Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Mara’s hooded figure walked under a dreary sky alongside two necromancers, Nin and Vin, and two vampires, Gurth’Rok and Dr. Brass. Together the five of them ran most things on his side of the world, with the exception of General Bruner from Chicago who was not present today.

Crowds parted before their heavily armed escort, and they made their way through the active streets of Brightsville while heading in the direction of Riven’s guild hall manor - which was technically home to the three undead necromancers as well.

“Three audiences in one day… what a rarity.” Mara muttered in irritation. “At least we’re doing it all at once. I was hoping to finish my experiments rather than deal with more politics.”

“Such is the life of a second-in-command.” Nin, the skeletal skresh stated promptly with a skip to his step. “I for one am rather eager to find out just what Negrada is trying to pitch us.”

Negrada had recently stationed one of its people inside Riven’s guild hall as a hire-on, very similar to what Katherine herself had done whenever she was on-planet. This made direct access to the Thane siblings rather easy, as opposed to being stuck at the Elysium Altar or their trading compounds like most. That particular person had very recently sent a messenger to collect Mara concerning matters of ‘importance’, while almost simultaneously a separate messenger had been sent saying that vampires of the underdark had come up from passing through Deepnest for more direct contact after Riven had flat out ignored them in favor of other events with the dwarves having been conquered and made into another vassal state.

Mara knew Riven wasn’t intentionally doing so, but she could only facepalm and shake her head - given the importance of the matter was probably high if they really were here on business pertaining to the elder vampiric god world quest. He was just so busy that he barely had time to breathe, and she was hesitant to complain about his brief get-away across the planet with Hakim’s group either because of it.

The third audience that’d come up was none other than representatives from Deepnest itself, again. This time though, things were more on-edge with the ratkin, who believed that it was their right to claim the dwarves as food and slaves - to claim the dwarven strongholds and cities for themselves. Of course Allie had flat out refused them this, saying that it was Riven who’d broken the war and telling Deepnest that if it wasn’t for the necropolis - they’d all be rat schishkabobs.

That hadn’t gone over very well. But Allie simply didn’t find it in herself to care, thinking Deepnest’s queen to be quite selfish and simultaneously ungrateful for the help they’d gotten. That was probably why Mara had been the one to hear their gripes repeatedly ever since the Thane Necropolis had claimed the dwarves as vassal citizens and slaves - similar to how the elves were being treated in Tereen. Citizens who behaved were left alone or given opportunities, and people who made problems were enslaved and made to do hard labor until they learned their lesson. People who made more serious problems and had steep offenses, if not outright killed - were enslaved for life.

The multi-story stone manor came into view soon enough, with guards patrolling the fence and Genua already standing out in front of the manor in a maid’s outfit.

“Genua.” Mara called out, nodding in affirmation when they all approached the front doors that’d swung open - elf servants on either side. Most of the people who’d landed jobs at the manor had kept them due to the pay, even though they weren’t slaves anymore, and it’d even become something of a status symbol for the young women and few men who’d successfully retained spots there.

The elf-turning-thrall smiled with a nod, respectfully bowing her head at the approach of her superiors. “Hello Mara. Nice to see the rest of you as well. The diplomats from Deepnest, Negrada, and the vampire covens of Bernzee are awaiting your arrival in the eastern wing.”

“Who or what is Bernzee?”

“A vampiric city in the underdark, so say the ratkin.”

“I see. Where is Tupper, if I may ask?”

“He’s taking the day off, I believe he’s indulging in some frivolous activities with one of the other elf maidens in his room. That, or they really are watching one of those ‘movies’ the Earth-people always talk about. I told him that while I’m temporarily back here in Brightsville awaiting lord Riven’s return from The Blood Moon Requiem’s estate, I could fulfill the duties he otherwise takes on. It won’t be long until I return to join my daughter Len anyways, and Tupper was always very kind to me.”

“That was very nice of you. How is Len doing - if I may ask?”

“Quite well. She has decreed that she and Azmoth are getting married one day, and the brutalisk has taken a liking to being her babysitter whenever he’s around. She talks about it quite often, I think it’s rather cute and very innocent.”

Mara snorted, pale eyes rolling with amusement, then gestured for the maid to go ahead. “Alright, show us the way.”

