, no, NO-NO-NOOOO!!!”

Gragle got up to run, not even bothering to hold the back of his wounded head, and sprinted out the door before Athela’s flick of the wrist sent a thin thread of bloodsilk his way. The red string latched onto Gragle’s neck and yanked him back, pulling the gnome across the floorboards as he screamed and pleaded for mercy while bursting into tears.

When the aura of dread from Riven’s third eye increased, it hadn’t gone unnoticed by only Gragle; and what Riven was conversing about openly didn’t help the situation either. Three other people had jumped out a nearby window and started running, the barkeeper had literally wet himself in a state of shock, two men had passed out from the pressure of his charisma and Gluttony’s passive state of observation, and a woman was vomiting in the corner while shaking violently.

The eye on Riven’s forehead continued to blaze a deep purple, and the black tattoos along Riven’s body began to shift and move as Gluttony made sure none of them were going to be a problem - even urging Riven to just eat them now to be safe.


Eat them.

Riven nearly lunged out of his chair as a pang of extreme hunger overcame him, and his fangs whipped out - only for his own consciousness to pull him back to reality a split second later. He gasped, pushing Gluttony back down and internally scowling at the sin before a series of quick exchanges were made between them.

Gluttony wanted to feed, and the hunger spike was so ravenous that it was all Riven could do to keep himself from getting up and ripping off the bartender’s head to gorge himself.

To eat the man alive.

His vampiric hunger simultaneously kicked in, and his hand smashed into the bar - shattering a piece of it off in a shower of splinters while Athela looked on in concern.

“Riven are you alright?”

Riven was not alright, but he focused on the woman in his lap - looking over her curves and athletic figure to offset the internal battle. To distract him. The tug of war between himself and Gluttony reached a climax seconds later, his heart rate until they settled on a singular thing:

He would compromise, and he knew Athela was sturdy enough to handle it.

His mind connected with hers telepathically only a fraction of a moment before his fangs slammed into her neck, and she gasped - clutching at his arm and shuddering in a mix of pain and pleasure before she was violently flung to the floor with the crash of wood.

The sensations Gluttony was sending through him were too much to handle, and if he didn’t do this now - he’d end up killing and eating everyone nearby.

Athela on the other hand seemed excited at the thoughts connecting the two of them - and she started rapidly removing her exoskeleton to expose bare skin along her body only a moment before her hands were pinned above her head; and Riven’s form descended on her with his fangs sinking into her neck again. Her lifeblood pulsed out, and she winced as Messenger began to remove itself from Riven’s torso while he entered a crazed, ravenous state of mind.

Azmoth, who was now holding the sobbing gnome by his head with one hand, shot Nora an apologetic look when Athela let out a feminine grunt. “I not know them. I sorry.”

Nora’s eyebrows had climbed to the ceiling, and sipping on her drink - watched unapologetically while the two bodies on the floor repeatedly connected with one another. “I… Uh… I don’t mind at all. This has actually… turned out to be a lot more exciting that I’d originally thought it would be. Drinks and a show, who would have guessed.”


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