Elysium's Multiverse

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

The portal stabilized, and a notification appeared signaling that it was slightly different than the prior portals he’d already linked to.

[Heroic Intervention’s portal is now accessible through your Portal Master key concerning your spear-staff Jackal. Due to the nature of this portal’s origins, you will need to infuse extra mana to create this portal again and the portal will disappear after a short time of no use, but the origin points have been permanently set.]

So it’d go away and other people couldn’t use it if he wasn’t around?

That was a shame. Riven had been hoping he could send people to and from Deepnest here, but it appeared his weapon only had so much power concerning the ability to link to such wormholes.

Still, it was better than the alternative of not working at all.

An hour later Riven stood silently on a hill next to Hakim’s cabin, a few miles away from where Riven had initially teleported in. The slaughter had been quick and the dead numbered somewhere between two and three hundred after he’d mopped the floor with the lowlife bastards, and despite his quick intervention - he’d still failed to save Caleb, Hakim’s guildmate and friend.

He watched silently, holding Athela by the hand and frowning while giving the others space to bury the man who’d helped them survive all these months since Riven and they had split after the integration tutorial. Yattazi was still hunting down the few stragglers that’d managed to get away, and Azmoth was leaning against a tree with his arms folded - still cindering across his obsidian plate and fleshy, muscular body.

Hakim, Julie, Tim and Tanya laid the man to rest under a very large pine tree, a species of plant common to these lands as was very apparent by the sprawling temperate forest around them. They laughed, cried, and hugged each other as they told stories about Caleb’s life in the time that they’d known him since the world had fallen apart, and Riven found himself gazing off the large hill into a valley where a town a few miles off had lights flickering in the night.

His thoughts were interrupted with a system notification.

[Guild Functions for Panu are nearing completion. Pre-Form a guild of up to 20 people in order to participate, system lock on Guild Roster has been destroyed. Sole features of Guild Functions are now as follows in preparation for the worldwide Guild Introduction Event: Guild Name, Guild Roster, Link to Guild Hall. Factions options of the Guild & Factions tab will still remain locked until a later date.]

“Been a while since the system talked about Guilds and Factions.” Riven mused under his breath, still keeping his distance from the ceremony by a couple dozen yards on the outskirts of the clearing surrounding Hakim’s cabin home. “I wonder what this ‘worldwide event’ is about. The other ones concerning world quests have been very vague until coming into contact with relative pieces of the puzzle, I still have no idea what the elder lich and snow giant quests are about.”

“You should read more of the world forums.” Athela stated with a teasing smile, tightening her grip around Riven’s hand. “You’d understand a lot more about what’s going on in your world. Specifically about those two.”

“She right.” Azmoth nodded sagely, four arms folded and obsidian plates still cindering over exposed, fleshy, skinless muscle. “You on the forums much.”

Riven grimaced under the starlight, red eyes once again focusing on the small burial procession. “I have enough to deal with already, but I suppose you’re both right. I probably should catch up on world events.”

“Want me to give you a rundown on the highlights until you do?” Athela asked curiously, pressing her body up against his by leaning into him.

He chuckled. “That’d be great.”

Smiling, Athela let out a content hum and began ticking off fingers one by one. “Essentially there are a couple very big players other than yourself, most of them are on the rankers list. Remember Judith Marcina? Oh, and you’ve moved up in the rankings to number 4 since you checked last.”

Athela pulled up the rankings list of the top 10 and pointed to the number 1 spot where Judith Marcina was listed. Cherish Lightcrown, the Everlight Witch, had fallen off the list from the rank 10 spot and had been replaced by someone else. Otherwise the other top spots had just rearranged slightly.