Genua swept her long golden hair off to one side, then turned heel and with perfect posture continued into the reception room before turning right. Passing a couple of armored death knights and cyborgs posted at intervals on the first floor, they made their way to the set of double doors at the end of a long hall.

The stone manor’s eastern wing contained the largest room in the entire building.. It was here that the large indoor pool was located, and just above it on an elevated floor overlooking the pool was the dining room and kitchen. A large crystal chandelier had been installed where candles were placed all around the perimeter of the room on shelves and other fixtures, and food was already set out along the rectangular redwood table where fancy glass cutlery was being used.

The three delegations had already segregated themselves to a point.

Deepnest had sent Rashtalia, the brood mother of Brood-Tarrow - an equivalent to a noble house in Ratkin society. She’d been the go-between for the queen and the Thanes ever since Snagger, the oversized and muscular ratkin warrior Riven had first met in the tunnels underneath Brigthsville, had introduced them. She was sitting now but stood at 7 feet tall and wore a platinum necklace that hung down over her chest. She was thin with brown fur and was dressed in a form fitting white robe. Her long bare tail, the clawed hands and feet, and her mouse-like ears and face were certainly ratkin in origin - but anyone could still tell she was very feminine for a rat person; and she was accompanied by only two armored soldiers on either side of where she sat alone eating berries and tarts off a plate.

Further down the table sat a hunched, red-skinned jabob demon with three green eyes, a gnarled staff laid against his chair, and sported a long braided beard. His skin was old and wrinkled, but he was familiar to Mara even if it was only in brief passing. His name was Fred, or at least that’s what he preferred to be called since so many of the mortal races butchered the pronunciation of his real name, and he was the trading commune’s leader - temporarily having shifted over to become an enlisted hire via the guild hall functions just like Tupper and Kathrine had done. He wore a rather odd-looking, bright purple, flat-brimmed and pointy wizard’s hat that expanded a couple feet in all directions; and the demon was apparently deep in meditation upon the flavor of the sauces used by the manor’s cooks regarding a steak he was halfway through eating.

Lastly and just a couple seats down from the other two was another group of three blonde vampire men. The trio all had red eyes and pale skin, though their eyes didn’t glow the same kind of bright crimson the purebloods had - being more comparable to Gurth’Rok and Dr. Brass.

Mara frowned. Greater Vampires, perhaps?

[Lesser Vampire Assassin, Level 40]

[Lesser Vampire Scout, Level 35]

[Lesser Vampire Warlock, Level 42]

Nope. Lesser vampires. Their bloodlines must be quite diluted when compared to her two allies following behind her.

The vampiric diplomats were all dressed in purple and black silks with hoods shadowing their faces, all of them wore extravagant rings. All of them grew quiet upon Mara’s approach, though they were the first ones to stand in respect when she took the steps up to the elevated platform overlooking the shimmering indoor pool.

Genua cleared her throat as the others stood, then made formal introductions with a steely gaze cast upon the vampiric entourage in particular. “Honored guests and diplomats - I present to you Chancellor Mara Tovane of the Thane Necropolis. With her are the four esteemed counselors: Gurth’Rok previously known as warchief of the Yellow Skull Tribe, Dr. Brass, and the two brothers Nin Kal and Vin Kal previously of the Great Dead Plains.”

Dr. Brass sighed, pushing a hand through the silver hair he’d let grow out over his white labcoat. “I really need to get a better title.”

Nin snickered, the blue-teal orbs of light in his skull-sockets quivering in amusement. “Or a title at all! Perhaps just ‘Counselor Brass’ would be preferred?”

Nin and Dr. Brass shut up when they saw Mara’s beautiful features set into a firm scowl directed their way.

“Sorry.” They said simultaneously.

Sighing and rubbing her temple where two pieces of her head had been stitched together, the ghoul woman shook her head - then gestured for Genua to continue. “You may proceed, Genua.”

The elf and soon-to-be-thrall didn’t skip a beat. “Our guests include Rashtalia, Broodmother of Brood-Tarrow, Fred of Dungeon Negrada and the outer realms of Hell, and Aksilias Bloodmare of the vampiric covens of Bernzee alongside his two sons: Rufus Bloodmare and Jakromi Bloodmare.”