[27 billion current participants have been analyzed. The ranking categories are as follows: Apex Rank (Top 10), Paragon Rank (Top 1000), S Rank (Top 0.0001%), A Rank (Top 1%), B Rank (Top 15%), C Rank (Top 30%), D Rank (Top 50%), E Rank (Bottom 50%)]

[Current Top 10 Native Participants:

  1. Judith Marcina, Level 169 Human, Apex Rank, Angelic Fallcaller
  2. Aren Hrall, Level 150 Snow Giant, Apex Rank, Frostmange Berserker
  3. Retesh Vorath, Level 187 Corpse Lord, Apex Rank, Elder Lich
  4. Riven Thane, Level 130 Pureblooded Vampire, Apex Rank, Warlock Devastator, Harbinger of Gluttony
  5. Nithkik Brutishvase, Level 140 Dark Elf, Apex Rank, Depthdweller
  6. Thorman Bame, Level 154 Human, Apex Rank, Hammer of the Mountain
  7. Sinthil Tuk’tuk, Level 166 Lizardian, Apex Rank, Wind Storm
  8. Chitter Teh-Sneaker, Level 136 Ratman, Apex Rank, Dark-Blade Assassin, Poison Master, Sneaky Sneak Sneaker
  9. Brock Longbeard, Level 125 Sundering Dwarf, Apex Rank, Battlemaster
  10. Netithi Bluskish, Level 121 Naga, Apex Rank, Champion of the Kraken

Guild Rankings Currently Not Available. Guild functions are currently being set up, create a guild of up to 100 people in preparation for the guild introduction world event.]

Athela pointed to the number 1 spot on the list, Judith Marcina. “She’s probably the best known of the top rankers and for good reason, aside from yourself and the dwarf Brock Longbeard. The rest of the top 10 don’t have nearly as many videos about them available, with Aren Hrall the snow giant in particular being very elusive because he’s actually the antagonist for a world quest and a lot of his videos are being temporarily withheld while he gathers power.”

Athela pulled up the old world quest notification describing said event.

  • World Quest 5, Realm of the Snow Giants: In the southern reaches of the glacial islands in the Numenor Sea, on the opposite end of the world from where the Lich King lays in wait, an ambitious king of the snow giants has united the warring tribes. He has been blessed by the system with an artifact of immense power, enabling him to clone and create more of his kind with ritual magic, and is preparing an army for world domination as we speak. He is ruthless, cunning, unfeeling towards the other races that he views as stepping stones to be slaughtered in the pursuit of power, and a threat that should not be taken lightly. His goal is genocide of all other enlightened races on Panu. Kill the snow giant king, destroy and reforge his artifact to fit your own purposes, and secure his throne on the glacial islands for yourselves. Current Threat Level: High. Catastrophe upon failure of completion when 5 years has passed: The artifact’s power will be tripled, enabling the king of the snow giants to drastically ramp up production of followers. Advanced Details: Not Unlocked.

“Because Aren Hrall is having his uploaded videos temporarily hidden by the system due to this world quest, it’s safe to assume that he is the snow giant king World Quest 5 talks about. No absolute confirmations but it’s a solid guess. Why else would the system hide his uploads?” Athela said with a frown. “Not a good sign that he’s rank 2 on the power ladder. Anyways back to Judith Marcina - the human with a class called ‘Angelic Fallcaller’. Simply put, she’s incredibly powerful. She uses summoned angels to battle for her similar to how you use demons but in reverse, along with a lot of holy, sun and moon magics. She’s currently a self-crowned empress ruling over the newly created Starfallen Empire, ruling over a dozen or so cities, and her videos show her wiping out entire armies by herself. She’s often compared to you as your opposite in that regard and is very aggressive in her pursuits to claim territory. I highly suggest you watch her footage, it’s pretty intimidating. There’s a reason why she’s rank #1.”

“Interesting.” Riven said with a nod. “Nothing on Retesh Vorath? The #3 elder litch?”

“Some, but minimal. The only videos I’ve seen are of him at the back of a horde of undead during a battle with other undead, apparently he’s on the front lines concerning World Quest 1. Rumors on the world forums talk about how he’s the only reason a certain human city hasn’t been overrun by the designated Lich King, other people say he IS the lich king, and other rumors talk about how he’s not even involved in the quest. We just don’t know - but it doesn’t appear the system is hiding his uploads, at least not entirely.”

  • World Quest 1, The Lich King’s Plague: In the far reaches of the northern Chaos Wastelands, an ancient lich begins to stir. Advanced details are locked.

Riven glazed over the very brief description of World Quest 1 and his frown grew deeper. “If World Quest 5 and World Quest 1 have two of the top 3 positions on the power ladder, and this power ladder actually has made natives turn on one another and given these people different sets of world quests to make them the scenario villain… that’s really bad. I hope those rumors are wrong. And if they are correct, does that mean these people are on the same side - or are they only out for themselves?”

He scratched his head, only turning around when interrupted by Tanya’s sore, wavering voice and the crackle of twigs underfoot.

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“Riven, I cannot thank you enough for saving my daughter. I was so scared, I didn’t think… I just…” The middle aged redheaded woman sniffled and wiped another tear off her face, walking up to Riven and giving him a firm hug. “Julie, and likely the rest of us, would have died without you. Thank you again, there isn’t anything that I could ever do or say that could repay your kindness - but if there’s any favor I could ever fulfill for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Riven smiled and hugged her back, letting go after a solid thirty seconds while the trembling woman continued to silently shake. “Hey, don’t mention it. You’re all my friends, that’s what friends do. I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner to save Caleb.”

Tanya nodded, not saying a word to prevent herself from crying, and soon the others were walking over from their burial site where the body of Caleb had been placed.

Julie gave Riven a quivering, shaky, tear-filled nod of her own while tightly holding Hakim’s hand - and Hakim looked almost ashamed. Downtrodden even, avoiding Riven’s gaze after his initial muttered thanks.

It was Tim, Tanya’s teenage son, who spoke next with a more firm grin than the others could manage. “Man, you just keep saving our asses huh?”

Tim held out a hand and clasped Riven on the forearm. “Thanks again. At this rate we’re going to owe you many life debts over. And you Athela! You look as stunning as ever!”

“Thank you!” Athela said with a chipper smile.

Riven rolled his eyes with a chuckle and let go of Tim’s hand. “Hey, stop hitting on my girlfriend.”

That immediately got the attention of all four of them, eyes wide.

“You and Athela are dating?” Julie asked, brightening up somewhat at the admission. “Wow! I’m so happy for you two! I’d thought you might be into that succubus of yours… where is she anyway?”

Riven tried not to let his face fall at the mention of Fay, but it was certainly hard. She’d only left a little over a week ago and the damage was fresh. A sinking feeling began welling up in his gut, but thankfully Athela covered for him - and she managed to pull him out of his depression quite quickly.

“Yes, Riven and I have been dating for just a week now! We’re going on a picnic soon, my first ever!” Athela got up on her tiptoes and kissed Riven on the cheek, both of them sharing a warm smile. “It’s going to be so fun!”

“Well I can’t say I saw that coming, but I’m happy for you two.” Hakim managed to say halfheartedly, obviously still very bothered about the night’s events. His eyes fell again, and he let go of Julie’s hand. “Riven, do you mind if we talk in private for a bit?”

Riven rolled one pauldron-adorned shoulder, then nodded. “Sounds good. You lead.”

He left Azmoth and Athela to continue chatting with the others, telling them of all the things that’d happened recently since the last time they’d met in the drake’s dungeon. Riven and Hakim walked side by side into the dark, starlit forest with leaves and pine needles crunching underfoot, and once Riven even saw a wolf on the outskirts that quickly darted away when his crimson eyes narrowed on its position with a blip of his aura released.