“It is good-great to meet-see once again!” Rashtalia said cheerfully, clawed hands clasped in front of her. “I-we just wish-say it would be better-good under other circumstance-happenings. Queen of Deepnest sends regard-tidings.”

The jabob demon, Fred, waved a hand. “Agreed, good to see you all again! Thanks for making time for an old crotchety coot like myself. The food here is great by the way! Far better than what I get in the hellscapes.”

Mara chuckled while she and the counselors all took seats at the end of the table opposite the vampiric retinue. “I’m glad you find our food to your liking, jabob demon. Please, all of you sit. If you need further refreshments just let Genua or one of the other elf servants on the perimeter know.”

The diplomats all took their own seats soon after, all except one - the warlock and the oldest vampire of the diplomat expedition from ‘Bernzee.’ His dull red eyes followed Genua to where she took a stance next to four other elves in similar maid attire, all of them rigidly still and awaiting requests along the wall.

“Aksilias Bloodmare, was it?” Mara commented, eyeing the older blonde vampire and shaking him from his staring. “Is there a problem? You seem to be glaring at our servants with ill-hidden contempt.”

The vampire quickly straightened. “Apologies, Chancellor. I did not mean insult by it. I am just unused to having thralls so blatantly ignore the orders of their superiors.”

The man sat down, pulling his chair in and crossing his hands one over the other - his words directed primarily at Gurth’Rok and Dr. Brass. “Do you let all of your thralls have such open autonomy? It is a rare thing in our own city, but I realize that with our worlds having been merged there are certain customs that do not translate easily across social norms.”

Gurth’Rok replied before Mara could, and his pale-green hand opened palm-up over the table in a gesture. “Curious words. Was there an incident that we need to be made aware of?”

“Father asked her for fresh blood, and the woman refused.” one of Aksilias’s sons spoke out with a chuckle, making eye contact with both Dr. Brass and Gurth’Rok in turn and smiling pleasantly. “Nothing a good lashing won’t cure to remind her of her place if you ask me.”

Gurth’Rok exchanged a look with Dr. Brass, and then Mara. “Do you happen to be Rufus, or Jakromi?”

“My name is Rufus Bloodmare.” The young man said simply. “My brother is Jakromi.”

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The vampiric orc paused in thought, red eyes narrowing. “I see. Rufus it is then. May I ask the three of you, is it normal to go about this city of… what was it? Bernzee? To go about Bernzee taking other people’s thralls to feed on without asking permission first? Generally we keep to our own here.”

Aksilias furrowed his brows in confusion. “It is simply good manners to supply your guests with the blood of your thralls and cattle, so I would say under these circumstances - yes. It would be normal. When your wench denied my advances to taste her, it could be seen by some as a serious blow to your reputation. I had thought the Thane Necropolis would have leaders that trained their thralls better.”

The room fell into an awkward silence.

Then Mara blinked, and she leaned forward.

“Ah… that’s what happened. Let it be known that Genua is not a thrall yet, despite being what your kind calls cattle.” Mara corrected, regaining the attention of the vampiric retinue who’d been primarily focused on her two counselors of similar heritage. “It is true that she is a blood source for our king Riven, and she is certainly far along on her transition into a thrall, but Riven does not play by other people’s rules in any case. Not only did we not know of your customs, but I doubt he’d abide by them or have us abide by them in his stead even if he did know. He’s not an ordinary vampire, and neither is his sister. He cares not for the opinions of others, power trumps need to save face.”

Aksilias flushed slightly at the way she emphasized the word ‘ordinary’. “No offense intended, Chancellor, but being a ghoul it does not surprise me that you don’t understand the basic norms of vampiric culture. Offending me is the same as an offense to the people who sent me, and we have already been ignored for-”

“I’m sure that’s a tragedy.” Mara cut him off, unphased. “But I fail to see why we should care. You come here of your own accord to discuss things related to one of the world quests, am I right?”

The vampire’s frown deepened underneath his hood, and he slowly crossed his arms. “That is correct. We’ve been trying to contact the King and Queen of your necropolis for some time now - but every time we reach out we are ignored. We have matters to discuss concerning the vampiric elder god in the underdark. It is of great importance.”

“Then let’s stick to discussing that.” Mara snapped with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I realize that it may be of importance to you and us, and everyone else on this planet, but Riven is already caught up in two other world quests already. One concerning the apocalypse beasts, and the other concerning the invaders from beyond. Even now our scouts are finding the last rats of Rippenvire’s invasion force, and we are either executing them - or converting them to our own side through tested and proven means of persuasion. To come into our home and complain of asinine matters regarding why you can’t suck the blood of my king’s personal servant, especially after we just annihilated a vampiric army that is no doubt far more powerful than your own, speaks volumes about the pompous and short-sighted attitude you and the people you represent bring. It is not a good look - vampire of the so-called Bernzee covens.”

Mara leaned back in her chair, letting the words sink in while the three hooded figures in black and deep purple glared back at her. She turned her head, then gestured to Rashtalia. “Broodmother of Deepnest, you may go first - as I think our friends of the Bernzee need time to process just how they want to present themselves before speaking again.”

Rashtalia shot the three glaring vampires a very brief look, shrugged, and took out a scroll that she rolled out on the table after motioning for one of the elf servants to come take her dishware away. “Thank-praise to you, Chancellor-friend! I come-walk bearing word-tidings of the bearded ones.”

The scroll was pushed across the redwood table and Mara took the parchment up in her hands, pale eyes shifting across the text before the necromancer looked back up at the taller ratkin woman. “These are number estimates regarding population, resources, buildings and different crafters concerning the dwarves and the conquered cities of the kingdom previously known as Brya. Why am I looking at this?”

Rashtalia hesitated, then inclined her head again in respect. “My Queen-mother wishes to change-steer how land-valuables are given amongst our kin-peoples. She believes-knows it to be unfair-sad that we of Deepnest never acquired-received any of the territory-lands of the dwarves when the war-battles were done.”

Mara cocked her head to the side in confusion. “What are you talking about? All of your lands were returned to you after they were taken back from the dwarves.”

“Yes-yes! And it is appreciated-thanked for!” Rashtalia eagerly nodded her head, mouse-ears bobbing. “But we think-say that our kin-warriors and brood died-sacrificed much, that we fought-killed and our blood spills the bearded-ones halls-lands. My Queen-mother wants the dwarflings’ blood-bodies for food, and asks for Charathigog - one of two bearded city-nests that were taken-conquered at the end of battles-war.”

Mara audibly sighed, feeling a killer headache coming on. “We’ve gone over this thrice already, Rashtalia. Your queen knows you would have lost the war, and your people would have been purged entirely if not for our help. We guarded our trade routes and supported your city, our warriors regularly fought on the front lines for experience and pay, and in the end - it was Riven that struck down the dwarf king that ended the turmoil your people had been going through over this last half year. We were more than fair in giving back your many farming villas and resource-rich caverns your people originally had stolen from them when the dwarves first arrived, but the two dwarf cities of Charathigog and Reathian are to remain under the Thane Necropolis’s control as a vassal state; and will eventually be integrated into our empire. Nor will we give dwarf civilians over to your people for eating, you don’t need the food and simply want to kill them out of spite for what their king ordered. This is not a topic for debate.”

Charathigog was the capital of the small dwarvish nation that’d recently been conquered, with a few smaller dwarvish settlements of little note surrounding it in other smaller caverns. Reathian was its sister city and, unlike Charathigog, had largely remained untouched by the war as it was positioned deeper into the Underdark with only a single and very defensible tunnel in or out. Both cities however were full of talent in various crafts, a thriving population, and had natural treasures that the cities were built around. Handing Charathigog over, even in its half-destroyed state of disrepair due to the war, was an absolute no-go according to Allie - no matter what Deepnest did to try and say otherwise. It’d lead to tension between the two allies, but in the end - Deepnest probably knew they were being overbearing and just wanted to get as much as they could from their sworn enemies before turning over and accepting the fact that many of the dwarvish civilians would end up living to tell the tale. It was a hard pill to swallow, considering many of the Ratkin citizens had been butchered like animals in a failed attempt at genocide in the early days of the war.