“Riven, I just wanted to say thanks… alone, away from the others. I can’t let them see me like this.” Hakim eventually said when they came to a stop at the edge of a long slope leading down towards the town. Tears began welling up in the big man’s eyes, and he folded his arms and leaned against a tall pine tree while beginning to cry. “I-I don’t think I would have s-saved them Riven. They’d be d-dead, and so would I. That fucking Matt bastard would have k-killed Julie! I’m so ashamed! I’m so weak! If I’d b-been stronger…”

He covered his face with one hand, avoiding Riven’s gaze and violently shaking with his shoulders jolting every time he tried to suppress a sob.

“You’re not weak.” Riven said calmly, shaking his head. “Not at all. I’m just a freak. Most people on this planet would have been in the same position you were up against those numbers. I realize you’re upset, but don’t take it out on yourself. You’re a good man and you did what you could. That’s all we can ever ask of ourselves. One day, I’m sure that there’ll be a situation where I come across someone stronger. That day, I may lose, I may be robbed, I may be forced to do something I don’t want to do or I may even outright die. But as long as I do what I can, I can’t ever blame myself for the failures I have. You can only move up and move on.”

A distant scream and a blaring hiss echoed through the forest, and Riven saw an explosion of chaos energy where Yattazi had no doubt found another of the rats. He grinned to himself, chuckling at the unknown target’s misfortune, and turned to face Hakim head on while the bigger man just continued staring at the forest floor while covering half his face.

“You gonna be ok?” Riven asked, leaning against a tree opposite Hakim and folding his own arms across his breastplate.

Hakim shuddered, then nodded. He cleared his throat to regain his composure and straightened, taking in a deep breath of the fresh, forest air. “Yes. I’m sorry you had to see that, I just… I cannot fathom what kind of life I’d have lived, if I’d let Julie die in that cabin. That’s only assuming I even got away after she was killed… which was unlikely in itself.”

They both stood in silence after that, staring out across the forest together in the moonlight.

“I wish you didn’t have to go back. We could really use you here.” Hakim eventually said with a wry smile. “How much longer until Heroic Intervention sends you away?”

Riven raised one eyebrow. “I used an ability to stabilize the portal with an ability concerning my staff. I don’t have to go back at all if I don’t want to.”

Hakim seemed surprised. “Is that even possible?”

“It is.”

“So… you’re staying then? What about the kingdom you run, or your sister?”

“Oh, I can come and go through the portal as needed. The staff created an anchor point for the wormhole and I can open it up whenever I want as long as I put in the mana.”

“Is it normal for your staff to create portals like that?”

Riven shook his head. “No, at least not in the way you’re thinking. I can’t just create most portals, but I can stabilize ones that were already created and recall to them - almost like a save point in a videogame.”

“That’s pretty nifty.”

“It is. Which brings me to a question of my own.” Riven turned his head back towards the people they’d left behind. “Would you guys like some help power leveling? I could escort y’all around through a couple of the local dungeons if they’re still around, maybe work on my crafting while I’m here. I’ve really been wanting to pursue totem making in my off time, might as well start it up where I left off back in the tutorial with you guys. It’d be a good time.”

Hakim stared at him, somewhat surprised and looking mildly confused. “Why would you do that for us?”

Riven shrugged. “Honestly man, people are scared of me. Like, really scared. I walk around my own city and the people living there scurry out of the way like I’m about to stomp them into oblivion and murder them in the streets. I know some of it has to do with my negative charisma, and some of it is likely because I destroyed a city - yes I get it.”

Hakim chuckled slightly at that last part. “That’d probably be considered a valid reason to be worried about you. But I understand why you did it. If Julie had been threatened and I had to choose between her and a city full of strangers, I’d have destroyed the city too given your choice.”

“Exactly!” Riven said with arms widespread. “People don’t understand most of the time. They just see me as a monster, as a ticking time bomb. I’m tired of it. I want to start over, go somewhere that people don’t know me as much on days that I don’t have to do shit that is just for me and my own pursuit of happiness. I want to find time to relax. On top of that I’m going to need a team, and who better to ask than you guys? It wouldn’t take much effort on my part to see it done, and if I can get all of you to a point where you’re a help to me then all the better.”