Rashtalia shifted uncomfortably with the answer, then pulled out another and smaller scroll - laying it out on the table next to read off of it. They ended up being the names of all the cities the Thane Necropolis now controlled, which made Mara wonder just where the diplomat of Deepnest was going with this.

Charathigog and Reathian, the dwarvish cities, were at the top of that list. Then came Brightsville, Chicago, Rockford, and Milwaukee. Dungeon Alibast was mentioned too, given it was a strategic ally and resource that’d developed a budding town around it - with Gaia being the one residing over that particular settlement. The Kingdom of Dawn with its rebuilding Capital City of Mandon, along with the northern town of Bradshire and the southern town of Belmington, were mentioned. The Earthborn city 200 miles down the southern coast of the continent, which had turned out to be none other than Corpus Christi, was also mentioned as a very recently integrated part of the necropolis after their military might was wiped out in the battle against Rippenvire before Riven, Allie, and the Chicago airforce got to saving them. The five conquered high-elf towns of Nicina, Elvirinci, Podash, Asalia, and Twinleaf were named next, along with the two conquered elvish cities of Alvadore and the previous Tereen capital Ortalight. Bluefang, the single largest community of greenskins from various orc and goblin tribes in the area, was listed next, with two-dozen villages listed at the very end. These villages included 12 elf villages from Tereen, 6 human villages from Dawn, and 5 mixed villages that’d just been created since integration that included many races of undead, humans, greenskins and even the occasional elf that ventured outside the vassal state of Tereen.

When finished reading off the list, Rashtalia cleared her throat to summarize. “2 dwarf city nests. 5 human city nests. 2 elf city nests. 1 mixed undead-human city nest. 5 elf town nests. 1 greenskin town nest. 2 human town nests. 12 elf village nests. 6 human village nests. 5 mixed, mostly undead, village nests. 1 Dungeon Alibast town nest, elf human dryads. 42 population nests total.”

Rashtalia put the list back down and crossed her arms. “Deepnest only have-own five village-nests outside Deepnest, and our kin-people are starved of space-places. We need room-growth and caverns of beards-dwarves are good to take-nest in. Charathigog half-part destroyed, yes-yes?. Even if pay, we want to expand-take city of Charathigog so we too become-get stronger and larger-big! Other caverns given-taken back to us-we are unsettled or destroy-buried, need repair-resources and time-effort. Not expandable-settleable yet, refugees-homeless need place from cramped-closed Deepnest after flee-flee in war!”

Mara slowly blinked, her jaw becoming rigid. “We rightfully took those cities from the dwarves, and your people had room to live in prior to discovering the dwarvish threat. As I have said many times over now, the answer is still no. You need food? We’ve provided that. You need access to materials and manpower? We’ve provided that as well. Your people even come regularly with caravans to trade with our own, our trading compounds from off world have been opened to you, and even access to our Elysium Altar has been provided without any additional taxation. Your queen is pushing her boundaries, Rashtalia. We like you, and we like your people, but the answer remains a firm no. This is a direct order from my own queen, The Butcher of Carnis, so I am sorry. If there’s anything else that you want to discuss I’m open to it, but we will not be giving up the dwarvish cities of Charathigog or Reathian.”

“But what if we pay-give price?” Rashtalia retorted boldly. “All things have price-list, tell us what price and Deepnest ratkin pay-pay!”

Her gaze held firm until Mara started rubbing her temple again.

“God damn it Rashtalia. Fine, I’ll ask Allie if there’s a price that can be set on the old dwarvish capital but I do NOT think she’s going to go for it.” Mara shook her head helplessly, shoulders slumping. “I am getting so damned tired of talking about this subject.”

“Can’t we just help you rebuild the cavern towns that were destroyed in the war?” Dr. Brass suggested, frowning equally to Mara’s own. “I feel like we’re being awfully generous here.”

Gurth’Rok cut in next. “At least give them the opportunity to barter. The worst that comes out of it is we say no again.”

Mara’s eyes shifted to her old friends, the two skresh necromancers next to her. “Nin? Vin? Thoughts?”

Per usual, neither skresh cared. If it didn’t involve their experiments in necromancy or war efforts that added to their piles of bodies, they simply didn’t care - which meant Mara had to deal with all the political bullshit while they got to enjoy the more relaxed way of life.

Rashtalia smiled eagerly when Mara let out a defeated groan, but was stopped before she could put forth an offer.

“Write it down, it’s not my decision anyway so no need to give me the offer personally.” Mara tapped one of her pale fingers on one of the scrolls nearby. “I’ll pass it along to Allie to review and give you an answer later. Don’t expect a yes. Fred? What’ve you got?”

While Rashtalia began scribbling on a new, blank parchment she pulled out of her robe for the third time, the jabob demon with the pointy purple wizard’s hat stretched and yawned.

Fred then yanked a spatial sack onto the table and began digging around, his old white beard swaying from side to side while he fidgeted with the contents, until a pale teal crystal appeared in his hand. It was placed on the table in front of him, before scooting it over with one finger. Black lines began racing along its outer edge when he first touched it, but it didn’t do anything otherwise. “The status information is already pre-listed on inspection, I’ve taken the liberty. Go on, have a look before we get started on just what I’m doing here.”

“Alright…” Confused, Mara’s brows furrowed and she attempted to examine the object. To her surprise, she got far more than what was normal for someone without an identification class or skill.

[Death’s Eye Crystal (Death)(Artificial Soul Core)(Ancient F-Grade Relic): An artificial soul core formed over thousands of years by Dungeon Kravash on the outskirts between Hell and the Sanctified Graveyard, this item can be used to add a new soul core to non-sentient undead - or can be used to add additional soul core components to an already-sentient undead. Guarantees one dao advancement upon integration.]

As soon as Mara read the description she nearly spit blood, and Nin to her left literally fell out of his chair with a flailing motion when he gasped - only to yank himself back to his feat and scramble towards the item to peer at it more closely.

“Is this real!?” Nin gasped, skeletal head whipping around to stare at the jabob demon with avid curiosity and greed. “Tell me it’s real and tell me you can get more of them, you little red monkey! TELL ME!”

“I take offense to that. I am not a mere monkey.” Fred replied with a scathing glare, before huffing and turning his attention back to Mara. “I suppose that this item may interest you… Yes? Perhaps, it may eve interest the Thanes?”

Mara slowly nodded, eyes not leaving the crystal for an instant. “I would guarantee you it would for all parties involved. What makes you bring out a treasure like this? Did you intend to sell it to us? I’m not sure anyone here could afford it, but perhaps Allie could when she gets back… Or maybe Riven. What were the taxes you spent just getting it onto this planet? Surely it was worth more than what you can attempt to sell it for! Which brings up the question… Why? Actually, you don’t intend to sell it to us at all, do you?”

Mara’s eyebrows knitted together. “What is it you want?”

Fred’s scheming grin widened, smirking at the gawking looks from the vampires at the other end of the table - who also had glassy, greedy expressions regarding the item. “I did not intend to sell it to you… but I did intend to trade it, and I wanted to show you just what it was that was on the line. If I told you that not just one or two of you could acquire such a thing, but perhaps dozens or even hundreds of your people could do so? What would you say to that?”

“I’d say you’re crazy.” Mara retorted immediately, suspiciously glaring at the smaller demon. “These don’t just grow out of nowhere. What’s the catch?”

Fred sagely nodded in agreement, then leaned forward and intertwined his fingers. “Fortunately for you, there ARE many dozens of these cores… just waiting for the taking. It was taken off an enemy dungeon’s miniboss in the hellscapes. Dungeon Kravash is very heavily oriented towards undead, after all. Fortunately for you, I can tell you where to get them. Fortunately for you, Panu’s guild system just went live… meaning that - even aside from using guild hall prices to buy out help, you can now be HIRED by off-world entities as mercenaries. And given our little arrangement concerning the trading compound, it opens up certain avenues that would usually be… off limits, for a startup dungeon like my master Negrada. What do you know about the wars Negrada is involved in, and what do you think Riven and Allie would say to… Oh I don’t know… letting your citizens participate in mercenary work - or perhaps even involving themselves in that mercenary work as well? I hope you’re interested, because this could be a life-saving thing for my people and even the dungeon Negrada itself, while simultaneously being very lucrative and experience-heavy for all of you. As long as your people don’t die, that is.”


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