Riven pushed the notification over.

[Guild Functions for Panu are nearing completion. Pre-Form a guild of up to 20 people in order to participate, system lock on Guild Roster has been destroyed. Sole features of Guild Functions are now as follows in preparation for the worldwide Guild Introduction Event: Guild Name, Guild Roster, Link to Guild Hall. Factions options of the Guild & Factions tab will still remain locked until a later date.]

Hakim blinked, then lifted his eyes to meet Riven’s again. “You want us to join your guild?”

“Only if you want it. I’d understand if you don’t, considering what just happened with another one of your friends. But if this kind of adventuring lifestyle is something you all really want, then let me help out a bit. It’d be nice to come along.”

“Would it just be us?”

“No. I’m sure Allie and her necromancer friends would be in the guild too, and there are a couple others on my mind that I might invite. But whatever this world event is, we can try to get you prepared for it hopefully before whatever this event is actually happens. I’m sure Athela would like that a lot, she regularly wonders about you guys. What do you say?”

Hakim was silent for a time, then slowly nodded. “I think we’d all like that, as long as we’re not too much of a burden for you.”

Riven smiled, clapping him on the shoulder. “Not a burden at all my friend. Not a burden at all. Now, I do have somewhere to be and some dwarves to talk to. Try not to get into any scuffles in the meantime, yeah? I may be able to come back through the portal anchor Jackal made, but that doesn’t meant I’ll be able to intervene like I have been.”

Hakim snorted, finally cracking a small but still sad smile. “Yeah. We’ll try not to get into any scuffles while you’re gone. Are you going to come back soon?”

“I’ll try my best. I have a world event to go to, something concerning the Apocolypse Beasts world quest. But that’s still a ways off from now.”

“Of course you do. I look forward to having you around. You want a beer before you leave? Do you drink? We have a few stashed away in the cabin for a rainy day.” Hakim gestured back over his shoulder with a hiked thumb, then wiped his eyes. “How about it?”

Riven gave him a thumbs up. “Of course I drink. Yeah, hit me. I can have just one before I leave. Come on, let’s go.”


Drums beat in the deep, booming out in echoing waves amidst tens of thousands of ratkin chanting his name.

Riven walked along a wooden board down the center of a massive army, an army almost cemented into the surrounding expanse of caverns that’d once held a ratkin village. Now it was passing through a warzone, past trenches full of ratkin soldiers in chitin and leather armors wielding spears, pykes, crossbows and more. It was the front line of a stalemate between his allies and the dwarves who’d slaughtered their people and made this place theirs.

The caverns here were smaller than Deepnest itself. It did span a mile up and down at various points, along with being miles across- which far more massive than any cavern on Earth would have been, but it still paled in comparison the ratkin capital.

Nevertheless he found himself gazing at ruined mounds, craters in the cave walls where homes used to be, and the scattered remnants of mushroom farms that were commonly used for food.

On the opposite side of that cavern, staring out from trenches of their own and holes or dugouts built into the cavern wall itself many hundreds of feet up, were the dwarves. They were outfitted in stone slab and steel plate armor, wielding various axes, spears, and crossbows of their own. They’d also built a large fortress into the tunnel on their controlled exit, with various kinds of cannons, magically infused grenade-launcher equivalents, and different types of golems in more prominent view than the soldiers hiding behind nooks in the walls or trenches. They equaled the ratkin army man for man, and the side that rushed the other - giving up their defensive advantage - was the one that’d likely lose. Situations like these were why the war had slowed into a stalemate.

But Riven was going to use himself as a siege breaker. This could not go on any longer, not when war was coming to Panu on a scale far larger than this relative scuffle between kingdoms in the underdark. Not when he was set to leave for Chalgathi's event where he'd be absent from this area for quite a long time. And if he had anything to say about it, the dwarves would be dealt with over the next few days. Be that a surrender, or something far worse, it was going to get done.


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